Network Marketing | MLM Pitfalls For New Recruits

If you are a new recruit to MLM or have just recruited your first team member for your MLM business what are the pitfalls you should be aware of?

Almost everyone who joins a MLM (or Network Marketing) business does so with great intentions & has lots of enthusiasm, so why is there such a high drop-out rate? Well this is down to many factors & there will be different reasons for each individual as to why Network Marketing doesn't work for them. However there are many common reasons that you as a new recruit or as a new sponsor should be aware of.

Not a Big Enough Why?

In order to succeed in MLM, and indeed most things in life, you must have a reason "Why" you are doing what you are doing in the first place. Without a reason, Why, then what is the point in starting something? If your Why is big enough then you will overcome whatever obstacles are put in your way & you will succeed. As a new MLM recruit your sponsor should have a chat with you at the very outset of starting your business so that you can narrow down your reason for joining the business. As a sponsor you should be the one sitting down with your new recruit for this chat. Whilst there may be many people with similar "Why's" everybody is unique & will have their own particular slant on the "Why".

It's important that your "Why" is narrowed down to be very specific, it's not good enough to simply say that "my why is that I want more money". You should know exactly how much money you want & when you want it by. If you need the money to buy a bigger & better house then you need to think about why you want a bigger & better house, is it to please your wife or partner? Is it to prove to your doubters that you have "made it"? Once you have narrowed down the exact reason why you want to be successful in your MLM business then you are much less likely to quit & have a much greater chance of reaching your goals.

Even with a big enough reason why you are doing MLM you could still be stopped in your tracks by rejection. In just about all MLM businesses you will be taught to build your business by first approaching your warm market - your family & friends - however when some of these people say no to your products, services or business proposal it can severely knock your confidence & you will feel your initial enthusiasm waning. There is no getting away from the fact that many of your friends & family will say no, it's just a fact of life & you should be prepared for it. You must try not to take rejection personally, remember they are saying no to your proposition NOT you, they will still be your friend, as long as you don't try for hours on end to try & get them to change their mind! You have to respect peoples wishes and if they say no, thank them for their time & move on.

It's a Scam

You will come across people who when introduced to MLM will tell you it's a scam & that you have got yourself involved in some "illegal pyramid scheme". Often people like this have no real idea what an illegal pyramid scheme is, however they are sure that's what you are doing. With these types of people it's often best to just move on, they are "closed minded" and will not listen to anything you or anybody else tries to tell them, they have made up their mind and that's it. Do not try & argue with them or you will just end up losing a friend. As a sponsor you just have to advise your new recruit that this happens in Network Marketing & that they should not take it personally.

I Don't have Time

Another common pitfall is that new recruits will say " I just can't find the time". If this happens then you should go back to the "Why" why did you, or your recruit, join the business? If the "why" is big enough then people will find or make the time. I have come across successful people in Network Marketing from single mums with seven jobs, to doctors working 70 hours a week, so anybody can find the time if they really want to.

Network Marketing | Essential Tips For Your Network Marketing

The Global economic melt down has had its impact on all sectors of economy. The worst part is that it has hit the predictability of future; it is going to be very unpredictable. One second the economy is doing well, and then it abruptly goes astray. When the market performs poorly, it hits the employment sector in the worst possible way. Retrenchments, lay offs, time-share and simply terminations seem to become a nightmare for a professional.

The above scenario forces an employee seek for alternate source of income. After all he has to survive, and perhaps his dependent family too. This situation has opened a floodgate of new comers in the Internet Network Marketing business. The reasons are simple, one can work from the comfort of the home, with initially a laptop or a desktop and an internet connection. That is all that is required to set up your Online Marketing system.

However, one must be wary of a few grey areas in Internet Network Marketing Business.. People jump in the Network Marketing business as the general notion is that it is the fastest money-churning machine, requires no investment, needs no skills and can churn five to six figure incomes in no time. The reality though is far from the perceptions.

The objective of my writing is not to discourage the newcomers in the field of Web Marketing. What I want is that those who have joined the web marketing business by being lured by the misconceptions need to do a reality check to avoid any disillusions tomorrow. I will be very happy to see new comers become the future super gurus in the Internet Network Marketing industry and millionaires personally. What are the ground realities of the business, what one should do to succeed?

1. Learn Internet Network Marketing

Knowledge is the key to success. Without sound knowledge of Internet Marketing, one cannot understand the demands of your opportunity or offer as well as that of a prospect. In fact, one should understand why a prospect prefers a particular product to the other, what are the so-called tricks of networking or social interactions.

