Network Marketing | 網絡營銷的意義在商業






Network Marketing | 鍵為一個成功的網絡營銷業務


心態是你的內部動力。如果您沒有 110%信心的商業機會你很可能會失敗。如果你不'噸相信你能成為一個領導者在你的領域,並採取這方面的知識培訓他人的成功的可能性是暗淡的。

你必須有目標,有計劃地達到這些目標。不一定貨幣目標,因為我們都想要更多的錢。也許你的目標是花更多的時間與家人和朋友。您的方法實現這一目標的可能是一個家庭企業。也許你想要一個全新的自定義 6000平方英尺的家,一個新的豪華車,船,異國情調的度假等你將如何實現這一目標?答案很明顯,就是金錢。然而,正確的答案應該是什麼方法或計劃去,讓我擁有這些夢想和目標變為現實。



廣泛而全面的音頻 /視頻庫
現場活動,以滿足您的同事,導師和專家在你的行業 +




Network Marketing | 網絡營銷和互聯網 - 匹配原產地天堂?

讓 "面對現實吧。傳統的網絡營銷與所有它的會議,自薦造訪,與朋友和家庭的糾纏是,好... ...毛。我花了很多年做傳統的傳銷交易前1天來實現,我絕對討厭我在做什麼。



我討厭假的,炒作式的激勵 "人教版rallys "。

所以,沒多久之後,我決定停止建設我的網絡營銷業務。我喜歡這個概念的槓桿作用,但來到意識到網絡營銷的方式太多的工作得到了回報。磨損是通過屋頂和我的生意剛剛 didn 'T重複。




關鍵要最大限度地發揮互聯網發展下線的傳銷是在自動化系統。如果你能創造出高轉換銷售過程中,自動執行它,並創建一個系統從它可用於每個人都在你的下線 ... ...您'已經有了一個贏家。

使用高度自動化的在線營銷體系,以推銷自己的家庭為基礎的企業向合格的線索,你開車到您的網站是網絡營銷的新浪潮。飄的日子和酒店內部會議和自薦造訪,我couldn 't是快樂。

如果您'已經被關閉,在過去的老同學,傳統的網絡營銷機會,我鼓勵你來看看現在所在的行業是領導。 I 'M肯定你"會被激發,一旦你探索的可能性。

Network Marketing | Is MLM Overrun With Internet Network Marketing Systems?

Having been in network marketing for many years now, I've seen a disturbing and almost dangerous trend in the MLM industry lately... It's almost like the MLM and network marketing industry is being overrun with these internet network marketing systems. Is it possible that network marketers are getting too much of a good thing? Maybe you've seen ads like this: Explode Your MLM - 2,376 Leads and $7,823 in 3 Months! Free Video Course Tells All Ads like this send most struggling network marketers into a mild state of shock and salivating for those kinds of results, and everyone selling a system believes theirs is the best. Let's face it, we are in an industry full of people who want to teach you about marketing and selling, yet they claim there's no selling involved. Most network marketing companies don't teach you a single useful thing about marketing because all they know is home parties, cold calling opportunity leads, and pestering your friends and family. The closest I ever got to marketing was posting flyers for my opportunity meetings (and almost no one showed up). The bottom line is this, if you want to be successful in network marketing then you need a network marketing system to generate leads and cash flow quickly. This is because most network marketers will quit in their first 90 days if they don't make any money, unleashing every network marketers' worse nightmare... attrition! So what is a network marketing system exactly? I'll give you a hint, the best sales people make the worst network marketers. This is because network marketing is about being a good relationship builder, not the best salesperson. A good network marketing system is not just an auto responder email system, it's not just a replicated web site, it's NOT a hype "hurry up and join before everyone else gets in" kind of marketing system. A good internet network marketing system gives you a way to brand and market yourself as a leader within the industry. This is because it doesn't matter what product your company sells or what the compensation plan is like, at the end of the day your prospects join YOU. People want to join a leader when they're looking for a network marketing business and most network marketers will be involved with more than one company throughout their MLM career. This is not a "fake it till you make it" approach, this is about providing real value to your prospects. People get involved in network marketing because they want to make money (duh) or because they find a product that genuinely changes their life for the better. There are 2 options here, one is hard, the other is easy. You can build your own web site or you can use a third party internet network marketing system. (My personal preference is the MLM Lead System Pro). The benefit of the third party system is leveraging the experience and successes of others. The DANGER is eventually everyone's sites and systems start to look the same... so you'll have to know what to do to make yourself stand out from the herd. Make sure the system you use gives you the option to customize your site and brand yourself properly. This is where mastering the art and skill of attraction marketing comes into play. No matter what internet network marketing system you decide to use, your success comes from how you think about yourself and your prospects. You must see yourself as a leader in your mind and treat your MLM business like a business instead of a hobby. This means daily execution of the basics with traffic and network marketing lead generation. This is exactly what you will learn to do when you align yourself with other leaders who are already successful using internet network marketing systems. The most important tip of all is to take action right now and remember that you don't have to be perfect, you just have to be proactive.

