Network Marketing | Network Marketing - 3 Reasons To Join A Direct Sales Company ...

1 - Get Paid More for Your Time

Let's use this analogy. If you sell real estate, which price homes would you rather sell; ones that cost half a million or ones that cost a million? Obviously the higher price because the commissions are bigger. The same applies to network marketing.

At the end of a day of making 100 cold calls (or generating 100 leads to your web page) to make 1 sale, would you rather earn a $100 or a $1000 commission? The answer is obvious. Not only does the higher commission mean your worth per hour goes up, but also any internet marketing your doing (especially pay-per-click) is more easily supported. Even if you're working part time, and generate 1 high ticket sale per week, you're still earning $1000 a week. Now, the MLM Network Marketing proponents would tell you that the big money isn't really made up front; rather its made later in the monthly residuals. Let's explore that argument and our next point.

2 - It Takes Less Sales To Earn A Reasonable Monthly Income in Direct Sales

The promise of MLM Network Marketing has always been about earning big residual checks from sales made by your team (e.g., leverage). Check your compensation plan and see how many active consultants you need in your downline creating at least one sale a month in order to earn a reasonable full time income (usually defined as $4000 a month or $48,000 a year)? Some plans require anywhere between 500 and 1000 active reps making at least one sale every month to create that $4000 a month. Counting for attrition, you would have to average sponsoring one new member a day for at least 18 months.

In a high ticket Direct Sales company, 1 new member a week (instead of a day) can mean as much as $4000 a month (and in some companies $40,000 a month!). This isn't something you have to work up to either. You can build that income within your first few months, rather than your first few years.

Now, a myth about the Direct Sales industry is that you don't receive residual commissions. You do; the difference is it's usually only one or two levels below you (like the insurance industry). Regardless, because it's high ticket, the residual commission is still usually at least ten times higher than the front end commission on a MLM Network Marketing company. So what about attrition? Next point.

3 - More Committed Team Members in High Ticket Direct Sales

MLM Network Marketing companies with low ticket items are infamous for their high attrition rates (as much as 85% in some cases). Why? It's the cost of entry that is a key element in determining if people "stick". The typical price of entry in a low ticket MLM is typically about a couple hundred bucks, so in general, most people who join aren't really that committed because they don't have much at risk and can walk away without giving it a second thought.

The typical entry cost in a high ticket Direct Sales company is usually around a couple thousand dollars. The prospect will think much harder about their decision, and once in your business, they are much more committed to sticking with it because they have more at risk, i.e., more skin in the game. Could they drop out? Sure. But what you will find is overall you have a much more committed team member, who will stick it out longer, and because of that, is more apt to generate sales, which in turn will generate you a much larger residual commission.

There's no question that Network Marketing works, and with it you can earn four, five and even six-figures per month. There's also no question that the quicker path to prosperity comes from joining a high ticket Direct Sales Company. Multi-level network marketing companies with a low ticket item simply don't pay enough or build residual income quickly enough, to compensate for the amount of time it takes to build a downline, especially when its evaporating as quickly as you try to build it. For anyone who is thinking about getting into the Network Marketing industry, and is shying away due to the cost of entry in a high ticket Direct Sales company, think carefully about the long term aspects of that decision.

Network Marketing | 3 Disgusting Truths Hidden Behind Every Network Marketing ...

Disgusting Truth One: Multilevel marketing companies are designed to fail from the very beginning! That's right, anyone who is experienced in network marketing will tell you that most of these companies have between a three and five year shelf life... that's if they are lucky enough to survive the first six months. Think about it, every single day on the Internet there is another company touting another monumental prelaunch... some latest and greatest invention that's going to change the world so that we can all be financially free.


Only a very small handful of people who get in at the very top will make more than they spend. It doesn't matter if it's a forced matrix, binary or any other comp plan. The people at the top who can see the entire downline structure, and who have the ability to strategically move people and groups of people where they need them are the people making all the money. Do you have the capabilities to see the full picture of the entire company's downline? If so, do you have the ability to move people where you would like to move them? Can you strategically fill in all the gaps in your downline pyramid and replace the people who stop their auto ship? If not, then failure is just a matter of time for you at this point.

Your "upline" can be compared to your credit score... you know you have one, but you have no idea what it looks like or how it was determined. Why is it such a big secret? Hmmmm?

When was the last time you met someone who is TRULY successful in MLM over the long term? For most people the answer is never. Of course you see all of the hype on the Internet and spreading like the plague through every form of spam known to man, but if you've ever tried to contact those people who are running those ads and ask to see a real copy of their last paycheck, you will find most people will not call you back because they simply don't have anything that proves they are making any sort of significant income. They are lying to you. And one last thought... if you do not believe in this "shelf-life" theory, simply ask yourself why most top MLM earners have been with at least five companies or more over the past five or six years.

