I am going to be blunt with you; If you want Network Marketing success fast then you're going to need to put almost full time energy into it. There are countless Entrepreneurs in our network that went from broke to $50,000 a month in 18 months, 15 months, 9 months and I know a gentleman who did it in 3 months.
There are many factors that lead to fast Network Marketing success and I have written many articles outlining these success techniques in previous editions that you can find. Each person used a different strategy to get there fast.
But one common strategy that is common amongst all of these Network Marketing success stories is this: they all did it full time!
That's right, the myth of this "part time" business and quoting figures that get people's hopes up is just not right. I have never seen anyone earn rock star income from Network Marketing while doing it part time. Having said that, I have seen many people earn an extra $20,000, $40,000, $60,000, $80,000 and even $100,000 plus per year from Network Marketing just building the business part time over 1-5 years.
Now, when you get to that level of income you can fire your boss and go full time into Network Marketing and take it from say $80,000 p.a to $1,000,000 p.a over the next 1-5 years full time. After that you can go sit on a beach for the rest of time as Network Marketing provides that residual income for life that you have been looking for.
So build your business part time while you are still working or running a traditional business and the extra $30,000 or $100,000 on top of what you are earning will give you so many choices that you will be loving life. You can buy an extra investment property or afford your dream house or fire your boss or just go around the world once a year.
Then for the big thinkers, double your time into building your Network Marketing business and you will never look back.
I remember a mentor saying to me once "If I told you that you had to dig holes in the desert 10 hours per day, every day for 1 year and at the end of that year I will pay you $1 Million Dollars each and every year for the rest of your life would you do it?" Hell yes, I replied.
Take the plunge, decide, work hard and then go full time. Build Network Marketing success fast to the desired residual income and then do what you want, when you want, with who you want, whenever you want, for the rest of your life.
Do I recommend you quit your job right now and build your Network Marketing business full time like a person possessed? Well, off the record the answer would be yes. But on the record I would say no. It is safer to start part time, build it up and then go fulltime.
But who wants safe right? We are Entrepreneurs, we take risks, we are impatient, and we want the lifestyle and title right now. So how much annual leave, sick days, long service leave do you have up your sleeve? Or can you sell your business or get a pay out ? If you can and you believe in your business, yourself, your dream, your products and your dedication then what is stopping you from giving yourself and your family the life you deserve in the next 6 months?
Think about it. What have you got to lose? Either you never look back or you just go back to work. There is no risk. Think big and start planning your Network Marketing success fast timeline right now and make this the year that you live life on your terms. You already know what to do.
Aaron Byerlee
The Deck Chair Millionaires.