Network Marketing | 8 Principles People Apply To Their Network Marketing Business That ...

The success principles you're about to read have no particular order. They all bear the same amount of significance. Imagine it as being a jigsaw puzzle. Any one piece which is missing will give you an incomplete puzzle. If you would like to achieve success and have life lasting financial freedom with your Network Marketing business then make certain you do all the things listed here.
Choose the Right Company
Let's start at the beginning. Choosing the right company or opportunity has a big impact on your success. Many people join an opportunity on pure emotion from the sales presentation. One way to overcome that is to make it a point to never join a Network Marketing opportunity the first time it's presented to you. Do not allow yourself be convinced that if you do not signup today you are going to lose out on a huge income. Remember, Network Marketing is a long term financial freedom vehicle, not a get rich quick scheme. Be sure to thoroughly evaluate the company and products before joining. Learn as much as you possibly can about the company's culture and ensure it will be a good match for you. Check with the Better Business Bureau and the Direct Selling Association to make sure the company is in good standing. You also must believe whole heartedly in the product or service. If there is no belief, there will be no success. The age of the company is also very important. "Ground Floor Opportunities", as it's called whenever a new company is staring off, are extremely risky. Eighty nine percent of all Network Marketing or MLM businesses fail within their first two years. The last thing you want is to spend your time building your dreams to see it fade away overnight. It is best to choose a company which has been in business at least 5 years.
Have a Very Big "WHY"
Like I said before, many people signup in a Network Marketing opportunity from pure excitement after the presentation. When they are asked why they joined, the majority answer, "to make more money". But if your motivation is solely to make more money you'll fail! Money alone is not a strong enough motivator for success in any business. You absolutely need a strong burning desire to succeed and really the only way to have that is to have a big "WHY". What's your true "WHY"? Money is simply a piece of paper with the picture of a dead president. It is what that money represents to you that motivates you. Is it quitting your job, buying a bigger house, traveling more, spending more time with love ones, giving more to charity, helping others become financially free? Everyone has a "WHY", do you? Sit down and picture what your life could be like if you had 30 million dollars in the bank. Write down all the items you would have and the things you'd be doing with your life. Now you have a "WHY". That should be your motivating factor for building a huge Network Marketing business.
Invest Deeply on Personal Growth
Burn this statement in your mind: "Your Income Will Never Surpass Your Personal Growth". Your success in any business and within your life in general has a lot to due with just how much you personally grow within. Ever wonder why somebody who's poor all their life and wins millions of dollars in a lottery end up being poor again a few years later? It's due to personal growth. They didn't grow their mind to their new level of income. Therefore, their income came back to their level of personal growth. You obtain personal growth by reading self help books, attending seminars, listening to motivational inspirational audios. Personal growth is the constant positive feeding of the mind. Sadly this isn't taught in school at any level. Since this is not taught in school few people ever achieve any significant level of personal growth. Hence the reason that so few ever have a very high level of success in their life both personally and financially. If you don't read, watch or hear something that is motivational or self-help in nature every day, you won't ever find any real success in your Network Marketing business. Personal growth keeps you focused on your goal for success and maintains the mind clear of all the negative influences that surround us every single day clouding our thoughts. Feed your mind daily and shortly you'll start experiencing an increasing level of success.
Work Hard to Help Your Downline Succeed
Many that start a Network Marketing business have the "Boss" mentality and believe that their downline actually work for them. If you do this, STOP! The main reason people start their own Network Marketing business is to get rid of their boss not pick a new one up. Your downline isn't there to serve you or to make you money. In reality you should be working for them. Their success needs to be your main goal. If their success does nothing for your success then you're with the wrong company. When you understand that their profitability is your stability you will grow to be much more successful. Encourage your downline and help them become successful. Be concerned more about how much money they make and you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams.
