IS ACN A gimmick? NO
ACN is a Multi-level marketing enterprise that is giving regular individuals like you and I the opportunity to be financially free. The ACN scam allegations are honestly ridiculous. This is nonetheless not surprising because the Network marketing industry has taken a poor reputation over the calendar year due to the natural skepticism nature of us human being and also due to the way the associates have gone around running their venture. This has had negative effect on the Network marketing industry over the years. So to emphasize my point again, most Network marketing businesses including ACN are not scams.
The 1st prove that ACN is not a scam is the fact that they are marketing at least one service. There are actually many businesses out there promoting the concept of mailing money to someone. Whenever you see this, please operate from it. There is a rationality why the business is called Multi-level marketing or Multi Level Marketing. The company has to be marketing at least one product or service. There has to be an exchange of product and service from one party to another. This pretty much throw the ACN scam allegations in to the trash might.
Another prove that ACN seriously isn't a scam is the type of services that they are marketing. Should you are familiar with the business, ACN is marketing telecommunication services. They started from long distance services. Now, they market phone services by partnering with the key telecommunication carriers out there. ACN is currently partnering with Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Dish Network, Direct TV etc. In places like Canada and other part of the United States, the Network marketing business now market energy by partnering with the main energy carrier in that region due to the energy deregulations. I have a question forr those making the ACN scam allegations. Are Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and the other telecommunication Businesses scams? If ACN is a gimmick, would these businesses put their reputation on the line by partnering with ACN?