Having been in network marketing for many years now, I've seen a disturbing and almost dangerous trend in the MLM industry lately...

It's almost like the MLM and network marketing industry is being overrun with these internet network marketing systems . Is it possible that network marketers are getting too much of a good thing? Maybe you've seen ads like this:

Explode Your MLM - 2,376 Leads and $7,823 in 3 Months! Free Video Course Tells All

Ads like this send most struggling network marketers into a mild state of shock and salivating for those kinds of results, and everyone selling a system believes theirs is the best. Let's face it, we are in an industry full of people who want to teach you about marketing and selling, yet they claim there's no selling involved. Most network marketing companies don't teach you a single useful thing about marketing because all they know is home parties, cold calling opportunity leads, and pestering your friends and family. The closest I ever got to marketing was posting flyers for my opportunity meetings (and almost no one showed up).

The bottom line is this, if you want to be successful in network marketing then you need a network marketing system to generate leads and cash flow quickly. This is because most network marketers will quit in their first 90 days if they don't make any money, unleashing every network marketers' worse nightmare... attrition!

So what is an internet network marketing system exactly? I'll give you a hint, the best sales people make the worst network marketers. This is because network marketing is about being a good relationship builder, not the best salesperson.

A good network marketing system is not just an auto responder email system, it's not just a replicated web site, it's NOT a hype "hurry up and join before everyone else gets in" kind of marketing system.

A good internet network marketing system gives you a way to brand and market yourself as a leader within the industry. This is because it doesn't matter what product your company sells or what the compensation plan is like, at the end of the day your prospects join YOU. People want to join a leader when they're looking for a network marketing business and most network marketers will be involved with more than one company throughout their MLM career. This is not a "fake it till you make it" approach, this is about providing real value to your prospects. People get involved in network marketing because they want to make money (duh) or because they find a product that genuinely changes their life for the better.

There are 2 options here, one is hard, the other is easy. You can build your own web site or you can use a third party internet network marketing system. (My personal preference is the MLM Lead System Pro). The benefit of the third party system is leveraging the experience and successes of others. The DANGER is eventually everyone's sites and systems start to look the same... so you'll have to know what to do to make yourself stand out from the herd. Make sure the system you use gives you the option to customize your site and brand yourself properly.

This is where mastering the art and skill of attraction marketing comes into play. No matter what internet network marketing system you decide to use, your success comes from how you think about yourself and your prospects. You must see yourself as a leader in your mind and treat your MLM business like a business instead of a hobby. This means daily execution of the basics with traffic and network marketing lead generation. This is exactly what you will learn to do when you align yourself with other leaders who are already successful using internet network marketing systems.

The most important tip of all is to take action right now and remember that you don't have to be perfect, you just have to be proactive.

Network Marketing | Replicated MLM Website Marketing Systems For Network Marketing ...

It is easy to see that in the 21st century more and more network marketers will be turning to MLM prospecting systems to help them build their business. After all, a MLM marketing system is way more powerful than a DVD, brohure, or CD.

Corporate MLM companies usually offer a replicated website for their distributors but they are rarely any good and very ineffective. Corporate replicated websites are usually nothing more than a brochure that is branding them!

So, the question naturally arises, "what MLM marketing system should you use that actually works and increases duplication?"

Remember, the primary goal of any tool in network marketing is to increase duplication resulting in a bigger downline and a larger check.

Now, there's a lot of network marketing systems on the Internet - I'm sure you've heard of a lot of them. The problem with most of these systems is that they are nothing more than glorified affiliate programs.

Basically, they sell you on the idea that you can generate leads by selling an ebook upfront and then back-end your primary opportunity to your prospects.

There are some MAJOR problems with these kinds of MLM marketing systems:

1. They are too complicated for the average distributor. Remember, network marketing is built around duplication. The foundation of duplication is SIMPLICITY. Most people do NOT know how to drive tons of highly targeted traffic to their website.

2.They only focus on recruiting OTHER network marketers. In other words, you are trying to steal people from other companies. This is very problematic because your business will never really grow without "fresh" blood.

3.They brand someone else. Your website should focus on you and your primary opportunity NOT on someone else and their affiliate product.

4.They redirect your focus into becoming an affiliate marketer. But, you are NOT an affiliate marketer (and you don't want your team to be either)- you are a NETWORK MARKETER!

