Many times people often pose their challenge, not so good experience in network marketing. As a human our first stab is directly at the business model or at the company with which we are affiliated with. In my opinion we need to educate people more to solve problems rather than getting stalled with the problems. First of all we need to have clear understanding that home based business alias network marketing works, indeed it is one of the fastest growing industry in North America.
To build home based business, we need to learn to keep it simple.
Commitment - Individuals, who start this business, and do not grow as per their expectation, do give up very easily and quickly. Initially, they should not expect any major growth for first 6 months. Their sole focus should be their personal development during first six months, with some work to apply their skills. After 6 months period, one is bit more seasoned and appreciate the beauty of the business shall ensure their commitment again by working and renewing on a daily basis. Business has to be treated like a business, even though it is operated from one's kitchen table.
Relationship with prospects - When we start prospecting we believe we should focus more on building the relationship. I am in complete agreement with my statement about building a relationship. It certainly helps but what kind of relationship needs to be built with the prospect. Many networkers believe we should get bit interested in their life, learn bit about them and their family.
On basis of some research, it's just not about any relationship, because prospect may not be really interested in relationship at the beginning. One needs to build the right kind of relationship with the prospect. We need to evaluate what is it that prospect is looking for and can you genuinely tailor made your business model for the prospect. We need to be an advisor, counsellor for the prospect to help him make the right decision. Be simple, keep your information pack simple, don't overload prospects with the information nor hide the facts from the prospects.
"Many networking organization leads their associates down confusing paths. The savviest one simplifies and personalizes the route."
Power of small wins - Set small goals, as a human nature; we want to see success as quick as possible. We want to learn quickly that we are travelling in a right direction specifically these days with all advanced technology people do think they can complete 3 hours journey in 30 minutes. Therefore, it is very important to keep track of the progress, reward each little victory, which will give boost to the business building life.