Disgusting Truth Two: The products are usually consumable, low to average quality, horribly packaged and are not necessary for everyday living! It's hard to tell what goes through the mind of a CEO, other than big dollars in their pockets, when deciding what type of product to create and at what price point. With the economy in the worst shape it's been since the Great Depression, it's simply baffling how many network marketing programs are hitting the scene with vacation programs, designer beverages and health supplements. In a bad economy, these are the very same things people sacrifice so they can continue to pay their bills and keep food on the table. These seemingly brain-dead CEOs should have probably taken a course or two on "market timing."

Disgusting Truth Three: The average "auto ship" only lasts three months. A recent industry snapshot shows that the average person who gets on auto ship for a product or a service in the MLM industry lasts an average of only three months. Do you really want to continue replacing people you bring on board? Auto ship and auto billing is the key to multilevel marketing, but people today are getting wise to the fact that they have enough recurring payments to make each month. A constant monthly auto ship payment can be a real budget breaker for most people in today's economy, but the real pain in the back is when a company keeps shipping products to your house that you really don't have a need for. Can you relate? Perhaps you have water filters, health supplements and energy drinks stacked in your garage right now collecting dust. Join the crowd.

To summarize, most people who get involved with MLM or network marketing, or any other type of home-based business opportunity will end up losing money in the end. It's already a well known fact that approximately 97% of all home based business owners fail within the first 12 months. The other 3% are mostly hidden amongst the people "in control" that were mentioned in "Disgusting Truth One" above.

The sad part of this entire scenario is that it's not hard to create a business model where people can truly find success. It's true that the secret to building long-term wealth is by recruiting or hiring other people and showing them how to work the business, or one specific part of your business, and then earning a small percentage of their efforts. But recruiting should not be the main focus of any business as it clearly is in the network marketing industry.

Network Marketing | Residual Income Streams Creates Wealth And Freedom " Network ...

Famous comedian and television personality Jerry Seinfeld earned fortunes while filming the Seinfeld comedy series, but his enormous wealth and freedom came in even greater abundance after the filming of the last episode. This is because the show went into syndication and became available on local station all over the world. He did not have to appear at the studio for daily rehearsals, and episode filming, but began receiving a residual income from each and every syndicated broadcast of the program. No single syndication paid as much as his show did, but the many combined residual income streams created even greater wealth. This is a rather generous example, because he is a high profile figure, but it is also a name that most will recognize. Building a successful Network Marketing business equates in the same manner. Perform the due diligence of building the business over a period of how ever long it takes you, and later enjoy the freedom of its syndication.

Robert Kiyosaki the best selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of how to create wealth books applauds the Network Marketing industry for providing such a powerful educational wealth creating tool. Network Marketing provides the opportunity for anyone to create multiple streams of residual income and the reward of freedom that comes with the accomplishment of staying the course through the peeks and valleys until the business is built.

Network Marketing | Is Saturation In Network Marketing A Myth - Article Dashboard

So is it true that saturation in network marketing is a myth? Will there be a day where it will be impossible to attract any new downlines into your organization due to the overwhelming competition in the whole wide world? If that were the case, then with network marketing as a business model for the past fifty odd years, the market would be pretty saturated by now. However, it is far from being so.

Saturation in network marketing is a myth and should not be a cause for concern. Here are a few reasons as to why this is so.

Firstly, due to the natural life cycle of a human being, the network marketing business will not be saturated. There will always be people who will reach the legal age where they can join a network marketing business opportunity. These people will age and get married and form a family as well and their kids will soon reach the legal age to join a network marketing business too. This simply means that at any point in time, there will always be people who will be out in the so called job market and these are the people who will be the next generation to join the network marketing business.

People are always on the lookout for better opportunities. As network marketing business offers people a change in lifestyle and the ability to be able to live their dreams, as long as you are able to offer the right opportunity to the right people at the right time, there will be a market for you. Especially for those who are in their jobs and who are most unhappy and disgruntled with the situation they are in, these are the people who are looking for an opportunity which is able to offer them better hope and lifestyle and a way out of their unhappiness. Or you could have people who, for certain family reason, need to stay home and work from home. These would be your target market.

With the rate or attrition in the network marketing industry, this also helps to avoid saturation. Through experience, there will always be people who will drop out of one network marketing company and join another as they are looking to join leaders who are able to help them succeed. By positioning yourself as a leader, mentor or trainer, this will allow you to attract a wider target market to you and may even attract those from other network marketing companies who are not doing well in their current business opportunity.

Network marketing saturation is therefore a myth. As long as the company is a legitimate company offering products and services that have appeal to customers, there is nothing to worry about.

Network Marketing | Gold, Silver, Inflation And Network Marketing - Article Dashboard

We all should take examples like this and move them from the category of minor to major occurrences. During a time of inflation, the things that increase first and the highest are usually the things that impact our daily lives. That's why this article is so important. Your life in the not so distant future will be affected by instances of not enough for the essentials, let alone for the fun activities which enrich your life. What about your child's future? What was at one time looking to be a bright and prosperous future is now looking to be a future of poverty, and not just any poverty but one with a third world element.

