Having said that not everyone will have success in this industry because not every will do what it takes to succeed, for some reason some people just give up easier than others but I suppose it just comes down to how bad do you want it?
The network marketing industry has changed a lot over the years and I am very glad that it has because the old network marketing methods of growing a business like the three foot rule would not have worked for me, I am not the type of person who would go up to a stranger and ask if he or she is interested in starting a home based business with a network marketing company, that's just not me.
Network marketing today has changed a lot and allows every person every chance of making a 5 to 6 figure monthly income from the comfort of their own homes by using the internet, thanks to the internet you can position yourself in front of people who are searching for precisely what you are offering this way you don't meet with as much resistance when presenting your business opportunity.
Back to the question can you have success in the network marketing industry? Definitely if you are willing to develop the skill sets needed to market your business online and the great thing is that you don't need to be a college graduate or have millions of dollars to start.
The network marketing industry has produced the most millionaires in the shortest period of time, this is the only industry that you can enter a high school dropout and create a 5 to 6 figure residual monthly income, this industry is all about freedom but the sad fact is that the bulk of the people who enter into this industry give up before they see success.
There are two main reasons why people fail in this industry:
1 - Lack of knowledge when it comes to generating leads.
2 - Lack of consistent action on the knowledge that they gain.
These are the two major reasons I think that the failure rate in this industry is so high, if these people would just take the time to learn a marketing strategy that will create leads and then take steady action for at least the next 3 to 6 months then they would see massive results in their network marketing company.
The secret to creating success in the network marketing industry is create 25 to 50 leads per day, you would even be able to create success with 10 leads per day, could you think what your business would look like if you have even 10 new targeted people every single day to talk to about your business ? What if you had 25 or 50+ new people every single day?
You will never have to work for a boss ever again, you will be the architect of your own future, and you would finally live life on your terms financially free!
So the question we should be asking is are you willing to do what it takes to generate 25 to 50 leads per day even if that means you have to take regular action for the next 3 to 6 months? If you answered yes then you can create success in the network marketing industry but if you answered no or you weren't sure then I would suggest you get used to your job because you will more than likely be there for a very long time.