Network Marketing | How To Grab Attention With Your Network Marketing Emails

Marketing to your email list is not difficult but there are a few points you should always bear in mind. It doesn't matter if you've written the best email on the planet; if it doesn't have a captivating title then very few people are going to open it.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to advertise and promote a new product, possibly bringing in some affiliate sales. Your subscribers should look forward to receiving your emails because they contain helpful information that is relevant to them.

The subject of your email message is often the only reason someone will read it. We all have inboxes filled with messages and making yours stand out by giving it a snappy title makes all the difference.

Make your subject line or title short and to the point, telling your subscriber exactly what to expect. Writing an eye-catching title is definitely a knack - it certainly shouldn't be an afterthought.

Pique your subscribers' curiosity by using a question as the title. I've also found that using humor helps whenever possible - people need a little light relief. Subject lines that contain the words "how to", "a guide to...", "tips on..." all work extremely well as part of a title.

Unfortunately there are certain words that throw up flags with email providers, these include cash, money, work from home, opportunity, free, affordable, and apply now and please don't address your subscriber as "Dear Friend" - you must address the recipient by his or her first name. There are many more no-no words and it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with them or your emails may end being treated as spam. Some email marketers get around this by putting "" or "c.ash" but I'm sorry, that just looks sales-y and very tacky.

While using these words won't automatically mean your emails end up in the spam folder, if you can avoid using them frequently and repeating them throughout an email you stand a better chance.

If you do use a question such as "Are you tired of coming home exhausted?" Do be sure to answer that question within the first few lines of your email.

Always send a copy of the email to yourself first. That way you can test any links and proofread it again to make sure there are no errors. Nothing says "amateur" more than a succession of emails full of spelling mistakes and dead links. Do remember to place a link to your website under your signature - I'm amazed at how many people fail to do this. I get an interesting email and want to find out more but I have to jump through hoops to find the source of that additional information!

Split testing is another option. You send out two similar emails, each to one half of your subscriber list. After a couple of days you can look at the results to see which was the most effective. Learn from spilt testing and before long you will know the formula for sending out the most effective emails.

The frequency of emails is also important ' too many may mean annoying some people. It is also extremely difficult to construct an interesting email on a daily basis. It's better to send out one every three or four days that's packed full with good information than to send a daily email that has nothing useful to say.

Always be aware of what your subscriber, i.e. your target market needs and wants, and what your competitors are doing. Sign up for their lists so you know exactly what you're up against. Analysis and split testing are very important when running email campaigns and a little industrial espionage helps too!

Planning an effective email marketing campaign for your MLM business is one of the keys to success. Make sure you deal with any responses promptly - many successful network marketers will include a phone number in their responses, making them that much more personal.

Network Marketing | No Cost Network Marketing Tools - Sponsor Far More Reps Inside ...

Rather than pitching your Multi-Level Marketing opportunity, you need to use these absolutely free network marketing tools and use leverage in using the net. So you'll need to give value, presence & relationships with your prospects first then you are able to talk about your company, product or services that your customers are willing to buy.

The real secrets in MLM, it is to utilize these strategies that isn't taught from your sponsor within your primary company. You just must be coachable and able to follow step by step directions just having access to the world wide web and a cellphone. You may potentially get your message or small business that you could reach to millions of men and women inside your target marketplace in the home-based enterprise industry just a click of a mouse.

If done properly on how it can be easy to make use of these tools on the net, and the ability to take advantage of the net. You can literally get yourself in front of millions of folks in a daily basis without leaving your home or office.

Utilizing these marketing approaches is to create original content and spread it out there on the net. You may do it just simply putting your content to article directories, put on a blog, creating video onto video sites like Youtube and onto social media sites as well to get to the specific targeted prospects that can generate free leads for your organization.

In my opinion, it can be one of the best marketing strategies that you could use by utilizing these totally free network marketing tools that it is possible to literally get millions of prospects to get your message out there in what you have to offer to them.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Behavioral Secrets Revealed To You

To compete with the most successful people in the world we need to use a leverage that will put us above failure and give us access to a dominant power and assurance. Being extremely competitive involves the biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces that activate behavior. There are a multitude of terms that define our attitude and make us stand against adversity and failure. We will just list a few terms for the time being as they are not unknown to our verbiage.

As we planned to have a few network marketing secrets revealed to you, we will conceal our effort on three important phases for the moment.

The power of motivation - We motivate ourselves by motivating others. It's the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation attract persistence and takes us to the finish line. Motivation helps us go through obstacles and furnishes energy and resources. Motivation helps balance challenges with authority, help us build trust and attract cooperation, help us reach success by developing an automatic reaction of analyzing strategies to make every day count.

The power of leadership - Leadership is a process by which a person influences others. It is a trait of character that will let people hear our point of view and decisions and finds it difficult to argue and overcome them. Leadership will facilitate implementation of our directives and let us accomplish objectives when trust has been built. Leadership helps us deal with frustration, depression, stress and anxiety and promote optimism, energy plus a combative healthy confidence in ourselves.

The power of persuasion - As a support to motivation and leadership, persuasion controls our way of influencing people. Somebody may define it as a viral power that includes body language. Persuading others to believe in what we are saying often requires exceptional mastery of communication. A higher control level of persuasion may reach mind-controlling factors with hypnosis capacity and exceptional personal mastery.

We use common sense to choose the best line of action. We use inspiration to make new moves when our instinct and mind analysis judge it feasible. We use creativity to make things better upon evaluation. We are attentive to changes and we adapt ourselves to progress. We care about others and we manage to use them and not abuse of them. We have just revealed a few network-marketing secrets to you.

Anybody engaged in business will need to use strategies for getting things done. While we trust in ourselves and rely on our decisions to manage a business, we need to acquire supreme optimistic attitude and energy to challenge our level of success and keep it going by applying tested techniques that have proven to be very useful and smart.

