If you are a new recruit to MLM or have just recruited your first team member for your MLM business what are the pitfalls you should be aware of?
Almost everyone who joins a MLM (or Network Marketing) business does so with great intentions & has lots of enthusiasm, so why is there such a high drop-out rate? Well this is down to many factors & there will be different reasons for each individual as to why Network Marketing doesn't work for them. However there are many common reasons that you as a new recruit or as a new sponsor should be aware of.
Not a Big Enough Why?
In order to succeed in MLM, and indeed most things in life, you must have a reason "Why" you are doing what you are doing in the first place. Without a reason, Why, then what is the point in starting something? If your Why is big enough then you will overcome whatever obstacles are put in your way & you will succeed. As a new MLM recruit your sponsor should have a chat with you at the very outset of starting your business so that you can narrow down your reason for joining the business. As a sponsor you should be the one sitting down with your new recruit for this chat. Whilst there may be many people with similar "Why's" everybody is unique & will have their own particular slant on the "Why".
It's important that your "Why" is narrowed down to be very specific, it's not good enough to simply say that "my why is that I want more money". You should know exactly how much money you want & when you want it by. If you need the money to buy a bigger & better house then you need to think about why you want a bigger & better house, is it to please your wife or partner? Is it to prove to your doubters that you have "made it"? Once you have narrowed down the exact reason why you want to be successful in your MLM business then you are much less likely to quit & have a much greater chance of reaching your goals.
Even with a big enough reason why you are doing MLM you could still be stopped in your tracks by rejection. In just about all MLM businesses you will be taught to build your business by first approaching your warm market - your family & friends - however when some of these people say no to your products, services or business proposal it can severely knock your confidence & you will feel your initial enthusiasm waning. There is no getting away from the fact that many of your friends & family will say no, it's just a fact of life & you should be prepared for it. You must try not to take rejection personally, remember they are saying no to your proposition NOT you, they will still be your friend, as long as you don't try for hours on end to try & get them to change their mind! You have to respect peoples wishes and if they say no, thank them for their time & move on.
It's a Scam
You will come across people who when introduced to MLM will tell you it's a scam & that you have got yourself involved in some "illegal pyramid scheme". Often people like this have no real idea what an illegal pyramid scheme is, however they are sure that's what you are doing. With these types of people it's often best to just move on, they are "closed minded" and will not listen to anything you or anybody else tries to tell them, they have made up their mind and that's it. Do not try & argue with them or you will just end up losing a friend. As a sponsor you just have to advise your new recruit that this happens in Network Marketing & that they should not take it personally.
I Don't have Time
Another common pitfall is that new recruits will say " I just can't find the time". If this happens then you should go back to the "Why" why did you, or your recruit, join the business? If the "why" is big enough then people will find or make the time. I have come across successful people in Network Marketing from single mums with seven jobs, to doctors working 70 hours a week, so anybody can find the time if they really want to.