All new comers should therefore invest time, effort and little money to learn the Network Marketing or MLM, as it is also called, before jumping into it. Failing and then blaming your luck and getting discouraged is most regrettable and undesirable. Learn the trade and conquer it. You did not start writing words without first learning the alphabets... A, B, C and so on.

2. Invest Time

If someone has told you that you can run a successful, moneymaking Internet Network Marketing or MLM model without investing a good deal of time, you are living in a dream world. You need to spend time and a good deal of time to operate your MLM business. No business runs without personal involvement and attention on a daily basis, at least initially. Once your system or module is primed and smooth, you can switch it to an "Auto" mode. Therefore you need to decide and dedicate a good amount of your time to your MLM business. Do not take it as a part time hobby the business will also take you casually.

3. Establish Your Goals and Targets.

There is a saying "If you don't know where to go, all roads will take you there" how apt and how true. An aimless wanderer reaches nowhere. One must establish personal as well as business objectives well in advance and work towards achieving them. Like to generate first, second and third 10 leads by a set date, to get your first recruit by an agreed date and so on. Your targets will become the basis for your business plan. This business plan should become the basis for your MLM action plan. Once established, work towards achieving it with periodic milestones to check the course and apply corrections. You will see how fast you will move towards your goal.

Internet Marketing business or Network Marketing models are not very different from any other business models. Here the flexibility is that you can operate from your virtual office, your laptop and an internet connection. MLM business can, if taken seriously start churning at least a reasonable cash from the first couple of months. If you are lucky and hit a jackpot, who knows you might start earning a six figure income from the very first year. The only word of caution is that do not take the business as a casual pass time, the business might respond by passing you. If economic slowdown has highlighted this amazing earning opportunity, do not let it go by.

Network Marketing | Magnetic Sponsoring - A New Perspective

The old style network marketing tactics which include pitching friends and family, cold calling, hotel meetings, and home visits have gone the way of the ark after the internet became a part of everyone's life. Well that's what the new breed of online attraction marketers will tell you.

But do their claims stack up? Or it just another way to separate you from your money?

Well in absolute terms the answer to the first question is no (and the answer to the second question is yes - obviously), for the simple reason that old style network marketing still works extremely well - for people who are happy to do business that way.

On the other hand there is an increasing group of people who resolutely do not want to do business that way. Enter the online, attraction marketing business model.

Sometimes also called magnetic marketing, attraction marketing if used correctly by a network marketer is a fun way to create leads. Probably the most successful products or system extolling the benefits and methodologies of attraction marketing is called Magnetic Sponsoring.

The primary difference between doing business this way and the traditional way is that with the former people approach you, whereas with the later you always approach them. Big difference.

If you read the Magnetic Sponsoring book you will learn a powerful way to attract hot, qualified leads without having to hustle family and friends or resort to cold calling.

The book was written many years ago by a guy called Mike Dillard. Dillard was a frustrated and failed network marketer who was looking for a better way to generate leads. He figured that if he could generate leads online it would mean he would no longer need to make cold calls (a method he hated). So he developed a system, made it work, then decided to tell others about it. Hence the idea for his Magnetic Sponsoring book.

Since writing the book Mike Dillard has become the number 1 practitioner for the attraction marketing way of doing things. His company has developed many other info products designed to help marketers learn all of the different ways to generate leads the Magnetic Sponsoring way.

Some of the techniques espoused by Mike Dillard are blogging, article marketing, email marketing, squeeze pages and pay per click advertising

Positioning is important which is why the book devotes plenty of space to help you reprogram your thinking. Instead of the marketer being the hunted - Mike turns that concept on its head - he/she becomes the hunted.

If you are a newbie to network marketing and have already joined a company it is vital that you seek guidance from your upline. However, by reviewing the Magnetic Sponsoring book you may find it helpful to incorporate some of the ideas contained in the MS book into your fledgling venture.

It is important to keep in mind that not all network marketing companies encourage online marketing. In fact many of them actively discourage it. That said I still see virtue in buying the book as it will give you valuable insights into how to position you as being someone worth talking to.

