Network Marketing | Network Marketing Tips: Why So Many People Fail Online

Today I'm going to tell you the truth about Network Marketing, and why so many people fail online.

Many people are going like crazy online to promote their network marketing opportunity, but they totally forget about the successful way to interact with people and to give solutions.

We are in Network Marketing to give solutions and not to sell. We promise them changing their lives. However, we do not give a crap about their lives, and just pitch them with our opportunity and/or products.

So I feel obligated to show network marketing tips to the world and explain to you why so many people fail online. These are the main reasons:

Network marketing companies: In general, they won't give you the right education and training to build a valuable network or the right way to approach people. They, generally, train you as if you had already a powerful network and powerful skills to network.

People are leading prospects directly to a sales page: Honestly, I hate when people do this to me. People who I don't even know send me directly to a sales page that I don't even look at. What about the relationship building process?

Lack of leads: Most of you, who are reading this article right now, don't have yet the skill to wake up in the morning and generate leads. And lead generation and traffic generation is vital for your success. Fortunately, it is a skill, and all skills can be learned.

Lack of a marketing funnel: I still don't know where I would be, if I didn't have a marketing funnel where to lead my prospects and show them what I have to offer them on autopilot. I love marketing funnels. However 97% or more of network marketer don't even know what a marketing funnel is. A marketing funnel promotes you, your services and opportunity on autopilot, even while you sleep.

They don't brand themselves: Most people only promote their incredible opportunity because it's the best in the world and in the history, and it saves millions of lives a day. The problem is that there are thousands and thousands of people promoting the same opportunity. Now you have to give them reasons to join you.

They don't offer free content: Most network marketers won't tell you crap about their training until you don't pay them, or go to their exciting hotel meeting where they show you how happy they are and how well all the reps in the meeting lie. Meanwhile, I and my team teach and educate people, even if they're not in our team. Hey, I'm teaching you powerful stuff right now, and I, probably, don't even know you. Are you already in love with me? Then keep reading.

Lack of multiple streams of income: This is my favorite. All the top producers in network marketing are top producers because they have multiple streams of income. Most people feel the pressure when they approach people because if they don't join their opportunity, they go broke. That's why people who talk with me trust me, because I have more than one thing to offer them, and I offer them the best solutions for their particular case. Believe me, your super products that make people skinny in 30 seconds won't save an engineer's life.

So now I have some important questions for you.
Do you have these problems in your business? Do you want solutions? Do you believe you deserve more in life?

It's your lucky day because I have solutions for you to have all these problems solved in just one platform. Plus a team that supports you and promotes you daily.

Have access to our FREE 3-Day video training responsible to allow my mentor replace her family's income in 30 days and me having crazy results in only 6 days.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing And Affiliate Marketing Are A Great Combination

The pros:

You do not have to build the actual company to own into it
You can earn money even when other people sell
All MLM marketing opportunities have residual income
When, how, and where you work is at your own leisure

The cons:

You didn't create the network marketing business so if it collapses you fall
If the pay that comes in does not meet the quota, the owner(s) can take your commission without notice
It is up to you to be certain that the people you bring in succeeds as well
There are many illegal MLM companies that are only out to take your money

Affiliate marketing means you agree to sell another person or company's products for a percentage of the profits. That percentage can range from four all the way up to eighty percent, depending on the affiliate network you are associated with. You can sell their products by sending people to your own website or directly to the owner's.

The Pros:

You did not have to spend a lot of time and energy making the product
You did not need to try and test sales pages
You don't have to deal with any customer service issues
There is residual income for some products

The Cons:

If you don't have an autoresponder, you will only get paid from your client once
The owner can take the product off the market while your links are still out on the web
There is no residual income for most affiliate products

According to the information above, network marketing has an advantage on affiliate marketing with the guaranteed residual income and the clients are a part of your team for as long as you and they are in the business. Affiliate marketing has an advantage on network marketing because you don't have to worry about getting any complaints from the buyers.

Now imagine having both of these in one system; a system where you can get residual income, get the email addresses of your prospects into an autoresponder and still be able to send them to affiliate products that you don't have to worry about delivering or refunding.

Imagine that system teaching you how to get leads on autopilot and never having to chase them again. Or imagine if that system teaches you how to get paid from the affiliate products even when these MLM leads never join your network marketing business opportunity.

Would that be a power punch or what?

Yes it would!

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Has Many Advantages

One of the best ways to manage your business is to market it properly. The best companies that we see operating successfully through leadership and marketing clever and perfect. So make sure your product and the business market well enough to ensure that the product you sell is well recognized by everyone. This is essential and ensures you get the most out of commercial enterprises as well. So make the right decisions and try to be among the top 10 network marketing companies as it is indeed a prestigious feat to achieve and at the same time feel proud too.

There are some network marketing tips that can be followed while you are looking to earn the amount of money you actually do. Boards of trade are essential to stay beautiful and continue to make profits. The network marketing tips are available in cyber space and you can make all the necessary steps to ensure that the company is working well and there is no problem as such as well. Some of the important procedures that can be followed to achieve success are: A charismatic leader can attract people's attention wherever he goes and he is to appear in all respect and people across the board ' administration comes to realize their dreams and make healthy profit. When running a quality network management market is indeed crucial and you need to be a leader in every sense.

The network marketing companies in India features in a very positive and there are many examples of companies that operate in the current scenario as well. So, to benefit the human right and ensure there are no people who suffer from the company at all. The network marketing companies in India functions in a positive way and there are several examples where companies have risen because people are looking for a replacement income or in parallel with their lives. Network marketing is out which is beneficial for people with low incomes who are looking to increase income or for individuals who seek to stabilize income through its income to a certain limit.

Network Marketing | Efforts That Yield Good Internet Network Marketing Business Results

Using attraction marketing, you will never go wrong if done correctly. It will surely earn you money with relative ease. That is why Effective network marketing is very crucial to learn. Implementing these tactics are crucial for your business' success.

