There are a few top leaders in companies who find instant success and riches very quickly after signing up in the business. Their enthusiasm and stories are encouraging, albeit somewhat unusual, but they sound believable to the new person. Often the new distributor mistakenly thinks that network marketing is an easy business in which everyone can succeed. Perhaps they have not heard the statistics that 98% of people who sign up will fail. Even if they heard about the fact that only 2% will be successful, their belief level will tell them that they will be in that top 2%. They know or think that they can make it.
Belief in oneself and in the opportunity is essential for a person to be successful. They should realize, however, that it is NOT that easy for most people. They must expect to face a great deal of rejection and discouragement. They must learn to have a thick skin and to just keep trying.
Setting realistic goals early on and reviewing those goals on a regular basis will help keep the belief levels high. Remembering your WHY for joining the business should help. Determining to stick with it and not quit will also be beneficial.
Keeping your network marketing belief levels high is essential in order to keep from letting discouragement force you to quit before you achieve the success that is possible. You can do it if you believe you can and if you work hard.