To summarise, even if you build your business mainly with off line methods, I can see zero downside from embracing some of the general concepts and principles covered by Magnetic Sponsoring

Network Marketing | Home Based Business - Keep It Simple

Many times people often pose their challenge, not so good experience in network marketing. As a human our first stab is directly at the business model or at the company with which we are affiliated with. In my opinion we need to educate people more to solve problems rather than getting stalled with the problems. First of all we need to have clear understanding that home based business alias network marketing works, indeed it is one of the fastest growing industry in North America.

To build home based business, we need to learn to keep it simple.

Commitment - Individuals, who start this business, and do not grow as per their expectation, do give up very easily and quickly. Initially, they should not expect any major growth for first 6 months. Their sole focus should be their personal development during first six months, with some work to apply their skills. After 6 months period, one is bit more seasoned and appreciate the beauty of the business shall ensure their commitment again by working and renewing on a daily basis. Business has to be treated like a business, even though it is operated from one's kitchen table.

Relationship with prospects - When we start prospecting we believe we should focus more on building the relationship. I am in complete agreement with my statement about building a relationship. It certainly helps but what kind of relationship needs to be built with the prospect. Many networkers believe we should get bit interested in their life, learn bit about them and their family.

On basis of some research, it's just not about any relationship, because prospect may not be really interested in relationship at the beginning. One needs to build the right kind of relationship with the prospect. We need to evaluate what is it that prospect is looking for and can you genuinely tailor made your business model for the prospect. We need to be an advisor, counsellor for the prospect to help him make the right decision. Be simple, keep your information pack simple, don't overload prospects with the information nor hide the facts from the prospects.

"Many networking organization leads their associates down confusing paths. The savviest one simplifies and personalizes the route."

Power of small wins - Set small goals, as a human nature; we want to see success as quick as possible. We want to learn quickly that we are travelling in a right direction specifically these days with all advanced technology people do think they can complete 3 hours journey in 30 minutes. Therefore, it is very important to keep track of the progress, reward each little victory, which will give boost to the business building life.

Network Marketing | How To Assess Top Network Marketing Companies

Because no two network marketing opportunities are the same, it can only be beneficial to research all of the possibilities. Many of you are certainly new to the industry. So what kind of questions do you need to ask?

The Power of a Product

What kind of product would you like to market? As mentioned before, each company involved in the industry is unique. The product or service a company promotes is integral to its success. Determining whether or not a company has quality products can be a great way to predict stability and longevity.

If you're going to align yourself with one of the top network marketing companies, don't you want to ensure the business is built to last? If the offered products are high quality and already have a market of buyers, chances are the network marketing company has a firm foundation.

Network marketing companies together offer an incredible array of products. From health-benefiting supplement lines to makeup, this industry seems to have all corners covered. There are so many viable options that deciding between two of the top businesses in the industry can prove to be a daunting task.

Here's some simple advice that can prevent your inevitable headaches. Choose a product that you use and have some knowledge of, or are passionate about. You'll find that it is much easier to commit to a business that deals with products in your realm of familiarity.

If you have a passion for health and fitness, you may find it rather enjoyable, maybe even easy, to market a line of weight-loss products. Because network marketing is not some kind of get rich quick scheme, being able to enjoy your work in the long run is invaluable. Always ask about the products.

Ask About the Pay!

When electing to pursue a career in network marketing, or any business niche for that matter, it is important to understand a company's compensation plan. The internet seems to have done away with pyramid schemes and scams. Negative reviews that go viral serve as a death sentence for ill-intentioned companies. That being said, you're not necessarily examining the payout plan to protect yourself, but to simply educate yourself.

Luckily, the networking aspect of this business niche makes learning about the compensation plan easy. This is because existing dedicated marketers will gladly explain the intricacies in hopes of converting a sale. They will also point you in the direction of information produced by the companies that should clarify the pay plan.

Finding the Right Fit!

There are truly dozens of quality network marketing companies. Asking the right questions and learning the basic necessities will help any budding marketer make educated decisions and align themselves with the appropriate company. I can't emphasize enough the value of enjoying your profession! Remember to educate yourself before joining one of the top network marketing companies!

Network Marketing | The Paradigm Shift In Network Marketing Lead Generation

It is said that leads are the life blood of any Network Marketing business, and if you want to stay in business longer than 90 days you're going to have to be taught or develop your own strategy for Network Marketing Lead Generation.

If you're new to the industry, your sponsor should be the first person to go over the importance of generating leads for your new business. Depending upon how your sponsor was taught to generate leads is how he or she is going to teach you. There are two schools of thought about how to conduct network marketing lead generation.

