Max, as many know, bills himself as the "Father of Social Media," due to the fact that he began using his current technique in the days of America Online. Max teaches basic skills he learned and perfected from such timeless classics as "How to Make Friends and Influence People," first in the AOL environment and recently in social media such as Facebook and MySpace. Simply put, Max's advice is to never expose or offer your network marketing business before a relationship exists. The focus is not on making a sale; rather if there is a sale that could be made. This is exactly parallel to what is taught in Tim Sales' Professional Inviter to first find a prospect's "need, want or desire" before making a "sales approach."
So what about Max's content? An understandable contrast is to primary mlm sales trainer Tim Sales, which makes the assessment fascinating. Though both are in network marketing, Tim has a much larger following and name recognition. After all, he's the creator of the very popular "Brilliant Compensation" video which makes the case for the viability of the network marketing industry. Robert Kiyosaki's recent endorsement of the network marketing model is one of the only comparable works.
What is special about Max? On the surface, his training seems much more simplistic than the more "academic" approach used by Tim Sales. Perhaps this is more what is needed for true duplication of effort. In either case, specific methods, scripts, and approaches must be tailored on a case by case basis. We do think that the Max Method does truly reduce the amount of rejection encountered in the process. In Tim's approach, the network marketing, or pyramid "objection" is addressed up front, which may actually raise it in cases where in may not have been present.
Another difference is that Max's course is online vs. a CD set and has more extensive videos, which seem almost to be limitless. The sheer quantity of material has its advantages, although it's easy to get bogged down, too!
Our favorite feature is the daily "Ask Max" sessions, which provide both a high repetition factor and an affordable "group" mentoring in real time. We don't know how long Max will be able to keep up this incredible pace, but we highly endorse his training for anyone that wants to learn from the innovative "Father of Social Media," today's best strategies for generating cheap mlm leads. We also recommend Tim Sales' training, but short of moving to Tampa and joining his team, he is much less accessible as a mentor.