Now hear this! Going out into the world and seeking new down line members is exactly the wrong initial network marketing strategy and will doom you to quick and complete failure. Say what?
Examine how each of the following two MLM recruiting approaches will appear to would-be prospects. In the first, you beat the bushes to find people you can convince to join you in your program. The emphasis is clearly: "I need you. Please help me make money - I'm desperate. Getting you to join is the most important thing to me - maybe the only important thing to me." In the second, you set yourself up as the expert, demonstrating your own network marketing Success based on your knowledge and skill in MLM recruiting. In this case those potential down line members seek you out. In this arrangement they need you, you see, not the other way around. It might be called a back door approach to MLM recruiting.
How do you position yourself so you are seen as the expert with a history of network marketing success? First, of course, become knowledgeable in MLM recruiting techniques, strategies, and programs. At that point you have, in truth, become something of an expert. The internet is loaded with the information you need - much of it free. By searching out and reading this article aimed at improving your network marketing success you have proved that you are both interested and eager to improve your basic fund of knowledge. You have also proved that there is quality, free, information about MLM recruiting available for you.
Second, you must 'show off' - that is, demonstrate all that practical and useful knowledge (about MLM recruiting that you have acquired) to others who are interested in achieving network marketing success. How can you accomplish that? Right now you are experiencing one surefire approach. Reformulate your knowledge about things like MLM recruiting into a series of short, helpful, articles. Submit them to article sites such as this one. Then, when others search for expert advice on how to achieve network marketing success, they find your article. If each piece contains even one really helpful idea or concept, you instantly become a valuable and dependable resource for them. They will want to hear what else you have to say about MLM recruiting. They become eager to build a relationship with you as someone who has achieved network marketing success. You add contact information at the end of each article and offer the reader some additional, genuinely useful information if they click on your link.
Successful MLM recruiting is all about offering respondents lots and lots of helpful information after that first contact (the one they make with you, remember!) - information that clearly holds the potential of being immediately useful and direction changing for them as hey seek their own network marketing success.
Whose program would you be more likely to pursue: That of somebody clearly dedicated to your MLM Success or somebody merely cajoling you into joining a poorly defined offer, which is clearly aimed at making him money?
Position yourself as a reliable source of quality internet marketing information and training first. Put the success of those who seek you out as your first priority. Offer highest quality information and techniques. Push training, not joining. Then you will enjoy the fruits of your labor by eventually securing a following of loyal, appreciative, down line members who, most importantly, you know have become knowledgeable about MLM recruiting. Who wouldn't choose to partner with such a person (resource)?
The most important Internet Marketing Techniques you can employ are these: Be helpful. Be honest. Be patient. Your network marketing success will follow!