One where you are the hunter and you chase down family, friends, co-workers, community leaders, or anyone with a pulse that is willing to listen to you about your business opportunity. Using this method for generating leads you will probably be told to go home and make a list of at least 100 people you know to include family members, friends, co-workers, community leaders and anyone that you have a relationship with. This is your "Warm Market" or people you know, trust, and respect you and are willing to listen to what you have to say. What happens when you run out of people who are in your "Warm Market" and you're still struggling to sponsor new people into your business?

You will probably be told to purchase leads and call them and talk to them about your business. The problem with purchasing leads is you're going to have to do what is called "Cold Calling" where you pick up the phone and speak to someone who has already been called several times by different Network Marketers trying to pitch their business opportunity. Most opportunity leads are sold at least four or five times to people just like you who are told to purchase leads and they quickly become fed up and become rude or asked to be taken off your list.

When chasing your family and friends or purchasing leads don't work you will probably be told about the "Three Foot Rule" where you talk to anyone that comes within three feet of you about your business opportunity. The problem with all of the above methods of Network Marketing Lead Generation is that none of the people you talk to are qualified leads. Qualified leads are people who are actively looking for a business opportunity and want to join a leader that is going to help them build their new business.

People have built their Network Marketing business by using the above methods, but they are not for everyone, and if you're one of those people who could not wrap your mind around or felt uncomfortable with building your business using the above Lead Generation methods, there is another way to build your business.

The Paradigm Shift in Network Marketing Lead Generation

The second school of thought when it comes to Lead Generation is one where you are the hunted. This involves you positioning yourself as the leader or expert that those that are actively seeking a business opportunity are looking for by providing value into the market place. You do this by providing a free report or training on the topic that they are searching for and you do this without any desire for anything in exchange.

People join people they know, trust, and respect and you can only get this with people you have built a relationship with. The reason this did not work with your warm market is because they were not looking for a business opportunity, you pitched them one because you had a relationship with them and they knew, trusted, and respected you. There is a time to approach your "Warm Market" but doing so when you first get started is not the best time.

Becoming the leader or expert involves you knowing and determining your "Target Market." Without knowing your target market you will be trying to sell your product or service to people who don't need or want your product or service. Since this is about Network Marketing Lead Generation your target market could be other frustrated Network Marketers that are having problems generating leads for their business.

Since all Network Marketers require leads for their business, all you have to do is offer a product or service that is the solution for their problem or the answer to their question. You present your offer in a place where they are looking (Search Engines, YouTube, Facebook, blog post, Article Marketing) and when you do it right, they will find you and come looking for you with wallet in hand ready to purchase the product or service you are offering. When you can generate leads for your business on demand and teach others how to generate leads for their business at the push of a button, you become the hunted instead of the hunter.

Network Marketing | The Truth Regarding The Best Network Marketing Companies!

Network marketing is a unique beast in the business world. Many people may not grasp the intricacies of this marketing niche initially, but I'm positive that a little bit of self-education can remedy this confusion for all. So how do you self educate?

Learning how to Gauge a Company

Luckily for modern entrepreneurs, the internet contains vast libraries of content related to a number of the best network marketing companies. By using the world-wide-web to look into these companies, potential network marketers can delve in to pages of reviews and testimonials.

This initial research should definitely get you a feel for a company's direction and make-up. Another extremely effective research strategy to choose the right company is to pick the brain of an existing marketer. By doing so, you can truly get a feel for the day-to-day tasks you may be getting yourself into.

By initially using the internet as a research tool, you will be armed and ready to ask an existing marketer a myriad of useful queries. You wouldn't apply for a traditional job without firmly understanding the position. So why would network marketing be any different?

A Progressive Industry

Unfortunately, the companies in this industry often are not talked about in social settings without a roll of the eyes from a listener. This is the results of years of misunderstanding and misinformation. The negative connotation associated with this progressive industry which has been caused by a couple of bad egg companies and marketers who just simply did not work the system.

By performing the proper research mentioned previously, you can be sure that your experience with one of the best network marketing companies is free of confusion, schemes, or scams. The internet and it's seemingly infinite accessibility have made schemes and scams far more difficult to pull off. One bad review can go viral and expose irresponsible con artists.

The Pyramid Confusion!

We've all heard rumblings of pyramid shaped business models. For whatever reason, mentioning of a "pyramid" scares off countless potential successful entrepreneurs. The best companies in the industry are in fact shaped like a pyramid.

