1. Is There Free Training Available? - The top trainers are always willing to give away some training for free. Run away very fast if you find one who doesn't.
2. Will The Training Be Beneficial For Your Business? - You want to ask yourself if this is the type of training you need and can use to produce results online. In many cases, network marketers buy training that deals mostly with internet marketing and doesn't tie in the network marketing aspect. You also want to make sure if this training can used to help your downline build their business.
3. Does The Trainer Use What They Teach? - You don't want to learn Biology from an Algebra teacher. The same holds true in the network marketing industry. Make certain the trainer implements his teachings into his own business. Sometimes these so called training 'gurus' will purposely leave out their own marketing secrets so nobody else can compete with them. Look for transparency.
4. Is The Trainer Available To Answer Your Questions? - There is nothing much better that when someone who trains you can be available to answer your questions personally.. This will show you they are a true teacher and trainer.
5. Is A Money Back Guarantee Available? - A money back guarantee should be offered on most training products. If it is not, find out why and see what their policy is.
6. What Are Other People Saying About The Training? - Be on the look out for positive, reinforcing testimonials. If others have benefited from this trainer then you can probably do the same.
7. What About Experience? - Experience makes up for a lot. Make sure this trainer can show that his training really works. You will also be able to find this out from his or her testimonials.
8. What's In It For You? - This is the most important part. Maybe selfish, but you are using the training to grow your business and make money, right? Just be absolutely certain that the training will help you if you implement it. Too many times I have seen a lot of garbage training online. Then again I have also seen some high quality training. If you do start any kind of training, just make sure you take action and soak up the training like a sponge.
If you have been looking for quality online network marketing training and haven't had any luck, I know how you feel. At one point I was in your shoes, searching all over the internet, with the hopes of finding a person to show me 'the path.' The truth is, not all training is the same and not all trainers will offer you the same amount of value. The common denominator of every successful network marker, regardless of training, was that they took action. Consistent action. My breakthrough online came about a year ago and yes the training helped me, but it was only because I took action day in and day out.