5.They suck at actually helping you to grow your primary network marketing business.

Alright, so if corporate replicated MLM websites are ruled out and all these other Internet MLM systems that focus on affiliate marketing are no good then what's left?

Good question.

I built a downline of over 13,000 people from scratch in less than two years in my network marketing business using a marketing system. Through a LOT of trial and error I figured out what works and what doesn't.

Here's a quick summary of key factors that I've found through "hands on" experience a good MLM marketing system MUST consist of:

-It must be SIMPLE. This is SO important. Your grandma has to be able to "plug in" and duplicate with it.

-It must be customizable and personalized. Most MLM replicated websites are not flexible. The system must be easy to customize and personalize for the average user.

-Team leaders need to be able to upload their own training, marketing, lead capture pages, emails, videos etc. for their team WITHOUT having to pay $10,000 to build a system from scratch.

-It must focus on selling your primary opportunity and NOT an affiliate product.

-It has to allow the average distributor to receive a commission for referring the system to their team (instead of all the money rolling to the top)

Until recently there really wasn't a MLM marketing system that fulfilled these criteria.

The good news is that a universal, fully customizable, extremely simple marketing system has just been released (it's creating quite a buzz in the MLM industry). Have you ever looked for a good marketing system with customized replicated websites that you can give to your team? Something that is so simple that anyone can plug into and get results?

Well, your search is over. See my bio for more details.

I'm going to give you one more valuable piece of information. It's my litmus test for seeing how good a MLM marketing system truly is.

You always should ask yourself these three questions when evaluating any system for your network marketing business:

1.Is it simple?
2.Is it customizable?
3.Does it focus on selling my primary opportunity?

If you can say, "yes" to all three questions then more than likely you've found a winner!

Dave Vass is an expert internet network marketer that is interested in helping the average network marketer succeed by giving them the knowledge needed to use the power of the internet for the growth of their business.

Dave Vass has written a book called, "The New Era of Networking" which you can download for free from his site at learn more about the new marketing system please visit

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Network Marketing | 六個步驟來越來越多的網絡營銷業務

有一些成功的關鍵要素是在您的網絡營銷業務。消除任何一個和你的成功經驗,將受到嚴重限制。讓 '看一下7事情你必須做任何獲得成功的網絡營銷業務。



學習什麼 's工作:他們的某些原則,永遠不會改變,但今天'的新技術,如何把它們轉化為行動的意願。研究領導人在網絡營銷行業。他們使用的系統有哪些吸引的前景,你怎麼使用它們?



幫助您的團隊:一個新的經銷商簽約只是第一步,你需要向他們展示怎樣做才能賺錢的權利 away.Statistics顯示,如果一個新的分銷商的ISN '噸作出任何金錢,歷經 90天裡,他們將輟學。幫助您的新的分銷商建立並不意味著他們的業務對他們來說,你的任務是向他們說明,讓他們去工作。多數傳銷公司的工作提供了很大的training.Your是指到你的公司培訓,回答他們的問題,並幫助他們成為對自己的行為負責



Network Marketing | Internet Network Marketing" Prosperity From Your Pc

Does your down-line resemble your family tree?

Is your network marketing business nothing short of a cash sucking machine?

Are you trapped in the same old routine using traditional network marketing methods taught to you by your up-line years ago?

Do you spend endless hour's cold calling strangers, hounding and harassing your friends and family?

Have you wasted valuable, precious time in an attempt to prevent your down-line from giving up and quitting?

If that creepy and crappy situation resembles your Network Marketing business experience, then you've come to the right place....because I have a solution for you!

At one time, my network marketing experience was as bleak as yours. I felt as discouraged as you almost certainly do right now. I spent a lot of my time and energy running around in circles without any real strategy or business plan. I would lie awake at night and wonder what I could possibly do different, to produce a profitable outcome. I couldn't sponsor a new distributor if I my life depended on it. My self esteem and my bank account dropped faster than the Tower of Terror hotel elevator. I felt as though I had joined a network marketing business opportunity...completely alone. Old school Network Marketing methods left me feeling inept, incompetent, a nuisance and completely useless. It "devalued" me, in the eyes of my peers and the people closest to me.

That is the really bad news...

The really good news is...Someone grabbed my arm at the exact moment I decided to use the Brooklyn Bridge as a diving board!

No, really. I refused to let it break me...or my intense desire to succeed!

One day I accidentally stumbled upon a fool proof solution that completely turned my network marketing career and experiences into something I can be completely proud of. The only thing that keeps me awake at night now, is the light bulb that finally went on in my head!

Old School Network Marketing techniques just don't belong in today's modern world. Most people refuse to be pestered.

