Network Marketing | How To Find The Best Network Marketing Company

With this article I'll try and help you get closer to a choice whether you should go one way or another. First I want to say, you shouldn't try and keep up with every single Network Marketing Company. Why? Because every day new Network Marketing Companies appear, and trying to keep up with all of them will be nothing but a waste of time.

I will not make a long list of things you should be looking for while finding the perfect Network Marketing Company. With that said, it does matter which one you chose, but instead of a list I have ONE thing you should be looking at. Of course the business should be a legit Network Marketing Company, and there are good things to look at, such as how long it as been around and how the business is growing and all that stuff. But if all that is looking fine, you should concentrate about one thing and one thing only!

What I want you to ask yourself when you're looking at a Network Marketing Company is whether YOU like the product! I will actually recommend that you try the product or service before joining as a distributor. You have to be passionate about your product, and you have to really mean it when you tell others that it's a great product. Selling something you don't really care about makes no sense at all! Every successful person in this industry is using the product they are providing to others, and so should you be doing. But you shouldn't use a product just because you sell it - you should sell it because YOU are passionate about the product at you enjoy using it. See the different? If you feel forced to use a product, you will carry that along with you and you will not succeed with your Network Marketing Company.

I know there is a big chance that you want to start right now! And I can understand that. And you may not feel that you have to try the product before becoming a consumer, but in the end, this will save you a lot of time. Because joining the "wrong" company, then joining another "wrong" company, and another, THAT will be a waste of your time and the only thing you will carry with you is failure. So my advice for you is, take your time and choose right the first time. If you don't care about the product at all, you should rather not join that company.

I hope this article have inspired you to find the right Network Marketing Company for you, and take your time. And remember, no matter what people tell you, there is no easy way to success, and you have to invest time to learn what to do and time to grow your business the right way. And also, you are NOT going to learn that from the company, not in any Network Marketing Company. If you are serious about getting successful you have to turn elsewhere to get the information on how to become a great marketer, because THAT is what you should be.

Network Marketing | Are You Interested In Amway? - An Unbiased Third Party Review

Since you are reading this, you are most likely either trying to decide whether you want to invest your hard earned money into the Amway opportunity or you are already involved with the company and are trying to find out what other people have to say about your company. Either way, you will definitely want to read this entire article from start to finish. I personally have no affiliation with this company; therefore, this will be a completely unbiased yet very informative review of the Amway company. It does not make a difference to me whether or not you invest your money with this company. Read the facts and decide for yourself what you think.

So, what is Amway all about and what sort of products do they sell?

Amway is a company based in Ada, Michigan that was founded by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos in 1959. The companies products include home care products, electronics, jewelry, insurance, cosmetics, personal care products, Nutrilite dietary supplements, air purifiers, and water purifiers. The largest selling brand that the company has are the Nutrilite supplements, also known as Nutriway in some countries other than the US.

What type of system does Amway use to allow you to make money?

Amway is a direct selling company which uses network marketing to sell their products. Specifically, they use what is called MLM. MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) is a strategy based on multiple levels of compensation, which means that not only will the seller make money on their own sales but will also profit off of sales made by people who they recruit (their downline).

What are some good and/or bad things being said about Amway?

Amway currently operates in more than 80 different countries around the world. The company reached an annual profit of $9.2 BILLION in 2010. As far as rankings, in 2004 Deloitte ranked them #114 out of all of the largest global retailers, and in 2010 Forbes ranked them #32 among the largest private companies in the US. The company has been involved in several court cases in the United States as wall as other countries over the years for suspicious business practices. The Nutrilite supplement brand sold by the company had a consumer satisfaction rating or 96% in 2002. This was the highest rating in the direct selling/MLM category at that time. Four yours in a row from 2006 to 2009 Nutrilite also won the "Platinum" and "Gold" awards in 5 countries over all in the "Trusted Brands of Asia" survey by Reader's Digest. Another brand eSpring which is a type of water filter is another brands sold by Amway which has also won "Platinum" and "Gold" awards in that same survey over the years.

Whatever business opportunity you are seeking or actively working, there is one major aspect that sets the people who make a little money apart from those who make a LOT! That aspect is Lead Generation. If people can't find you, then people won't even know about your product. If people don't know about your product, they won't buy from you. If no one buys anything, you make no money.

Network Marketing | Avon - Largest Network Marketing Company Simple Review

Every time I hear or see the word Avon, that familiar tag line, "Ding dong, Avon Calling," rings in my ears. Recently named by the Wall Street Journal as the number one Network Marketing Company, it's time to take a simple look at what this 125-year-old company has to offer.

Quick Facts:

Founded in 1886

Headquarters located in New York, NY

NYSE Listed

Over 6.5 Million Distributors

Operating in 100 + Markets Globally

10.9 Billion in Revenue 2010

The Products

The smell of sweet success! The fragrance is how it all began. Today the company has an immense product line, some of which has been known in households across America and around the world for many years; such as Skin So Soft and Clearskin. The ever expanding product includes makeup, fragrance, skincare, bath & body, hair care, jewelry, men and so much more. If you have not looked at Avon in recent years it's certainly not the product line you remember. When you see a Deluxe Bingo Set or Cookie Cutters available in your beauty brochure one wonders why the line grew to its current diversity.

Investment and Compensation Plan

You will easily spend more in the fast food line than the miniscule $10 investment it takes to get started. This includes your kit, application and appointment. Being such a successful company it is unknown why the compensation plan is not listed on the corporate website but with a little research I was able to find a few concrete facts. Your commissions from product sales will range from 20% to 50% pending your campaign sales. This could lead to some great part-time income. Avon's Fast Track Bonus relies upon recruiting new Reps who place an order of $50 or more, earning a $25 bonus for each. For upper level leadership you can earn up to a 12% bonus on three generations and car bonus allowance.

Training and Marketing

The corporate website offers training on the products as well compensation plan. Varying districts hold conduct monthly sales and demonstration meetings as well as some mailing lists that can keep you informed. Marketing methods that are taught are very traditional, starting with family and friends, mass brochure distribution, door to door, in local businesses and of course face to face. With the digital age these methods does seem to be quite outdated.

The business and products (limited line for the gents) is still very "woman" orientated. In no way I am saying that me can't be successful in Avon, just a whole the company is very directed at helping women as a whole.

Bottom Line

Avon can be a great place to dig in your heals but with all company there are advantages (solidity of the company) and disadvantages (door to door deliveries) that come with the Avon opportunity. Be sure to do your own research, write down the pros and cons to see if the opportunity is right for you.

Network Marketing | Social Media For Network Marketing - 5 Simple Tips To Get Started

Social media are just "new" forms of media that let you communicate with others and share information online. What makes social media marketing more unique (and exciting) is that it's interactive and it's real-time. It's also how public figures and many companies are now creating a buzz to get the word out on what's happening with them.

If you have a message and you want a lot of people to hear it and get it across to them in just a few minutes, you have a gazillion free and easy to use options, with the most popular being blogs, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

For example, our team heard about Michael Jackson's death within minutes of the event on Twitter, whilst in a cab on our way to the airport. Videos of the first tsunami wave engulfing the seaside town of Miyako in Japan, carrying everything in its path were posted on YouTube within minutes of the March earthquake in 2011. An entire revolution was successfully planned and implemented using Facebook in Egypt!

And it's not just about breaking news. Social media is forcing companies to sit up and listen to what customers say about them. Canadian singer Dave Carroll shot to fame with his YouTube music video, 'United Breaks Guitar', chronicling his real-life experience with United Airlines that damaged his expensive guitar during baggage handling, and the frustration faced trying to claim compensation. The video went viral, garnered millions of views within days (it's up to 11 million now), and United Airlines' stock price fell by 10%. Coincidence?

There are many different ways that you can use social media to suit your needs and here's a secret: it really isn't something completely new that you have to learn. You just have to apply what you already know to a new social environment. Pretty much all the social skills that you learnt (hopefully) growing up, from your parents are also applicable in social media.

1. Mind your manners

The term social media means that it is a social setting. So, the same traditional rules from the offline world apply here, too. If you are rude, you can't expect to make any friends or expand your social network.

2. Tuck in your shirt and straighten your tie

How you present yourself is just as important in the virtual world, as it is in the real world. Make sure you are always aware of how you appear to others. If you wouldn't show those party photos to your mother, don't post them online!

3. Think twice before you speak

It's easy to say what's on your mind, but you can never take it back. And in social media, everything you say can be heard by anyone and stays online forever ! So, think about whatever you want to post online, very carefully, before you do. If you have something personal to say to someone, use the private messaging feature, instead of posting it for the world to see.

4. Keep your promise

The currency of social media is trust. And if people can't trust you, you become of lesser value to them.