Effective Network Marketing Many people are unsure of what exactly effective network marketing is. This means you will combine resources from the world of offline marketing as well as the Internet. Effective network marketing is extremely easy if done right. MLM's marketing old system will never work in today's marketplace environment. In the year 2008 effective network marketing involves combining a combination of the best strategies. This means you will combine resources from the world of offline marketing as well as the Internet. Effective network marketing is extremely easy if done right, Dale Calvert is a strong advocate of combining offline strategies along with online strategies to get the best out of both worlds.

The world of MLM marketing is all about creating long lasting relationships. This explains why many refer to MLM marketing as relationship marketing. Threatening, pleading with, or trying to entice your clients will not work in the modern world of MLM marketing. Likewise, an automated online recruiting system won't create a sustainable sales funnel without including some form of personal communication.

Making Two Systems Work As One As network marketing evolves they come up with new ways to be more effective. One way is by putting online and offline marketing together and making them work as one. Finding new prospects on the Internet works as a pre-qualification stage. The next step is qualifying them by phone and letting them know you are a real person behind all the marketing. Establishing a good relationship with your team is a top priority and is a great tool to use in relationship attraction marketing.

Effective Network Marketing Tactics

Below are some tips that will help you build a successful MLM business.

1. Attracting potential prospects online that are interested in working from home opportunities.

2. Using the best marketing tools to initiate a first response from the client.

3. Getting contact details from your potential prospect by offering them a gift of value.

4. Talking to your potential prospect in a follow up phone call later in the week.

There are some crucial steps when using attraction marketing. If these steps are skipped or just not done properly you can cause yourself a very leaky funnel with sales falling right out of it. A very significant step in marketing is the moment you make contact with your prospect. After all of that, your prospects end up not buying your opportunity, not your product but instead buying you. That's right "YOU INC." when you attract people to your business they are only buying you and your leadership. The marketing expertise you display, the personal development you display. Do you get it? The most important piece of attraction marketing is "YOU".

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Training " Unlocking Residual Income Streams

But it is correct that many associates struggle in the network marketing industry and that the majority "fail." Is it possible that many have underestimated what it takes? Industry spokesman Tim Sales thinks this to be the case. He correctly labels network marketing a "profession," and points out that every other profession has rigorous training and education requirements.

Does network marketing have specifici training and education requirements, in order to be established in the "profession." Sadly, the details remain undefined. Some have taken on the challenge, including Dr. Charles King, author of "The New Professionals - The Rise of Network Marketing as the Next Profession," and who has developed educational courses in network marketing at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Could lack of proper training be a major factor in the failure of countless new distributors? We think so as do many industry professionals. If it requires years of study to enter most professions, why shoud you expect the network marketing profession to be any different? Is the Distributor Kit, really adequate for truly professional network marketing training? How can anyone possibly be expecting to achieve their goals and residual income streams, particularly when the training generally provided by companies is well behind current trends in the "real world?"

Today's professional network marketer is faced with not only new challenges, but a continuously changing environment. The challenges today include the quickly changing Internet with all of its social networks, bookmark sites, blogs, tweets, and tags, etc. Network marketing companies have only recently started to recognize techniques that have worked productively for years in the profession of internet marketing.

What the new distributor is faced with nowadays is an daunting assortment of tools that seems to be beyond his or her reach technically. It is nearly impossible to make sense or leverage this environment that is at the same time abounding with fraudulent offers and scams. Where can the beginner find truly useful advice?

An interesting fallacy of most network marketing training is the notion that a person's sponsor will be the source of all needed network marketing training. How many sponsors have the expertise to be able to provide the level of training needed? Obviously not a large percentage, especially since for most the extent of network marketing training they've been exposed to is a distributor kit.

The answer for generating residual income streams through a network marketing business lies in getting effective training. In fact, there are clearly a large number of successes in network marketing in spite of a large percentage of failures. What the new distributor needs to do is follow the successful path of those who have already "broken the code." Seeking out a good mentor who can make available the required level of training becomes the key to your own results in developing residual income streams.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Versus Other Types Of Marketing

-Improving the product
-Adding new products
-Supplying sales tools
-Giving educational classes
-Offering generous bonuses, royalties, trips, cars, and other incentives.

Most of the advertising in network marketing is left up to the individual distributor. The distributor provides the retail outlet, usually his or her home. Finding and educating the customer is the responsibility of the distributor. With the help of the sponsor (the person who signs you into the company) the distributor (you) finds friends, relatives and neighbors (known in network marketing companies as your downline) to share this new product and new opportunity with. Your downline the product and who have signed into the company (be coming a distributor, like you) and all the people that these people have shared the product with and signed into the company and so on right down the line. One leg of your downline is one of your distributors and the downline this distributor.

Network Marketing | FACEBOOK營銷 - 一個 “社交網絡營銷 ”指南

"如何以社會網絡營銷 "可能是最近在網絡營銷中的更新,更熱的主題之一。這種形式的營銷的確是一個相當新的動物,如PPC,SEO,博客,電子雜誌,等互聯網營銷的傳統形式不同。這些網絡也被俗稱為 Web 2.0,排序代表的網上營銷,考慮到人類社會的性質的新趨勢。這是此範圍內,促使社會網絡的發展,我們所有的社會性質,其中Facebook是迄今為止最突出的和成功的社會網絡。除了在網上尋找信息,已確定人類尋求社會網絡網上通過電子郵件,聊天室,以及共享可能在一個網絡,如Facebook,遊戲,應用程式,照片,評論等許多途徑,和列表不斷增長的日常生活。


Facebook有許多其他的群體性事件,和標記,它使人們能夠迅速相互連接,作為一種營銷解決方案充分利用了Facebook的力量,如社會功能。基本上,團體和事件,讓志同道合的人相互之間邀請他們的朋友和網絡的基礎上共同關心的一個話題或事件。社交的真正的力量變得明顯,作為朋友的朋友也可以看到哪些更新發生一個人'的個人資料,因此字的口碑廣告確實是非常自動化和強大的一個類似 Facebook的社交網絡。對於企業來說,大型和小型的Facebook營銷無疑是在這個互聯網時代的必然。沒有採取 Facebook的營銷優勢的企業來說,是落後於他們的競爭對手的危險。

Network Marketing | 如何找到您的領導者!唐'T迷失在網絡營銷中的叢林!