According to the Ad council, the average person is being advertised to at least 6,000 times per day! Many of these advertising portals have been intentionally blocked using today's modern technology, including An Act of Congress! Examples include TiVo, Sirius Satellite Radio, Spam Blockers, The Do Not Call Registry (created by Congress), and the list goes on. The traditional Network Marketing methods of intruding on people's privacy, just won't "fly" in today's Network Marketing modern day and age.

With Internet Network Marketing, you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own peaceful home.

Internet Network Marketing positions you as a leader and allows potential Internet Network Marketing prospects to approach you first. You become the "hunted," instead of the "hunter."

With Internet Network Marketing, home meetings and hotel meetings are a thing of the past. They just don't exist in an Internet Network Marketing business. They don't exist, because they are not needed.

Think about it. The reason you join a Network Marketing company is to work less and to make a lot of money...Right? If you really wanted to make more work for yourself, wouldn't you have just stayed in your arduous, exhausting, spirit stealing, and life sucking Corporate America J-O-B?

The bottom line is, the times have changed, and we have to change with them! The Internet is quickly creating successful Internet Network Marketing Millionaires and Entrepreneurs at a rapid pace. Internet Network Marketers don't go out and spend their cash on worthless Cd's, fliers and boring audio tapes. After all, this useless garbage only teaches you why you should become a Millionaire. Internet Network Marketers don't attend uncomfortable home meetings or painful hotel parties. Internet Network Marketers don't track people down in an attempt to sell or "share" their company's product or business plan. As a matter of fact Internet Network Marketing folks spend most of their free time doing the things they love to do.

Internet Network Marketers invest in themselves...not in worthless media and fliers. They educate themselves through other successful Internet Network Marketers, Social Media, Relationship Building and Internet Network Marketing Training Programs. They learn how to become a Millionaire.

Successful Internet Network Marketers work With people, not At people.

Successful Internet Network Marketers work On their business, not In their business.

I don't spend a single dime on any of the training junk I use to buy to sell my Network Marketing business products and financial plan. I don't run around the city hunting down anyone with a pulse. I don't have to. As a matter of fact, most days I just work on my Internet Network Marketing business from wherever I choose to charter off to, or at whatever location I spontaneously end up at. If there's a computer and a telephone around...I can make money.

Life is great and my Internet Network Marketing career is growing faster and bigger than a baseball player on steroids!

My Free Internet Network Marketing Boot Camp will give you all of the secrets I used to become a successful Internet Network Marketer. It is the Exact Blueprint I used to turn my cash sucking train wreck MLM business, into a profitable, Internet Network Marketing Cash Cow.

I don't proclaim to be an Internet Network Marketing guru by any means...but I do recognize a Superior Internet Network Marketing business opportunity when it bops me on top of the head.

See you at the Top!

Network Marketing | 8 Principles People Apply To Their Network Marketing Business That ...