5. Turn your music down

Now that anyone and everyone can blog, tweet, post and do a myriad of other things online, there is virtual cacophony out there. Don't contribute to the noise. Read, view, and listen to whatever you want in your own personal space, but when your personal preferences are starting to crowd out everyone else's timelines, people will tune you out.

See, it's not that difficult, is it? Give social media a try, whilst keeping these five basic rules in mind. It's easier and more enjoyable than you think.

Network Marketing | A Model For Network Marketing Success

A "Funded Proposal" is simply a means of marketing an informational (or other) product such as an ebook, course or seminar to the suspect; convert them to a prospect, and to generate income to fund future advertising. In addition, the Funded Proposal helps to weed out the tire-kickers and brings a much more serious prospect to the table thereby further enhancing the probability of network marketing success.

The "secondary sale", also known by some internet marketers as the back-end sale, comes into play once the prospect has been qualified and is now a bon-fide customer. Network marketing success becomes much easier when working with clients who have made previous purchases. The secondary sale will normally take the form of product or tool that will facilitate the new network marketer in the development, management, or growth of their business.

Since the Funded Proposal, by its design, has covered most, if not all of the advertising and promotional expenses, the secondary sale will help to ensure that all expenses have been covered and that a breakeven position has been attained. In the best case scenario some level of profitability has actually been achieved.

The final step in assuring network marketing success is of course choosing the right primary product and is extremely important. The primary product will contribute the lion's share of revenues and profitability. While it is beyond the scope of this brief introduction to consider all of the factors that should be considered in selecting a primary product, the most important things to consider include choosing a product that has broad appeal and provided by a company that has a proven track record - from a management aspect, number of years in business (at least 10 - 15), and profitability.

Network Marketing | How To Go About Social Network Marketing - 5 Tips

You have a personal profile on Facebook or Twitter and know the ropes pretty well. So you might be thinking that social network marketing for your company is virtually the same. Well, it's not.

To explain further, your personal profile consists of your family and friends, whereby a company profile consists of people interested in your brand (potential customers'). These are people who will be following you, whose opinions matter in regard to your company and your brand.

Not everyone who has tried social network marketing has done so successfully. It is still fairly new. The positive thing is that we can learn from others mistakes and find a way to move forward.

To shine a light on some of the dark areas of this new phenomenon we have put together some suggestions to help you on your way.

Here are our 5 Tips:

1. Don't make the mistake of running before you can walk.

You may get excited as you begin this form of marketing and join many sites. Less is more at the beginning. It is difficult to be in two places at the same time and this applies to online communities also.

2. Focus your attention on only one social network at a time and build a solid fan base there.

To create a quality page with a good fan base it is best to master one social network at a time. After all we don't want the quality of our work to suffer and this could happen if we try multitasking (jumping between two social networks at the same time). Learn all there is about the site you are on, post regular updates, engage your followers by running a contest. You will establish a solid fan base and when this happens, you can delegate to someone else while you move onto the next site to begin building again.

3. Find a person to represent your brand.

To free you up for building a new fan base on another site it's a good idea to find someone who can be in charge of your social network profile. This person can post status updates, reply to question and generally take care of the running of the profile. Someone with a keen interest in your brand is best, someone who your fans can relate to. People don't easily trust a brand unless they are familiar with the person behind the logo.

4. Be yourself

If you are inauthentic in your profile your fans will pick this up. Social networking is about building relationships. This applies to company profiles, how can people build trust in you if you are not being honest.

5. Take Part.

Network the way you would offline, remember there are other social network marketers also out there working to promote their brands. Begin conversations; ask questions, you may find you learn a lot from other others.

A social network is just another form of a social situation. Remember the way we treat other people has an impact on how we are viewed. Being kind, nice, and polite will take you a long way down the social network marketing road, and maybe you'll find that by being so, you won't be trudging down a lonely road.

Network Marketing | Social Network Marketing Offers 5 Compelling Advantages

Here is a look at 5 compelling benefits you can expect to experience when using this particular online marketing strategy to promote your business.


The only expense you incur is the investment of your time and efforts when working any social networking community for business purposes. It is wise to be mindful of the fact that this particular online marketing strategy does require your time and does not offer any shortcuts!

Easy to Use

The internet has done an exceptional job at simplifying access and navigation for anybody who may have formally been intimidated by going online. Social sites have merely mimicked this simplification making the access and use of their these sites as easy as riding a bike!

The viral potential along with the business contacts you can make push this strategy over the top in terms of its effectiveness. These 2 reasons alone are why some consider using social sites as one of the best online marketing strategies available today!

Growing in Popularity

Online social communities are not trends but more a shift in the way people have elected to spend their time online. The internet is comprised of a global audience made up of human beings who have the need to connect with others. Sharing interests, thoughts, opinions and ideas are a part of human nature and is something that is not likely to fall out of favor! With that being said it would appear that this particular strategy will also only grow in popularity as well!

Great Way to Build a List

By simply referring people you have already befriended on any social site to your website, blog or even a squeeze page it is fairly easy to build a list. In fact you can even simply circulate a business link that will be seen by many leading to a significant flow of traffic to any site you designate.

Social network marketing offers you exposure to a wide spectrum of people with varying tastes and interests. Because these sites are easy to use and also easy on the budget they are considered one of the best online marketing strategies available today! As discussed above there are also some other very compelling reasons as to why tapping into the social networking community makes good business sense. It would seem to be a lot easier to go to where the people already congregate as opposed to investing the effort in trying to attract them. Since these communities are only growing in popularity it is understandable as to why this particular online marketing strategy is both effective and popular!

Network Marketing | Success Starts With Giving Things Away For Free

Everywhere you go on the internet you get things for free Skype, Google, YouTube and Facebook are amongst those who give away things for free. But you have a Network Marketing Business that has expensive products. You can't give away anything for free can you? That will take too much from your pocket, right?

You can give something away for free. You do have something.

What, I hear you ask?

Yes, knowledge. You have knowledge that others don't have. You have knowledge about your products, knowledge about your business and the training you get from your Network Marketing Company and sponsor is knowledge too.

And factor in the fact that you need to train your downline - what better way to train them than to put all the knowledge you have learned in an article, report or e-book? That is a free product that you can give away right there that cost you a lot of time and money.

Why does free work?

Simply because when you provide something valuable for free, you usually get back. That is just one of the laws of the universe. You get what you give.

But if you provide stuff for free, where will the money come from?

Money comes from valuable content that you provide because if people are continuing to receive what you give away for free, they will want to reciprocate at some stage. This happens on a subconscious level, and because we are programmed that way.

However, you can't just give anything away for free. You need to decide what you want to accomplish. You need to decide what you want to receive in return. So, what you may want is a large list of over 5,000 people who buy something from you every time you send an email or who sign up for your opportunity after hearing from you a couple of times.

Perhaps taking the time to provide free content, and the fact that you have to spend a lot of time on it has you wondering whether you should be blogging, podcasting, networking online or spend time in building up your virtual world? Maybe you think that it will take too much time and effort and will give nothing in return?

You have to remember that this gives you a chance to be able to market globally, and do so for free. (In this case free means you don't have to pay money, but you do pay in time and effort.) This is a great opportunity for building and growing your business. You just need to set goals, make yourself a plan and stick to it, and above all, never give up!

If you give away free content, samples or trials, it will bring you traffic to your website and make your phone ring. The majority of your free users will not buy anything, but you don't need everyone to buy. If you build up a list of say 5,000 people and just 2% sign up in your business, would you see that as a good thing? This is a good reason for striving to have a sizable list.

And remember: If you give away something good for free, people usually tell others about it. If something makes them feel good or happy, they like to share it. So giving something good away for free will make your business grow: There is no denying it.

Network Marketing | Glad To Meet You, Nerdistan - Want To Join My Network Marketing Business?

While at the gym this morning, one of the news channels reported the discovery of two new planets that were approximately the same size of the earth called Nerdistan. Actually they were called Kepler-20e and Kepler-20f (you know how uncreated astrophysicists are when it comes to naming new planets and galaxies).

I started to have palpitations. Not from exercising. But from the anticipated phone call from one of my team members asking when do you think we'll be able to offer our network marketing business opportunity on Nerdistan, er, I mean Kepler? My response: probably after you sponsor your first couple of reps from planet earth.

You think this is ludicrous? Well, I think having one of my team members trying to recruit from some far off country is just as ludicrous given the fact that that same team member will not make the attempt to sponsor someone in his/her immediate area. With the pervasive internet - especially Facebook with its nearly 1 billion members, the attraction to sponsor worldwide has increased to a fever pitch.

Recently I crossed paths with someone who I recruited into one of the network marketing companies I was with a while ago. I asked him what he was up to and he said that he had joined several MLMs since he left the company we were in. He added that he recently joined another opportunity. I asked him what it was all about and he told me that he would email me the link to the online business presentation. I asked him to give me some idea of the type of opportunity he was involved with. His response was that he would not be able to do justice to his program that it would really be best if I viewed the online presentation that "they spent megabucks to create" (his words).

