There are so many new opportunities to do network marketing and the internet has only expounded on those opportunities.
When the network marketing business began, how did people advertise? The idea was to first talk to their friends and family about a totally new concept. The model was brand new to most people and there were many who were extremely open to a new style of making money.
Things are different, however, because people have heard of the business model, and many do not feel it can work. But there are still many individuals that are open to the idea of network marketing. The difficulty is getting to those people. Unlike your little town you may live in, or your mall that you have been to many times, the internet gives you the chance to reach hundreds and thousands of prospects each and every day.
The main thing that is distinct, but is also an plus, is that you have the good fortune to start friendships and confidence online before individuals enter into your business. When you speak with people you know, this is already there, but when speaking with strangers this is absent.
There are three ways I would recommend for newbies.
1. Facebook - The entire purpose behind Facebook is to gather friends in your network. You can simply find people that are looking for great opportunities after you befriend them. The key is to not pitch your business straight away, but to gain friendship first.
2. Blogging - Let people get to know you and give them back something first. Most people have heard the phrase it is better to give than to receive? This is spot on. Blogging lets readers to get to know you, and learn to trust you. Eventually, they will want to be in your business.
3. Article marketing - Article marketing is an additional great way to give valuable information to people and help them see the worth that you offer before they sign up with you. Teaching them how to do network marketing online, for instance, is something of value.
The thing you need to remember about network marketing online is that you no longer have that face to face ability that you have in person. You need to be more than simply a voice or article, you need to show your personality and expertise to those that you are working with. Don't let the internet be a crutch any longer, but an advantage.