有以百萬計的人在網絡營銷賺錢的數字顯示。 2003年,美國總直銷銷售總額超過 290億美元,佔美國零售銷售(美國人口普查局)超過 3,397億美元或近1%。所有這些機會將自己的老闆,你可能會問,"我在哪裡開始呢?"









Network Marketing | 多層次傳銷網絡營銷策劃的重要性

















Network Marketing | 基於一個家庭的傳銷企業和談話藝術


很多人只唐'噸得到它 - 是成功的傳銷 '只是要學習藝術的談話。






如果您'曾經聽說過 "電梯間距 "你應該在家裡嘗試自己用錄音機或您自己的電話。你能否凝聚你有什麼對您的業務沒有被完全厭惡或愛出風頭的說,在30秒或更短嗎? "非常困難,但為了做電梯間距,有效,您必須知道的一切對您的業務,你的產品,你的機會和一切要投入,60秒的談話,其他人留出時間以及貢獻。如果你能在一分鐘內產生興趣,提供名片,並得到一個電話,然後你在談話藝術博士學位!



人們往往在這個數字時代談。每個人都有通信網上或通過文本消息。通過實行良好的交談,你其實可以從其他人脫穎而出,因為你會被認為??是有趣的(或怪異的年輕人!)如果你需要一些練習,找到在網絡營銷中的其他人,扎堆 - 它可以有很多樂趣。

Network Marketing | "Guaranteed And Proven Network Marketing Success In Tough Times"

Do you want to unlock and harness the best Network marketing strategies to stabilize, or even sky rocket your network marketing success in these tough economic times? (or any economic times as far as that goes) Well you are not alone and the Network marketing tips, strategies and secrets below aren't really even tips, secrets, strategies or magic at all.

The key that will open the lock to your network marketing success can be found in this set of nine simple words. These nine words, though simple as they may be, just might be the greatest words of wisdom ever penned when it comes to success of any kind, and those nine, wise words of wisdom are,..."When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

In other words don't just sit there feeling woe is me. Get into action. "Lack of action, results in lack of success, Increased action, results in increased success. Period!

Does it make sense that when the economy slows down for what ever reason, seasonable or other wise that you should slow down your efforts? Why would anyone do that? Sounds to me like that would be the perfect time to Increase action, and here's why.

Think about this. Even in tough economic times there are network marketing strategies being used by some of the very top money earners in the MLM business that do not suffer because of the economy. Why is that?

Well for one; people in tough times still need to make money. People going through tough times need to make money in a big way because they are suffering. So wouldn't it make sense that when people are in need of an opportunity, that's when you should be out there in the market place (in a big way) so that they can find you? Of course it does!

If you are taking time off from marketing your network marketing opportunity, (when people need you most) then the chances of highly motivated prospects finding you are ZERO! That is perfect logic. Think of it this way. If the door is open and you are not there standing on the porch in front of them, they are not going to see you. They are not going to see your network marketing opportunity either, if it is not right there in front of them!

Those nine simple words of wisdom work for both sides of the coin. On one side of the coin you have your network marketing leads (prospective new consultants) that are going through the tough times. The toughest of prospects when going through tough times, will increase their efforts of finding an opportunity to keep themselves from falling further behind. The toughest prospects intensify their efforts to find a solution (your network marketing opportunity). They are not willing to give up or quit, and that is exactly who you are looking for. Hello!

The other side of the coin that we, as network marketing leaders are on is no different. When the going gets tough (our economic times) the tough (network marketing leaders) get going (increasing their marketing efforts). This is a perfect two sided coin and the prefect strategy for your network marketing success.

The top leaders are always the top money earners in MLM. Get it? They are leaders. They are leading the way for all of us to follow. They are making the most money. They are taking consistent action getting (consistent) positive results.

If you want to be a top MLM income earner then you need to be doing what the top MLM income earners are doing. Very smart strategy by the way.

Network marketing success today is being achieved in record numbers because of automation. Automated systems for network marketing recruiting, training, and follow up, are all available with the click of the mouse. Right now!

Right now, is when you should be using the same network marketing strategies that the pros are using. Auto responders, YouTube, facebook, funded proposal marketing, twitter and others. This is the time when we should be working harder and smarter.

Don't go trying to reinvent the wheel. Partner up with other network marketing professionals who get "it". There are hundreds if not thousands of successful MLM leaders who have made their systems available to help you with your network marketing success online. During these tough economic times you should be forming your greatest teams. Take advantage of the automated systems to guarantee your success and profit. Today multiple streams of income are leading the way. Automated systems are responsible for the access to wealth from the multiple lines.

Guaranteed network marketing success in tough times happens through consistent persistent action but it also has to be combined with a system of simple duplication. That holds true for both sides of the coin as well.

More money is being made now than at any other time in our history. Tough times (or not). Network marketing strategies of today are stronger, more accessible and more productive for everyone, and not just the few.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Success has never sprouted from the seeds of quitting. Never will. Success will only sprout, take root and flourish from the seeds of good old fashioned hard (and smart) work and determination. I hope that is you and I hope you take your network marketing success to the very T O P (Total Ongoing Prosperity).