Come on. If someone opens the door, as I did by asking him what it was all about, it's up to you to walk in and give your prepared SHORT spiel as to what your business is all about.

Most of us have become so internet focused that we are almost clueless to the fact that there are people to sponsor right in front of us. Sure we have become experts at using social media as long as it involves tapping on a keyboard...but presenting our business in person, one-on-one is so, so 1980's and 1990's. Yet is there any better way for a prospect to gauge your level of excitement than to hear it in your voice and see it in your eyes. Somehow typing out a "WOW, FRANK, THIS OFFERS YOU A TREMENDOUS INCOME OPPORTUNITY", even with the emphatic, capitalized letters will have less of an effect on Frank than looking at him square in the eye and making the same statement.

Bottom line: Talk to people across your town while continuing to develop online prospects across the globe. I do think, however, that it's a tad too early to pack your presentation board and easel and head off to Nerdistan or Kepler-20e.

Network Marketing | Pro Network Marketing And Lead Generation Tips

No matter which network marketing or MLM company you have allied yourself with, pro network marketing and lead generation tips can help you with your business plan. Even though advice is important, the most important thing to consider is, since deciding to start your own business, you have made your first step toward the potential development of your own personal fortune. Jobs are a dime a dozen, but it takes a special talent to step out and take control of your financial future through starting your own business. The number one key to wealth, bar none, is owning your own business.

Advantages Of Network Marketing

Some great advantages of the network marketing industry are the low start up costs, and the equal opportunity made available for everyone. From the corporate executive to the high school dropout, white, black, male or female, rich or poor, there is no differentiation, everyone has the same opportunity for success. It doesn't take a lot of money to start a networking business but it does take, just like any other successful business, hard work and dedication. With over fifteen million people in the U.S. and over sixty two million people worldwide in the networking business and revenues of over thirty billion dollars produced each year, networking is a force to be reckoned with in the business community. Even though you have made this leap of faith you may harbor some self doubts. Don't be surprised, these doubts are natural and everyone has them, it's just a natural part of the entrepreneurial process. Just know that you are in good company, from the newest, to the most seasoned entrepreneur, self doubt happens to the best of them. Don't ignore it but use it as a tool to keep you asking questions and keep you constantly improving yourself against your competition. A little self doubt is a healthy thing but always keep it in perspective.

What Is Your Next Step?

So now, what to do? Where do you start? What can you expect? What are some network marketing and lead generation tips ? For one, network marketing companies usually have excellent training to get the budding business person started. Your first objective is to get at least two people enrolled within your first few days of joining the company, this will give you a great sense of accomplishment and provide some cash flow. Your second objective should be helping those two people get their first two people enrolled and teaching them how to do the same thing you accomplished in your first few days. This will get them excited, get a check in their hands, and open their eyes to the advantages of owning their own business. A good part of your business plan is to realize that an entrepreneur is a good leader. And in this area, an important thing to remember is, that in network marketing people don't join a company, they could usually care less, they join you. As a business owner you are the secret to your success.

Are New Leads An Important Factor?

The one place people usually get bogged down in networking is finding enough people to present their offer to. Your first two people will not be a problem, but if you live in a small town or run with a small circle of friends, sooner or later you and your downline are going to run out of fresh leads. One of the main legs of the networking business is to always have new faces to present your offer to. You can't simply present your plan to the same circle of friends and acquaintances over and over again, this is a sure fire formula for how to loose friends and disgust your neighbors and prospects.

So how do you find new leads?

The Role Of The Internet In the opinion of many people, including most of the top income earners in the networking field, the internet offers a great, low cost solution for the quest of finding new leads. On the internet you have an unlimited audience of fortune seekers to present your offer to. One of the most important network marketing and lead generation tips to remember is, that People just like you are turning more and more every day to the internet for answers. Millions and millions of opportunity seekers run searches daily for the very network marketing opportunity you have to offer. Wouldn't you agree that if they want what you have, that you should oblige them and present your opportunity? Utilizing the internet, as well as offline techniques to develop your network marketing business, is a sure fire formula for success.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing: Duplicate Your Marketing Efforts To Grow Your ...

Duplicate your network

Network marketing is a home-based business where as the name implies, you can work at the comfort of your own home. Actually you are your own boss and employee of your organisation but you are not going any further than that without building your network.

So you need your down-line to help you to expand and bring in more business builders and customers. It is much productive to have 1000 people working for you for one hour a day each than you putting in one hour yourself.

When you recruit John, John became your down-line. When John signed up Mary and Mary signed up Peter, all these people Mary and Peter will also be your down-line.

From the above, you can see the power of duplicating your efforts and each one below you who will be duplicating their efforts to sign up more people to their down-line.

Expand exponentially

Let see how a simple example how duplication can helps to grow your network exponentially:

First you signed up 2 recruits as your first layer. Then they duplicate their effort and each of your first layer recruits 2 members each to bring your second layer to 4 members.

Then the 4 members in the second layers will recruit 2 members each, bringing your third layers to 8 members.

Then the duplication continues, and each of the 8 members in the third layers will bring in each 2 new members, bringing in a total of 16 members as your fourth layer.

In a matter of a week or so depending how hard you train your down-line, you have produced 30 members in just 4 layers. Remember that the person you signed up and those your down-line have signed up are all your down-line.

Double your efforts

Can you imagine if you would double your effort and guide and help all your down-line to double their effort too and you would have hundreds and even thousands when you go to seventh or tenth layers down?

Disregard what is your status in the organisation, you will be compensated from the purchases of your customers you recruits and that of your down-line own purchases and that of their recruit's purchases and those of their customers' purchases, and not only solely on the basis of how many recruits you have got.

Clone yourself

To duplicate your marketing effort is like cloning yourself. In order to clone yourself, you must pass on your skill and knowledge of prospecting to your down-line.

Earn residual income

If your down-line can duplicate everything you have learned and are doing everything like you to bring in business builders and customers, you have created a win-win situation. In this case, your down-line will earn tremendous residual income from repeated customers' purchases. Your down-line success is also your success to earn the residual income of your entire organisation.

Network Marketing | How To Generate Leads As A Newbie To Network Marketing

You've got a fresh pair of eyes to look at the business and see the incredible opportunity that lies before you, and I hope that you've joined a company that is there to support you with training and guidance along the way. But, there will be some struggles when you get started, and we're going to talk about one of the biggest struggles you'll face right now.

We've all been there as a newbie in network marketing. And one of the biggest struggles people have when they start in a network marketing business is generating leads. People constantly believe that they can't find new leads for their business after they've talked to their friends and family. However, there's more leads out there that you haven't even thought about.

Now, let me just say that you absolutely need to talk to your close friends and family about your network marketing business. Don't believe the hype about not talking to your warm market contacts. Talk to them. They are your closest, most trusted contacts and will be more welcoming than others. Even if they all say no, expose them to your business. You might be surprised with the results.

Now, once you've talked to your immediate warm market, which is really only about 20-30 people, now you may start to get worried. Who are you going to talk to next? Should you just start talking to random people on the street? You could do that, although your likelihood of success is not going to be very high. Now, it's time for you to start generating some leads outside of your warm market. Think of these folks as your casual acquaintances.

Your casual acquaintances are people that you know, but that you couldn't really call at midnight to come help you fix a flat tire. People you went to high school or college with, are members of your church or Sunday school, club members, things like that. Often times, if you start thinking about these people you can generate quite a large list of network marketing leads and get to work right away contacting them and exposing them to your business.

And, if you're using some third party tools that your team or your company have created for you, then making contact and exposing these leads to your business is as simple as sending them to a website or giving them a CD to listen to. Don't over-complicate the lead generation process. Too many people focus on new ways to generate leads, like blogging, and forget about the tried and true methods that have built the network marketing industry for the last 60 years.

Believe it or not, you really do have a large list of people that you can expose to your business, just do it the right way. Don't beat them over the head about joining with you, just give them the opportunity to look at your business and then let them decide for themselves. And as you go through your daily life, always be looking and listening for new people to add to your leads. If you keep your eyes, ears, and your mind open, you may be surprised at how many people you find that are ready to take a step and change their lives through the power of network marketing.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Success - It's Not As Hard As You Think

Is Network Marketing Success As Complicated As It Seems

Network marketing success may be a lot easier than you think. Although the rate of success is quite dismal in the industry, this article will outline the proven techniques which will help anyone, from a complete beginner to a seasoned veteran, succeed in the multi level marketing industry.

To many, the prospect of gaining success in the mlm industry appears quite daunting and very elusive. However, given the plethora of success examples around the world, we're able to identify some of the key characteristics necessary to obtain success in this industry.