Network Marketing | How Internet Network Marketing Can Transform Your MLM Business

In case you have been hiding under a rock, the Internet has completely transformed how MLM is being marketed online. The internet has made it possible for a network marketers to expand his/her reach and prospect thousands of people. The internet has also made the process of prospecting and recruiting more efficient by automating the whole process. In the past, it used to be chasing leads and writing down name list of friends and family. Well, I'm here to say most of those methods are considered obsolete now.

There are absolutely funny reports of bums living on beach building network marketing organizations that number in 10,000. This one particular beach 'bum' recruited more than 500 people by building a blog and recruiting people in to his company. If you have the willingness to learn and the desire in your heart to make the difference, you can now build an absolute MLM empire with a laptop in one head and late in the other.

I've learned that nowadays it is important for a marketer to master skill like blogging and SEO, but the real skill that counts is you ability to convince a lot of people to join your opportunity. The nature of network marketing has always been and always will be centered around charismatic personas and the marketers skill in mass social engineering. If you want to have a lasting presence online and offline, you now have to engage your prospects socially and create bonds that are so solid that you have an absolute loyal following.

In the world of internet network marketing, it does not take much tech to succeed. One easy tool that you can master is Twitter, which you can connect with tens and thousands of prospects and drive thousands of visitors to your blog simply just by tweeting. ( I can attest to this method, as one marketer in my company built his entire business solely using Twitter and blog combination method). He now earns $50,000 a month!

One of the chief reasons why you should take your network marketing business online is because it can lower your overhead drastically. Offline promotion in the old days meant making DVDs and mailing them off to prospects which cost a lot of cash. Most of these old methods are simply not needed anymore because you can build websites, upload videos for free. All you have to do nowadays is to point your prospects to a website so he/she can view it automatically without you being there at all.

Another reason why you should take your network marketing business online is because it has become easier for you as a network marketer to prospect online while saving money and time. My friend is now making a 5 figure a month MLM income from Twitter and Facebook alone. He regularly gets 40-60 leads a day through his PPC campaigns in Facebook. Now, if you are thinking in terms of product sales and affiliate commission, that is a lot of spare cash to do more marketing!

Every journey begins with a step and certainly internet network marketing starts with you taking action. It is time for you to get your life and make business profitable by coming on the internet scene. in the process, you will be able to create lasting friendships and wealth.

Network Marketing | Using Lead Generation And Network Marketing To Achieve Success

Experts agree that a commitment to making the endeavor successful is the most important thing a person can do. The undertaking is a business and it must be treated as such in order to reach expected profit levels. Networking must occur on a full-time basis, not when there is nothing else to do. Even the primary career represents an opportunity to develop relationships useful to the networking business.

Between 12 and 15 hours should be devoted to lead generation and related responsibilities each week. Every task should have its own timeline and once an item is completed, it can be crossed off the to-do list. This ensures smooth, efficient business operations. Unexpected events are bound to occur so any missed time should be scheduled for later in the day. Sufficient investment of time and money should be maintained in order to keep the business profitable, with initial income being reinvested to spur business growth.

Learning is an ongoing occurrence in this line of work so anyone with a shortage of time may need to multitask. This might involve listening to audio books regarding networking while exercising or housecleaning. Some people prefer to take classes online during weeknights or weekends. Those most devoted to the endeavor make compromises necessary to ensure they are up to date with techniques, ideas, and language.

A positive attitude should be maintained throughout the business lifecycle, something that is sometimes easier to preach than practice. A mountain of leads may not always be generated but this should not steer the business off track. As with many other businesses, the initial stages often do not progress completely smoothly. Setbacks viewed as lessons decrease the chances of a repeat performance.

By following these tips, anyone can find success with a network marketing business. Keeping this advice handy and referring to it during difficult times will provide encouragement to move forward. Maintaining a steady course requires a focus on goal achievement and refusal to let setbacks deter you from success.

Network Marketing | Thousands Of People Are Enjoying MLM Success!

Achieving MLM success is the product of consistent participation. Often times, budding entrepreneurs trick themselves into believing that the money will come quick and fairly easily. While it is most certainly possible to earn substantial amounts of cash at a fast rate, it is not achievable without maximum effort. Individuals interested in pursuing involvement with a multi-level marketing company need to understand the importance of treating it as a real job.

Income streams previously believed impossible are now a common occurrence in the network marketing field. That being said, none of these large salaries came about as the result of occasional work. If you are intrigued by the idea of multi-level marketing and would like to succeed, forty hours of work a week should be expected. The key to succeeding in network marketing is fully committing. Are you all in?

Which Company is Right for Me?

You will find that your network marketing career will run a much smoother course if you are representing a product or company that you are passionate about. As in any business, enjoying your work can only promote the rate of success. Before choosing a multi-level marketing company, it is vital to perform adequate research. Each multi-level marketing company has different products, standards, and compensation plan. Choosing the company that fits your specific needs will propel you towards MLM success.

When investigating the ins and outs of a given multi-level marketing it is important to ask the right questions. Perhaps the most important attribute of a network marketing company is stability. If you don't feel like a company will withstand the test of time, you should refrain from investing your valuable time and hear earned money. Scavenge the internet for every bit of information you can, talk to current marketers, and make an educated decision.

Brand Yourself for Success

Consumers like to identify themselves with products and product users. By branding yourself, you are essentially selling your product with a big side of you. Multi-level marketing is a highly competitive field and it is vital to separate yourself from the competition. By establishing a strong online presence and developing personal relationships with valuable clients, committed individuals will undoubtedly increase MLM success.

What is Success in the MLM Industry?