All this means is that marketers are rewarded with residual income which is earned from the efforts of marketers they personally recruited. I'm not sure where the scam supposedly comes in? If you think about it, most companies are pyramid-shaped.

The bosses at the top of any company are reaping the benefits of their workers below. Network marketing is not a scam or scheme. It is simply a form of business in which the middle man is dismissed and quality products are brought directly to targeted potential consumers. Don't allow unwarranted rumors to distract you from aligning with one of thebest network marketing companies that can potentially increase your income and your freedom.

Network Marketing | 3 Steps To Identify A Legitimate Network Marketing Business

So in this article, we will try to undo the misunderstanding by exploring:
*What is Network Marketing
*3 Steps to Identify a Legitimate Network Marketing Business

Do note that the terms 'Network Marketing' and 'MLM' are used interchangeably.

Understanding What IS Network Marketing
Breaking down simply, Marketing is the process by which products or services are moved from the manufacturer to the consumer. Network refers to the system of people who are moving the products or services. Network Marketing is therefore the way in which products or services are moved through a network of people.And because of that, no advertising is required as marketing of the products or service is done almost exclusively via word-of-mouth.

Involving no advertising costs, network marketing companies are able to pump in more money for research and development thus producing the best quality products in the market.

3 Steps to Identify a Legitimate Network Marketing Business
1)Are the products being moved? Is there a valid service provided?
Network Marketing is often confused with PYRAMID SALES. Pyramid sales is ILLEGAL! This is because they fail to move products or provide a valid service. They seem similar because both are Multi-level. However, pyramid sales is definitely not Marketing -- because products and services are not moving at all!

2)In a legitimate Network Marketing (or MLM) business, NO traditional selling is involved.
In network marketing, you are in business for yourself but NOT by yourself.

Being in business for yourself, products can be bought at wholesale price from the company you are representing. Many people joined a particular company for this sole reason -- to buy at wholesale. Therefore, you can, if you wish to, sell those products at retail price and make a profit. Now this is where the most common misunderstanding about MLM comes in -- People think that you HAVE TO sell retail to be successful in this business. THIS IS NOT TRUE.

Yes, retailing products can earn you a profitable sum of money and some MLM programmes even require a sales quota to be met in order to qualify for a bonus. HOWEVER, the most successful network marketers make the larger sums of income by building their organization.

With this organization, every distributor just needs to retail a little if he or she wants to.

95 percent of the people cringe at the word "selling". In MLM, there is no need to "sell" the products. However it is crucial that the products are moved or nobody gets paid. When you build a network of people, products can be channeled through your organization. That is why sales in network marketing come as a natural result of distributors sharing the products with their friends, neighbors and loved ones.

If you simply SHARE the quality of the products to your friends, that is ALL the "selling" involved in a network marketing business.

3)Commitment to Sponsoring and Teaching NOT recruiting.
Network Marketing (MLM) is often confused with Direct Sales. The one distinct difference is that in MLM, it is the SPONSORING of distributors into your team not recruiting (as with Direct Sales organizations). There is a vast difference between recruiting someone and sponsoring someone.

Recruiting would mean to just "sign them up" whereas in sponsoring, you sponsor someone and teach them how to do what you are doing. When you sponsor someone, you are making a commitment to help them build a business of their own. Therefore as a sponsor, you are responsible to teach your people all about the business.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Prospecting

Network marketing prospecting is very unique but when it comes to the traditional way of marketing online marketers look down on it . However you need the principals that the traditional way teaches. Remember the key in network marketing is to network. If you do not learn how to build relationship and allow people to trust you. There is no chance in this industry. Its very easy in to days time because of the wed 2.0 sites like twitter, myspace , and facebook .These social media sites allow you to profit big . If you are shooting message to your prospect and they are replying back on daily basis your prospect is no longer prospect he or she is your friend and future business partner.

I was taught by my upline the key in the law of duplication is to make your job as a network marketing prospector seem as if a kid in middle school could do your job. Although its the sad reality is that people are scared to take charge as a leader. Every person should be able to prospect online easy and not in a guru style method.

The top 1% money earners in our industry I have learned from most of them if not all. You may have heard of Todd Falcone in my eyes he is the top network marketing prospecting coach in our industry. He says in one of his course I learned that you do not want to be apart of the nfl, that stands for the no friends left club. I remember when I first started prospecting I easily became a part of the nfl. my own brother would not answer the phone if I called nor my all 8 of my cousins.

