Network Marketing | Network Marketing And The Lightyear Wireless Business Opportunity

At this time people who have never made money in the past are earning excellent income from network marketing opportunities. People who are currently successful in other MLM businesses are branching into more than one company to expand the amount of money they can make.

There are a couple of key things to keep in mind when looking at a network marketing business. Lightyear Wireless stacks up very well in this in these regards.

1. Stability of company. It's very easy for companies to get started and go out of business almost as fast.

There are numerous opportunities to network marketing companies doing over $100 million a year in business. With over $250 Million in annual sales Lightyear Wireless is a solid company with a proven track record. They have been in business since 1993.

2. Product line. One of the reasons more people are making money with network marketing is the ability to sell quality products using the Internet.

In the past people were drawn primarily to MLM businesses because of the excitement generated due to the opportunity to make more money. However, there was a high failure rate which gave the industry a black eye.

Today more people are succeeding because they actually make money. One way to do that is to promote quality products that people have a need for.

Lightyear Wireless has great products for consumers and businesses. This provides an opportunity for you to make money selling products, using them yourself, and building a downline of distributors who do the same.

3. Duplication and Leverage. Two of the best features for network marketing businesses are the ability for you to leverage your time and duplicate your success.

This is possible because MLM opportunities provide a compensation plan that offers good retail mark up, and pays you several layers deep as you build your own downline of distributors. Leveraging your time is one of the true benefits of network marketing, and Lightyear Wireless provides an opportunity for you to do this.

Network marketing is not a pyramid scheme as you may have heard in the past. Lightyear Wireless has a track record of almost 20 years of success helping people make money with great products.

You are given the same opportunity that others are already succeeding with. Today you can do that using the Internet from your own home.

Network Marketing | Make Network Marketing Vt Work For You - Article Dashboard

You will never make it big unless you make a move and learn how to manage all your resources. Below is a helpful review which you can use to evaluate the company, as well as helpful tips to help you become a successful network marketer.

Company Facts

The business is a new MLM company founded by Jason Spurlock and headquartered in Florida. Their main focus is to provide their members with quality training and coaching. The founder has surrounded himself with professionals who can teach members how to do network marketing successfully.

The company has a range of digital products (e-books) aimed at providing information mostly on Internet marketing, i.e. WordPress website development, online lead generation, SEO tips, and the like. However, they do have products aimed at helping people achieve financial success in their lives.

Membership Costs and Compensation Plan

It's interesting to know that this company has a very lucrative compensation plan. To be a member, you need to have a valid sponsor link.

So, you cannot join the network without having an upline. The membership costs $98 dollars, plus a $19/month administrative fee. As compared to most MLM opportunities, this is pretty much affordable.

Here is where it gets more interesting. Each distributor earns 100% commissions on every referral. Here is the twist though. Your first three sales will go to your sponsor. You can only start earning from sponsorship on your fourth sale onwards.

This is quite fascinating especially if you are already the sponsor. As long as you can refer as many downlines as possible, you get to earn the first 3 sales of each. So, the key to gaining huge profits is by building a big network of people doing the same thing.

Earning your first sale on the Company

First of all, many marketers in this area of business fail to sponsor their first downline. Remember that Network Marketing VT is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It is a business built to help people achieve financial independence. So, if you are aiming at gaining financial freedom without doing much about the business, then you will definitely not make it.

What should you do then after joining? Get motivated to expose the business to as many people as possible and earn your first sale. As soon as you make your first sale, you can easily get motivated to gain two more sales. After that, you can start earning serious money.

Final Word

The training and coaching provided by this company will help you get started on your way to success. Be prepared to spend time and money on marketing the business.

The best method to be successful with Network Marketing VT is to market the business online. Internet marketing can be tricky stuff, but with the training and tools provided by the company, you'll learn how to create your website, attract potential members through SEO, and generate leads through email, search engine, and social network marketing.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Tips You Should Follow - Article Dashboard

If you are serious about your MLM business aspirations, then, the question you should be asking is this: what have those who have achieved financial access as network marketers done? While their strategies may have differed and there is no way for you to know all their secrets, there are tried-and-tested tips that you can follow to make sure that you are on the right path. Some of these are the following:

Be careful when choosing a company. Your success as a network marketer is dependent on a lot of things, and the first of these is the company you choose to be affiliated with. There are several things you need to look into before you become a marketer for a particular company. First, see if the products and/or services it offers have a high demand. Second, look at its profile. Is the company stable? Does it have a good reputation? And third, consider the payment scheme it offers its marketers. Are the rates fair? How much will your commission be for direct and indirect sales (that is, sales made by your downline)?