The success principles you're about to read have no particular order. They all bear the same amount of significance. Imagine it as being a jigsaw puzzle. Any one piece which is missing will give you an incomplete puzzle. If you would like to achieve success and have life lasting financial freedom with your Network Marketing business then make certain you do all the things listed here.
Choose the Right Company
Let's start at the beginning. Choosing the right company or opportunity has a big impact on your success. Many people join an opportunity on pure emotion from the sales presentation. One way to overcome that is to make it a point to never join a Network Marketing opportunity the first time it's presented to you. Do not allow yourself be convinced that if you do not signup today you are going to lose out on a huge income. Remember, Network Marketing is a long term financial freedom vehicle, not a get rich quick scheme. Be sure to thoroughly evaluate the company and products before joining. Learn as much as you possibly can about the company's culture and ensure it will be a good match for you. Check with the Better Business Bureau and the Direct Selling Association to make sure the company is in good standing. You also must believe whole heartedly in the product or service. If there is no belief, there will be no success. The age of the company is also very important. "Ground Floor Opportunities", as it's called whenever a new company is staring off, are extremely risky. Eighty nine percent of all Network Marketing or MLM businesses fail within their first two years. The last thing you want is to spend your time building your dreams to see it fade away overnight. It is best to choose a company which has been in business at least 5 years.
Have a Very Big "WHY"
Like I said before, many people signup in a Network Marketing opportunity from pure excitement after the presentation. When they are asked why they joined, the majority answer, "to make more money". But if your motivation is solely to make more money you'll fail! Money alone is not a strong enough motivator for success in any business. You absolutely need a strong burning desire to succeed and really the only way to have that is to have a big "WHY". What's your true "WHY"? Money is simply a piece of paper with the picture of a dead president. It is what that money represents to you that motivates you. Is it quitting your job, buying a bigger house, traveling more, spending more time with love ones, giving more to charity, helping others become financially free? Everyone has a "WHY", do you? Sit down and picture what your life could be like if you had 30 million dollars in the bank. Write down all the items you would have and the things you'd be doing with your life. Now you have a "WHY". That should be your motivating factor for building a huge Network Marketing business.
Invest Deeply on Personal Growth
Burn this statement in your mind: "Your Income Will Never Surpass Your Personal Growth". Your success in any business and within your life in general has a lot to due with just how much you personally grow within. Ever wonder why somebody who's poor all their life and wins millions of dollars in a lottery end up being poor again a few years later? It's due to personal growth. They didn't grow their mind to their new level of income. Therefore, their income came back to their level of personal growth. You obtain personal growth by reading self help books, attending seminars, listening to motivational inspirational audios. Personal growth is the constant positive feeding of the mind. Sadly this isn't taught in school at any level. Since this is not taught in school few people ever achieve any significant level of personal growth. Hence the reason that so few ever have a very high level of success in their life both personally and financially. If you don't read, watch or hear something that is motivational or self-help in nature every day, you won't ever find any real success in your Network Marketing business. Personal growth keeps you focused on your goal for success and maintains the mind clear of all the negative influences that surround us every single day clouding our thoughts. Feed your mind daily and shortly you'll start experiencing an increasing level of success.
Work Hard to Help Your Downline Succeed
Many that start a Network Marketing business have the "Boss" mentality and believe that their downline actually work for them. If you do this, STOP! The main reason people start their own Network Marketing business is to get rid of their boss not pick a new one up. Your downline isn't there to serve you or to make you money. In reality you should be working for them. Their success needs to be your main goal. If their success does nothing for your success then you're with the wrong company. When you understand that their profitability is your stability you will grow to be much more successful. Encourage your downline and help them become successful. Be concerned more about how much money they make and you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams.
Treat Your Business like a Multi-Million Dollar Business
If you're really committed to building your Network Marketing business into a successful six or seven figure income then you ought to treat it as a Multi Million dollar business. Too many people treat their Network Marketing business as a hobby and then blame the business or the industry once they do not see the big income they anticipated. If you start a business with the "I'll give it a try" attitude rather than the "I'm committed to succeed no matter what" attitude you're bound to fail. Simply because it didn't cost you $100,000 to start your business doesn't mean you shouldn't treat it as if it did. If you bought a franchise for 100 grand wouldn't you do something for your business daily? Even though you didn't work the franchise yourself because you had a day job you'd still do something every day to make sure your business was on the right track. The right Network Marketing business can earn you a very high six and even a seven figure income if you build it to that level. No hobby on earth can pay you that kind of money. So why treat your business as one. Do something each day for your business even if it's just making one phone call to present a new person to your business or follow up with someone. If you had a crystal ball and could see into the future and you saw yourself earning $500,000 a year with your current business, would you start doing things differently? Would you change the way you're currently running your business? That future is a reality so long as you're taking a step in the right direction every day.
Have Realistic Expectations
Most people who join a Network Marketing business don't fully realize what it truly takes to run a successful business. However this has a lot to do with the hyped up presentation that got them to signup in the first place. They usually make it seem so easy and fun. The reality is that any business that is worth building is going to have some difficult times. Is it unrealistic to think you can build a multiple six figure income in a Network Marketing business? Absolutely not! Network Marketing gives anyone, regardless of their background or education, the opportunity to build a very successful multiple six figure residual income. So why do so many people fail at it? They basically expect it to be easy. Most people start a Network Marketing business and quit when they get their first three "no's". "No" is a part of any business. And "no" doesn't usually mean no. It sometimes means not now. It just might not be a good time for that person to join your opportunity. We live in an instantaneous satisfaction world. All of us want things to happen yesterday and that does not always happen. How long are you willing to stick it out and work at building your Network Marketing business? Three months? Twelve months? Fourty eight months? What would you say if I told you that the majority of successful people within this industry reach the top level and find financial freedom in two to five years. And some take even longer. Some as long as 10 years. Do you think you're willing to work your Network Marketing business for 10 years? You would if you positively new beyond a shadow of a doubt that at the end of 10 years you'd be earning multiple six figures for the rest of your life. The moral of the story here is never give up! Keep working your Network Marketing business as long as it takes and you'll have no choice but to succeed.
Stick with the Company's Proven System
Most reputable Network Marketing companies that have been around for a few years will have a proven system that works for presenting the opportunity or products to other people. Unfortunately, many people think they know more than all of those who have come before them and have been successful and choose they're going to do it their way. Their way beats the dumb system the company suggests to use. Right? No, Wrong! If the company suggests you use a specific system when presenting your business opportunity to others, then you use that system. Do not try and reinvent the wheel. Most systems are easy to learn and they keep things simple. Simple is good. That makes it easy to duplicate. If it's easy to duplicate then your downline are going to be able to do it also. And if that happens then your business will begin to expand. See how that works? Keep it simple, tell everyone, don't pre-judge anyone and share don't sell.
Do Not Ever Quit!
Keep in mind that the moment you quit, that is when failure will become reality. Most people quit too soon and blame it on the industry or the company. When all it requires to succeed is a little more time and a little more effort. One way to maintain yourself from quitting is to surround yourself with positive people and remove all of the negative people from your life. Negative people bring you down and put doubt in your mind. When you start to doubt yourself you are at the beginning of the end. You can find all of the positive people you would like if you attend all the company functions. It really is extremely vital for you to attend all local and regional presentations and all the national company conventions. This would keep you surrounded by positive individuals with the same goals and dreams and will keep your head in the game. In this business you will encounter many critics. They will give you all kinds of explanations why it will not work for them and it will not work for you. Remember what they say about opinions, everyone has one. In all of history I have never heard of anyone erecting a statue in honor of a critic. Do not worry about what anyone thinks, says, or does and just continue forward until you find success. Then you can say, "I told you so".
Visit for more information on how to find success in your Network Marketing business.