Here are a couple examples how not end up in the nfl . Dont bug your friends after they say no to your opportunity. Its important not to seem desperate and as if you need them because you dont. Dont lie about anything , also dont beg them or chase them. The key to prospect and to get people to sign up in your business is curiosity . Curiosity is the killer, the more they wonder the more excited they would become interested to view your business. I ask you do not go to your brother a say" hey bro I just go sign up in this business opportunity and we sell vitamins all across the world and we can sign in depended marketing distributors and we can make money off very cool" when you first sign up in a company you do not know your product so dont explain it.

Thats not how you want to approach them try this talk with excitement "hey bro I just signed up with this amazing business and have a big possibility profits big off it would you like take to a look at a little later. Now he will to be going crazy thinking what this I need to find out what he is doing. The key is to always let another person or upline explain the business opportunity because it would not sound really interesting coming from you if you are new to the company.

At the top left hand corner I have my top secrete online strategies for prospecting for free .So if you really want to become a master prospect like myself opt in with your name , number , and email . And begin to become the a true in Network Marketing Prospecting.

Network Marketing | How To Choose A MLM Or Network Marketing Company

Network Marketing or MLM (multi level marketing) is the fastest growing method of doing business in the world, it boasts a Billion Dollar turnover & is operated worldwide. It has lots of high-profile fans including Donald Trump & the late great Jim Rohn. There are lots of companies using MLM to distribute their products & services, so if you are thinking of joining a MLM company how do you choose the best one for you?

MLM Passion?

For starters maybe you should look at an industry that is in a field that you are passionate about, or at least interested in. For instance Health & wellbeing, cosmetics or saving money. You are more likely to succeed in promoting products or services that you have an interest in, as it should be easy for you to get enthusiastic about your work. Just think about it, if you are male are you really going to succeed at selling cosmetics? or if you are a female do you think you would be good at promoting body building supplements? The best way for you to choose the type of Network Marketing company to join is to try the products & services for yourself. Find a company that supplies a product or service that you like then look into becoming a distributor or agent for that company.

Do you have a sales Background?

Are you a salesperson? are you already familiar with working on commission only? If you answered yes to any of those questions then you will more than likely fit straight into Network Marketing, however success is certainly not guaranteed. Many salespeople who join MLM companies fail simply because they try to "sell" the companies products or services, the problem with this method is that people do not like being sold to. People generally have a great mistrust for salespeople, particularly door to door salespeople. In MLM promotion is done through word of mouth so sales people have to change their "pitch" to more of an advisory role & get away from sales methods. Explaining the benefits of the companies products or services is better than trying to sell them, there is subtle difference & if you can master this then you will do well. As for non sales people although the concept of commission only work may be difficult at first they don't have the problem of being seen by customers as a salesperson which is a definite advantage.

Cold or Warm Market?

If you do not have a sales background then you may be unfamiliar with the concept of "cold" & "warm" markets. A cold market is when you approach potential customers who are completely unknown to you. You may meet them in the street, on the phone or on their doorstep. These people have no idea who you are or what you want from them. A "warm" market is a potential customer who is known to you, or has been introduced to you by a mutual friend or acquaintance. Obviously when trying to promote the product & services of the MLM company, it is much easier to do this with a warm market. The best way to build a warm market is to ask for referrals from an already satisfied customer. If you are not from a sales background then trying to work with a cold market will be extremely difficult, leave this to the ex door to door sales people. Who knows maybe you can recruit some of these salespeople into your "team".

Type of MLM Promotion

It is important that you look at how different Network Marketing companies promote their products & services as you will be using these methods to attract customers. Does the company use brochures, websites, door to door sales? Will you be comfortable using these methods? After all if you are not comfortable with any of the company's marketing methods then how will you attract customers? A popular way of promoting products of MLM companies is brochure delivery, whereby you will be allocated a defined area where you are required to go out & put brochures through peoples letter boxes. A few days later you will knock on doors asking for the return of your brochure hoping that the householder has filled out an order form for some products. If you have any orders, you will then order these from your head office & deliver them to your customer & take payment from them. This method works well for some companies but requires a lot of legwork from the distributor or agent. In order to make lots of money using this method then the best way is to build up a large team of distributors or agents delivering large quantities of brochures on a regular basis.

