At this time people who have never made money in the past are earning excellent income from network marketing opportunities. People who are currently successful in other MLM businesses are branching into more than one company to expand the amount of money they can make.
There are a couple of key things to keep in mind when looking at a network marketing business. Lightyear Wireless stacks up very well in this in these regards.
1. Stability of company. It's very easy for companies to get started and go out of business almost as fast.
There are numerous opportunities to network marketing companies doing over $100 million a year in business. With over $250 Million in annual sales Lightyear Wireless is a solid company with a proven track record. They have been in business since 1993.
2. Product line. One of the reasons more people are making money with network marketing is the ability to sell quality products using the Internet.
In the past people were drawn primarily to MLM businesses because of the excitement generated due to the opportunity to make more money. However, there was a high failure rate which gave the industry a black eye.
Today more people are succeeding because they actually make money. One way to do that is to promote quality products that people have a need for.
Lightyear Wireless has great products for consumers and businesses. This provides an opportunity for you to make money selling products, using them yourself, and building a downline of distributors who do the same.
3. Duplication and Leverage. Two of the best features for network marketing businesses are the ability for you to leverage your time and duplicate your success.
This is possible because MLM opportunities provide a compensation plan that offers good retail mark up, and pays you several layers deep as you build your own downline of distributors. Leveraging your time is one of the true benefits of network marketing, and Lightyear Wireless provides an opportunity for you to do this.
Network marketing is not a pyramid scheme as you may have heard in the past. Lightyear Wireless has a track record of almost 20 years of success helping people make money with great products.
You are given the same opportunity that others are already succeeding with. Today you can do that using the Internet from your own home.