If you want to consistently attract new prospects to your network marketing business you will have to work hard and be constant. As you know signing up new prospects is the life blood of network marketing and if you want to succeed you will have to understand exactly how recruiting works.
So here are some recruiting mistakes you should not be making.
The first thing a network marketing program will tell you to do is create a list of 100 people you know, this can be friends, family and colleagues. This is not a good move and especially if your new to network marketing. Learn what the program is about and become some what of a success before flaunting the opportunity to friends & family. If things don't work out you can lose these close relationships.
The old 3 foot rule is well past its use by date. Pitching your network marketing business to anyone who gets within 3 feet just doesn't work this day and age. Its not the good old days when you use to leave your doors unlocked, people are touchy and crowding them with your opportunity just isn't a good idea.
Don't waste your time handing out flyers or putting up posters. This form of advertising is very untargeted and the time you spend doing this could be put to far better use.
Don't go through the phone book and ring up random people or cold call as its known. This is a massive time waster and one not worth pursuing.
Stay away from these old school network marketing techniques and work on the methods that are working in today's age. If you can understand recruiting prospects your network marketing business will flourish.