Do some internet marketing. The Internet is one of the reasons network or MLM marketing has become so popular. Whereas in the past you need to make cold calls and visit people to sell something or entice them to join you as marketers, today you only need to be aware and make use of social networking sites to promote your business. Online marketing is easy and effective, and it's a strategy done by all successful network marketers.

Listen to your mentors. You may have a marketing strategy which you think is fool-proof and will help you make a lot of money, but you should still take note of and follow what your mentors and/or upline - that is, the person/people who recruited you - teach you. Remember, your success is also their success, so there's no reason for them not to tell you things that can help you earn more. This is not to say, though, that you should not utilize marketing strategies not taught to you which you believe will work. The key here is balance.

Network marketing can be your ticket out of the corporate jungle and towards financial stability. But if you want to achieve success, you should take time to be enlightened about what it is and what it entails, and to know the things you should do to increase your earning potential. Learn more from the MLSP program in this site.

Network Marketing | Revealing The 4 Critical Stages Of Growth In Every Successful ...

According to MLM Next Step LTD:

In the early 1960s, franchising was a revolutionary new technology in business and it was also met with resistance. Newspapers and magazines wrote what a scam and rip-off franchising was. Stories of people who lost their life savings to some franchise were everywhere. There was a strong move to make franchising illegal. In fact, franchising actually came within 11 votes of being outlawed by Congress.
Today, this so-called scam is responsible for over 34 percent of all retail sales in North America. Franchises sell nearly 800 billion dollars worth of goods and services today. Every industry goes through an evolution similar to this. Chiropractors were considered quacks in the 1970s, the stock market was considered shady and a form of gambling and the first newspaper in British North America, The Public Occurrence (1690), was suppressed by the governor of Massachusetts. Now, we almost can't do without these industries.


Creation of company: You must first create your company, along with a catchy name, as well as marketing tools.

Product management: Manage your products, whether they are your own or an affiliate product. Delete the ones that aren't selling and market the ones that are!

Getting top gun recruiters into the company: You need a team to make your company successful. Getting the best recruiters on your team will bring you much closer to success.

Drafting out a compensation plan: How will you compensate those on your team while still making a profit?

Company is shown to the world: Get the word out about your company through PR. Begin with an eye-catching press release.

Formulation of a robust company -
50% out network marketing companies go out of business in the first year.
80% of remaining network marketing company won't even get pass the 3rd year.
Those who pass the 2 most important criteria are game for great momentum growth.

1. Hit the masses.
2. Steep Surge of sales figure; imagine that of a tsunami wave.
3. This is where HUGE money was made.
4. Huge numbers of distributors join the company.

Finally the network marketing company, which passes the formula, concentration and momentum stage, will reach stability stage.
There will still be growth in the company but not of huge proportions compared to the momentum stage.

Most importantly, what is in it for you? If you were to ever join a network marketing company, make sure you ride on the tsunami wave where it is in its infancy and enjoy the process. As technology is moving at a staggering speed, a company that uses Internet as a recruitment platform will go much further and faster.

Network Marketing | Is Your Business In Need Of Network Marketing Success Tips?

Just by looking for additional tips you have illustrated your commitment. Maintaining this commitment and drive are key to succeeding in the increasingly competitive industry of network marketing.

Tips Shared by Leaders

The network marketing industry is rather unique in the fact that the niche's leaders are so willing to share their recipes for success. This undoubtedly spawns from the necessary team building nature of multi-level marketing.

If you take a moment to glance over the success tips offered by the industry's leaders, you will find that they are rather similar. While there is no magical potion or guaranteed success equation, there are definitely some common strategies that have been proven useful by multiple entrepreneurs.

3 Crucial Tips

1. I'm All In - In order to succeed in this unique business, or in any industry for that matter, you must be honest with yourself and determine your level of commitment. While network marketing can prove to be an incredibly financially beneficial opportunity, there is no way you can achieve this success without providing proper commitment.