Network Marketing | 如何建立一個龐大的網絡,你的傳銷業務一年


網絡營銷是所有關於你的下線招募其他人。尋找那些前景在線是不難的,所有你所要做的的是使用社交媒體。您可以單獨建立從三個主要來源巨大的名單,他們是Facebook,Twitter和LinkedIn等。 LinkedIn開始了作為是一個更多的商業業務平台,但許多網絡營銷已經發現它的信息的重要來源,由於其他網絡營銷誰掛出的金額。

如果你有堅韌,可以在您的網絡營銷業務工作很難有'沒有理由不能夠每天生成30引線,從一個或所有這些社會來源。做數學,約 200 S '導致每星期52個星期的時間 - "約 10000線索。我'假設你想每天在這一年!因此,讓 "只是說,萬信息 - 哇!因此,什麼 "阻止你?

通過不斷連接 12個月內對這些與那些人,你應該能夠擁有一個令人難以置信的成功的網絡營銷業務。一個簡單的方法來生成信息!你'重新在社交網站與人交談,幫助他們,回答他們的問題,基本上是促進自己和你的個性和樂趣。如果你能加入到YouTube的組合,那麼你'維生素 E了。谷歌調用它重複的內容,並在它的屁股踢你沒有任何恐懼,您可以共享您在所有這些社交平台上的視頻。

關於社交網絡的奇妙的是你可能有努力工作的30人先簽署,但如果你堅持它的30人會告訴你的朋友。你可能最終沒有招人經過一段時間的努力的巨額投入 - 他們會轉介自然。及轉介服務是最好的導致的任何人都可以可能得到。什麼 "甚至更好地了解營銷這種方式 - 它不'噸綠豆的成本!每天只需一點點時間。

如果你想就可以開始自己的博客,並發表有用的文章,那麼博客是社會媒體場景的一部分,因為他們 "重新互動。通過將您的博客,YouTube以及Facebook,Twitter和一切你完全有機會吸引了來自谷歌,Bing和雅虎只是有機搜索與 SEO和關鍵字的形式童話中的灰塵灑。


整個這個社會的媒體事情的關鍵是保持投球和你的產品和機會,你'會做的,是引起市民的反感。你做談的是擁有這種特殊產品的優勢,它可以做些什麼來改善其他人'的生活,解決他們的問題,為他們帶來額外的收入等"別人認為你可以做什麼 "的景點營銷的關鍵。


Network Marketing | 網絡營銷在互聯網上的今天

今天網絡營銷的作品以不同的方式感謝技術進步。根據你的意見,這是一個偉大的還是壞事。您可能是人,還是喜歡拉斷的東西 "老式"的方式。你知道每個人的理貨,撥號,並要求他們,他們 '重新做星期四晚上。你可以一個人,蓬勃發展的技術和知道如何操作它來簡化你的生活中的事情。


網絡營銷的常規方法的工作非常出色,為個人擁有的影響力巨大的球體之間的大規模集團的個人。這些都是個人能夠得到成千上萬的人在他們的公司在不到一年的時間和$ 250萬,一年內。通常情況下,這些個人此外在以前的遊戲,這是他們的影響是。

為 99.9%,彌補了其他人,你必須做的事情有點不同。隨著網絡營銷的今天,你可以從字面上使用互聯網,建立一個開放業務與您的學生的素質的人,的時間表。您的列表可以在成千上萬的長和繼續增長的自動駕駛儀。



隨著網絡營銷的今天,你可能會得到喜歡的是我獲得每天說 的電子郵件:"您剛剛收到的佣金。"散熱效果如何呢?試想一下,你的生活會是什麼樣子,如果你能花更少的時間,今天"的營銷策略來完成更多的。


Network Marketing | 網絡營銷的企業:如何擺脫拒絕



但你怎麼能打開 "否"變成 "是"這一重大障礙?


獲取拒絕所有的時間可以挫傷你的精神和殺死熱情。重要的是你尋求的意見,您如何去解決它的贊助商。早在您的新事業獲得幫助,將有助於你得到這種心理障礙,盡快之前,您就可以進入更大的事情。所有嘗試從經驗中學習,並停留在做正確的勘探方法的重點,你將獲得更多的"是"比"無 "從現在開始。









Network Marketing | 產生網絡營銷的提示信息








Network Marketing | Network Marketing Education For Online Network Marketing

Network Marketing Education has never been better catered for... than what it is today. Could it be because this new model of networking works! It all points in one direction... towards internet! What is available today has a strong focus on the success of network marketers.

Why Has Online Network Marketing Education Become Necessary?

To answer the above question about network marketing education, you have to first answer... "why has network marketing gone online?" The answer to that is simply in that a better way of doing business for the networkers has involved by using the internet and new Web 2.0 technology!

No doubt this is better for members and what is better for members should be better for the network marketing companies. However they are a little slow to see that and are generally standing back. Some companies are trying to encourage successful online members to teach other members... how they achieved their success. This is good and network marketing education will keep growing this way... led by members!

The fact is that 'old model mlm' does not work for the majority of members... Fullstop! The internet has shown this new better way of connecting with large numbers of people through social media and content information. The internet itself has taken some time to mature to the point where it better provides internet searchers with what they are searching for... real search-relevant information. Combine that with the social networking revolution that is drawing people away from their TV sets and you have the perfect reason for the growth of online network marketing and therefore huge scope for good network marketing education... in a system they potentially can work for everyone!

An Online Presence: Website or Blog?

Before you get into a social media frenzy... you need to select a place for your content marketing information. All those social media contacts want to see good content information on you and on your business... in your own words. The choice of using a content website or blog is a personal decision. If you believe you can write 30 or more pages of content... you should lean towards a website. If not... go for a blog or several blogs. Either way... you'll learn how to back them up and link with other content marketing methods.

Would you simply operate with your 'replicated website' from your NWM company? No Way... Absolutely Not! Replicated websites are for company promotion on the company's name, products and vision. You have to unlearn company tactics and learn through online network marketing education that success online is about You!

