The honest and ethical 'up-line' members (recruiters) should do one of two things, I believe. First, never imply to potential recruits that, "Anybody can make it work". Such implications are blatantly misleading. Second, for the interested but untrained contact, the recruiter must either provide a strong word of caution or provide the necessary training needed to achieve network marketing success. When one diligently accepts this 'trainer' role, his own level of network marketing success can quickly skyrocket because those in his downline gain the skills necessary to become more successful. Train your down-line well, and they can make you rich. Offer free hints, secrets, and essential techniques on your blog or in your newsletter. Present yourself as an expert marketing educator and you will attract loyal followers. Together both you and your down line will achieve network marketing success.
If offering such training yourself is beyond what you want to do or are personally prepared to do, hook up your recruits with one of the several exceptional MLM training programs.
When word gets out about your commitment to helping those who are on the road to failure, many will seek you out so they can turn, what seemed like having been duped by a deceitful or poorly organized multilevel marketing scam, into marketing success. Following these procedures will avoid fostering the second kind of multilevel marketing deceit and will help others turn their unfortunate experiences into success.