Maybe this field of business isn't for everyone, but it is for everyone who can muster up the commitment to work hard. For some, this commitment is the only thing standing between them and financial and professional freedom. Are you all in?

2. Learn, Learn, Learn - You would be surprised to find out how many novice marketers in the industry are pushing their products and business opportunity without fully understanding either. I would be equally surprised if you could point out someone who is incredibly successful that lacks sufficient industry knowledge.

It should be pretty obvious where I am going with this. If you're looking for tips to become successful, be sure to never overlook the importance of education. In order to achieve your marketing goals, you need to learn how the business works, how the products work, and how to properly market both yourself and the business.

3. Do You Have a Mentor? - Like I mentioned before, network marketing can be viewed as a team building experience. Because of this factor, there are probably multiple people in your upline that are willing to help you and push you in the right direction.

Because the volume you produce influences the size of their paycheck, finding a mentor in your upline should be pretty easy. Don't ever be shy to ask for help. Acquiring a mentor, although often overlooked, is among the most effective strategies I have to offer.

A Foundation for Success

While each of these suggested tips are valuable in their own right, you will find that these strategies are far more efficient when used simultaneously. It's pretty easy to comprehend why this is the case.

If you want to succeed in anything in life, you need to educate yourself and surround yourself with people with similar goals. Finding a mentor, committing 100%, and illustrating the willingness to learn will lead you in the direction of success. The network marketing success tips will provide a solid foundation for anyone's business venture.

Network Marketing | David Wood " Ilearningglobal Out Of Network Marketing

"Today was probably, well, the most unexpected day that I've had in a long time...

...a lot of you know, for the last six months, David Wood have been building a business that he truly believed in called 'ilearningglobal', and it enabled him to live a kind of lifestyle that people only dream of...

...I was able to go from a broke marketing budget, $200 to my name to creating a massive, multiple five figure monthly income and move to Costa Rica.

Well nothing prepared me today for the phone call I got from Glen Anderson. (Glen Anderson was over the network marketing side of iLearningGlobal).

Basically, he told me that the company has decided to 'stop' the network marketing side of the company. Well, basically that snatched away a six figure income in a short phone call.

So David Wood had to make a decision.

Either whine and complain about what happened, and let the momentum that I've created over the last six months disappear into the random abyss of corporations, OR take what I've learned over the last six months building my business online, and KEEP my team together, but with a new focus.

I chose the latter.

Because of acting QUICKLY, and not allowing my ego to get in the way, I was able to create more than six thousand dollars of income in less than 8 hours, and re-build the foundation of what it took me six months to build in my previous company.

Some people question my decision to act quickly. There were hard feelings toward what the company did by a lot of individuals.

But you know what?

None of that matters if you look at what the reality is about what we're REALLY doing in this industry.

We're creating the most valuable asset a person could possibly have, which is not a company, is not a residual income, is not a product, and is not a 'downline'.

The most valuable asset you can have in this industry is your relationships that you develop along the way."

This words spoken by David Wood are so true and I want to congratulate him on showing such wisdom in a time that many people will throw in the towel.

You go my friend...!

Network Marketing | Metaphors And Vocabulary: How To Destroy Your Network ...

Broadly speaking, metaphors are words and phrases we use to provide conceptual understanding of a situation without having to go into excruciating explanations of what happened or how you feel. Now that the anal retentive engineer in me has that out of the way, some explaining is required.

For example, we probably all use the simply metaphor or words of "I feel tired" or simply "I'm tired." The metaphor "describes" or provides meaning to the listener on both our physical and mental condition. The user doesn't have to go into the how or why or even describe the actual physical or mental condition or degree. The listener hears "I'm tired" and provides their own correct interpretation.

But there's a hidden danger in metaphors, the words we use, and many don't even realize the danger exists. We tend to forget that when we use metaphors to describe an event, or ourselves, or how we feel, there's "someone" listening who takes in the meaning of these words and acts on them without our knowledge.

Who is this sneaky bugger listening in to your conversation and acting on the metaphors? Well, to put it simply, it's YOU!

Your subconscious mind listens and acts on every metaphor and word it hears whether it comes out of your own mouth or someone else's. It would be nice if your subconscious took everything it hears with equal weighting, but unfortunately, your subconscious wants to treat your every utterance as the most profound thing it's ever heard. For example, you can tell someone "I'm ugly" and they could respond with "No, you're not." Guess which one your subconscious accepts as gospel and which one it ignores?