Success in multi-level marketing is entirely dependent on a marketer's set goals. Some budding entrepreneurs are interested in making massive amounts of cash, while others are simply looking for some supplemental income to help with monthly bills. It is important to note that multi-level marketers have an unlimited earning potential. This means that you will be financially compensated for all of your work and not have to worry about a salary cap.

Succeeding in network marketing is the consequential result of self-education and a proper mindset. If you equip yourself mentally, the sky is the limit in multi-level marketing. Remember to execute sufficient research before teaming up with a company.

The truth is, most people fail in network marketing because they have unreasonable expectations and refrain from putting forth the necessary effort. Preparing mentally and committing fully will undoubtedly lead to financial freedom and MLM success.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing - Tips To Help You Build Your Business

Here are some tips I learned from Jim Rohn's "How To Build Your Network Marketing Business" that will help you be successful in your Network Marketing business.

Jim Rohn concludes this audio by saying " the greatest value in life is to live a good life ." He says not to miss out on anything in life, if there's a baseball you want to see, go see it. Don't miss the opera, don't miss going to the zoo. Always live your life to the fullest and always ask for God's help in whatever you are undertaking.

I listen to this audio every other day and every time I listen to it, I learn something new. If you ever have a chance to listen to this please do it. Jim Rohn is one of the greatest motivational speakers all time.

Network Marketing | Downline Mlm Network Marketing-thriving In Multi-level Marketing

Nevertheless, there got to a better method to control your finances, be profitable and get wealthy to have the monetary freedom that you dreamed of without dealing with a boss and retiring at the age of 65. So what are other choices to create wealth would be to turn into a Downline MLM Network Marketing that could be the top alternative to prosper and wealth collection in this industry.

What are the benefits in Multi-Level Marketing over a conventional job? It has been around for over 50 years and fairly accomplished within the past. Many people are misunderstood in what benefit's them as a marketer in this enterprise that could offer you a solution to their challenges. So how do you really thrive as an entrepreneur? It can be utilized by most businesses on the net that changed the business forever.

You will find literally thousands of firms from modest business owners to Fortune 500 organizations. Thus, the industry can have your monetary freedom along with a thriving business for yourself and your family.

Other benefit's in obtaining involved in MLM. 1st of all, it is possible to get paid a commission from retail sales of company's goods. Furthermore, you might be obtaining the group total sales volume if you create a team. So, the extra recruits you get into your team, the much more sales and the larger the checks you can obtain from an organization. This is how you start creating a steady residual income inside the industry.

To enroll men and women in your primary residence based organization is making a team to produce profit for yourself and your team. So, adding a Downline MLM Network Marketing will get you astounding results to make even far more profits and you may be well rewarded for your efforts.

As a result, not all companies are created equal to start creating income streams. I would suggest in doing your due diligence prior to enrolling in among the thousand of providers online. You just desire to ensure that that you could thrive in the industry that may be profitable.

Network Marketing | Internet Marketing Strategies For Network Marketers

From splash pages to capture pages, landing pages to signup forms, Network Marketing has been a part of the Internet for many years now. So if that is true why it is there seems to be so much confusion as to the vast opportunities that are currently available for Network Marketers that want to take their marketing campaign online with a Bang.

Email Marketing:

There are many great Email Marketing Websites and Applications, one of the most popular seeming to be aweber and get response. These Email Marketing platforms allow you to create an informative email marketing campaign to follow up with your subscriber list and give quality content or recommend products and services.

If you do a good job at providing your subscribers with good content regularly that they want to read, the more they will look forward to opening your emails when you send them out. This will lead to your subscribers being more open and receptive to buying what you offer or joining you in your company

Personal Landing Pages:

At times it is easier to promote your own domain then one that appears to be an affiliate link website. By purchasing a low cost domain from a Registrar such as GoDaddy you can then direct people to your affiliate site using a more personalized custom and often more search engine friendly website address.

The best part is instead of just forwarding your domain to your affiliate website you could even have a one page website put together with a contact form, to capture email addresses and further optimize your page with various search engine optimization techniques to have your site appear even prior to your Corporate site itself.

Social Media Marketing:

Utilizing various Social Media Platforms your Network Marketing Campaign can reach groups and numbers that you only dreamed about.
From Facebook Fan pages to Tweeting on Twitter. Creating your own LinkedIn Networking Group, Pinterest your favourite product images and direct them with a description link to your affiliate website to purchase, these are just a few ways you too can use Social Media to your Advantage.

The best part is like everything else online these days, your social media efforts can also be automated, having various apps integrated into Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. you can easily update all your social platforms with simply entering your info into one site.

Through these various social media platforms there are also various advertising methods to further entice visitors to your Facebook fan page, Twitter account, website/capture page, etc.

When you consider the number of people that are on Facebook and Twitter alone and the vast geo targeting techniques they have implemented it would be foolish to not integrate your Network Marketing Campaign Efforts to include a Social Media Marketing Campaign.

Another great social media platform for network marketers especially those who are not afraid to step in front of a camera is YouTube adding various playlists to your YouTube account such as Live Testimonials, News & Updates, Event Montages, etc. allowing yourself to even become a network marketing mentor through effective training videos you can better build your Brand through selling yourself as their guide as opposed to selling the product or service itself.

Network Marketing | Online Network Marketing Tips For Newbies

The foundation of any online network marketing strategy is personal branding. Personal branding involves the actions you take to identify yourself as both an individual and a valued resource in the field of MLM. This should be the focal point of all that you do. You as the individual takes precedence over the products and company that you represent. Remember you are one point of distribution in a network made up of hundreds if not thousands of other representatives, so your ability to distinguish yourself from the crowd is critical.