You need to have your own website business! From this website you market online network marketing... without using your company's registered name and product tradenames. In effect you will have a 'generic' website. You do not want to give ownership of your website to your NWM company. Which is what happens by default, when you accept the company's permission to use their name. It basically means that you can't market any other product and for legal reasons... the company wants a say in what you write in your content.

That does not work in online network marketing. Through current network marketing education that becomes obvious! You'll see... to be an online success... you'll need to have multi-streams of income from your website business. It's a change of mindset!

What Multi-Streams Of Income

In your 'generic' website business you can generate income in addition to your network marketing income from various sources. The network marketing education coming from top online networkers... points to this being 'key' to having a successful website business! Ann Sieg, Mike Dillard and Mike Klingler are pioneers in online network marketing. Their teaching is that your network marketing is part of your website business... a big part... but still... part!

This means that you want to market products to your site-visitors that are useful to them and boost your income. There are many e-products that people will buy for information and use in their business. The affiliate marketing companies and individuals with affiliate programs have thousands of products available to market. With a little experience you can sort out those programs that your site-visitors like and also pay well. However, the emphasis should be on what the site visitors want. That policy will serve you well! An exceptional course on affiliate marketing training is available, but most people are self-taught.

Another income source are 'referrals,' where you promote someone else's product and link your site-visitors to their site. You would probably only do this when you have a large number of site-visitors. Also you can sell advertising space to marketing groups. Many people use Google Ads on their site to generate passive income. Always remember that the income you get from this source is relative to your number of site visitors. Another income source for many marketers is your own product or ebook. All these income sources go towards your online success in conjunction with your network marketing.

Understanding this is vital in network marketing education. Early networkers (myself included)who went online to promote network marketing products... did not understand the value in having multi-streams of income. That is more so today because of the huge numbers of site-visitors you can get to your site via social networking.

Network Marketing Education For Social Media

'How to' information on the use of social media tools is vital network marketing education! The very best available training on most of these social interactive methods... as well as content marketing methods is through click-by-click style video training. Having two screens open on your computer... allows you to pause the training video and go ahead and do what you have just learned. This technique is assisting thousands of online business operators. They are able to get up and get into action much quicker than otherwise!

Click-by-click training is available on how to use Twitter, Facebook, Digg, other bookmarking sites, video marketing, writing Squidoo Lenses, Hubpages, and article writing. Also writing a content website and more. No network marketing education will tell you that you can succeed online with just the social interactive methods. You need them combined with content marketing methods. Having real relevant information for your social contacts to learn a little about you and to learn about your business is essential.

Your time investment is your greatest cost in learning to use these social and content marketing methods. However, they are your most important tools... to be successful in a network marketing website business. The available click-by-click video training is inexpensive and vital network marketing education!

My Conclusions For Network Marketing Education

Where was network marketing education when I started? Really... How easy can it get? The video training you are seeing today is top quality. It is the trainers that are making the difference... and the Web 2.0 technology. Another factor is that what they have to work with is so much better than the 'old model mlm' methods. Being able to pause and re-run videos helps us all to absorb know-how. Most people are visual learners... if something is demonstrated in front of you... you get it!

Astute online marketers who have been their and made the mistakes and learnt the successful ways... are the best people to get your network marketing education from! This way you truly become... an independent website business owner.

Network Marketing | 什麼是你最大的恐懼,開始網絡營銷業務?

網絡營銷業務,是面向21世紀的完美的商業模式,羅伯特 T清崎和川普在他的最新著作,21世紀的商業建議。我看到在直銷業務的優勢,是低投資業務,培訓和槓桿和團隊精神的力量。如果您有為零的業務技能,網絡營銷是偉大的地方,以了解在低投資建設業務。如果你建立一個企業自己的努力,您將需要聘請創業導師,教練或顧問,並就更不用說了資本成本和管理工程。為什麼人們擔心開始網絡營銷業務?這裡最大的恐懼,阻止人們開始經營一些原因。

1。存在的恐懼 Scammed









Network Marketing | 找到一個有利可圖的網絡營銷體系




最常見的和昂貴的錯誤許多新的商業業主之一,是在思維工具包括一個良好的網絡營銷系統。然而,沒有什麼可以進一步從真相。一個良好的網絡營銷系統可能採取的任何數量的工具,而是一種工具...在其本身... ...往往是完全不值錢,除了從一個完全集成的,功能齊全 設計一致的和可衡量的的結果"系列流程"。

例如,你的公司可能會提供您一個美妙的DVD介紹,保證你的產品,服務或機會產生興趣。然而,這 DVD是真正的只是一種工具,旨在讓潛在的前景可能有興趣學習更多的手和DVD播放機的DVD系統(一系列的過程)沒有絕對毫無價值。




使用特定的市場分析工具,表示需要為您的產品,服務或機會選擇一個目標市場。 (例如,"留在家裡媽媽 ")

使用搜索引擎的關鍵字研究工具,以確定確切的單詞,詞組和成語使用選定的利基在您的類型的產品,服務或機會的市場的時候。 (例如,"兼職網絡工作")


寫或外包的信息的問題 /解決方案文章的寫作。


促進通過 ping的網址,社會書籤和保護反向文章。

請注意完整的"網絡營銷系統 "是一系列旨在產生具體結果的過程。在這種情況下,才能得到一個新的網頁排名高的搜索引擎,為你的目標市場所使用的關鍵字。這將導致一個針對性很強的流量的洪水到您的網站 ...你可能有另一系列尚未成熟的流程,設計是為了捕捉您的新的潛在前景的利益,並迫使他們選擇,以獲得更多的信息。

Network Marketing | Topic: "The Network Marketing Success System"

Network marketing has its roots way back in the 1940's. However, it is only for the past 20 years that network marketing has been enjoying a "legal status." Indeed, not so long ago, network marketing was looked down upon as just another illegal financial scheme --- much like pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, and other get-rich-quick schemes.

