here are some of the figures for Dexter Yager Amway. His personal group is aroung 4 million distributors. That's bigger than the majority of network marketing companies out there! His team does $2,000,000,000 in annual revenue. not bad, eh? I'd say he's earned himself a little bit of cash!
It's rumored that he makes in the hundreds of millions per year!
How Did Dexter Yager Amway Do It?
Since he built his group mostly back in the '60's, he used all the old school network marketing tactics. He employed strategies like home meetings, hotel meetings, luncheons, and other types of presentations.
Dexter Yager Amway used all of those strategies to perfection, and he is one of the wealthiest men in the United States for it.
Of course, that begs the question. should you market the way Dexter Yager Amway did? His results are hard to argue with, but let me try for a minute
There are now about 10,000,000 MLM distributors in the United States alone. Doing some rough math, that equals to about 1 in 30 people across the nation (even outside the U.S. network marketing is becoming moderately commonplace). everyone already knows someone who is in an MLM company. They've already been invited to home meetings and such.
It was simpler in the late '60's to communicate that you have a business proposition and invite your friends. Now? Everybody's worried it's another MLM business presentation!
While there are some who still grow their MLM business pretty successfully offline, it's becoming more difficult for the typical person to build a very colossal organization that way.
So, what do you do now? Well, we have this little invention called the Internet. You can use the internet to show your business to thousands of people each day, if you desire to.
except how is that different from inviting people to home meetings?
on the Internet you can in fact target who you want to expose your business to. Let's say you can present to a few hundred people a day who Google "Home Business". Would those be some highly targeted prospects?
In conclusion, Dexter Yager Amway used methods that are now outdated, while the Internet is now the new frontier for network marketing.