The first marketing tip deals with the internet address where people will find you, also known as a domain name. Select and purchase a domain name that will brand you in the mind of your prospects. Even though your network marketing company may provide you with a company replicated website, it is better to use a forwarded domain that points to that site than simply using the company domain with your distributor id at the end. The best choices in domain names are something that includes your name or conveys the idea of your product or service. You will also want to set up an email address on this domain as your primary business email address.

The next online marketing tip is to start a blog. Blogs are a great way for people to get to know you personally and the blog allows you to present value to your prospects. One of the best features of a blog is that you can even start one for free through services such as Blogger and Wordpress. Your blog needs to represent you as an individual, not just a product pitch man. Share your experiences, thoughts, feelings, victories, failures, etc... Your prospects need to see that you are indeed a real person. By the same token you need to provide valuable content, so that they are compelled to return on a regular basis. Even if you know very little about this business, you can share the things you are learning. Remember, eve if you are a novice, you know more than someone else. Your blog should become the central hub for your marketing efforts. Everything you do to market yourself should direct prospects to your blog and then your blog should point them to your products, company, opportunities and training as an outflow from the blog. It is also important that you remain consistent with your blog. Make sure that you are adding content several times each week, so that your readers have a reason to return. Stale blogs are like stale bread...nobody wants them.

The final marketing tip for online beginners is the use of social media. Social media is the new front porch, back fence and local pub of the global community. Social media is the place where people share their lives and exchange ideas with one another. Your face needs to be seen in this arena and your voice needs to be heard. The wrong use of social media is the constant promotion of product and company. In online circles this is called "spam." The correct use of social media is relationship building and social interaction. Talk about the work your doing today, talk about the conference you attended yesterday, talk about the new blog entry you just posted and ask for feedback. When used social media is used correctly people will be drawn to you almost on autopilot and they will take a greater interest in the other aspects of your life including your network marketing business opportunity.

These online network marketing tips will get you off to a good start. Take the time to invest in additional training and knowledge to help you truly capitalize on these strategies.

Network Marketing | Latest Network Marketing Opportunities: Sunrise Travel Club

With Sunrise Travel Club, that dream came come true.

Since 2010 I became a part of the most amazing travel and rewards system in the world. By joining the Sunrise Travel Club I had the chance not only to travel all around the world in style but also to do that with lots of money in my pockets!

Here I discovered an amazing methodology which changed the way I look at creating wealth. In addition, Sunrise Travel Club has broaden my horizon about how network marketing entrepreneurs are establishing a blooming business all around the globe.

I would definately urge you to follow me in this amazing business opportunity, so you can testify how the company's distributors, coming from different parts of the globe and different social levels, are making thousands of euros a month, using a simple and effective system, which is changing the entire MLM industry.

When you join Sunrise Travel Club you get a 3-4 day Hotel accommodation in 3-5 star hotels or villas in almost any part of the world (London, New York, Paris . you name it) Furthermore you will have a lifetime access to a 24/7 travel portal for airfares, cruses, hotel accommodations, car rentals etc. at discounted prices!

STC is probably the only multi level marketin establishment where you don't have to pay a monthly fee either to keep your membership or to be able to use the system's methods and training tools. Just an onetime $300 investment.

In the year 2011 they have already expanded all around the world establishing offices in Asia and Afrika You can literally walk in their offices, shake hands with the director and a have all your questions answered by their trained personnel.

I personally had the opportunity to participate at the 1st International Sunrise Travel Club Conference in South Africa and I also visited through Sunrise many places in Indonesia and other Asian countries. I met many interresting people and fellow entrepreneurs and I have been to countries I would normally never go ... THANK YOU SUNRISE TRAVEL CLUB!

Network Marketing | The Best Network Marketing Companies.

The criterion with regard to this collection of top 10 best network marketing companies is definitely simple. We have used the particular findings as showcased by Alexa.

Alexa is a web property that is actually committed to giving details with regards to the level of popularity regarding web sites. We have used this specific web site for the following considerations;

-there is definitely zero prejudice within the particular findings they will exhibit,

-you can look the details up by yourself as well as monitor it if you want,-It is relavent since the internet is so widely made use of these days,

-And lastly because it actually does not matter precisely what measurements you actually apply or who thinks precisely what about which business!

Just what exactly actually is so important is definitely that you select from the best network marketing companies, the very best company for YOU!

More about that In a moment, here is actually the leading ten via Alexa;

1. Oriflame
Products range comprises hair, skin and personal care, colour cosmetics, scents.

2. Amway
An array of Merchandise Collections.

3. Melaleuca, Inc.
Markets skin treatment merchandise. Business opportunity.

4. Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
Legal insurance strategy, along with option regarding network marketing.

5. Usana
Distributor opportunity selling nutritionals, skin treatment, weight-loss and A lot more personal treatment goods.

6. Mary Kay Representative Website
Markets wellness along with beauty merchandise.

7. ACN
Representative opportunity in telecoms.

8. Herbalife International
Independent distributor provide marketing personal care in addition to dietary items.

9. Mary Kay InTouch Website
Community web-site for Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants.

10. Specialty Merchandise Corporation
Gift item dealer as well as dropshipper.

Ok, so now we have that out of the way, let us take a look closely at exactly what you will need to actually contemplate whenever picking the best network marketing companies for you.

-Do you relate with the actual merchandise? If not really leave it alone.

-Do you at this time utilize a similar product?

-If so is the network marketing product or service a decent substitute?

-If Not necessarily, exactly why not? as well as will you from now on?

Then and only then can we get going to be able to investigate factors like;

-Age of the particular organization

-Growing or lowering section of the particular market

-1 off buys v's ongoing subscriptions/ordering
-Remuneration plans

-Start up expense
-etc, etc.

Therefore precisely what we are really chatting about will be fitting a company to your own style. You see right now there are 100s of great quality network marketing companies out there for you to pick from.