Treat Your Business like a Multi-Million Dollar Business
If you're really committed to building your Network Marketing business into a successful six or seven figure income then you ought to treat it as a Multi Million dollar business. Too many people treat their Network Marketing business as a hobby and then blame the business or the industry once they do not see the big income they anticipated. If you start a business with the "I'll give it a try" attitude rather than the "I'm committed to succeed no matter what" attitude you're bound to fail. Simply because it didn't cost you $100,000 to start your business doesn't mean you shouldn't treat it as if it did. If you bought a franchise for 100 grand wouldn't you do something for your business daily? Even though you didn't work the franchise yourself because you had a day job you'd still do something every day to make sure your business was on the right track. The right Network Marketing business can earn you a very high six and even a seven figure income if you build it to that level. No hobby on earth can pay you that kind of money. So why treat your business as one. Do something each day for your business even if it's just making one phone call to present a new person to your business or follow up with someone. If you had a crystal ball and could see into the future and you saw yourself earning $500,000 a year with your current business, would you start doing things differently? Would you change the way you're currently running your business? That future is a reality so long as you're taking a step in the right direction every day.
Have Realistic Expectations
Most people who join a Network Marketing business don't fully realize what it truly takes to run a successful business. However this has a lot to do with the hyped up presentation that got them to signup in the first place. They usually make it seem so easy and fun. The reality is that any business that is worth building is going to have some difficult times. Is it unrealistic to think you can build a multiple six figure income in a Network Marketing business? Absolutely not! Network Marketing gives anyone, regardless of their background or education, the opportunity to build a very successful multiple six figure residual income. So why do so many people fail at it? They basically expect it to be easy. Most people start a Network Marketing business and quit when they get their first three "no's". "No" is a part of any business. And "no" doesn't usually mean no. It sometimes means not now. It just might not be a good time for that person to join your opportunity. We live in an instantaneous satisfaction world. All of us want things to happen yesterday and that does not always happen. How long are you willing to stick it out and work at building your Network Marketing business? Three months? Twelve months? Fourty eight months? What would you say if I told you that the majority of successful people within this industry reach the top level and find financial freedom in two to five years. And some take even longer. Some as long as 10 years. Do you think you're willing to work your Network Marketing business for 10 years? You would if you positively new beyond a shadow of a doubt that at the end of 10 years you'd be earning multiple six figures for the rest of your life. The moral of the story here is never give up! Keep working your Network Marketing business as long as it takes and you'll have no choice but to succeed.
Stick with the Company's Proven System
Most reputable Network Marketing companies that have been around for a few years will have a proven system that works for presenting the opportunity or products to other people. Unfortunately, many people think they know more than all of those who have come before them and have been successful and choose they're going to do it their way. Their way beats the dumb system the company suggests to use. Right? No, Wrong! If the company suggests you use a specific system when presenting your business opportunity to others, then you use that system. Do not try and reinvent the wheel. Most systems are easy to learn and they keep things simple. Simple is good. That makes it easy to duplicate. If it's easy to duplicate then your downline are going to be able to do it also. And if that happens then your business will begin to expand. See how that works? Keep it simple, tell everyone, don't pre-judge anyone and share don't sell.
Do Not Ever Quit!
Keep in mind that the moment you quit, that is when failure will become reality. Most people quit too soon and blame it on the industry or the company. When all it requires to succeed is a little more time and a little more effort. One way to maintain yourself from quitting is to surround yourself with positive people and remove all of the negative people from your life. Negative people bring you down and put doubt in your mind. When you start to doubt yourself you are at the beginning of the end. You can find all of the positive people you would like if you attend all the company functions. It really is extremely vital for you to attend all local and regional presentations and all the national company conventions. This would keep you surrounded by positive individuals with the same goals and dreams and will keep your head in the game. In this business you will encounter many critics. They will give you all kinds of explanations why it will not work for them and it will not work for you. Remember what they say about opinions, everyone has one. In all of history I have never heard of anyone erecting a statue in honor of a critic. Do not worry about what anyone thinks, says, or does and just continue forward until you find success. Then you can say, "I told you so".
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