A Great network marketing forum is a great way to cut down on the mistakes that most network marketers make. Forums are a great place to hang out because they can do two great things for you.
1. A network marketing forum is filled with other network marketers in search of knowledge.
2. A network marketing forum is filled with other network marketers that are willing to GIVE AWAY Knowledge.
I truly and honestly believe that the best people to market to are other network marketers. I believe this simply because they do not need as much training, they have the proper mindset, and they may already have large lists of distributors that they could bring with them into your business.
By just being professional, adhering to forum rules, and posting valuable content often you are positioning yourself ahead of potential leaders in this industry.
I do not know about you, but I would rather market to an individual with 1,000 people in their down line that is eager to succeed in this industry than my uncle who has no prior knowledge in selling, marketing, or advertising any business.
A great network marketing forum has people that are willing to give away valuable information. This means that you can learn from the people that have already made the mistakes so that you do not have to. The people in these forums have varying levels of experience and can tell you about what they have been doing, and how you could improve your marketing techniques.
A great network marketing forum is a great place to hang out. My recommendation is to find five or six of them, and just post valuable content consistently. Learn all you can, it is free information from some of the top producers in the industry.