It is important that you do not keep anything negative around you when building your business as this may hinder your progress.
Here are the 5 negative aspects to eliminate from your network marketing business.
1) Haters - People who hate on you and your networking business do so because they actually see the potential of you becoming very successful and they do not want that to happen. This type of person never wishes you well as they want you to remain stagnate just as they are. They have a fear of you becoming successful and leaving them strapped in their misery.
2) Disbelievers - These folks move a little different than the haters. If you have people in your circle of family and friends who do not believe that you will become successful in your business then you need to omit them from your life. They have no vision and therefore feel that just because they can't see success that you will not succeed. They never have anything positive to say.
They say things like network marketing does not work or that you will never make any money doing it. Whatever they are saying, if it is not helping you to grow then you need to eliminate them.
3) Fear - There is no room for fear in the network marketing business. You have to know that even though many people will tell you no they do not want to join your business that there are also many who will join. Stop being afraid to ask people otherwise you will not grow.
4) Procrastination - Continuously coming up with excuses not to push towards building your network marketing business will only keep you broke and unhappy. Your business cannot thrive without you putting in the effort. Yes, sometimes it can become aggravating when you ponder about what needs to be done. Nonetheless, once you begin implementing, you notice that it is not that hard of a task after all.
5) Failure - This may be one of the most important elements to eliminate. If you realize you are working a network marketing system that is proven to not work for you, then you need to get rid of that system and try one that does. Bugging your friends and family for prospects really does not last that long. Yes it can work for some, however, once they run out, then what? How can you teach your team to do something that is not working for yourself? You can't!!
Being able to identify and get rid of all these negative aspects early on in your ventures will avoid unnecessary failures and allow you much success.