Compensation to marketers is in the form of a commission which is scaled according to the value and quantity of product sold. The excitement of network marketing is that marketers can recruit or sponsor other marketers, who will be in their downline. A marketer can then make more money by being paid a portion of the commission of their downlines' sales efforts. As such,with a little capital investment, and a little effort at recruiting a marketer's income can be increased.
The opportunity to work from home and be your own boss while making money is so vast that there are a plethora of network marketing companies out there ranging from communication services to nutritional products and skin care companies. With so many companies to choose from, how do individuals interested in network marketing select a good program that will fulfill their goals of making more money with little stress?
The first step is to look at the company offering the opportunity itself. Certain criteria must be met by any company whose product you want to start marketing.
1.) The management of the company must be made up of honest individuals with integrity. Does the company stand behind their products? How long has this company been in business? Do they have a good track record that is attested to by successful marketers and users of their products?
2.) Is the product offered by the company one that will stand the test of time? Will it still be relevant in the next twenty years? Products centered on the human needs satisfy this criterion. That is why companies marketing nutritional supplements have been around for a long time because their products are in demand and the human body will always need nutritional supplementation in today's fast-paced world.
3.) Is the product special? Does it offer value for pricing? Can it be afforded by a lot of people?
4) Is the company's compensation plan a fair one? Does it offer early payouts? Does the plan for compensation make it easier for marketers to start earning quickly? Are the payouts generous enough?
to make it worthwhile, even for part-timers? You do not want to join a system that has to take forever to get paid.
5.) Does the program use a proven system that works?Are there coaching and training programs for beginners to help them succeed? Is the system duplicable? Does the system address issues that confronts most beginners such as rejection, not having an appropriate and convincing sales pitch, shyness, etc? A system must be duplicable. If not, how does your downline recreate your success to make them(and ultimately you) successful? Inability to duplicate a system is a major cause of why 96% of network marketers fail.
People are different. Some have the knack to make cold calls, speak to complete strangers and get them to register as downlines in a single meeting. Majority are scared to even approach neighbors they have known for years with such a proposition. Some can take "NO" for an answer several times a day and still press on as if nothing happened. Some just recoil into their shells, and stuff their marketing pack intotheir junk pile at home forever.
But when there is a system that can be duplicated by anyone, and is structured to work for everyone no matter their skillset or personality type, it makes selling and recruitment of downlines a lot easier and leads to higher earnings.
Power Wave Marketing Inc. is a direct mail company based in San Jose, California. The core business of this company is network marketing using a mail order style of prospect recruitment.In this form of marketing, the network marketer sends a Power Wave Marketing yellow flyer with an attached form for a prospect to fill. On filling and returning to Power Wave Marketing Inc, a free non-obligatory informational pack will be mailed out.
This method of network marketing has been shown to take away the face-to-face meetings which majority of network marketers dread. If you are looking for a work from home opportunity that can work for you, then Power Wave Marketing Inc's direct mail system could be for you.
Generally, there are a few habits network marketers should also imbibe to make their campaigns successful.
1.) Set and write goals for your network marketing business. Put them up where you can see them daily.
Psychologists say that the law of attraction works; that what you see and visualize, you attract into your life.
2.) Do something, anything, right away. Take action. When you take action on something, you have raised your chances of success from 0 to 50%. When you do nothing, your chance of success stays at 0%.
3.) Stay positive. Read and listen to positive material and hang out with people who will encourage you rather than throw cold water on your ambitions.
4.) Expect "NO's" as they are a part of network marketing business.
5.) It takes time to build your network and start reaping the rewards. Don't expect to join a company and start making money straightaway. Cultivate the habit of patience.
6.) Always follow up with your prospects. Many people need to be gingered repeatedly before they act on your invitation.
7.) Be honest. Do not promise what the program cannot give as a way to convince prospects to join.
That is deception and deception kills business very fast.
8.) Help your downline as their success is your success.
9.) Don't waste time on prospects that are negative. There will always be naysayers.
10.) Don't quit. Success in this business takes time and patience. Only those who stay true to the end can make it.
Power Wave Marketing offers a great duplicable system that helps their network marketers make money. Mail back their yellow flyer and check them out.
If you like more general information about Network Marketing, visit: Power Wave Marketing Blog