Network marketing prospecting is very unique but when it comes to the traditional way of marketing online marketers look down on it . However you need the principals that the traditional way teaches. Remember the key in network marketing is to network. If you do not learn how to build relationship and allow people to trust you. There is no chance in this industry. Its very easy in to days time because of the wed 2.0 sites like twitter, myspace , and facebook .These social media sites allow you to profit big . If you are shooting message to your prospect and they are replying back on daily basis your prospect is no longer prospect he or she is your friend and future business partner.
I was taught by my upline the key in the law of duplication is to make your job as a network marketing prospector seem as if a kid in middle school could do your job. Although its the sad reality is that people are scared to take charge as a leader. Every person should be able to prospect online easy and not in a guru style method.
The top 1% money earners in our industry I have learned from most of them if not all. You may have heard of Todd Falcone in my eyes he is the top network marketing prospecting coach in our industry. He says in one of his course I learned that you do not want to be apart of the nfl, that stands for the no friends left club. I remember when I first started prospecting I easily became a part of the nfl. my own brother would not answer the phone if I called nor my all 8 of my cousins.
Here are a couple examples how not end up in the nfl . Dont bug your friends after they say no to your opportunity. Its important not to seem desperate and as if you need them because you dont. Dont lie about anything , also dont beg them or chase them. The key to prospect and to get people to sign up in your business is curiosity . Curiosity is the killer, the more they wonder the more excited they would become interested to view your business. I ask you do not go to your brother a say" hey bro I just go sign up in this business opportunity and we sell vitamins all across the world and we can sign in depended marketing distributors and we can make money off very cool" when you first sign up in a company you do not know your product so dont explain it.
Thats not how you want to approach them try this talk with excitement "hey bro I just signed up with this amazing business and have a big possibility profits big off it would you like take to a look at a little later. Now he will to be going crazy thinking what this I need to find out what he is doing. The key is to always let another person or upline explain the business opportunity because it would not sound really interesting coming from you if you are new to the company.
At the top left hand corner I have my top secrete online strategies for prospecting for free .So if you really want to become a master prospect like myself opt in with your name , number , and email . And begin to become the a true in Network Marketing Prospecting.