So why should you try and alter who you are usually to fit with what someone else interprets to be the best, which you have hardly any particular interest within (other than the "business model"), when presently there will certainly always be a different company which will probably have the style of merchandise which you will probably enjoy working with.

And also indeed they will certainly currently have a enterprise model for you to look at as well. Try not to get to caught up in the discussion regarding whom has the best program. The best plan is actually of no use at all when you do not ever get to build a team because you simply just don't truly connect to the particular goods they offer.

Your own achievement with network marketing will depend a lot more upon what you do with the organization you choose rather than just what the particular business will do for you. Take into account that if you sign up along with the biggest organization with the best track record as well as very best instruction resources and so on, yet do not in reality do anything at all, you will in fact generate zero cash at all.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Success Tips: The Key To Mlm Motivation

MLM Motivation Tip #1: You can't keep doing what you don't like. You've got to find a way to keep yourself motivated in a way that you find enjoyable. Maybe you love helping folks and get extremely inspired about the conception, but the anticipation of cold calling 100 strangers just sucks the guts out of you. There are hundreds of ways to get prospects and build a business today. You have to find what succeeds for you. If following the instructions of others, you will no doubt be able to do it for a brief time if you possess a determined concept, but then you'll stop doing it. Even though you've got this conception, you will not keep performing it you don't desire it. It's just individual nature. Here's what you need to remember to assemble your business: What can you do 24/7 and it at no time grows old? If you're doing it, you get in this zone where the world around you disappears. If you can evolve a distributorship like that, you are going to be rich.

MLM Motivational Tip #2: You must know what you wish for. The law of attraction can put effort in positive ways to keep you motivated and strong in your business, but you have to be determined in what you desire to succeed in doing. All you need do is count out a system that works for you where you can bring in brand-new people, sell more products, keep persons around, and assist your new persons have success. Find the position that really turns you on and run with it. There are lots of directions to generate prospects. The traditional direction merely included cold calling, badgering people in malls and public places, and talking to the friends and family. These days you can find prospects via the internet with pay per click, you can place newspaper ads, you can send out postcards, magazine ads, pass out fliers. There's voice broadcasting, article marketing, there's FaceBook pay per click, banner advertising, or just having conversations with folks on FaceBook. However, you need to do what achieves for you, and you also need to feel certain of what you do not want to do. And the reason for why is because, when you don't desire it, you will not be persistent with it. And persistence is mandatory in this commerce.

MLM Motivational Tip #3: Set you goals for who you want to be. You can be whoever you desire to be. You dictate your own destiny. Here is how you can start to get you motivated:

Picture yourself ten years from today living your life you want to live. Where are you living? The picture should see yourself living your way of life you truly want. Now close your eyes and imagine it. Feel the feelings of gratitude and empowerment you are benefiting from in this lifestyle. Pay attention to that concept in your mind at all times and promise yourself you will never loose track of this vision.

Visualizing something that you feel you don't possess is not a good goal. It's effective to believe and feel your benefits. Here is a little exercise to help keep the image in your mind:

You should desire to put yourself in your picture. See your sites around you, feel your feelings nearby you, take a deep breath of relief and write down, "I've just sponsored my sixth person a the elite package and I've assuredly made it to the figurehead level of my multilevel distributorship. Feel your a state of mind of celebration, and you write down the goals like that, you're just more likely to accomplish them than any other way than you can in any way set them. And you'll begin to search for the riches in your world. Now here is what else you do, you write, "Now that I've done it, I cannot think how elementary it was to achieve, this is exactly what I did". Now come to a list of 1-50 things you did to reach your goal. Make a list of these things, keeping in mind that it's not what you're going to do to reach your goal, but what you've already done to arrive at your goal. You may write down, "I have a computer, fantastic supportive friends, a supportive marriage partner, fantastic monetary resources, an inconceivable cleverness to create things", or you could write down, "I love to teach", or "I love network marketing". You could say, "I've got a fantastic merchandise to sell", or "I've got a good company to be a part of", "I've got a good leadership unit, a good mentor", everything you possess as a resource, write it down. Feel your gratitude for these resources.

In your process of writing down the things that you do not possess yet, you will start to look for them in your world and in looking for them you'll see them. That's your secret, the law of attraction. Remember to stay positive with all your thoughts, and do not empower thoughts of apprehension butt their direction into your mind, on account of adverse thoughts will create bad feelings and that can bring failure. It's important to pay attention to a positive outlook as much as possible for true achievement.

Network Marketing | Grow Your Network Marketing Business With Forums

What are forums anyway?

Forums are websites where people go to engage in online conversation. See, before facebook, myspace and others, people used forums to communicate. If you were looking for a solution to a problem and you typed it into the search engines, nine times out of ten you will end up in a forum where people with similar problems found their answer.

As it relate to Network Marketing and you marketing your network marketing business, forums is a place where you can go to find people who might be interested in your product or business opportunity. You can also use it to establish credibility and help others by answering questions. If you are in affiliate marketing or internet marketing, it is a great way to find other affiliates to help promote your product or establish joint venture relationships.

Do's and don'ts when using forums

Make sure you find forums in your niche. It takes time to get people to know like and trust you in forums so make sure you are picking those that are in your niche so you do not waste your time.

When you sign up for a forum that you feel you can benefit from, make sure you read the rules of that forum. Remember you are there to either get your questions answered or to help someone else. Do not spam your product or opportunity in the forum. It makes you look desperate and it will definitely get you banned.

Add your signature information. Most if not all forums have a signature box where you are allowed to post 2 links. Make sure you take advantage of this and post information regarding your product or opportunity. Make sure it is relevant to the forum. It is nothing like a person talking about one thing, and then going to their website and seeing something totally different.

Lastly, start posting. Be genuine in your post! Really care about helping people with growing their network marketing business or solving a problem they might have. Do not write crazy feedback information just to get people to take a look at your product. Give them information they can truly use and put into action.