Quite often, some people try to make success in the multi level marketing industry seem very complicated for many different reasons. However, the most successful distributors, leaders and observers in this industry have continued to assert that network marketing success is really simple.

Network Marketing Success Tips

In all honesty, there is no short cut to success. In order to rise through the ranks and achieve any level of success, you simply need to work hard and apply consistent effort towards your goal. All too often many people try to 'game the system' or take a short cut to succeed in this industry.

One of the biggest tips you can take away from this article is to place a huge amount of importance on daily action. Without hard work, it is impossible to become successful in life, likewise in network marketing. In other words, your goal should be take massive action on a daily basis which will get you closer to your goal.

Network Marketing Success in 4 Steps

Sadly, all too often many people continue to aimlessly search for the magic bullet of success in this industry. Without a doubt, a much wiser use of our time would be to analyze and study the success of the industry's leaders and top producers, rather than trying to decipher the keys for success on our own.

Lessons learnt from the multiple six and seven figure earners in this industry, indicate that there are a string of common factors which lead to success in this industry. The four steps which are characteristic of the industry's leaders are:

The ability to connect with people.

The ability to build relationships with people.

The ability to expose their opportunity to as many people as possible.

The ability to close prospects, thereby recruit new distributors.

Essentially, these are the core characteristics of the most successful leaders in the network marketing industry. If you apply these characteristics, and do them on a consistent basis, you will succeed in this industry.

Now, there are many different ways to apply these techniques. As times have changed, so have the methods used to apply these characteristics. Therefore, there is no one size fit all strategy to succeed in this industry. By this I'm referring to the manner in which you choose to connect with people, build relations, expose your opportunity and close prospects.

For most people, the greatest challenge is in exposing their business to as many people as possible. Of course, this problem stems from a lack of prospects or leads. Many people run into the problem of running out of their warm market to present their opportunity to. Thankfully, attraction marketing has solved this problem for distributors seeking to expand their warm market and acquire free leads.

Network Marketing | How To Sponsor More Reps In Your Network Marketing Business

The secret to sponsoring more reps in your network marketing business is to get invited into your prospects' world as a welcome guest instead of an annoying pest. This article will show you how to do it.

The first step is to position yourself in the marketplace in a way that allows your prospects find you and contact you.

You will become the hunted not the hunter. You will stop chasing your prospects and they will start chasing you.

Ask yourself this question: "What is the difference between you and the top producer in your company who seems to effortlessly sponsor dozens of new reps into that network marketing business month after month?"

That top producer has so much value to offer that his/her prospects are eager to work with him/her.

You can do the same thing if you increase your value.

If you are struggling to sponsor reps that means you have no value to offer, or your prospect do not see the value in working with you... when you present your business opportunity they say "NO".

That does not mean that you are destined to be a failure in your network marketing business. It just means you need to increase your value.

Everybody starts at square one so don't compare your perceived success to someone else's. You just need to make a decision to increase your value by reading books, listening to audios, buying courses, attending seminars etc...

I am not telling you to go broke for the sake of increasing your value. At the same time avoid being cheap and invest in yourself and your business.

At the least, learn something new every day that will make you a better person, better leader, and/or better marketer.

Learn to be smart with money. If you are making good money, don't spend it all on your frivolous desires. If you are flat broke, learn to use the free resources available in the 21st century like the library and the internet.

If you want to sponsor leaders into your network marketing business, become the person you want to sponsor. Do you really want to sponsor somebody who is lazy, makes excuses and complains all of the time?

If the answer is "no", then stop being that person.

Be a winner in your business. Losers complain and make excuses. Winners focus on the things that they have control over and make it happen.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing MLM Multi Level - 3 Simple Duplicatable Offline ...

When joining a network marketing MLM multi level business, you have to really think about how you are going to market your product or service and how you will sponsor people. There are many ways to do it successfully, but it has to be strategically planned in order for you to get the best results.

Here are 5 simple dupicatable ways to build a successful business:

1) Craigslist Marketing : Placing ads on is a great way to sponsor people in your local area. It's so important grow a team in your backyard and help your new business builders make money in the first 30 days. Doing so will ensure that you will have a growing and thriving business. The way to do it successfully is to create an image ad that entails the qualities that you are looking for in a person to join your Network Marketing MLM Multi Level business. It stands out better and converts better. Craigslist is very HTML friendly so posting clicking image ads is really simple to do. Your ad must also include a strong call to action and must instruct them to call a number. This number should always be a voicemail and not your home or cell number as your phone will be ringing off the hook. You may also choose to do a more advanced strategy and that is to guide them through an online marketing funnel that will do the pre-qualification for you.

2) Post-it Not Marketing : This strategy is very simple to do and very affordable, yet very effective. It requires just about an hour a day and anyone can do this strategy effectively and get amazing results. All that is needed is post-it notes and a stamp with your message on it. With this strategy you will also need to direct them to a toll free number and if you choose, direct them either to leave a message or visit a website for more information. I would highly recommend directing them a marketing funnel to capture the lead. Lead generation is a very important aspect of this marketing strategy.

3) Home Parties : This 'old school' method still works provided that you know how to give a successful party. The key here is to over invite. Make your home parties fun. Try to decorate your home party according to the theme of your business that you are showcasing. You can even have a virtual home party which is a little more advanced. But, at the end of the day, there is nothing like interacting face to face with people and getting them to book home parties as well.

Doing these 3 simple and duplicatable strategies will yield you great results for you and your team leaders.

Network Marketing | Can Mlm Lead System Pro Help Network Marketing Business ...

MLMLeadsystempro - What's This System All About

The MLM Lead System Pro system is a lead generation and attraction marketing system that can be used for any Home Business Opportunity. The MLM Business entrepreneurs who are part of MyLeadSystemPro learn exactly what the six and 7 figure industry earners do, and use this knowledge in building their own Multilevel Marketing businesses.

MyLeadSystemPro allows you to earn upfront commissions for your home business, whether people join your Network Marketing opportunity or not. By referring your team members into this system, they can also get to duplicate what you do. The MyLeadSystemPro system takes care of educating your team members about the latest skills in lead generation and sponsoring, among other subjects. You can thus focus your efforts on:
1.Implementing the skills you are learning with MyLeadSystemPro
2.Referring other leads into the MyLeadSystemPro platform
3.Growing your Network Marketing business

Just How Do You Grow Your Multilevel Marketing Opportunity Utilizing MyLeadSystemPro

A Network Marketing Business Entrepreneur's best prospects are:

Other MLM business entrepreneurs. They are already sold on the concept of Multi Level Marketing, and if they are not getting the kind of results they desire in their Network Marketing business opportunity, then maybe you can show them how to do this (using the skills and knowledge you are acquiring from My Lead System Pro)
People actively looking to become involved in a Network Marketing business opportunity.

If you've ever tried sponsoring for your business opportunity by immediately pitching your opportunity, then you know you will get more people say NO than YES. By offering My Lead System Pro as a solution, you can start building relationships with these prospects, and eventually introduce them to your opportunity if indeed they are an ideal prospect.

By offering solutions to your prospects, based on their needs, it thus becomes much easier to sponsor and recruit them into your business opportunity. This is a simplistic overview of the MLSP system, but it does show you what the system is based on: the concept of attraction marketing. You can also earn commissions on products and services you offer your prospects. These are products and services that they will need anyway in building their businesses.

If you are utilizing the MLSP system, you can focus on two things:
1.Utilizing the skills you learn inside of MLSP to generate new prospects, and connect with them.
2.Communicate with them, whether by telephone or email.

Through this communication with your leads, you get to do the two things which will earn you money:
1.Call current prospects to take a product order over the phone, or sign them up as a customer or distributor
2.Email your list of leads, with an affiliate link that sells a complimentary product.

Traditional MLM And MLSP

MLSP is about giving you techniques and solutions that work. MLSP gives you strategies used by the 6 and 7 figure income earners in this industry, by the industry leaders themselves, and not all these industry leaders are engaged in geeky activities that will have your eyeballs screwed the wrong way round. They use what works.

There is a goldmine of training within the MLM Lead System Pro platform on non-technical techniques you can use to build your MLM business. This could save you time and money when it comes to educating your team to duplicate your efforts and your success.

So, even if traditional sponsoring strategies are working for you, are your team members having the same sort of success? Can they easily duplicate exactly what you're doing? Do you have the time to teach each and every one of them about what's working for you?

Will MyLeadSystemPro Work For The Techie Online Marketing Multi Level Marketing Business Entrepreneur?

If you're building your Multilevel Marketing business on the internet, and you're generating leads, maybe you're making a lot of money. If your prospects don't make money, they will sooner move on and find something that puts money in their pockets.

Is it easy for your team members to duplicate your success?

For your prospects to do what you're doing, some may need hand holding, and constant training. Are you providing that ideal education for your prospects, and is it effective?