History has shown and proven that all great countries that mishandled their money collapsed. No fiat currency (currency based on paper; ex. the dollar bill) has stood the test of time, none. Corruption usually steps in somewhere. One reason is because it is the natural order of things...good & evil, yin & yang, etc. Another reason is because the government has a way to manipulate the system. Their intentions maybe good but one manipulation leads to the next. History has also shown that paper currency always goes back to a gold and silver standard (something tangible you can see or feel). In our time, the country of Zimbabwe's currency, the Zimbabwean dollar, is so inflated that three eggs costs around five hundred billion Zimbabwean dollars. The shelves in most stores are empty. Check it out on Youtube if you don't believe me. This country's problem came from the government devaluing the money by printing insane amounts of it to pay for unnecessary luxuries. Now the people have to mine for small amounts of gold just for the bare essentials.

Back home, in our front yard, our manipulator is the Federal Reserve Bank. It isn't even a part of the government. It is basically an independent entity making decisions for how our country's economy should be handled...weird. They constantly devalue our money by printing more money for this stimulus plan or that bailout, with no end in sight. Our currency isn't backed by money (gold & silver) so the more they print the more we see price increases for oil, rice, produce, and all other essentials.

Take action immediately to ensure that that the dollar you earn today and set aside holds its value. How is that done you ask? Well, there are multiple ways, but one way is to buy silver and gold. Whenever an economy goes belly up the people always resort back to gold and silver. Since taking an interest in this subject I have been like a mad man putting as much money as I can aside to buy gold and silver.

While browsing the internet ran across this network marketing company that deals with silver and gold coins as collectibles. Needless to say, I signed up immediately, because I knew before hand what I was dealing with. Long story short, this network marketing company will auto ship silver and/or gold to me on a monthly bases. Of course I have to pay but I was going to be driving down to the gold and silver mint to purchase anyway. If you are looking for an opportunity where your product will be relevant for years to come then I am sure you will be happy with what you find.

Network Marketing | Is Acn Network Marketing Business A Gimmick - Article Dashboard

IS ACN A gimmick? NO
ACN is a Multi-level marketing enterprise that is giving regular individuals like you and I the opportunity to be financially free. The ACN scam allegations are honestly ridiculous. This is nonetheless not surprising because the Network marketing industry has taken a poor reputation over the calendar year due to the natural skepticism nature of us human being and also due to the way the associates have gone around running their venture. This has had negative effect on the Network marketing industry over the years. So to emphasize my point again, most Network marketing businesses including ACN are not scams.

The 1st prove that ACN is not a scam is the fact that they are marketing at least one service. There are actually many businesses out there promoting the concept of mailing money to someone. Whenever you see this, please operate from it. There is a rationality why the business is called Multi-level marketing or Multi Level Marketing. The company has to be marketing at least one product or service. There has to be an exchange of product and service from one party to another. This pretty much throw the ACN scam allegations in to the trash might.

Another prove that ACN seriously isn't a scam is the type of services that they are marketing. Should you are familiar with the business, ACN is marketing telecommunication services. They started from long distance services. Now, they market phone services by partnering with the key telecommunication carriers out there. ACN is currently partnering with Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Dish Network, Direct TV etc. In places like Canada and other part of the United States, the Network marketing business now market energy by partnering with the main energy carrier in that region due to the energy deregulations. I have a question forr those making the ACN scam allegations. Are Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and the other telecommunication Businesses scams? If ACN is a gimmick, would these businesses put their reputation on the line by partnering with ACN?

Network Marketing | Internet Network Marketing Tips - Article Dashboard

Internet Network Marketing Tips #1: Maintain a commitment to yourself.

Although, starting an online business is exciting when you first get started, but building a network marketing organization that is going to give you financial and time freedom will not happen over night. It is going to take consistent action even when you don't feel like working the business anymore to become successful and to have tomorrow what other won't.

There will be many peaks and valleys in the process of growing your internet network marketing business. It is easy to quit and give up when you hit one of those valleys. Those valleys are only temporary I have never been through one that lasted forever. Stay focused and become one of the top 5% who make it.

Tip #2: Do what is duplicable.

Duplication is what works not what somebody else says is duplicable. Keep in mind that network marketing businesses are built upon duplicable systems. If your downline will have a hard time building the business the way you are it's going to kill your business.

Tip #3: Funded Proposal System.

The reason most people fail at building their business online is because they either run out of money or leads. Having a funded proposal system takes care of both of these problems. What is a funded proposal?
Anything that creates additional immediate revenue in your business that results in a direct increase in the value of your leads. It could be selling your prospects your own information products, affiliate products, or a pay per lead program.

By never giving up, following a duplicable system, and having a funded proposal system you will eventually become an online success.

If you want to learn more about internet network marketing tips and how to get free leads to make money online make sure you read and follow the instructions in the resource box below.