By the way, I really never formally introduced myself. My name is Gloria Ward and I am been helping people grow their network marketing business online and offline for years now. If you liked what you read, then you are going to love what I share for free via email. Check out my resource box below to get my free network marketers success codes video tutorials. You will definitely get some more helpful information.

Network Marketing | How Do Gold And Silver Coins Compare As Network Marketing ...

Network marketing is a unique method of marketing. Why would you consider it? Which has the most potential or profit, the network marketer or the one working individually? The potential for earning is probably best with networking marketing, considering several factors.

One advantage to network marketing is to be able to call on experts in the company who can judge the true value of the coins, and can obtain them at a good cost. If you are not a coin expert, you will need this advice. Also, you need to be sure to have a substantial supply of coins if you are going to go without the network company. Most people are not experts and welcome the expertise of the networking.

Collecting is a popular activity. People collect many different things. Gold and silver coins are something of great value that people will enjoy collecting. You can earn a good bit from supplying these coins. Network marketing insures that you have legitimate, quality graded coins to sell to your collectors. Prices can also be insured with the network marketer keeping tabs on best prices. Too, the greater numbers of coins purchased by network marketing means you can obtain better deals.

Collectible coins vary in price from day to day. It is much easier for a network company to keep on top of ongoing changes in prices and to obtain the best deal. It is harder for an individual to stay on top. This insures you get a higher return on your sales, much more than you could individually.

Experts can help you get your business started and off the ground when you go with network marketing. You can depend on a team approach. Many more leads will be available in the network set up than what you might find on your own. Marketing campaigns conducted by network marketers have much more coverage than you can individually.

Branding is a very important part of business, and with network marketing, you get a much more powerful approach to branding. Visibility will be much greater with lots of reps and the parent company "spreading the word." This powerful aspect of business probably lends to success more than anything else. Individual efforts at branding will not come close to meeting network branding.

The reputation of a reliable company is another plus with network marketing. Of course, you need to make sure the company is reliable. The long-standing reputation of a network company will give you an extra bonus.

Though your dream may be to be in business totally by yourself, the benefits you gain from network marketing for collectible coins far outweigh the partial loss of that dream. You are still in business for yourself, though there may be a set sales limit to be considered active. After all, the sales volume is where you make your money, so you should not object to that.

Network Marketing | The Inside Secret To Why Network Marketing Will Always Work!

Here is why Network Marketing will ALWAYS work:

Even in a strong economy people will ALWAYS need supplemental income:

The truth is most people live pay check to pay check. They aren't able to buy the nice things that they want for themselves and their families. There is and will always be a constant DEMAND for more money. Network marketing is a
simple, part time and low risk way for full time workers to fill this need. To put it simply, as long as people need money network marketing will ALWAYS be there to fill that need.

People will ALWAYS want freedom from jobs they don't enjoy:

Despite what you may think, there are people out there that truly don't enjoy their job. They go to work because they have to and not because they want to. Network marketing offers a promise of true financial freedom. The ability to
leave the 9 to 5 working world. This freedom will ALWAYS be to tempting to pass up.

People will ALWAYS want more free time to do with as they please:

Did you know in a past poll conducted by Money magazine that 64% of American men and 68% of American women polled said that if they had a choice between more money and more time off they would choose the time? People covet their free time. Network marketing offers the promise of working from home and making your own hours. Again, the opportunity to create free time will ALWAYS draw people to network marketing.

As long as people crave time, moeny and freedom network marketing will ALWAYS exist.

The next time that someone tries to tell you that network marketing doesn't work you know that they couldn't be more wrong.

All you have to is ask your accuser 1 of 3 questions:

Do you want more money?
Do you want freedom from your job?
Do you want more time?

I guarantee they will answer yes to one of these questions. When they do they will have proved exactly why network marketing will always work!

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Prospecting And Recruiting: Fishing With The ...

I remember a summer afternoon when I was a kid. We were fishing on a pond near the beach, using some muscles for bait.

We caught big bluegill with the muscles. When the muscles ran out we were too lazy to walk back to the beach and collect more so we cut up some of the bluegill and kept fishing.

But we didn't catch more blue-gill...we started catching crawfish.

When the bits of bluegill ran out we tried a chunk of crawfish...and started catching snapping turtles.

I learned some thing about bait selection that day. It applies to my network marketing business too.

First, have a pretty good idea of what you want to catch.

That's sorta like choosing a fishing hole. If we had used those muscles as bait in the surf, we could have caught completely different fish than the ones we caught in the pond.

It's easy to get the phone to ring or build a list if you aren't too picky whom you want to talk to. It's also a great way to get distracted, spread too thin and set yourself up to not get anything done.

Next, once you know whom you want to attract and you know where you want to fish, then it comes time to choose the right bait.

I spent a couple of years, and more money that I like to think about, fishing for opportunity seekers for my business. These are folks who want to make money from home- and who usually, have never done an entrepreneurial day of work in their lives. There is nothing wrong with these people, they just require a lot more work to get them going.

I attracted lots of folks, recruited scores in one year alone, and after training, teaching and a lot of hand-holding...all but a couple quit. I learned that is not unusual in Network Marketing.

So I started doing some homework to figure out a better way than spending thousands of dollars every month for leads. It needed to be something that anyone could do.

It's funny that we become experts and one thing and then leave our expertise behind when we make the change to something else.

I was a top-producing paper salesman for many years. I specialized in commercial printing papers, big sheets and rolls of paper that ran on multi-million dollar printing presses.

I never would have dreamed of going into a construction office or a day care center to sell paper. Not enough volume. I sold paper by the truck-load.

But we end up doing this in MLM by advertising 'work from home' or 'income at home' for our network marketing business and we cast our pole in every pond and puddle we see.