And the subconscious will act on a word or metaphor no matter how stupid or foolish it is. If you make an observation like "I can't do this," the subconscious takes this thought as a command and will ensure that you can't ever do "this" no matter what.

Think of what these words can do to your network marketing or multi level marketing business. When we use works like "try," "can't," "don't believe," "don't know," and a host of others, we're basically commanding our subconscious to fulfill and ensure these thoughts become reality.

Metaphors really come into play when we use them as an equation. "Life is a bowl or cherries" or "Life is a dance" are metaphors just like "Life sucks." What message does the subconscious take from the first two as opposed to the last? The first two offer some positive possibilities and promises. Cherries are sweet and juicy. Sure, there are some pits, but they can be avoided with some simple planning - don't chew on the pits. "Life is dance" suggest coordinated physical movement that looks beautiful (subjectively).

"Life sucks" is a metaphor that offers only the negative promise of repeated failure.

How about this one: "I'll try." Try? That's about as positive as "maybe." Both accept the failure outcome BEFORE success is even given a shot at succeeding.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. Tony Robbins, in "Awakening the Giant Within" and "Lessons in Mastery," goes into a lot more detail on metaphors and the vocabulary we use and provides a number of ways to change what we say. Basically, what he recommends comes down to 2 corrections:

1.Recognize the negative words and metaphors we use
2.Stop using them

It's not as simple as it sounds. Our metaphors and vocabulary become our friends over time, and we don't like to abandon our friends. But if we can replace our negative or neutral metaphors and words with outrageously positive ones, we can over time change.

Here's a simple but effective start: when asked "how are you" respond with "Excellent!" rather than the neutral "OK, I guess." And don't just utter it, FEEL the excellence! Repeat this often and you'll find the subconscious will play along.

Running a home business is hard enough; you want your subconscious helping you to the fullest extent possible. Leave the negative metaphors and words behind. Actively choose positive words and metaphors and you'll change your life and business for the better.

"Just do it!"

Network Marketing | Negative People, There's No Place For Them In Network Marketing

In Network Marketing, these people will be a detriment to your team and death to your business. They will destroy your morale and the morale of your team in a very short time with the poison that comes out of their mouth. It's their objective to bring other people down so they can have company to share in their misery. If this is allowed to go on, negativity will spread like a cancer throughout your entire downline. Really, it's best to avoid these negative people altogether and you certainly should never try to recruit one of them. You don't want them on your team. They won't be teachable. In fact, they will find fault in whatever you do try to teach them. And they won't hesitate to voice their disagreement in your team conference calls, no matter who may be present. You don't need them spewing their venom all over your new distributors or on prospects you may have invited to listen in on the call.

I have a name for these negative people. It's fairly descriptive of the kind of damage they can do to your business. I call them "Dream Killers." They will suck the life out of you. Experienced Network Marketers understand the value of surrounding themselves with positive people who will encourage and edify them and their team. They know to avoid the negative crowd. If your Network Marketing Business is going to to be successful, you must surround yourself with positive, successful people and avoid the "Dream Killers." It's as simple as that.

Now I do however, enjoy encountering one of them when doing a training call with a new recruit. I want my trainee to see how I handle the situation. I want them to see that I don't let that "Negative Nellie" get the best of me and that I DO NOT let THEM control the conversation. This accomplished, I then end the call with a comment like "you're right, Network Marketing isn't for you," or "no, you're not a fit for my business and my team." I thank them for their time and hang up. It only takes one call like that to get the point across to my trainee that under no circumstances do they want someone like that on their team! It's a great training lesson. I suggest making good use of it when it presents itself. Better they experience it first, with you, in a controlled environment, than on their own where it can discourage them.

My point is this, negativity breeds negativity. It's counter productive and will destroy anyone who spends much time under it's influence, no matter how experienced they are. It certainly has no place in Network Marketing and if you want your business and team to flourish, it's best to avoid negative people, altogether. Weed them out from the beginning if you can and don't have them as a part of your team. You'll be much better off, for it. Better to surround yourself with "Dream Builders" instead, people who will build you up and want to be built up, themselves. Fill your downline with positive, goal oriented, "Glass Half Full" people and you will grow a successful and profitable Network Marketing Business.