Network Marketing | 如何成為領導者的網絡營銷,以法律的...


您需要形成一種關係,建立信任,並使其在他們的想法跟你去。無論是的通過互聯網或在人,你必須找到一種方式來獲得邀請進入他們的世界是歡迎的客人。不要試圖向他們出售的東西或開始他們用我們的機會,讓他們問你在他們的世界為朋友。現在,這似乎有些奇怪,對你們來說可能需要一些試驗和錯誤讓你掌握這一點,但你會發現這是一個非常有說服力的工具。這就是所謂的吸引力營銷,反對舊的營銷方式,前景目前正在尋求你。假設你擔任專家,領導。當發生這種情況是有一定水平的隱含信任已經到位。大部分工作已經完成了你。那麼,你如何做到這一點?您現在的營銷你,而不是您的產品或機會。你自己定位為一個領導者的人的技能和知識。你是否已經在同行業 2年或僅一個月。您打造誠信的教育自己。大部分的人都是懶得採取額外措施。這對你是重要的,它需要來自內心深處。沒有人會去傳授給你。你應該在每個教育的機會給予你。當你完成這一點,你將能夠支持的人,他們將開始向你的領導。讓人覺得誰對別人的內在吸引力有相同或更高水平的價值和地位。你覺得你的前景寧願與你,有人可以教他們技能的在線銷售和市場吸引力,或Kim那邊在XYZ公司誰可以'噸真的給他們任何東西。想想看,你會更舒服了,如果當你開始你的傳銷業務,你已經大大地有人關心你,把你的翅膀下。然而,不幸的是,我們大多數人的經驗一上線,調用我們也許一個月,然後慢慢減弱,直到接觸你是獨自一人在那裡在這個新的業務。我個人來說,我寧願簽署了三個好,致力於代表一個月,我可能會花時間與有益的,有助於確保其成功,並知道他們會是我的合作夥伴是非常,非常長的和繁榮的時代。而是代表簽署了十五個月,而不是花費時間與質量的任何他們,讓他們遲早都屬於遠離業務。有一件事情你要的是質量而不是數量。








Network Marketing | 最好的網絡營銷公司 - 不是每個人都想要一個產品




不是所有的產品適用於所有的人。最好的網絡營銷公司有幾個產品,營銷人員可以推廣。選擇一個優質的產品,然後做研究,找到了該產品的目標市場。你可以使用谷歌啟動該組研究,但定位於 Facebook.com的處理這些問題解決了將您的產品真正有益的。





Network Marketing | Network Marketing Leads - Choices And Recommendations

The lifeblood of your business is a plentiful supply of quality network marketing leads. Has your sponsor ever told you "never stop adding people to your front line" or "always be closing". This is sound advice since you never know where or when a super star will emerge on your team. But, "always" is a long time and no one has a contact list long enough to go on forever (no matter what their background or financial resources). You, as well as every person on your downline team, will eventually need a source of fresh MLM leads.

Network Marketing Leads: The Sources

The sources for network marketing leads fall into two main categories - buy or build. These are the same choices you face multiple times every week. Do I buy a garden shed or build on myself? Do I bake a cake for the party or buy one from the store? Do I take my car in for an oil change, or learn how to do it myself? How you answer each question is all about tradeoffs. Time, cost, quality and level of customization are the major considerations. This is how we will structure our discussion of whether you should buy or generate your own MLM leads.