Today, however, the network marketing industry is praised for its great contributions to the world economy. A multi-billion dollar industry, network marketing is now accepted as a stable and legal --- not to mention highly profitable! --- way of doing business.

Have you ever wondered about the secrets behind the success of the network marketing system? Here are some of them:

*Network marketing companies do not have any employees.

Network marketing companies don't have to allot a budget for social security, health care, and other benefits. Thus, these companies will have a larger sum of capital for other necessities such as training programs, technology development, new products, etc.

*Network marketing companies do not have to spend on costly advertisements and other related expenditures.

The network marketers themselves bear on their shoulders the responsibility of promoting the company's products and/or services. The participants are highly motivated to make waves for the company's products and/or services because they know that they themselves will be earning from such endeavor --- thereby benefiting both the participants and the company.

*Network marketing companies collect only minimal fees from would-be participants or marketers.

People can join network marketing companies by paying just a small amount and then expect to incur high profits in the future. The low cost of entry to the business and the high income potentials lure many people into the network marketing industry and actually help sustain it and promote its success.

Network marketing companies offer the widest arrays of products and services.

People actually support the network marketing industry by patronizing its products and services. Through effective network marketing strategies (sans expensive ritzy advertisements), marketers successfully convince consumers to purchase their products or avail of their services.

Network marketing gives practically anyone the wonderful opportunity to amass great wealth.

Practically all people --- even the "little persons" --- are welcome to join the network marketing industry. Anyone who has the patience, determination, and right attitude can find his niche in the world of network marketing.

Network marketing eradicates all biases and discriminations (gender, color/race, religion, education, etc.) in accepting members. This opens the doors for more participants and increases the success rate of the business.

*Network marketing values time as a precious commodity.

By not tying up its members to a nine-to-five job and instead offering flexible working hours, network marketing enables its members to have free time in their hands which they can use to bond with their loved ones or simply to enjoy a better life.

*Network marketing promotes the value of friendship, unity, and teamwork.

Since network marketing is basically all about sharing, this business model encourages its participants to interact with other people and establish close ties. Network marketing actually upholds unity and teamwork among the participants.

Through socialization and interaction, marketers are able to expand their networks and help the business widen its horizons.

*Network marketing encourages people to form certain goals and helps them attain their dreams in life.

Network marketing is basically all about maintaining healthy relationships, too. By looking after each other's welfare and interests, participants in network marketing are helping each other to achieve their aspirations in life.

While it is true that the network marketing success system has proven its worth in the world economy, it is also important to take note that you definitely need to do your share if you wish to succeed in this business. Here are some of the pitfalls that would-be network marketers should be aware of and carefully avoid:

*Treating network marketing as a mere hobby and not as a business

*Having too high, unrealistic goals

*Lack of patience, determination, discipline

*Having little or no confidence in one's self

*Lack of knowledge and understanding about the company and the products/services that it sells/offers

*Unwillingness to commit time, money, and efforts to the business.

The success system of network marketing is proven by the way it has developed into one of the most forceful foundations of the modern economy. True enough, network marketing can be a goldmine from which you can extract your desired treasures. That is all up to you, though. Will you choose to utilize your tools properly to strike gold? Or will you merely dream about it and wake up to see only dust?

Network Marketing | 小東西的事項,企業建設

你有沒有深入到餐廳,吃了好好吃一頓,支付您的帳單,然後開始走出幾個員工喊出了"謝謝 "你打算出了門?這樣做會讓你覺得呢?這可能發生在非常小的餐館更定期的,但它也可以發生在大的,看中的場所。這是一個為客戶提供良好的感覺,有讚賞和善良的小法只是他們的方式來。他們將更有可能返回,並進一步光顧的業務。


它可能是一個很小的事情,保持跟踪的人,他們說你,如果你正試圖招募到您的業務,如網絡營銷(傳銷多層次傳銷)是必要的。此信息的列表,可以幫助振興一個 "內存在以前的連接發生了什麼。能夠讓別人覺得你記住他們,並完整的情況很可能會打動他們。它可以使他們想加入你的業務,這將是你的底線。




Network Marketing | Online Network Marketing: How To Create Your Money Making Online Business

Online Network Marketing is inevitable for all networkers. Old model offline techniques are 'dead.' The internet evolution and revolution in marketing capability cannot be ignored!

Going Online: The Network Marketing Shift

The beginning of 'the shift' to online network marketing was when internet marketers started to be profitable online. That was from 1996, but in 2000 online advertising got a big boost by the introduction of Google Adwords. Internet marketers started to be more effective and some astute people took to 'list building' for offline network marketing.

Really... the online network marketing revolution got its biggest boost by the revelations of 'The Renegade Network Marketer.' Mike Dillard had put a different, but effective spin on it through Magnetic Sponsoring. However Ann Sieg came out and said what many experienced networkers were thinking. She made it absolutely clear that offline network marketing was a 'failure.' The 95% failure rate that has plaqued the industry for decades is not a figure that networkers can be proud of!

Going Online: Creating Your Own Website Business

After realizing many people were lost in 'an online wilderness'... Ann Sieg and Mike Klingler combined in 2009 to show people exactly 'how to' do online network marketing. Marketing a business on the internet involves having your own website. Taking that step away from a company 'replicated website'... to having your own website has 'baulked' many networkers. When you understand that replicated websites are 'value-less' on the internet... because the search engines ignore them... you start to appreciate the idea of having your own marketing website.

Creating your own website is not difficult. For your main website you want to create a content information site. Internet searchers want information... if your content is good quality searchers will bookmark your site and return. Most quality site-builders can be used by anyone... that is you don't need html knowledge. Also apart from... and to complement your content information website... you can create squidoo pages as well as a blog or two!