If you're leveraging the internet in some way or form, and you want your team to duplicate your success, then the MLM Lead System Pro platform is a MUST. Unless of course you can:
1.Provide your team with effective weekly prospecting training
2.Give your team access to customizable lead capture pages they can start using immediately to generate leads and start building their businesses.
3.Give your team access to a customizable series of auto responder email messages that they can start using immediately to build relationships with their prospects.
4.Give your team access to affiliate offers they can offer their prospects so they can make upfront cash in their businesses.

If you can do any of the things above, then you do not need the MLSP system.

At the end of the day, the MLM Lead System Pro platform is just a system. It will only be as effective as the person using it.

Building your business, whether offline or online, depends on your ability to:
Attract and generate a list of quality prospects
Build a relationship with that list of prospects
Provide valuable services and products to those prospects.

This lead generation and attraction marketing system can help you simplify that process. More importantly, it can help your team duplicate that process.

There are many top earners using the My Lead System Pro platform, so it does work. Whether it will work for you or not will depend on two factors:
Whether you're willing to put in the work to learn and utilize the knowledge
If you are willing to let My Lead System Pro work for you

Network Marketing | Primerica Online Review: Network Marketing Company Exposed

Thinking about joining Primerica? But not sure if it is for you? If so, are you ready to do what it takes to be successful in your business? But wait just what kind of business model is it? And what exactly do you need to be successful in this particular business model? Well let's examine and take a look at this business opportunity.

So What Kind of business model is it?

When you take a closer look you see that Primerica is a multilevel marketing home based business model that delivers a line of financial products to the consumer by direct sales. Over the last 10 years, this company has had an explosive growth and more so in the recent years like most popular network marketing companies have most likely due to the economy and unemployment rates.

So what kind of products do they market?

First off, this home based business opportunity has a myriad of products from insurance to mutual fund investments with its flagship product being term life insurance. It also offers debt consolidation loans, investment and savings products, as well as automobile and long term care insurance.

What is their target market and audience?

The company markets its products to middle-income customers through a network of some 95,000 independent sales representatives running their own home based business. The market is wide open for anyone needing term life insurance. It also brokers debt consolidation loans so anybody with consumer debt would be ideal. And of course anyone ready to start an IRA or Money Market Account. These are just a few.

What kind of marketing strategy do they adhere to?

This home business model uses a word-of-mouth marketing approach to capture new business and recruits. But is this marketing approach enough? It is true that word of mouth is the most effective form of marketing but typically takes longer than other methods advertising. So just as in any business, marketing is a key factor to having success and the same is true for a network marketing business. Therefore a combination of marketing strategies for promoting Primerica Online and offline will be required to maximize your marketing efforts and to increase your sales.

So what does it take to become a representative?

Becoming a Primerica Online representative costs $99 to join and with that buy-in fee you get a series of training for licensing on life insurance, information on how to promote your Primerica Online business and a means of keeping track of your down-line. You then get plugged into the company resources for just $25/month and this covers the standard business website (which has your backoffice),sales tools, and a support system. The website is also for promotional purposes as is with all MLMs. From your replicated Primerica Online website you offer these products mentioned earlier, but it is your responsibility to promote it and get the links to pull it up through the Google rankings.

How Do I make Money with Primerica?

As with any legitimate direct sale home based business, representatives make money from the sale of products to end users. Another great way reps make money in this home business opportunity is by way of commission overrides from sales made by the team. With all MLMs, it is ideal to build a team to have a successful business to allow you the owner the flexibility of time freedom by leveraging other peoples time as well as making commissions on sales overrides within your organization. Unfortunately, there is not a residual income component starting out in this home based business. One needs to get other licenses in the investments product line before the residual component even begins which can take months even years before you start acquiring those customers.

So what will I need to be successful?

Well all is good and the program seems viable. But what will you need to be succesful? Well the bottom line isn't how good of company or program Primerica is... but, rather, what will you do with the opportunity?

Do you have a plan to get your new home business in front of a steady stream of new people on a daily basis? How do you intend to promote your website? How do you plan to maximize your marketing efforts and to increase your sales. Will you use both online and offline marketing strategies for your home based business? Are you willing to invest time, money, and effort to be successful in the home business industry?

Because the name of the game is recruiting and making sales so what's your plan for making that happen?

In MLMs, the secret to success all boils down to your understanding and willingness to create a sales and marketing machine. You need to first discover how to generate leads via advertising or attraction marketing methods and then convert those leads into product customers and sign ups. Then you must lead your new team into taking the same proven actions.

So how about it... will you allow yourself to be successful and be the next Primerica Icon? Only you and time will tell...

Network Marketing | Your Best Year In Network Marketing By Mark Yarnell

People give up in MLM because they don't know how to handle rejection, stay motivated, nor do they know how to recruit new members and make sales. The pressure can be overwhelming because no one wants to hear about what you're selling. Everyone would much rather go to their local retail store and purchase it themselves.

In network marketing, it's all about how you handle rejection, as well as how motivated you are to keep pushing forward. Some people simply go with the tides until they've been thrown out of the water. The pressure is tremendous at times, but nevertheless, the network marketing industry holds great rewards for those who choose to hang on. Your Best Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell teaches you how you can hang on, even when you feel as though nothing is working out.

This book has sold over 400,000 copies and has been proven to be one of the most inspirational and effective help guides in the business. Millions of entrepreneurs have turned to this guide in times of doubt and discouragement, only to find the uplifting energy they need to help them refocus their attention to their goals and further build their career.

A very important part of building you income as a network marketer is knowing how to create and maintain a downline. Without residual sales and new members, you'll have to continue reaching a daily sales quota all on your own, which can be a lot of hard work. The beauty of Your Best Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell is that it teaches you how to approach others and make them feel compelled to join your team. There are not "secret tricks" involved, just the simple truth about what the network marketing industry can do to change their lives.

Fortunately, you don't have to walk in the dark, fearful that you'll be forced to return to your miserable day job. The good news is that anyone can lead a financially-independent life, free of bosses, strict hours, and paychecks. As a network marketer, you have the power of choice. You can choose what products you want to sell, how much money you want to make, and when you want to work.

Your Best Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell will help you to continue to live your dream by opening your eyes to what you need to do to keep things moving in the right direction. This guide will also help you to remove all of the false beliefs that you may have had prior to your venture in network marketing. Much of society's false beliefs regarding network marketing is a result of the media (mostly the internet). The media has led people to believe that they can begin making thousands within their first few weeks. Unfortunately, this unrealistic view of the industry has resulted in a lot of unrealistic expectations.

Your Best Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell helps you to see network marketing for what it really is. You can take heart that yes, you can make thousands, but it may take a few months. You can even become filthy rich by your second year, but you must know how to run your business and deal with everything in a realistic and enthusiastic manner.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing: 7 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Building A ...

In this article, we look at the 7 common mistakes to avoid when building a successful home based business.

1) I must find the Super Salesman / I must become the Super Salesman.
Many of us view the MLM business as a numbers game but a successful network marketing business builder looks at both quantity and quality of people. There is no doubt that sponsoring is the foundation of building a large organization. However, as concerned as we are about the numbers in our team, we would rather be sponsoring five teachers than five salesmen.

You see, we are not dismissing the fact that salesmen can be a great asset to your team. Sure, the salesman will automatically do very well in selling the high quality products your company offers. They are able to put together their own presentation and sell effectively to people around them.

However, we do not want to tell our people how to sell, we want to teach our people how to sponsor and teach to build a large organization. Likewise, if you are a sales person yourself or you have people who are sales oriented in your network marketing team, teach them how to sponsor and teach to build a sustainable organization.

It can be difficult because if for example, you tell your super salesman that you need to sponsor people to make the larger amounts of income, what will they do? They will go out there and sponsor 3 to 4 people a week. This is great isn't it? However, you may then notice that people are dropping out as fast as they join your team. This is because you are not working with them effectively. Sooner or later, your super salesman will be discouraged by the high leaving rate and leave the organization as well.

In order to avoid this, our organization has to be built on the strong foundation by TEACHING OTHERS to sponsor and teaching them to teach others to do the same.

2) I need to sponsor the whole world to be successful.
The Super Salesman can sponsor 100 people in a short period of time but most (or sometimes all) of them will drop out of the business. Now, which do you feel you could do more quickly -- sponsor 100 people yourself? Or sponsor 5 people who are serious and teach them how to teach their 5 to do the same?

The network marketing business concept works on the idea of LEVERAGE. There is absolutely no need to sponsor the whole world to be successful. Concentrate on working with five in your team and teach them also to work with their five and so on.

3) I only need to bring in one other person.
Most people think that you have duplicated yourself once you brought one other person into your organization. This is NOT true. The concept of true duplication only comes about when you have built your organization THREE LEVELS DEEP.