The Choices:

  • Buy Network Marketing Leads
  • Generate Your Own (or Team) Network Marketing Leads

The Considerations

  • Time
  • Cost
  • Quality

Buying versus Generating Network Marketing Leads

Time- Most people incorrectly assume that buying network marketing leads is always faster. That is true if you are talking about a list of 500 leads. But, what about the time to get the first lead? To get started, you only need 1 new lead since you can only call one person at a time anyway. You don't need the second lead until a little bit later, and you don't need the 500th lead until quite a bit later. Viewed in this way you begin to see how a continuous flow of MLM leads is actually preferable to a long list all at once. When you buy MLM leads you can sometimes request a paced flow of leads. When you generate your own, you are always in control of the pacing and can turn the lead generation on or off at any time.

Cost - Both approaches cost money. Don't let anyone fool you that generating your own network marketing leads is won't cost you anything. It will. However, many business owners choose to make a distinction between a cost and an investment. Going out to eat every day because you don't know how to cook is a cost. Taking cooking lessons for 3 months so you can reduce your reliance on restaurants is an investment. You spend money now to acquire a skill or knowledge that will allow you to spend less in the future. Network marketing leads are as vital to your business as food is to your body. If you plan to buy MLM leads, you are committing to an on-going necessary expense (over which you have no price control - think gasoline!). When you decide to generate your own MLM leads, you make an investment in your business that can never be taken away from you - and that you can teach your downline organization.

Quality- The cliche phrase "you get what you pay for" is appropriate here. The quality of network marketing leads is generally reflected in the price. But, what criteria are used to judge quality in the first place? The relevant quality factors are recency, specificity, amount of data provided, verification, location and the most important factor - exclusivity.

Recency: This refers to how long ago the person expressed interested. Obviously 2 months ago is bad, a few days ago is OK and real-time, right now is the best.

Specificity: This refers to how closely matched the person's interest is to your offer. For example, some network marketing companies have 90% female distributors. A list of mostly male contacts would not be specific to this opportunity.

Amount of Data Provided: The most basic lead is an email address only. The amount of data available increases from there to include phone numbers, names, zip codes, annual income, etc...

Verification: This refers to whether the name, phone number and email provides are correct or not. When you generate your own network marketing leads a few junk leads aren't a big deal. If you are buying, advanced-verification that the information is correct is a feature you can pay for.

Location: You may prefer network marketing leads that are within driving distance so you can meet with prospects live or have them attend opportunity meetings. Or, your MLM company may only operate in certain countries or states.

Exclusivity: This refers to how many other business owners (in addition to you) have access to the same lead information. This factor is the most critical consideration and the reason that generating your own network marketing leads will always trump the quality of purchased leads. When you set up the system to generate the leads...they are 100% yours alone to call or email. When you buy network marketing leads, the same lead is often sold to 3,6 or even 12 other people who you must compete with for the prospect's attention. In many cases, once the prospect realizes their information has been sold they stop answering the phone or become very resistance and combative on the phone. Exclusivity is the only solution.

Where to Learn the Skill of Generating Network Marketing Leads

We believe in 100% in "teaching a man to fish so he can eat forever" so the only recommendations we have are for learning the art and skill of generating your own network marketing leads. We do not recommend that you buy network marketing leads - not even once. Your business can wait another few weeks or another month while you learn how to generate continuous lead flow. Sponsors and upline leaders who tell you cannot wait and make a calculated investment in your business are only interested in how your activity affects their bottom line. They are not giving you sound long-term advice, and you have to call them out on it. Once you acquire the skill of generating network marketing leads on your own, you'll be able to teach that skill to your team. And, you'll be able to use the fact that your team has its own lead system as a tactic to attract highly qualified prospects to your team.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Success Tips: The Key To Mlm Motivation

MLM Motivation is important if you are battling in a network marketing opportunity and faced with neverending problems. If you do not have a plan to motivate yourself, it's easy to become affected by rejections. Inspiration is especially important with network marketing, as you may need to motivate your downline in addition to yourself. And, with a 98% of failures in the industry, keeping yourself positive becomes a critical element to fortune. You may check out a couple of ideas that I've mapped beneath.

MLM Motivation Tip #1: You can't keep doing what you don't like. You've got to find a way to keep yourself motivated in a way that you find enjoyable. Maybe you love helping folks and get extremely inspired about the conception, but the anticipation of cold calling 100 strangers just sucks the guts out of you. There are hundreds of ways to get prospects and build a business today. You have to find what succeeds for you. If following the instructions of others, you will no doubt be able to do it for a brief time if you possess a determined concept, but then you'll stop doing it. Even though you've got this conception, you will not keep performing it you don't desire it. It's just individual nature. Here's what you need to remember to assemble your business: What can you do 24/7 and it at no time grows old? If you're doing it, you get in this zone where the world around you disappears. If you can evolve a distributorship like that, you are going to be rich.