You get some folks who want to become entrepreneurs, but mostly you get folks looking for a J.O.B. from home. You get lots of get-rich-quick types.

Instead, define whom you want to recruit for your business. If you want educated professionals, don't put signs up at the laundromat and bus stop. If you want stay at home moms don't put ads in the sports section of the local paper.

You get the idea.

That will take some research. If you aren't intimately familiar with group you want to attract, like professionals or at-home moms, you need to find out what makes them tick...what keeps them up at night.

You have to find their itch and scratch it.

These are some generalities, but the truth is that most network marketers never get past these two fundamental principles:

Fish in a pond that has the kind of fish you want

Use the right bait.

There's more to learn, but get your head around these two things first and you'll be way ahead of your competition!

Network Marketing | How Should Social Media Impact Your Online Marketing Strategies?

Due to what has been called a hunger for connectivity, over half of the population of the United States is on Facebook: 152.9 million as of February 2012. Many older Americans tell their friends that they joined Facebook so that they can see what their adult children are up to. Since their children and grandchildren seldom call them, they join Facebook to stay in touch.

For the younger generations, the immediacy of connectivity offered by Facebook and Twitter has become essential. Social networking, a term coined by Mark Zuckerberg when he founded Facebook, was initially predicted to be just another passing phase but has become a staple in the seemingly bottomless need for instant information of this twenty-first century. Launched in 2004, active users of Facebook grew from an initial million to over 750 million in 2011.

Coupling these data with the fact that one out of three purchases are bought on- line, it should be clear that current marketing strategies should change in order to conform. But how?

Largely in the experimental stages of new methods of advertising, a few large companies like Starbucks, Walmart and the Palms, an upscale casino in Las Vegas, have made what they consider decent in- roads into the new culture of social network users. Taking advantage of those users who are "influencers" in their network, the companies have solicited these individuals to post their product and to "like" them in exchange for coupons which can be redeemed for cash or for product. These influencers are deemed as such by their followers due to the power of their personality, opinions and or expertise.

Those of us with a product we know is excellent can easily experiment with some of these same methods. For example, we can locate loyal customers who use Twitter and then offer them discounts for each ten tweets about our product to their followers. Similar methods can be offered to those who like us on Facebook; really these are just variations on the testimonials network marketers have used for years.

The emergence of social media has not changed the fundamental axiom of marketing: "WIIFM" or what's in it for me? If anything, the principle is magnified through 153 million social media active users with friends numbering between one and three hundred. If they like us and our products, be assured that they will talk about it.

The tried and true essentials of marketing remain: a trusted, consistently high quality product with excellent customer service. These are even more essential now than in prior years due to the number of sites to receive purchasing advice. Where only five years ago, Consumer Reports was the sole source of receiving honest feedback on a fairly limited range of products, contemporary curious potential buyers can now check out customer satisfaction with almost any product at on-line at sites like Google, Yelp, and Trusted Opinion.

Network Marketing | Why You Must Invest In Network Marketing

Here is why I believe Why You Must Invest In Network Marketing. You want success right and you want to grow a thriving business quickly in the shortest amount of time. What if i told you that by investing lets say $3k into your business predominately in the area of lead generation, that this would equate to after one year, 4 steady monthly income streams of $500 each?. Would you take that?. Of course you would but the problem we have as humans is that we need to see the cake before we invest our hard earned dollars. By just simply taking a calculated risk, you can turn your life around and start growing your network marketing business at light speed.

You see this business is all about leverage and momentum and once you can get some recruits into your various programs, success comes knocking. By just investing some funds (or time if you have the time to invest) into your marketing, you will start to produce momentum which will generate results and incomes in the following
1. Your network marketing business
2. Your funded proposal attraction marketing system
3. Residual income from auto-responder sales you sell as an affiliate (your team members need this tool)
4. Other various income streams such as blog hosting, etc

Just make it over that initial hill my friend. You will just start to believe more by seeing those monthly commissions come in and youre then off to the races

So follow your dreams my friends. If you want more info on Why You Must Invest In Network Marketing see below,

Network Marketing | Is Network Marketing A Legitimate Home-Based Business ...

By all means, not all network marketing opportunities (also called MLM) are legitimate. There are tons of scams out there, absolutely. But networking marketing as a business model in itself has gotten a very bad rap over the past few decades, although it is an extremely effective method of marketing and product distribution. And there are millions of people around the world who earn an excellent full or part time income in the network marketing business.

So what is Network Marketing? Herein we'll refer to Network Marketing as MLM which stands for Multi-level marketing. MLM is a system of product distribution in which the company pays its distributors ongoing monthly commissions to find and train other distributors of the product. Each distributor who comes on board is independent and their distributorship is considered their own business, with all the benefits of a home-business such as tax benefits, etc. The distributor essentially has a business without all the huge hassles and expense normally associated with starting one's own business, such as: product development, website development and marketing, all the legal stuff, etc. MLM is like a business in a box, and all you have to do is promote it and receive your commissions. All the tracking and administrative stuff is taken care of for you as well.

Most MLM's require the distributor to make a minimum monthly purchase of the product. This is how the product is sold, more through a consumption based formula. Distributors find other people who like the product and who want a legitimate home-based business opportunity, and they sign that person up as a distributor as well. When distributor makes their monthly purchase, distributor one gets paid. Distributor 1 will also get paid on the monthly consumption of all the distributors that the people they brought in finds, and so on. Upline distributors have a great financial incentive to help everyone in their group succeed, which is why this formula works so well. There will always be people who join up as distributors and quit, but with hard work and consistent effort, MLM offers distributors the potential to earn tens of thousands of dollars per month, by leveraging their efforts with those in their downline team.