Take the example you sponsor 'A'. If you leave and because you did not teach 'A' and he does not know what to do, that's the end it. On the contrary, if you DO teach 'A' to sponsor 'B', 'A' will know what to do even if you go away from the organization. However, if 'A' does not know how to teach 'B' to sponsor, then again the structure will collapse and that's the end of it too.

Therefore, in a team, it is imperative to teach 'A' how to teach 'B' how to sponsor 'C'. Now, you are THREE DEEP and have successfully duplicated yourself. And the same goes for 'A', he or she has to build three levels deep as well to keep your team sustainable.

Network Marketing | How To Social Network Marketing-a Guide

Let us talk about a few important guidelines which you need to adhere in order to utilize the maximum value from social media marketing:

You need to have the ability to take calculated risks. You do not need to visit each forum and read a number of posts to figure out the magic formula of succeeding with Facebook marketing. You need to have the drive to experiment with different strategies on a regular basis. You need to have a creative bend of mind.

You need to update your personal status a number of times. If your business is a small one, you need to maintain a delicate balance between sharing of personal information and distributing content. All this affects your brand value. You need to remember that people in general like a personal touch.

Your need to maintain regular interaction with your fans through questions and answers. By using surveys, you will be able to gather a lot of information from your potential customers. You need to remember that if you avoid regular interaction with your customers, the latter will forget you very easily.

Uploading of videos regarding your information, products and services generated a lot of views and attention among viewers. There are cost-effective websites such as Animoto which make it very easy to make good quality videos at a short time.

You should understand that the primary purpose of social marketing is to build reputation. This sets the foundation of your success both from short term as well as long term perspective. You need to educate yourself on the following:

Targeting the right customer
Targeting the right market
Analysing the competition level and making calculated decisions

You should not enter this field with the sole purpose of selling and making profits. You need to build brand loyalty at the same time. LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, Facebook etc. are great places to start networking with like minded individuals. You should always focus on providing high quality information to your fans. Once you have a large number of fans, you can initiate selling your stuff.

Social network marketing is still a relatively new topic among many businesses. Having a good grasp of the fundamentals, taking consistent action and analysing your results in a pragmatic manner will lead to major success. It will not only play a role in adding to your revenue but also in turning your business into autopilot and generating value by itself.

Network Marketing | The Value Of Network Marketing Newsletters

On the flipside, can you really get anything out of producing a newsletter to promote your MLM business? Would it be wiser to apply your promotional skills to a completely different venture that could prove more profitable?

There really are no hard and fast answers to any of these questions. For some, a newsletter will have great to either read or produce. To another person, they just are not workable. Such differences of opinion are understandable. Different people will have different needs and goals. This is what necessitates varied marketing and promotional strategies. However, it is safe to say that a well devised, well thought out, and well produced newsletter can certainly be a valuable promotional tool. Consider that a major reason why it is worth looking closer at what network marketing newsletters have to offer.

The main benefit of such a newsletter is that it delivers the potential to herald the arrival of an excellent opportunity. Not everyone knows where the next great network marketing promotion is. Yet, this is exactly what everyone is looking for. Through an effective promotional newsletter, some may be able to find such a great deal, while others can let people know such a deal exists.

Network marketing newsletters also have the ability to cover special topics in depth. Basically, this means that newsletters have the ability to be informational as well as promotional. Those that might need a little education into varying aspects of the network marketing work will find the availability of such newsletters to be a tremendous benefit.

Network marketing newsletters also have the ability to stir up enthusiasm and interest. This does not only refer to the potential to boost interest to sign up to a program. It can also refer to the ability to get people motivated to expand their performance capabilities in the network marketing program they are already affiliated with. When members of a down line are motivated, they will deliver results. That helps everyone in the network, which is why this component of network marketing should never be overlooked. Motivation is frequently the key to delivering results. Those that have a true love for MLM will understand this intimately.

Does it cost a great deal to produce a newsletter? If you are producing an electronic one, the answer would be no. There are templates available for such newsletters, which makes the design process incredibly easy. For those wishing to produce a print newsletter, yes there are some costs involved. Of course, both will require a certain amount of time to be committed to production and development. Considering the end result could prove to be a boost to business, such effort is well worth it.

Ultimately, you have to give a serious "thumbs up" to the concept of the network marketing newsletter. Such a publication - print or electronic - can be helpful in many ways.

Network Marketing | Build Your Future With Your Own Business In Network Marketing

Pension crisis, double dip recession, savings not earning us the interest they used to, more month left than income to support it. A network marketing business may be for you?

Possibility of working until we are in our 70's - well it could happen couldn't it! The world has changed dramatically and is changing again. We are experiencing another metamorphosis and now is the time to change your situation too if you want to.

Are you happy with your current situation - do you want to find a way to be more in control and to earn another income or more money in your pocket to help you enjoy retirement?

There has been bad press and good press in the past but network marketing is thriving as an industry and performing strongly during the recession. It is an attractive option for the over 50's as well as people leaving college, providing a business opportunity for anyone who wants to have a flexible working day around their children, around caring or simply to earn some extra money on a part-time basis to fund extras that your full-time job simply doesn't cover anymore.

This network marketing business model has many benefits from social drivers -to build relationships and meet lots of people to economic drivers - to put more money in for each month, perhaps to fund holidays, children's schools or special treats.

With the New Year approaching many of us think about what we want to do differently next year and consider other alternatives to make things happen. This month take some planned time - be it an hour or less, to write down your dreams and aspirations for the year ahead. A network marketing opportunity could work for you and help you.

What do you really want to happen next year for you?

What do you want to achieve? Why?

What would help you to achieve it?

How will you feel when you achieved it?

How much do you want to earn?

Are you prepared to allocate some time each week to achieve these dreams?

How long will you work towards your dreams and invest your time next year?

If you answer these and at the end you feel committed to going for them - find your network marketing business opportunity and get started. Keep track of what you do and follow through and invest your time - because no one else can do that for you. Find a good friend, coach or relative that you trust that will act as your rock when you dither and gently nudge you back on track towards achieving your dreams.

Another thing that resonated with me recently - as I love planning - you can enjoy planning so much that you actually don't do anything at all. Plan and then take Action - it may feel scary, it may feel a challenge, it may feel too soon, it may feel you don't know everything yet - but it feels so great when you take some action and begin to see things changing for you. Simply Go for IT!

There are some fantastic business opportunities out there in network marketing and it may require some checking out initially to find the one that feels right for you - you can check out the one that resonated with me below and if I can help please let me know. Be prepared to invest your time and work at it and you will discover how powerful your intent is as you begin to notice things changing in the way you dreamed.

Now is the year to change your life and feel the difference.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Tips - 5 Tips For MLM Success

Perhaps you've read about people making massive earnings from network marketing, and you are wondering why others seem to be dwindling in the same business niche.

Well, the answer is simple, knowledge is power. What you know can improve your chances of succeeding in the same field of endeavor where others are failing woefully.

However, it is also important that you have the right knowledge.

Here are top tips and the top secrets why people excel in network marketing;

1. Getting the right mentoring program

Virtually all those who rushed out from a multi level marketing business so soon, are people who did not undergo proper tutelage before joining a network marketing program. Training and mentoring are the major keys to successful MLM business.

Using the techniques that work from experts in the field and make the entire task easier.

2. Choose an MLM company wisely

Don't be deceived with hypes by those who make presentations on network marketing. If you are carried away by hypes such as "This is one MLM program that makes all the difference!" you may end up choosing the wrong company due to your spontaneous decision.

Ensure that you have natural passion for the product being presented before jumping at it. If you accept a product that you don't have the skills in marketing, you will be frustrated along the way.

3. Devote more time to productive activities

Instead of tweeting and being on Facebook all day, invest more time on productive activities such as quality promotional activities that would bring instant leads and sales.

4. Coach and help your downlines

In network marketing, your success depends largely on the success of those who are following you on the ladder. Ensure that you don't leave them behind. Find out time to coach and provide your downlines with successful tips. You can earn massive passive income from the effort of your followers if you groom them adequately.

5. Adopt the most relevant MLM system for your niche

While some strategies or MLM systems work generally in network marketing, some are more targeted to certain products or services. Seek help from your mentor and come up with the most targeted MLM systems that would bring in qualified leads, as well as massive sales.

You can live comfortably on the income you make from multi-level marketing for the rest of your life! However, you need the right knowledge and techniques to attain such exceptional success.

Network Marketing | Simple Steps For Improving Your Network Marketing Recruiting Skillz

The truth of the matter is that you may sign up a person here or there even if you have no conception how to recruit. If you talk to sufficient people, you're bound to run across a few hopeless enough to get involved, in spite of your highest efforts.

