Through internet network marketing more and more people have jumped on the band wagon of trying to sell their goods and services. Network marketers are working the social networks and forums, in hope of adding new downline members and you can find advertising being placed everywhere, even on the Post Office pages. During the California gold rush, they used to say,"There's gold in those hills." Today marketers are looking to strike gold on the internet.
Now with the simplicity of setting up a website by using wordpress, squidoo, or a hub page, anyone can have a web page and fill it with ads from Amazon, Google, or Click Bank. Everytime someone visits your site an ad is there for them to click on and if they do, the webpage owner makes a commission. This simple idea is generating extra income for internet network marketers, by just allowing use of page space that would normally be left empty anyway.
Once your web site is up and running with ads in place, it's easier than ever to advertise and invite people to come and view it. With the help of sites like onlywire, your site can be blasted out to hundreds of social networks, plus add the help of other sites like pingfm and your site is pinged out to hundreds of search engines to come and spider your pages and list you in their search engines. It all takes a little thought and planning, using the right content that makes visitors want to come and read your post or view your site, then having the right ads in place that appeal to your followers so that they do want to click on an ad for more information and from there, it's money in the bank.
So the question was, "Is Internet Network Marketing Still Profitable?" and I would have to say that it is. Decide on your niche, whether it be weight lose, muscle building, map making or whatever and take action on your idea. Put up the website, place the ad's pertaining to your niche, then invite people to come and view it.