Network Marketing | Understanding Network Marketing Advertising: An Introduction

Many network marketing consultants fail to even budget for advertising and consequently they miss out on the chance to earn money. Advertising really is an investment, but only if you advertise in the right places and these places should be selected sensibly and monitored continually to see if they work.

Ineffectual advertising can put you into bankruptcy!

Just like any business online and off, network marketing advertising is one of the keys to success. It can be confusing online particularly with the other millions of internet sites, blogs and advertisements all competing against you.

Set a Budget

Unless your product is completely new and unique, you're going to have to learn where to place your advertising to get sales and recruit distributors.

If you have not already put aside a budget for advertising you should do so right away, and figure realistically how much you are able to afford on a once per month basis. Don't go over that amount - if you notice that your advertising in a certain area is bringing results, you can always raise your budget later .

Most new network marketing specialists only have a little budget, but that should not be an issue. There are many effective places to run ads on the internet for free. You need to experiment with them, and after a set period of time, drop the ones that aren't working for you.

Pay extra attention to where you are going to publicize your business, because advertising in the wrong place can damage your image, and accordingly lose you money.

The following are the results that you should attempt to get by looking at advertising your network marketing business:

1. It should be bringing you a flood of leads
2. It is going to be a medium for you to advertise your product or service
3. It will be a strategy for branding your company and growing brand visibility
4. It should be a route for you to effectively close sales.

Social Media

By a long way the best ( and cheapest ) sort of advertising is recommendation by friends. Online creating a buzz about your service or product can pay enormous dividends, but it will be up to you how you do this.

Social networking sites, particularly YouTube, are fantastic places for getting masses of eyes on your product. Although this method could be free, you should plan everything you do carefully or it can back-fire.

Twitter has certain rules. You cannot just jump on there and start screaming about your product. No one will take any notice of you.

Posting on Twitter every 5 minutes will also get you ignored and you will be branded as a nuisance. It's better for you to build a following first.

In the real world you would not go to your best friend's marriage and start shouting about your product in the reception. The idea is to build relationships in any social media situations.

In the beginning you may have to rely on others for referrals, which is also an extremely valuable method of getting leads both online and off-line. Make a point of forming a relationship with the individual who gives you these referrals. No one is going to hand you what's basically a bowl of money, without getting something in exchange.

Direct Mail

Local bricks and mortar businesses often choose to send out direct mail. Though this seemed to die-out in the 21st century this can method can be effective in network marketing advertising.

What many enterprises don't do is collect valuable info from these mail-outs and consequently they do not build a list of potential clients. The other downside using direct mail outs is they can be quite expensive.

An effective off-line strategy is to get folks to fill in a card, or leave an e-mail address when they come into your shop or business. Time should be taken to compile these e-mail addresses into a list for future marketing campaigns. The best way is to give something of value in return for their email address or other contact details, which could be a coupon or a free dessert whatever's suitable.

It's hard to run a useful network marketing advertising campaign if you really do not understand how it all works. There is a great quantity of psychology behind selling effectively and if you do not understand the principle of network marketing now is a good time to learn.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Books: Are They Going To Make You Successful?

Marketing is kind of like trying to pick up a girl. You might try one way then shift to another. If you get the girl with the first try, why would you change the way you did it?

You wouldn't. You are going to stick what works for you and go with it. The best marketers learn from their mistakes and learn what works. They are able to make the change and ride the method they have found successful.

Network Marketing Books: Top Sellers in 2001

According to Amazon some of the top seller books include "How to Build a Large Successful Multi-Level Marketing Organization" and "Your first year in network marketing."

These network marketing books will describe all the different things you are going to learn when you start up with a multi level marketing company. You will learn some advice that will be much needed. They will go over how this isn't a get rich fast scheme. Multi level marketing is about building a team of people who are trying to create the same empire you are.

You aren't going to all of a sudden turn into a millionaire. These network marketing books help a lot to inform you what to expect and how to go about different circumstances.

Network Marketing Books: How to Build a Large Successful MLM Organization

This network marketing book has been around since 1981. The author Don Failla laid out a plan to be successful in sixteen different languages. The book will teach you how to handle your downline as well as how to even go about recruiting people to join your downline.

