In network marketing, it is all about the art of making contact with people. You must be on top of your game, always inspired and motivated to be in communication with the masses. It doesn't matter how you do it, or if you do a combination of techniques - cold calling, talking to people you meet, information marketing, online and offline advertising, blogging, to name a few. You have to be inspired to be at your best and most productive so as to reap the most benefits from your efforts.
More often than we would like to admit, we hear the word "No" from our prospects, or they don't respond to the information we've provided them. If you are not thick-skinned, this can become very discouraging.
In order to keep a stiff upper lip and a positive attitude, what do you do to stay inspired? Here are a few things that I like to do:
1) I often read self help books and blogs.
2) I subscribe to various pages on Facebook that provide people with positive thinking techniques and positive quotes.
3) I often search the web for inspirational quotes.
4) I write and say my own affirmations.
5) I read affirmations written by other people that are in line with what I want to support in my own consicousness.
6) I meditate, often using guided meditation resources.
People will join your business if you are motivated and if you inspire them. This will not happen if you don't maintain a high energy. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself motivated to succeed!