This article is about a new idea I came across that may blow the socks off of most network marketing businesses.
Have you ever been in Amway or another mlm business. Why did you quit? Many people quit their mlm business because they were actually spending more than they were making. Me included. The main reason I failed at network marketing was because is I did get any customers to buy my products.
I did not do these 2 things.
1. Get retail customers and keep them.
2. Get wholesale customers otherwise know as distributors.
This is why people fail in network marketing. They do not get customers. In one word, they do not sell. How can they!
They are mechanics and housewives, School teachers and pilots. And so on. These are normal people who have jobs that do not ask themto sell anything.
The minute they join a mlm business the first thing they are asked to do is start making changes. This is really a fair thing to aks in an mlm business because any person starting a new business will have to change how they do things, and they will have to concentrate on getting customers.
Most people will not make changes in themselves and therefore can no do it.
Can you explain to me why the network marketing industry is still doing the same things as they have oever and over in the past. Isn't that the definition of insanity!
The internet offers so many ways to make money yet almost all of them require selling and so things like affiliate marketing do no fare much better than mlm programs.
I recently came across a program that works a little differently. They are an internet shopping program and people get paid a rebate on their personal purchases as well as on the purchases of a 9 level deep matrix.
There is no selling. Only buying and the products you buy are things you buy everyday from over 1000 merchants such as Sears, Target and others.
The reason this stands an excellent chance to succeed is it is free to join and people do not have to change. They can succeed being who they are.
This is why most network marketing businesses fail. They ask people to change and to sell something. Is it no wonder over 95% of them will not do that. They will never achieve a high retention rate and that is a shame.