Mr. Failla points out very clearly how to sponsor and teach your people to duplicate what you are doing. If you're looking for a way to be successful with your MLM this book might be very informative for you.

Network Marketing Books: Teaching you to achieve your goals

Could you imagine finally living a financially free life? Would you enjoy waking up every day doing what you want when you want? I don't know too many people who would answer no to those.

Multi Level Marketing companies make these type of dreams come true. These companies are designed to give people the opportunity to never have to work for a boss again. Some people will be against them from the get go while some will want to jump aboard right away.

If you can build a big enough downline you might never have to work another day in your life. It might take a little while, but the more time, money, and effort you put in the better off you leave yourself.

Reading some of these network marketing books can be very helpful, but the only real way to see what works for you is by trial and error or finding a system.

Network Marketing | Do You Have What It Takes To Succeed In Network Marketing?

Having said that not everyone will have success in this industry because not every will do what it takes to succeed, for some reason some people just give up easier than others but I suppose it just comes down to how bad do you want it?

The network marketing industry has changed a lot over the years and I am very glad that it has because the old network marketing methods of growing a business like the three foot rule would not have worked for me, I am not the type of person who would go up to a stranger and ask if he or she is interested in starting a home based business with a network marketing company, that's just not me.

Network marketing today has changed a lot and allows every person every chance of making a 5 to 6 figure monthly income from the comfort of their own homes by using the internet, thanks to the internet you can position yourself in front of people who are searching for precisely what you are offering this way you don't meet with as much resistance when presenting your business opportunity.

Back to the question can you have success in the network marketing industry? Definitely if you are willing to develop the skill sets needed to market your business online and the great thing is that you don't need to be a college graduate or have millions of dollars to start.

The network marketing industry has produced the most millionaires in the shortest period of time, this is the only industry that you can enter a high school dropout and create a 5 to 6 figure residual monthly income, this industry is all about freedom but the sad fact is that the bulk of the people who enter into this industry give up before they see success.

There are two main reasons why people fail in this industry:

1 - Lack of knowledge when it comes to generating leads.
2 - Lack of consistent action on the knowledge that they gain.

These are the two major reasons I think that the failure rate in this industry is so high, if these people would just take the time to learn a marketing strategy that will create leads and then take steady action for at least the next 3 to 6 months then they would see massive results in their network marketing company.

The secret to creating success in the network marketing industry is create 25 to 50 leads per day, you would even be able to create success with 10 leads per day, could you think what your business would look like if you have even 10 new targeted people every single day to talk to about your business ? What if you had 25 or 50+ new people every single day?

You will never have to work for a boss ever again, you will be the architect of your own future, and you would finally live life on your terms financially free!
So the question we should be asking is are you willing to do what it takes to generate 25 to 50 leads per day even if that means you have to take regular action for the next 3 to 6 months? If you answered yes then you can create success in the network marketing industry but if you answered no or you weren't sure then I would suggest you get used to your job because you will more than likely be there for a very long time.

Network Marketing | Renegade Network Marketer Scam - What You Ought To Know ...

There may be those out there pushing the renegade network marketer scam but unless you do your own due diligence and understand exactly what it is and how it works then you are only guessing and worst of all, being mis-led.

The reality is the scam is being committed by those stuck in the old school methods and attempting to influence people with an entrepreneurial spirit to truly take their MLM business to another level. In a nutshell, the renegade network marketer scam is not a scam but a blueprint for attraction marketing.

Just ask yourself this...where are you in your network marketing business right now? Are you successful? Are you attracting a regular flow of leads and most of all, are you making money? Working your network marketing business online doesn't abandoning your offline promotions.

Why The Internet Is Your Lead Generating Friend

The plan is to introduce another lead avenue and without leads in MLM, then you may as well give it up and take up fishing. Here are some vital facts about lead generation online:

- The internet works 24/7 365 days of the year
- Your target market won't just be located in a confined perimeter around your home
- You will have a worldwide audience
- The internet allows you to target the audience you want instead of just throwing it out there and hoping you get a bite

And best of all, it will allow you to brand yourself as an expert in your chosen field. For example, if it's nutrition then with a blog, website, web 2 properties, article marketing and video marketing you can provide people with information about your chosen topic.

