In today's market things are changing majorly, we have never seen a shift like this and I am curious how far it will go and how it will look when the change is complete.
People now days are sick and tired of doing business with companies they can't see or touch.
The company execs that hide behind suites, PR representatives, and lawyers are quickly becoming over thrown by the ones who are coming from behind the curtains and discussing the taboo topics about the company, the ones who are sharing with the reps and partners the struggles they're facing, are the ones who are seeing exponential growth, leaps and bounds over the competition.
It's easy to see how being transparent as a company is beneficial but it's harder than it may look; it takes agreement from the leaders. But as individuals we can take this bull by the horn and harness it successfully.
We can be more transparent with our goals and where we are at with them. We can be more transparent with our weaknesses and strengths. People just resonate more with someone's weaknesses more than how good they are at things.
Write Timeless Content
Writing content is literally one of the most powerful things we can do for our business. It doesn't have to be us writing it, it can be outsourced but we have to make sure it's top notch articles and not some hard to read trash.
No matter what business or the size of the company, writing valuable content will have a powerful impact on the company for the long term because content lives on through many different venues.
Someone can copy and paste it on their blog; someone could use it for backlinks so they distribute it to the masses and now a whole new set of eyes see this content. This kind of thing can literally go on endlessly that's the power of the web.
There are also many things you can personally do with this content. Submitting them to the top article directories is one thing but also consider doing some guest blogging on blogs in your niche.
How this works is if you're in the network marketing niche, simply do a Google search with the term (network marketing blogs) and each site you visit look for these main things
Comments on post: Make sure every post on the blog is getting comments. The reason this is important is if you get your post on this site you want to get the most form your efforts, so knowing how much friction the post on this site gets will allow you to know if it's worth your time.
Content That Get The Most Response: The subjects that get the most response form people should be the ones you tailor your post to. If the is a post that get 30 comments more than the average post on the site, write something similar on that same topic.
Another key thing that separates timeless content from content that gets stale fast is the topic or subject matter. Here's an example.
Acai Berries were very popular for almost a year. Many people wrote articles on this thing. A lot of people spent many hours and lots of energy writing great content about Acai Berries. Now, a few years later it just isn't popular at all and people are already starting to forget what it was used for. These articles barely get traffic anymore and it's just irrelevant.
On the other hand timeless content are things on general topics, things we face on a daily basis, evergreen subjects that won't go away in the near future.
If you hang on long enough and make up your mind that this will work for you then eventually everything will start falling into place, so persevere!