MLM Motivational Tip #2: You must know what you wish for. The law of attraction can put effort in positive ways to keep you motivated and strong in your business, but you have to be determined in what you desire to succeed in doing. All you need do is count out a system that works for you where you can bring in brand-new people, sell more products, keep persons around, and assist your new persons have success. Find the position that really turns you on and run with it. There are lots of directions to generate prospects. The traditional direction merely included cold calling, badgering people in malls and public places, and talking to the friends and family. These days you can find prospects via the internet with pay per click, you can place newspaper ads, you can send out postcards, magazine ads, pass out fliers. There's voice broadcasting, article marketing, there's FaceBook pay per click, banner advertising, or just having conversations with folks on FaceBook. However, you need to do what achieves for you, and you also need to feel certain of what you do not want to do. And the reason for why is because, when you don't desire it, you will not be persistent with it. And persistence is mandatory in this commerce.

MLM Motivational Tip #3: Set you goals for who you want to be. You can be whoever you desire to be. You dictate your own destiny. Here is how you can start to get you motivated:

Picture yourself ten years from today living your life you want to live. Where are you living? The picture should see yourself living your way of life you truly want. Now close your eyes and imagine it. Feel the feelings of gratitude and empowerment you are benefiting from in this lifestyle. Pay attention to that concept in your mind at all times and promise yourself you will never loose track of this vision.

Visualizing something that you feel you don't possess is not a good goal. It's effective to believe and feel your benefits. Here is a little exercise to help keep the image in your mind:

You should desire to put yourself in your picture. See your sites around you, feel your feelings nearby you, take a deep breath of relief and write down, "I've just sponsored my sixth person a the elite package and I've assuredly made it to the figurehead level of my multilevel distributorship. Feel your a state of mind of celebration, and you write down the goals like that, you're just more likely to accomplish them than any other way than you can in any way set them. And you'll begin to search for the riches in your world. Now here is what else you do, you write, "Now that I've done it, I cannot think how elementary it was to achieve, this is exactly what I did". Now come to a list of 1-50 things you did to reach your goal. Make a list of these things, keeping in mind that it's not what you're going to do to reach your goal, but what you've already done to arrive at your goal. You may write down, "I have a computer, fantastic supportive friends, a supportive marriage partner, fantastic monetary resources, an inconceivable cleverness to create things", or you could write down, "I love to teach", or "I love network marketing". You could say, "I've got a fantastic merchandise to sell", or "I've got a good company to be a part of", "I've got a good leadership unit, a good mentor", everything you possess as a resource, write it down. Feel your gratitude for these resources.

In your process of writing down the things that you do not possess yet, you will start to look for them in your world and in looking for them you'll see them. That's your secret, the law of attraction. Remember to stay positive with all your thoughts, and do not empower thoughts of apprehension butt their direction into your mind, on account of adverse thoughts will create bad feelings and that can bring failure. It's important to pay attention to a positive outlook as much as possible for true achievement.

Network Marketing | 投予LYF回顧 - 新的網絡營銷業務的機會,2010年。

你搜索的詳細信息,而在這個新的LYFE傳銷公司?然後 PEEP沒有進一步的,你是在正確的地方。事實上,你今天在這裡,意味著你不再是一個普通的人。你有機會成為一個成功的投予LYF企業家。在此投予LYF審查我要穿過炒作,說實話約投予LYF傳銷。

投予LYF是前推出的2010年04月29日,美國加州聖莫尼卡。在投予LYF傳銷公司於共同創辦直流何安東尼和邁克爾 S漢。






當時寫這篇不偏不倚的投予LYF審查,成為投予LYF聯營公司不需要資金投入。在投予LYF '的推出階段,人們可以註冊為一間聯營公司,不需任何費用,並開始推廣產品和辦學新成員,以建立自己的強大隊伍。



您的業務無關,與你的公司。傳銷不在於它似乎是。我們的產品和服務是不是我們真正的產品!你看,我們在這裡不是賣維生素和長途電話服務。我們來這裡不是為 "讓人們進入了商業 "你的企業是市場營銷。他最好,誰的市場推廣最好,贏了。現金是不是在產品中。它是了解如何向市場推出產品。

這給我們帶來的教訓 ...我們的下一個正確的營銷信息獲取前方右側 folks.If你想使你活得輕鬆,使許多真金白銀,並有大量的樂在其中,留在你的目標市場:網絡營銷,而那些尋找網絡 marketing.Now購買到你需要知道如何做到這一點的正確方法。