Although just having a website does not 'cut it!' You need to have a money-making website business. This involves 'marketing'... to bring site-visitors to your website in considerable numbers. How you market your website has changed since Ann Sieg brought out her first ebook. Today we have more social networking activity, mini-blogs, and mini-video sites that are growing at a fast rate. Online network marketing can use all these interactive tools in association with content information marketing methods. Natural search traffic is every marketer's 'most wanted response!' Good content and good online interaction are the ingredients for achieving excellent natural search traffic.

Going Online: Choosing Your Income Streams

More traffic to your website means more sales of whatever you have to recommend. Also it means more subscribers to your newsletter. More subscribers means more people who'll join your online network marketing business!

The income sources you choose to have on your website business can be affiliate products that are both digital and/or hard goods. You join the affiliate company for 'free' and every sale that comes via your website can generate commission payment up to 75% of the item sale price. Affiliate ebook marketing is popular and it's not hard to find ebooks related to your website theme. Referral marketing is another worthwhile income source. Basically, it involves promoting products at another person's website.

All your income sources should have value for your site-visitors. If your visitors are not interested in your website theme or any of your affiliate products... they may be prepared to click a few Google Ads on your website. Selling Ad space is very popular as an online income source. Other marketing groups have similar schemes as Google. You get paid on the number of 'clicks' to these Ads by your site-visitors. Your income fom this source is relative to the number of site visitors coming to your website. High traffic websites make substantial income from this source.

The most important marketing tool on your online network marketing website is to have a subscriber list. People only subscribe to your newsletter if they appreciate your website information. Therefore you endeavour to continue to supply quality information in your regular newsletter. Having a regular newsletter allows you 'time' to build trust. People don't join network marketing businesses without a level of trust! However through your newsletter you can market/recommend ebooks and other products to your subscribers. Keep your subscribers informed about new products and this income source will serve you well.

Going Online: Effective Content & Interactive Methods To Use

Properly balanced online network marketing strategies must incorporate 'content marketing' and 'interactive marketing' methods. Your main content method is to have a content information website. All your other marketing methods should lead to your information website. Other content methods to use are: 1. Article-Writing 2. Video-Streaming 3. Press-Releases 4. Whitepapers.

Article writing is second to content websites as far as gaining natural search traffic goes! Your articles can be topical and you can point several articles to the same webpage. Once written and submitted... articles keep working for you... year after year! Videos can be used in your web-pages, articles, squidoo lenses, and emails. Although videos are a content marketing method... they get a lot use in blogs as well. In fact blogs are both content and interactive. Anyway videos deliver your message with enormous impact!

The best interactive marketing methods are blogs, social networking sites, bookmarking sites, and niche-forums. As opposed to content marketing, all these interactive methods, are more time-consuming. However... that said... they are all very powerful in delivering site-visitors to your website. Your time-management is generally served best by not trying to 'work' too many of these methods.

Whereas your primary business is your online network marketing... you need to remember that only a small percentage of your site-visitors will be interested in that business. Therefore having other monetization sources available with your content information will boost your website business.

Going Online: Conclusions

The internet has altered the way a lot of things are done today. Online network marketing is developing away from its 'offline' roots. This is both essential and sensible. Natural progress will eventually take all networkers to online network marketing. The industry 'failure rate' gives them no reason to hesitate!

Practicing network marketing on the internet is only effective as part of a website business. You are in business to 'make money,' so having multi-streams of income is essential. Just creating your own website to promote your network marketing business is 'internet death.' You miss out on income and more importantly for a internet business... site popularity. Providing a quality information experience for your site-visitors is paramount to online business success.

Using all content marketing and interactive methods in promoting your website and business will bring you site-visitors in high numbers. How to actually use those marketing methods is now available and covered very nicely in click-by-click training on 'how to' do online network marketing to boost your income!

Network Marketing | 網絡營銷 - 何時停止下線夢,並採取行動


建立一個網絡營銷的下線,是在第一個挑戰。大多數人都在他們的業務開始通過相同的頭痛和心痛。您可以通過您的朋友和家人的初步清單,然後突然你的井幹運行。你只能伸出你的母親 第二表弟"阿姨,讓你來的結論,你必須達到和擴展您的網絡之前多次。有人得到就掛了,只要把他們的計劃之前,他們甚至試圖建立一個堅實的基礎。



使用您的客戶群,也是一個偉大的方式招募和建設網絡營銷的情況下下線,動用你的腳趾。您可以使用您的銷售電話作為一種,慢慢地引入到你的機會的客戶的產品。你與客戶更舒適,更舒適 會時出示你的機會,新的人,和信心是完成銷售的一個關鍵組成部分。


Network Marketing | 什麼是直接響應網絡營銷?






Network Marketing | Different Network Marketing Strategies

Greetings Fellow Networkers,

The fact of the matter regarding the Network Marketing Industry (aka MLM) is that 97% of people who start a MLM business fail!

In this article I'm going to share with you some Network Marketing Strategies that have given me a variety of results over the years. Some are more effective than others. If you want to make it into the group of 3% that make it then it is important that you master at least one of these strategies. I also recommend that you implement more than one to achieve maximum results, that being, more leads, more prospects, more cash flow and more profits!

Choosing the best strategy for your business will depend on your skill set, your budget, your experience, and the amount of time you have to devote to your MLM business.

Here's a few to consider:

1) Traditional MLM Approach

This is the "old school" strategy used for decades in MLM. In the traditional approach your most important activity is to create as large a list as you can of all the people you know. This list usually consists of your family, friends, co-workers, people you spend money with, former classmates, etc. You get the point. It's everyone you know or have ever known.

The next step is to contact all these people and tell them about your new business opportunity. It is important to be enthusiastic and excited! The methods of contacting these people range from 3 way calls with your upline, or showing up to their homes unannounced with the product and/or a video, or unsolicited emails with a link to your company replicated site, or inviting them to a meeting/webinar, or calling them on the phone to get them to listen to a pre-recorded message that pitches the opportunity for you.