When we say brand yourself it simply means promoting yourself instead of your company or products. But don't worry, it doesn't mean you won't get any interest in your business opportunity. Get this and you will have cracked the code to succeeding in network marketing:

It's you your prospect will join in business not your company. By promoting yourself with education and training materials that help your prospects move forward there will virtually be no need for the dreaded sales pitch. Remember this the next time someone talks about the renegade network marketer scam.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Is About Branding Yourself As A Leader They ...

Constantly give value or content to individuals that you can reveal with a leader.
It's all about giving guidance, support or an expert opinion in your particular field. If you have no experience as a leader, don't worry just find out and study from other leaders and gain more experience. There are individuals who would like to pursue leaders for the reason that they want to gather new skills that can guide to their success in their internet business or mlm.

Leaders continuously have a optimistic attitude towards themselves.
Leaders are the "alpha" type of leaders in their internet business or network marketing company. Leaders also constantly have goals, be well organized and the make an effort to surpass them in their business. Leaders always endure action, that's what they always accomplish and that is why leaders are always successful and appear to top of their network marketing company.

Leaders get a passion to benefit others succeed that comes from honesty and are prepared to help other people with their frustrations and struggles. They believe that an individual can trust a leader, so they can succeed as well.

People want to find something that leaders got.
It can be a number of reasons like positive mindset, accomplishment, health, lifestyle and money. It is crucial that you believe that you are a dedicated leader whom you can create value to provide to other people. If you don't believe or have the passion as a leader than it is most likely they will follow someone else, and then you won't be successful at all.

You can be possibility become a top network marketing leader and producer in your mlm business. It is a education curve that takes time anywhere from three months and up to a year. Every so often 2 years, it depends on the person and prepared to sacrifice time to acquire knowledge and becoming the individual and leader whom you want to be in the multi level marketing field.

Network Marketing | My Jetstream Network Marketing System - Article Dashboard

The company and product we have to aligned our powerful system with has already sent out over 8 million commission checks. Better yet, our fully automated system has already started to go to work for you. The very next person who visits this site in fact could be in your downline.

Does this approach sound like what you have been looking for?
Would you like to Qualify for a bonuis check within minutes?
Don't have the time?
Don't want to spend lots of money
Want to Get Paid for Something You're Already Doing?

Watch our amazing system do the work for you as we place new TEAM MEMBERS below you in your JETSTREAM. Now truly anyone can create a sizeable residual income without contacting friends and family, having to do it all alone, or having to spend all your savings to get started.

What Is a Jetstream? How Does It Work?

Unlike most mlm systems, our new strategy allows everyone to work as a TEAM, sponsoring and placing ALL new customers and members in one single line going down vertically creating stability. Each one of these lines is called a JETSTREAM. Right now in fact, it is likely that there is an entire group of people, that are all actively placing new members below you in your JETSTREAM.

Since XanGo's innovative compensation design employs an innovation called "dynamic compression" you can actually earn overrides on many if not all of these customers and organization builders once you put our proven system to work for you.

This innovation is so amazing that, once understood, it makes even the most seasoned veterans hearts miss a beat. Forget everything you know about compensation plans because this one plainly turns it upside down by paying out commissions from the bottom going up.

Although building Jetstreams can't promise your success it gives you the best opportinity you'll ever experience at achieving long lasting success in the home based business and network marketing business. Of course you must participate to maximize your JETSTREAM'S full potential.
Enter yourself In the jetstream system now because the next new member could be the next XANGO SUPERSTAR and generate life changing residual income for YOU and your family.

Don't wait another minute get your jetstream going now.

Network Marketing | The World Of Mobile Network Marketing

Here I want to focus on talking to you about mobile network marketing. There is a proven theory here that using mobile devices for your marketing strategy leads to successful new leads, sales and clientele.

A whole new method for word of mouth marketing. Here I am going to talk about the top three (successful tips) when using mobile network marketing for your business.

No Shortcuts or Abbreviations

Since Mobile network marketing has become one of the largest NEWER methods for MLM marketing, there are many people who try to make it their own, or unique. With that in mind, there are several that are making their outgoing messages short and to the point.

Which there is logic there, but you cannot shorten your message with abbreviations. This will only hurt your business, your reputation and possibly confuse or turn off potential clients or buyers.

Basically, you want to make sure your text messages are created with the same professionalism and manner that your business letters, phone calls or meetings would be. You do not want to use typical text lingo.