However, this simply increases the problem. it's sooo easy to sit back and say "hey, it's working! I've got two sign ups in the past 3 months!" A bunch of times, people would just as soon be comfortable with averageness than get out of their comfort zone and truly hone their network marketing recruiting skills.

What are some keys to good Network Marketing Recruiting?

One major lesson I've learned is that the less you say the better. In fact, a lot of big-time earners I've heard from won't use more than 10 minutes on the phone with a prospect. when was the last time you did that when you had someone really curious on the line?

I struggle with this one as well, however when I put forth the earnest effort, I experience a dramatic change.

another network marketing recruiting method is to nail down the course of action and memorize by what means to respond to everything.

I comprehend you can't speak the same way to everybody, however having a general format for how to deal with the tough objections will keep you from alienating your prospects. In fact, you'll actually draw them to you.

For example, if somebody asked you right now, "How much money are you making with this?" or "This sounds like a pyramid scheme to me," do you have an efficient way to respond? If not, it's time to get out a pen and paper and start jotting down some ideas, and trying them out.

And, to really get your network marketing recruiting going, you must have a course of action for each of your prospects to go through. Getting on the phone with a prospect and not understanding what you desire them to do (besides sign up!) is like beginning a race where you know where the finish line is, but not the course to get there.

For example, don't rely on yourself on the phone to close the deal all by your lonesome.

First of all, this creates the wrong impression to your prospect, like they have to do it all by themselves, too. If you take them step-by-step through a simple process of exposures, they'll see that it's simple and they can do it too.

It's essential that your prospects watch a presentation concerning your business before you try to close them. Then, you should also get them on a 3-way call.

These are the most excellent training grounds for YOU to learn how to advance your network marketing recruiting by listening to your knowledgeable upline leader close the sale.

And lastly, keep track of what works! I learned this from master prospector Todd Falcone: have a notepad and pencil handy when calling on the phone so that you may record objections, what you said, plus IF IT succeeded! I can't think of a greater way to doctor up your own network marketing recruiting.

Network Marketing | Find Network Marketing Success By Writing Excellent Network ...

Select one main topic to develop in each article and do it within 400 to 800 words. The simple rule for writing any short article is this: Tell the readers what you are going to say. Say it. Tell them what you said. Since your topic is usually indicated by your keywords, put them in the title as well as in the opening paragraph. Note how I worked both 'network marketing success' and 'network marketing articles' into the title and then repeated them in the first paragraph.

The meat of your articles need not involve a lengthy explanation. Readers appreciate articles that get to the point, explain the point well in a few words, and finish with some direction toward a source of further, more complete, information clearly aimed at helping the interested person achieve his goals.

Leave nothing to the reader's imagination in your articles. Be specific about what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Reference your own marketing success as the basis for your suggestions. State or imply, "This is how I am achieving success in the articles I write and place on the web and on my free training blog." Refrain from providing several alternatives. That's confusing. If there is a second or third way to achieve some aspect of network marketing success, save it for another article. Put it on your blog and refer the readers to it in your Resource Box (the final, self promoting, paragraph, which many article sites allow. (see below) Never mention your offer or program in the body. Link to it, however, in the Resource Box.

If you are giving advice rather than providing information try writing the body of your network marketing articles in the first person - it helps the writer connect with his readers and lends a feeling of authority. The Resource Box should always be in the third person - as if someone else is writing about you.

So, begin your network marketing articles with your keywords. Suggest what you are going to talk about. State the meat of your information clearly and briefly in the first person. Provide a resource for additional information and talk yourself up in the Resource Box - help the reader want to follow you to your blog or offer. Add your key word(s) again in the final sentence of your network marketing articles when possible.
Well crafted and placed articles are the best routes I know toward internet marketing success.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Essentials- 6 Tools

Now its time to commit to your business and stay foucsed and motivated

2. Keyword tool creation
To market online either you can place ads on Google, using Pay-Per-Click or you can create content. Remember both the methods must EXACTLY address what people are looking for

This is the best way to reach out to interested leads, who are more than willing to just view your ad or peruse your content passively.

Pay-per-click ads cost money. Content creation requires work, but it demonstrates to interested leads your knowledge and passion for the business. There is a system to help you get started creating content that would rank high on google search results and also add value to people.

Play close attention to the two major benefits that content creation offers. Using this technique potrays you as an articulate leader and validates it via the content you create. And, remember the reason you started creating content? To attract interested indivuals.

A Wordpress blog can be ranked high on Google or any other search engine. This is because there are tons of plugins to tweak your content that makes it easy for Google to analyze and index.
The blog is also a central place where your ideas and knowledge can be shared. It provides a more complete experience to your new visitors. They can then access all the knowledge that you have developed at one single place. You are considered an authority.

4.SEO Website
Your blog itself is your SEO website. An SEO website is tweaked such that the website ranks high for a search of any related keywords of the domain that you specialize in. In the case I am talkin about its Network Marketing. Some keywords include, "Lead generation", "MLM", "Network Marketing"," Internet Marketing", "Social Networking" and several other keywords.
As stated earlier there is a systematic method to tweak your website. There is a method of Article marketing which results in articles you write to point back to your website or video marketing, where videos, you create, point back to your website. More links that refer to your website, the higher in search results they will be.
5.Social Media
This is the second phase of improving your Network Marketing.

First focus on building your website and being perceived as an expert. Then simply provide a link on your webpage to your Facebook page. Visitors, after reading your content on your website, would automatically become your fans. But it's important to remember that you have to provide valuable content to your users. To provide highly relevant information is not difficult. Once you are interested in your niche, you simply document every important idea on your blog.

Second outcome is very interesting. Facebook provides a social atmosphere and in such an atmosphere "Friends" are more willing to listen to your message. Once you become a fan, other friends will hear about it and, if interested, will turn into your business partners.

In order to improve your communication with new leads, email conversation is critical. An autoresponder provides a means to send out relevant and periodic messages to new leads. But, remember, chose an Autoresponder system that makes it easy for a lead to opt out of your email service.
An email message is a non-intrusive way of conversing with your prospect. Not every prospect will jump onto your team immediately. As your messages start to make more sense to your prospect, eventually some of them will decide to join your team.

Network Marketing | 3 Simple Network Marketing Success Tips

My favorite network marketing success tips are the ones that you can implement immediately. I prefer them to the abstract "Believe in yourself!" ones because I'm a get down to the nitty-gritty and tell me what to do kind of person.

The first of my network marketing success tips is to talk to 5 people a day and get 1 watch a business presentation. When I say "talk" I really mean connect with them and build a relationship. Would you join somebody who just sent you a link and told you to check it out? Of course not.

If the person you're talking to perceives you as a friend (even better, a valuable friend), then it's not pitchy when you ask if they wouldn't mind an extra side project that could earn them some extra money.

The easiest place to do this is on Facebook. Join network marketing groups and start adding 25 friends a day. Open chats and messages with them, and begin building a business relationship.

My next tip is to track your efforts. Use Hypertracker or Adminder and keep track of your visitors and opt-ins on your capture page. Then, it becomes very simple to change one aspect of it and then retest it. This way, you can easily create a high-converting page of your design.

If you don't track your marketing efforts, you'll never know what is working and what isn't.

Finally, Use your autoresponder to the fullest! You're trying to build relationships with people, right? So email your list every day with something useful and interesting. You can build rapport in just a few days because they will begin to rely on your information.

Implementing these network marketing success tips, as simple as they are, can be the difference between losing money, and earning 5 figures (or more) every month!

Network Marketing | Achieving Network Marketing Success Through Social Media

Network Marketing is an awesome industry that has the power to change lives. Although I certainly believe that to be true, at the same time, we see massive failure. Partly because people give up too soon, and there is really not much you can do for quitters. But, mostly because the industry as a whole is still teaching some very useless marketing strategies.

I always say, some of the "Old School" marketing is still viable in today's market. However, with the advent of our modern technology, chasing after friends and family to join your network marketing business just doesn't make much sense. The fact is, most friends and family don't qualify as targeted prospects for our business simply because they have little or no desire to build their own business. What does that mean? It means that you will have to twist some arms (in my family, I had to literately detach some arms), and you can't build long-term residual income by force. You need a volunteer army. People that actually want to sacrifice and work the business until it succeeds.

That's where network marketing success via social media comes into play. The unfortunate reality is that good people are leaving this industry frustrated and embarrassed simply because while they are chasing and being rejected by friends and family, tens of millions of eager home business seekers that are roaming around social media forums are slipping through their fingers.

The fortunate thing is that we can tap into an abundant source of fresh, eager leads, via social media. As leaders we should learn, master and teach others the amazing resources available to us online. As leaders, we can and should DRAMATICALLY increase retention and help create network marketing success for our teams by teaching effective lead generation tactics. Allow me to share some ideas for using social media as a lead generation strategy.

