We all know the stats... the 97% and more that never see any network marketing success to speak of. Granted, most of us only stop to check the figures AFTER some serious frustration first! It would've been really helpful to know this while we were figuring out how to select a network marketing company... But I'll talk about THAT subject somewhere else, later.
Right, back to what to do then. Where does this sort of stat leave us, (aspiring) network marketers in this day and age? Should we all give up and try to find 'real jobs' that now don't exist anymore either, what with the state of the global economy and all?
Not according to Robert Kiyosaki!(1) He is totally convinced that Network Marketing IS the business of the future, for that very reason: There IS NO JOB SECURITY anymore, in any industry, at any level. We HAVE to take control of our lives and financial futures ourselves! There is no choice anymore, really.
So, if we accept his position as our reality, we must accept also that the rules have changed for ever, and that we need to adapt if we want to have any chance at network marketing success at all.
So, let's take a look at some ideas on how to select a network marketing company for success in this new era:
In the good(?) old days the health and wellness potions and lotions did really well because of their cutting edge novelty, and that of the business model itself. But let's face it, these days every Tom, Dick and Harry has a weight loss shake and some vitamins to keep you young forever! And usually also so much cheaper than the giants out there... And if we look at other consumer items like homewares or costume jewelry, well, unfortunately these things lose value over time, because they become old. They are essentially consumed .
So, in the new era, the best products would be those that actually increase in value over time (a real asset to help amass wealth), or an intellectual product that is built on experience (like a cutting edge online mentorship programme for example, that is continuously reviewed and improved), so no newcomer would be able to compete with the accumulated wealth of experience and knowledge.
And obviously, still VERY important: You must actually like the products! It would be even better if you use/collect/do them. So, make sure that the products excite you, whatever they are.
Obviously the less competition you have in the marketplace for your particular type of product, the better, but you need to also make sure that there isn't any strong competition in the Network Marketing arena in particular . The other very important factor when it comes to competition evaluation is to make sure that the same type of products don't sell for considerably less than your proposed product line in general retail. Both these really are just about applying some common sense!
About this topic I truly do not know anything, apart from asking 'show me the money'! I am therefore giving you this link to read all about it from someone who knows his stuff apparently! As far as I know, comp plans have always been a hot button for development since the beginning of time for MLM. Let me know if you think there is one that is more suitable than the next for the type of products outlined above!
I will however offer this one piece of advice: Ask as many questions as you need to understand the proposed comp plan perfectly. If the recruiter is vague or cannot answer you, be suspicious! It means they are either brand new themselves, or the plan is flawed. In both cases you want to tread carefully...
Obviously this is crucial, since the entire business model pivots on the duplication of a proven plan. It is thus extremely important to make sure that the company you are considering has ongoing training and support measures in place. A particularly important new criteria in this area is the company's (or at the very least your prospective upline's) positive attitude to change if things are not working properly after sufficient trial. This I found to be particularly lacking in the traditional dinosaurs, err... giants...
It goes without saying that a company that is viable for the 21st century absolutely embraces the power of the internet for building the networks required to drive network marketing success, but also be sensitive and responsive to the changing sensibilities of the market. In other words, the methodology is one thing, but the tactics and thinking might have to be reconsidered often, because things tend to change very quickly in this, the information age. You also need to make sure that your proposed company will allow you enough freedom to truly 'make the business your own ' by means of self-branding, etc. So, make sure you're asking the right questions!
It would be difficult to find a truly emerging MLM company in an emerging market today, but that would be first price for getting the "ground floor" advantage , which is undeniably valuable - just take a look at the Jim Rohns of the world and their network marketing success... A word of caution though: You probably do not want to be member number 3 or 10. Even if a company is young, if it is solid, there WILL be some information available outside of the company itself. Find that info! If you can't find any, you should be concerned. The other important aspect of Timing would be the desirability of a particular product in a particular economic and social climate .
Taking all of this into account, I suppose first price at this point would be a relatively young but solid MLM launching with a product line that increases in value over time, has virtually no competition in- or outside of MLM, and enters a new market! I happen to know about one just like this right here in Australia.
So, after this rather large mouthful, I hope that you are better equipped to choose your (next) MLM company for Network Marketing Success!
Just as a matter of record: I absolutely believe in the strength of the purity of a 'helping people help people' model, but I also live in the real world. I know how hard it can be to stay the course and make sense of the myriad of information and the 'be profitable tonight' promises out there.
So, my final advice is to take a deep breath, and ask all the question you need to ask, and then some. And if your heart is not happy, STOP, until your heart is at peace with your mind's decision. But when BOTH ARE HAPPY, GO FOR IT! Or you'll always regret not knowing.
Until next time,