Other MLM companies may offer services and not physical products so distributors or agents will be required to make appointments with potential customers to sign them up for the services. Promotion here will be by word of mouth, door to door contact or website. Given that the vast majority of people who join MLM companies are not salespeople then word of mouth & website promotion will be the main methods of attracting customers. Indeed most MLM companies will encourage new distributors or agents to only approach people that they know ie relatives, friends, neighbours or work colleagues. This form of marketing is much easier, particularly for people with no previous sales experience.

MLM Company Choice Summary

To sum up I will list some of the things to look out for when choosing a MLM or Network Marketing company to work with;

Choose a company that has products or services in a field that interests, or better still, excites you.

Start using the products or services yourself first so you can give first hand accounts of their benefits.

Do some research into the company's history, check out their directors or owners.

Study the companies compensation plan ie how you will be paid.

Find out how you will be expected to promote the companies products or services, make sure you are comfortable with these promotion methods.

Find out who your up-line will be, are these people you can see yourself working with? ( If you don't know what an up-line is, ask the person who introduced you to the company).

Check out consumer magazines, are there any reviews of the companies products & services?

The above list is not exhaustive but it should give you a very good idea about how to choose which MLM company will be right for you.

Network Marketing | Why Should I Be A Leader In MLM Network Marketing?

Network marketing needs your expertise and a leadership role will help you share your knowledge with people that need your guidance. It is your choice on how much of a role that you are willing to play in the MLM industry. It would be a crying shame not to share your talents and knowledge with your downline in a fashion that could help them become independent. Some leaders have made their choices from a variety of reasons and have not regretted it. If you are reading this, then there is a chance that you have been contemplating of accepting that promotion but unsure of whether to take it or not.

Network marketing can be a great deal for you. There are rewards and responsibilities that a leader must accept. Some people decide to help others with the business; others decide to formulate new policies and others are in it for the money. Your mentor has found something in you that they feel would be beneficial to the rest of the community. Your "sparkle" is more passionate or you are more capable of handling a particular event in the company. Whatever the reason for your promotion, take it and go with it. You world is growing and you should not pass up on a great moment to reach your full potential.

Your network marketing partners are waiting for your decision. When you are passionate about something in your life? Take the lead and develop it to something great, example your products may be the best in the world. You can share your enthusiasm with new members that just signed up with your company. Your promotion ties in with your downline and your ability to act and decide can make a world of difference between a good month and a horrible month. You may have to make certain calls that will affect your business directly but you know that. No matter what kind of decision you have to make, you can always speak to your mentor for advice.

Leaders are not alone; you can speak and interact with your upline to gain valuable insight to the world around you. You do not have to face the world alone, especially if you can train others to meet or exceed the company's mandate. As long as you try to do the right thing, you will be fine. Mistakes will happen but you can learn and grow from them, don't avoid the issue of your company. Try your best to work out a solution and see what happens. The only harm that can happen is when you decide to do nothing about the problem.

Leaders are created and molded to fit into a situation that can help them grow and their team to grow as well. Be there in your network marketing business for your members and they in turn will be there for you. Remember that what you do today will affect others tomorrow or sooner! Go ahead and take the promotion, you deserve it and don't look back but run with it and soar.

Network Marketing | Dreams That Have Been Fulfilled By Network Marketing

Do you know anyone that has fulfilled their dreams by network marketing? You should, your mentor and other members have opened up several dozen doors in their career. You may be new but the world is yours and your future is a lot brighter. This tiny world is full of adventure and mysterious people that will entertain and be quite useful in our downlines. The rainy clouds are fading away on the horizon and the silver glow of the moon is beckoning us onward on our journey. Have you taken your first step?

Network marketing can create new opportunities, income and adventures for the brave and free. The days are bold and the magic is ripe for each one of us but do we harvest or let the fruit die on the tree? Seek the path of resistance and gain experience and trust, let your hair flow in the wind and the child speak of joy. Some days are slow, while others will keep us up past the last breath of the candle. Enjoyable silence as time clicks on by and we handle our network marketing affairs with kindness, boldness and a spirit that blazes with passion. Have you taken your first step?

Did you dream as child of the toys and wonders of the world? We all had a dream at one time or another and it is never too late to fulfill this dream. Network marketing is a tool set that we use to gather the finest people, products, business networks and more into our loving arms. Take your training with care and profess to the world of your dreams and success, stay true on course Captain. Sail away from the pier and make due course for success and be strong in your persistence. Network marketing is fine tool that that requires attention and care, ignorance must be forgotten as you stretch and expand your downline like laffy taffy.

