Famous comedian and television personality Jerry Seinfeld earned fortunes while filming the Seinfeld comedy series, but his enormous wealth and freedom came in even greater abundance after the filming of the last episode. This is because the show went into syndication and became available on local station all over the world. He did not have to appear at the studio for daily rehearsals, and episode filming, but began receiving a residual income from each and every syndicated broadcast of the program. No single syndication paid as much as his show did, but the many combined residual income streams created even greater wealth. This is a rather generous example, because he is a high profile figure, but it is also a name that most will recognize. Building a successful Network Marketing business equates in the same manner. Perform the due diligence of building the business over a period of how ever long it takes you, and later enjoy the freedom of its syndication.
Robert Kiyosaki the best selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of how to create wealth books applauds the Network Marketing industry for providing such a powerful educational wealth creating tool. Network Marketing provides the opportunity for anyone to create multiple streams of residual income and the reward of freedom that comes with the accomplishment of staying the course through the peeks and valleys until the business is built.