The problem with the Traditional MLM Approach is three fold. First of all, MLM has a very negative association to most people because they know someone who failed in MLM or they themselves have failed (the 97% group). Many folks have the impression that MLM is a "pyramid scheme". Secondly, once you have contacted everyone on your list and no one joins your team who do you go after next?

Last and most importantly, the people you know best will believe you the least! What I mean by that your warm market may know you and love you but you have NO business credibility with them. Don't' feel bad, it's not your fault. Even Jesus, when he went back to Nazareth, was rejected by the people who knew him and they ran him out of town!

Inevitably, new reps armed with a high level of persistence chase, pester, and badger their friends to the point where these relationships can be permanently damaged. Rejection is a harsh thing to deal with and the majority of new MLM reps don't have the strength to handle it. After a few initial rejections most reps quit.

This is not to say that you shouldn't approach your warm market about your business. I recommend that you only share your business opportunity with people you know when you have achieved a level of success where you don't care whether they join you or not!

2) Buying Leads and Cold Calling

This strategy involves buying lead lists from companies that sell "targeted" contact list for Network Marketing. These lists are supposedly "qualified" people who are interested in MLM or have already been in MLM. The sources of these leads usually come from former leaders in MLM companies that sell their downline information.

These lists are typically very "stale" and consist of contacts that are in the 97% failure category. Cold Calling requires a well-developed sales skill that most people do not have. Only a very few exceptional people are good at it. In my professional opinion this strategy is a huge waste of time and money for just about all MLM reps!

3) Running Job Postings On Employment Sites

Another approach is to run job postings on employment sites like Career Builder and Craigslist. Basically this is a deceptive "bait and switch" tactic where prospective job seekers are enticed to answer the ad with expectations of a real job with a traditional company.

Promises of hope and opportunity get their attention. However, most of these people are unemployed with no money to invest in a business and need immediate income just to pay their bills. Once they discover that there is no salary or guaranteed money they become annoyed that you've wasted their time. They get pissed and may even report you to site admins. Avoid this strategy at all costs!

4) Buying a Self Replicated Online Marketing System

There are some very slick online marketing/lead systems available today. These systems are typically a replicated website, which promotes your product and/or business opportunity. Normally these systems include a robust contact management feature and a "squeeze page" or opt-in form for interested prospect contact information.

The issue here is that regardless of how "slick" these marketing systems may appear matters not if they can't be found on the internet. You still need to have a strategy to drive traffic to your site. It's like having a billboard on a road in the middle of nowhere. In my opinion unless you have expertise in generating web traffic or have the money to pay someone to do it for you, this is another waste of your money and time.

5) Attraction Marketing

This dynamic strategy utilizes the power of the internet to "attract" current and potential network marketers to you! Also know as "Magnetic Sponsoring", this approach involves promoting yourself as an expert in the MLM industry by sharing valuable content for free which will benefit others who are seeking solutions to problems they have. You build your brand by establishing a list of followers who perceive you as someone they trust and want to follow.

The basic philosophy of Attraction Marketing is three fold: Build a list, develop a relationship with that list, and market solutions to that list. Using multiple internet marketing tools, an MLM rep can put his/her business on "auto-pilot" whereby traffic and qualified leads are generated to your sites. Tactics such as chasing friends and family, buying leads, and cold calling are no longer necessary. People pursue you because they believe you are someone that can lead them and help them MAKE MONEY!

Attraction Marketing is as much about becoming a LEADER as it is about internet marketing technology. People do not join an MLM company because of the product or compensation plan. They join because they believe the leadership of the company is solid, trustworthy and will be dedicated to their success! Attraction marketing is a process that can be learned by anyone who commits to it.

Some of the techniques employed with Attraction Marketing include Pay Per Click Advertising, Organic Search Rankings, Blogs, Webinars and Teleseminars. This strategy includes mastering such powerful tools as Social Media Marketing (Facebook), Search Engine Marketing (Google), and Video marketing (You Tube).

The downside to Attraction Marketing is that it can require a significant investment in time for education and training. Internet technology is exploding and changing at an unbelievable rate. The challenge of keeping up with the constant innovations and becoming overwhelmed by the amount of information can be daunting.

An upside to this strategy is that the upfront capital required to get started is quite reasonable. An effective and profitable internet MLM business can be started for as little as $500.

6) Value Marketing

Value Marketing is the next generation of internet MLM marketing. Building on the concepts of Attraction Marketing, this strategy at its core promotes the principles of giving away more value to people in the form of content, training, support, coaching, innovation and collaboration than people would ever expect.

The basic philosophy of Value Marketing is that your success in business and in life will be equal to the quality and quantity of value you give to others.

To discover the secrets of Value Marketing please feel free to visit my blog. Take advantage of all the free information that is guaranteed to help you overcome your biggest MLM challenges and get you the results you are dreaming about!


Your feedback is appreciated. Please leave a comment.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Network Marketing | 網絡營銷的優勢


在網絡營銷中,您'會聽到的詞語,如上線和下線。 Uplines是銷售人員招人自己的球隊出售,並最終招募他人加入我們的團隊。這些銷售人員培訓與業務感興趣的其他人如何出售和招聘新的推銷員。上線的推銷員提供了重要的鼓勵,支持和靈感的人對他們的下線。下線只是在上線的網絡人。更大的網絡產生更多的收入是由下線,這意味著最終的uplines更多的利潤。


新入職的往往是大量的培訓和灌輸到新系統之前被發送出去賣,利潤最大化的uplines。網絡營銷公司提供培訓,使他們新兵可以學習如何啟動,維持和招誰共享相同的願望賺取更。傳統 uplines或每個網絡組組長的每個人在他之下提供針對性的培訓。


當一個人經歷了一個產品或服務,才是真的好,那個人的傾向是與他人分享。是那些最接近客戶,如家人,朋友和同事 - ,所有的人可能是潛在的??客戶以及的人一個滿意的顧客將共享信息的第一人。那些相信自然會分享到他們的網絡,太多。