Are you ready to experience this new world? Remember Christopher Columbus sailing from Spain on the search for a better trade route with the East and failed miserably. Did he really fail? A new world was discovered and prospered under the command of the English, Spanish, and Italians and later flourished with the Irish, Arabs and much more. Don't tell us that you cannot be successful, because that is not true. Your network marketing world has only begun and your abilities will grow into something beautiful. It will take time to develop your skills and business but you will prosper and find a new world beyond your home. Are you ready to set sail, Captain? Your journey begins with "I am" and your day is like a baby rose that is ready to blossom.

Do not miss out on this great moment, a life changing experience that only comes once in a lifetime. Take our hands and come fly with us beyond the heavens and stars. Take your first step into a new career.

Network Marketing | Crank Out Qualified Leads For Your Network Marketing Business And

Leads are worth gold in the network marketing industry! They are the seeds that can increase your business yet, as I'm certain you know, they are not simple to come by unless of course you're utilizing an efficient lead generation method.

There are plenty of marketers out there that think buying leads is the way to go, I disagree. You can spend countless amounts of money on leads that are secondhand, irrelevant to your market, and basically a waste of time. See, you never know what you're going to get when you buy leads, so buyer beware.

Naturally if you have free flowing income, you could invariably hire an M.L.M lead generation company to do it all for you. That's a good idea if the product you're selling gives you a big profit, like, say $1500 per unit, and you might get a qualified lead for maybe $10. Then again, competition for anything that pays a $1500 commission is going to be pretty stiff, and you will definitely have to be an exceptionally good closer.

Let's be real though, the vast majority of network marketers aren't earning such sweet commissions, so in the end, buying leads or employing a company will simply eat away at your profits, and if you imagine you can get away with acquiring the most inexpensive leads know that their quality will be doubtful, so for the most part, it isn't the best lead generation strategy you could make. So then what can you do about this?

The #1 method for generating Leads for Network Marketing

Thank goodness, there is a better way. Theres FREE leads! The one ability that you need to learn to master is how to generate leads yourself. Now If you've never tried this before or have tried and failed miserably, it's because you need to have a system that will take you by the hand and show you the most effective way to generate those leads.

If you've invested any time on the web you know there are many "systems" which have entered the market lately and the vast majority of those systems are nothing but hype and have vanished into the abyss.

Be of good cheer, there's light at the end of this tunnel! There actually are some established "leads for network marketing" systems out there that have thankfully, been around for a while and weathered the test of time. The best are run by fellow network marketing industrialists who use the system themselves, and know precisely what we need to succeed in our industry.

Come to be a problem solver

The very last thing you want to do when prospecting for leads would be to offer your product to everyone and anyone with a heartbeat, most won't listen to you, and the one's you have to convince will most likely not be the type of producer you really want to work with. The secret is to find out what people's issues are and present your product as a solution to that problem.

Once you've recognized what the need is, you then begin to build a connection and eventually offer your product to help them. Patience is the key here, in this business, it's better to be a jogger than a sprinter. The concept I've just described is the basis of attraction marketing and is a sound principle and model for the success of your network marketing business.

Once you find someone that communicates an interest, you merely develop a relationship, and before long, present your product or opportunity to them.

This is why attraction marketing is so effective, it's a great model for engaging in business.

What to consider in a lead generating system.

You'll find literally thousands of individuals in this industry who are either having difficulties in network marketing or people who need assistance to even get started. And they're realizing that using the internet to market their company can be profitable, but they don't really know how it all works.

What you're looking for is a system this is not just about M.L.M lead generation but something that covers all you need to get you started in the most targeted way.

You want to find a fully customizable system, not quite plug-and-play, you want to have some creative control with the ability to tailor it to brand yourself.

What does a good Network Marketing System offer?

The most effective systems available provide you with the following:

A funded offer which will boost your money flow via follow up e-mail messages that contain your affiliate links.

A member's only back office that offers marketing training, weekly coaching calls and webinars given by the top players in the network marketing industry.

A customizable attraction marketing system that does a large part of the challenging work for you, even while you sleep.

Video and Article marketing training and the resources to get you stated.

Highly profitable affiliate products so you can create multiple streams of income.

A good autoresponder system that ties your marketing funnel all together.

Nobody ever said that finding and converting leads for your network marketing business was easy. However, having a good lead generating system can produce a world of difference in the success of your business.