"Nobody ever makes money with those things!"
Just because you don't have a friend or neighbor who is making a full-time income from a Network Marketing company, doesn't mean that people can't make money with them. Actually there are a lot more people making a full-time income this way, then you would ever imagine.
No business can be successful without the success of their employees or distributors. So, if no one makes any money with these companies, then why are there so many of them? And if they're not making money, then how can they afford to stay in business year after year?
Anyone who knows anything about business should know that this idea is absurd! Obviously the company wouldn't be successful if none of their distributors were making money. Therefore they would end up going out of business pretty quickly.
"Network Marketing Companies are all a scam!"
Really? Have the people who say this ever heard of the FTC? There are literally thousands of NM Companies legally operating in the U.S. right now, and they have been for years.
There are actually very strict laws that NM companies must adhere to when developing their commission structure. If these laws are not met, the FTC will fine them, and shut them down for good.
So the idea that all Network Marketing companies are a scam is very farfetched, to say the least.
"Only the people at the top are making The Big Bucks!"
First of all, a lot of the people that aren't at the top still make money in Network Marketing Companies. But they're right about the people at the top making the big bucks.
Every company that I know of, network marketing or not, is set up this way! The CEO of any major corporation will always make more than the people below them.
With Network Marketing, the people who have the largest organizations are the top money earners. And everyone starts at the bottom. The wonderful thing about this is the fact that anyone who is willing to build a big organization can become a top money earner in their company.
The same cannot be said about traditional business models. I have yet to hear of a factory worker, who has become the CEO of a huge company.
So there you have it!