Don't Beat Around the Bush - Inform through Text

As you're creating your messages, think about a print ad. If you were having a sale or offering a new message or business proposal you state what it is you have to offer, and what you want your client or buyer to do.

This is not going to be any different with you mobile network marketing strategy. A text message is a newer TOOL to send the message out; you do not want to CHANGE the message itself. Say what you have to tell, stick to the point, and direct your buyer with follow through.

Stay Organized and Keep Track

When you turn to new methods of online marketing or advertising mobile network marketing is a great tool, but you will still want to keep track of the different offers and messages you send out and monitor and track the feedback you get. Both positive and negative is informational and good research.

You do not want to lose great results, and you don't want to send out another offer/text that doesn't offer you (or your clients) the results intended. When you keep track you can save the positive texts and adjust the not so positive ads/texts.

This is a terrific way to market through email, text, and computer. We live in an age where online tools are essential, and anymore, it's expected. Do not become one of those businesses that refused to accept tools that are literally at their fingertips daily.

On average 85% of Americans carry a phone, Iphone, Ipad or other web based tool on them at all times. It's time for you to make that impact, use mobile network marketing to leave your mark on the world.

Network Marketing | In Network Marketing, How Do You Stay Motivated And Inspired?

In network marketing, it is all about the art of making contact with people. You must be on top of your game, always inspired and motivated to be in communication with the masses. It doesn't matter how you do it, or if you do a combination of techniques - cold calling, talking to people you meet, information marketing, online and offline advertising, blogging, to name a few. You have to be inspired to be at your best and most productive so as to reap the most benefits from your efforts.

More often than we would like to admit, we hear the word "No" from our prospects, or they don't respond to the information we've provided them. If you are not thick-skinned, this can become very discouraging.

In order to keep a stiff upper lip and a positive attitude, what do you do to stay inspired? Here are a few things that I like to do:

1) I often read self help books and blogs.

2) I subscribe to various pages on Facebook that provide people with positive thinking techniques and positive quotes.

3) I often search the web for inspirational quotes.

4) I write and say my own affirmations.

5) I read affirmations written by other people that are in line with what I want to support in my own consicousness.

6) I meditate, often using guided meditation resources.

People will join your business if you are motivated and if you inspire them. This will not happen if you don't maintain a high energy. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself motivated to succeed!

Network Marketing | Leads For Network Marketing: Where Are They At? - Article Dashboard

How Important are they?

As you know by now, it is far more profitable in the long run to spend your marketing time focusing on recruiting and not product sales. Sure, your products are great and very marketable. But did you get involved with your network marketing business to sell stuff or make some serious money? Learning to consistently generate leads for network marketing should be your main focus at this point during your entrepreneurial venture.

The Old Methods

When your first enrolled as an independent distributor with your company, you were probably given some pointers. The person who enrolled you may have even asked you to write down the names of those who are closest to you. I've even heard a guy as far as to say "be sure to consider those who owe you the most and love you the most".

While this sort of MLM prospecting strategy can provide your business a good jump out of the gate, what happens when you run out of friends and family to share your opportunity with? Unless you're one of the lucky ones who immediately enrolled motivated entrepreneurs, this family/friends jumpstart doesn't work out in the long run.

So now what? Recruit office friends at the water cooler? Invite someone you haven't seen in years to have coffee with you? Talk to strangers at Walmart? Luckily for those of us who don't have social circles the size of Queen Elizabeth's, there is a different and more efficient way to go about finding leads for network marketing.

Finding Leads in 2013

While that old way of MLM prospecting has worked for some in the past, and still works for people today, it is certainly not the most efficient marketing strategy. Think about it -- What is the main difference between the commercial world today and that of the past? That's right: The internet.

The internet has evolved into an incredibly user-friendly business marketing tool. If you really want to go after that passive residual income, invest in yourself and learn some internet marketing skills. Even if you are incredibly tech illiterate, you'll be surprised at how quickly you can use the internet to find leads for network marketing.

By learning to blog, record sales videos, and drive traffic, you can establish the online presence you need to attract leads for network marketing. Unfortunately, building an online sales funnel can be expensive and time-consuming. If you're an internet marketing novice, or even if you are experienced, I highly recommend a proven online marketing system. I hope you find these tips useful when prospecting for leads for network marketing.