Success is an individual achievement granted upon the completion of a specific goal. For the network marketer, this goal is the duplication of effort through the leverage of a down-line. The failure most network marketers succumb to, however, is in adopting a business philosophy based solely on themselves. While the intent is to acquire more money for ourselves, in network marketing, our prosperity is measured by our partners success.
You will never succeed in network marketing until you understand the importance of your down-lines success. The whole point, regardless of what program you're involved in, is to REPLICATE yourself! If you can sign-up one lead a day you're doing okay. But if you can train each lead that you sign everyday to do the same, now you're onto something! Where most people fail in the online marketing business is at this crucial step, TRAINING. What good is a sale that does nothing? Sure you get a small commission, but then what? By allowing people to fail and go nowhere in the system you're involved in, you accept the role of doing all the work yourself!
Take responsibility for every member of your team. Be a leader and help out everyone you sign-up to get their first sale. Show them the techniques you used and profit from them! When you take the initiative to behave as a good sponsor should, you are rewarded by the duplication of your efforts a hundred fold. If you simply sign and train ONE person a day, you will be wealthy in short order. Because that person you signed will sign/train their one person a day. And that person will do the same, and so on into the limits of your compensation plan!
Network marketing is the fastest and easiest way there is to make money, whether online or otherwise. All you need is the courage to contact your sign-ups and offer them your guidance. Take on the mindset that your success is their success. Do not view people as "leads" but rather potential "partners" and value them as such. This shift in perspective allows us insight into the essence of what the whole network marketing experience is all about. Which is leading by example and building a successful team of wealthy entrepreneurs!
All you need to do to succeed as a network marketer is find a system that works, replicate it, and then duplicate yourself by training others who join you to succeed as you have. Simplicity is the name of the game. Stop looking for ten thousand leads a day or the maximum amount of sign-ups possible! Your goal should be in finding candidates for success . People that are willing to learn, listen, and complement your team by acting upon the training you give. I would rather have 10 people on my team who can sign ten of their own, train them to do the same, and so on over a team of 1,000 who do nothing.
The pyramid you build is a reflection of you. When we build our own network marketing pyramid we do so from the ground up. The quality of work we put into the base levels equals the sturdiness of the entire structure. The time and energy spent on acquiring and training new talent from your prospect list is well worth the end result. You do not need to build the whole pyramid. In fact, the beauty of network marketing is that the success you pass into each level is passed into the next automatically. And your pyramid will build itself before your eyes! Share the success you achieve in your business with your partners and you will receive more success in return. This is the recipe for wealth and it includes everyone you work with!