Network Marketing Success through effective prospecting online

I enjoy socializing online. Obviously, many people do also. What I enjoy the most is seeing how people gravitate together in social media sites. You can find people of all backgrounds, all interest, all different types of activities people enjoy, and you can find them easily.

What that tells us is that we can easily build a Facebook account that is specific to any market we want to attract. And, just so that I'm not being misunderstood, you can do the same with Twitter, or LinkedIn, or any other social media site. The key is that we can "Laser focus" our friends, or followers, or whatever you want to call them. That is obviously the first step, socializing with the right people. But then what?

Contact, Comment, and Connect

I have to say this up front here, I ABSOLUTELY HATE people that push their business on my face every opportunity they can. Don't you? I'm sure you know the people I'm talking about. The second they become your friends they are hitting you with their websites. They are immediately posting links on your page that is trying to sell you something. That is very bad social media manners. You can instantly see people that have no clue on how to market online doing this.

Whether we are marketing online or offline, people join or buy from you for three basic reasons, they know, like and trust you. It's extremely hard to get anywhere in sales unless these three are in place. So, if you are serious about achieving network marketing success through social media, understand that you need to contact, comment and connect. When used properly, this is the equivalent of know, like and trust. Let me end this post by going over these three in some detail so you fully understand the power of approaching social media correctly.

Contact: Contact deals with you doing some research so that you know that the person you are approaching fits into your target market. I highly recommend that you read my blog post on identifying your specific target market.

Comment: Here you want to pace yourself and set some goals to spend time combing through your contacts to find something that you can comment on that they posted. This could be a picture, a status, a tweet, or anything that fits in well for a comment. But be sincere. Actively look for something that you really enjoy, that you really admire. Insincerity can ruin a relationship before it even starts.

Connect: For the most part, when you comment or like someone's post, they usually acknowledge the comment or like. This opens a dialog with that person. Now you can start building a relationship. And you do that by asking questions. Ask what they do. Ask what their goals are. And again, most people reciprocate by asking what you do and what your goals are. As you develop this relationship, you will have ample opportunity to mention your business.

Network marketing success online through social media is not very different from what you would do offline, build a relationship. The key is staying away from being perceived as a pushy car salesman. You cannot build long term Network Marketing Success being a pushy salesman. People MUST first get to know, like, and trust you. So start the process today. Set yourself apart from those that are doing it wrong. Take the time to Contact, Comment, and Connect and you will find that social media marketing can become your goldmine.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Training - Mlm Basic Beginner Strategies

Currently, I'm the founder of the Bulletproof Marketing system and the creator of the Social Media Domination series, as well as many other books, courses and training programs that I've put together for many other network marketers over the last few years. I've got a lot under my belt and I'm currently working with the number one Internet marketing guy in the world - Russell Brunson. So, I've got a lot going on -- but guys, let me go ahead and get into it now! So, that's a bit about me.

I got started out at Herbalife International; I'm sure a lot of you have heard of that. Very similar to a lot of companies that you're probably involved with right now, whatever business you're in. Old-school methods that say, "Hey, Christian, go out there and do flyers, do the offline stuff, talk to friends out here and make a list, do all that." And I'm sure you hear videos all the time where people say, "Hey, you know, you need to use stuff like attraction marketing," and all that. But what I'm going get into today, guys, from all my experience, let me tell you -- you need to use attraction marketing, and I'm going to explain what that is; and you need to create an online presence for yourself and consider yourself as a leader and an expert; and you need to be sure you're using those things effectively and that you're attracting people to you to join your business, rather than you going out there and chasing them.

So, here's my basic plan that I tell people in my current business, right now. Here is what you've got to do. As an upline member to people in my current company, I say, "Look. You have your first plan, right? You just joined the company, here's what you've got to do." First, make a list of people that you know, whether it be friends or family or anyone that you know that you think would be interested in this. And then all you do is share that you're in this opportunity with them. That's all you do. You share that you're in this business, just so that they know. If they are ever interested or if they ever know of someone interested in something like this, they will contact you. That's it. Leave it at that. You are done with friends and family. You are done with neighbors. You are done with anyone that you know until a later date when someone comes back to you to say, "I want to know more." That's it. That's how it should be. Then you move on to your long-term plan.

For my downline members in my company, I say, "Okay. We're going to work out a long-term plan that you're going to implement using both the offline and online world." Either way, you want to use both of these together because they work hand-in-hand so well, and there's a lot of money to be made using both of these key aspects together. So, I say you need to develop a long-term plan where maybe you're going to create a capture page for yourself, a little bit of an online presence, position yourself as a leader, and put these methods into effect where you can attract leads to you and build your business that way. So guys, attraction marketing is what I get into then. What is attraction marketing? It's basically where you're going out there and attracting other people to you. Just like it sounds, it really is that way; it's that simple. You're attracting other people to you that are already interested in some sort of business, in changing their life, doing something different. You're bringing them to your business and building a relationship with yourself before your business. Basically, you're promoting yourself over your business. People are interested in that because they hear your story, your struggles, your successes, everything about you, and they relate to those. You're tugging at different parts of the brain, psychologically, and they go, "Yeah, you know, I have the same thing with my family; I have the same thing with my kids. I have the same struggles that you had. This person is awesome. I built a relationship with them and now I want to go join their business." So, they contact you and say, "Hey -- I'm interested." So, how do you do that? You build a capture page. (I know it's a lot of information to take in at one time guys, but contact me if you're interested.)

So, you build a capture page; you promote yourself over your business on your capture page; you give away value. You not only share your story but you give away a lot of good information that people can use. There are a lot of different ways you can do it but that's the basis of how you do it. You start to bring in leads that way and go from there. Guys, my time is out, I know that I was just kind of blazing through everything. Hopefully we can get some time to chat. If you guys are currently in a Network Marketing company or you're looking to get into Internet marketing for whatever you're involved with. Give me a call, let me know. You can find my contact information on this video. I'll have my guides listed here on this video multiple times -- my office number, my website, so you can go and check them out. I also have a ten-day free training series you can check out right now -- I'm not trying to sound pitchy or anything but you can go ahead and check it out. I created for you completely for free. It gives a ten-day series with a whole bunch of video tutorials, basically walking you through -- okay, step one, you need to do this. If you want to go into this industry, if you're already in the Network Marketing industry, here's what you need to do first. You need to do this, this, this and this, A to Z. So, you can check that out too at Check out my other stuff, get in contact with me. If you want to work with me personally and kind of get into some of the things that I do and use in my downline to go ahead and duplicate my success, again, get in touch with me. I'll show you my plans. I'm pretty much an open book, guys, so if you just want to find good advice, good information from someone who's already been there and done that rather than have to go pay a whole bunch of money in some course or program -- you know, let me know. I'd be more than glad to share with you. Alright, guys! Well, that's it for me. I've got to run, I've got a lot more things I need to do today. I appreciate your time. I'll see you later.

Network Marketing | Traditional Network Marketing Is Outdated

The internet-way of network marketing
The method of attacking people with "spears" in malls is gone.. Save all your knowledge on your business at one location online, preferebly your blog and MARKET it efficiently.. People who are truly interested in your dreams search online and you can optimize your blog to rank important on the search results by using the proper marketing methods.. Interested people reach you, no sweat, no driving around, and no talking to any Tom, Dick or Harry. The right kind of people will get in touch with you.

How is network marketing done online?
You need to expose yourself to interested individuals and become a Market marketer first! Remember first be a marketer, before people find you. Publish content on your business, preferably in a form of a Wordpress blog.. First, use two low-cost but highly effective methods of online marketing; article and video marketing. There is a proven and systematic procedure to do this. Find the link at the end of this article.

Market marketer- What it involves?
I assume you are passionate about building a business, then it is a given that you will educate yourself about it.. Write about new ideas everyday on your blog.Use article marketing to publish the same content across the internet. Use video marketing; create videos that reveal the same content as your blog. These two means market your content. The first goal is to enable people to find you, then second is creating good content to build belief in your passion and the third is automatic; people will team up and be in business with you.
Being a master is time consuming. At the same time it is not an ardous task. Firstly you are interested in building a huge network marketing business. You are passionate and hardworking. Leverage all these to publish solid and meaningful content and market them on a day-to-day basis. Learn from experts in this field. Engage with individuals who have been there and done that; in a suceessful manner.. If you are interested then you can find the link to a proven and sincere system at the end of this page.

Why you should be marketing online?
Traditionaly marketing is time-consuming and laborious process. It takes countless hours and enthusiasm. This doesn't necessarily mean it is an ineffective way, it is just inefficient.
The internet is a powerful medium. More people are living and looking online, especially true after internet has become more social with the likes of Facebook and MySpace. Transform yourself into a Master; Study, absord and publish content on your blog. Reaching out to thousands of interested people is just a question of time, the internet has a world-wide reach and more and more people are spending time online. This method is extremely efficient.