Through the years people have compared MLM to illegal pyramid schemes because on paper they have some similarities and because both systems entail recruiting others and involve an initial outlay of money. But this is where the similarities stop. Pyramid schemes are illegal for several reasons. First there is no distribution of product. Secondly, only one person gets paid - the person on top. It has nothing to do with team work, leveraging, or building a business and it will ALWAYS fall apart and people will lose money. Pyramids are not legitimate home-based business opportunities.

For more info on network marketing or to learn how to build a network marketing business online, check out the link in my author box below. I hope this has cleared up some of the misconceptions you have had about the awesome world of Multi-level marketing.

Network Marketing | Why Promoting Your Network Marketing Endeavor Is The Quickest ...

If you want to meet with someone, you sit down over lunch and try to convince them about your network marketing. This will entail a lot of effort from you. You have to bring to fruition as early as now that this kind of chat is a waste of time.

Sponsoring people also becomes a daily habit. Those individuals whom you thought would be interested are not looking for a network marketing opportunity. 95% of them are struggling with their own business. So, what makes you think that they will give even a minute of their time to listen to your network marketing ideas?

Now, deliberate on this; what do you need to advertise to these current network marketers who could care less about your enterprise at this point? Well, it's all about understanding what they're looking for and what they need.

Leads & Traffic - They have no idea how to channel over 100 quality prospects through their sales funnels. Sometimes most of the prospects and leads are not qualified. It's a matter of proper screening of your prospects.

Money - There's a big percentage that are spending more than they're making with their endeavor. Money should flow smoothly in your business.

A great system to follow - A great method in place is one of the most important weapons that you need to survive in this industry. The key to success in your business is duplication. Without this , it will be difficult to be profitable.

A great leader to follow - Leaders will duplicate causing expansion of the network. People attract people of their own likeness. If you are a leader then you will attract leaders. Learn how to identify them.

What if you can actually provide these things to those network marketers? What if you provided solutions to all of their problems?

An option to introducing your business opportunity and becoming just like one of those sales people on the Internet who often experience humiliation and rejection. Valuable ideas can be offered to provide real solutions for these struggling network marketers to obtain true success in their business.

You can pay close and serious attention to how you could show these prospects how to get positive cash flow quickly and generate full time income in weeks.

Become a model for your followers. Give them valuable information that make it easier for them to reach their goals. They will look up to you and see you as an expert, a true professional and as a great leader.

Network Marketing | You And Your Downline: The Good The Bad And The Ugly: Starting With The Ugly

Ugly? What could possibly be ugly about your down-line? Of course I am using the word ugly figuratively; but still, why use that word at all?

Fifteen years ago, I fell in love with the business model of network marketing- it was a far cry from that of academic medical centers where I had spent my entire career. A fundamental assertion about network marketing is that it is a very simple model: simply duplicate what your up-line teaches you and then teach it to your down-line and your business will grow exponentially or at least rapidly, right?

No, not right-not at all. If you are passionate about your products and an extremely successful recruiter, most of the folks you recruit will not duplicate your efforts, not even close. That fact took us two years to learn.

By nature, I are passionate and persuasive; within a few months of the new business my husband and I had a few hundred people in our down-line.

That's when we began making mistakes, over and over. To us, recently retired from health care, duplication translated to "see one" "do one" and "teach one"-we got it. We were sure we could teach each of our new recruits to do exactly what we were doing. And we were off and running.

We spent two years hosting Saturday morning group goal setting meetings, organizing job fairs, driving to the homes of our newest recruits to assist them in organizing their new business, buying and distributing leads, participating in three-ways to close their new prospect, meeting with them one on one to teach them our system, hosting live group calls where our group could listen in as we called prospects, answered their objections and most of the time, closed them.

We received awards for the highest number of recruits from two companies but our efforts were never duplicated. Not even close. Some of our folks were able to recruit the average of most network marketers: two. But many did nothing except come to the meetings.

Right, the majority of people in these businesses bring in two people-period. Were we doing something wrong? Are you?

Yes and no.

Here's what we had to learn:

You can't beat the average. In the initial goal setting sessions and during weekly meetings thereafter, we assumed that each man or woman meant what they wrote, whether it was quitting the day job to do the business full-time or accumulate enough money to but the house at the lake the family had been dreaming about for years.

And we assumed our new recruit was sincere were sincere when she pledged to follow the system as we taught it to them.

Although our people told us that they wanted and needed feedback from us regarding their approaches to new prospects, without exception, each time that we criticized- we called it giving feedback but they heard it as criticism-always-we caused hurt feelings which all too frequently led to the person's decision to quit.

We thought we could beat the averages and teach all of these people to become maniacal recruiters-like us.

What is the answer? Keep your down-line buying the product and leave them alone. When the recruiting maniac shows up, you'll recognize her right away, she'll look just like you.

Network Marketing | Should You Get Involved In Network Marketing?

However, many people join mlm type opportunities without really knowing what they are getting themselves in to. This is probably one of the biggest reasons for the fact that some people have very low thoughts about this type of business.

Mlm works if you do it right. Period. That said, here are seven really poor reasons for enrolling in a network marketing opportunity:

1) Earning "easy money"

I know - the mlm-companies are very good a promoting their business as a simple 1-2-3 process that anyone can do and become an instant millionaire. Especially online it has almost become a standard to use super long and totally over hyped sales letters.

This is the equivalent of claiming that anyone who can open a can of beans can be a master chef.

Don't get me wrong, I do think most people CAN make it in mlm if they put their minds to it. But you must be prepared to learn many new things and you WILL have to work for it. Make no mistake about that!

2) Expecting that "spill over" will do all the work

Many mlm opportunities are built on what's called a "forced matrix". For example, in a 3x9 matrix, when you have sponsored your three first new members, the fourth will be placed under the first person you sponsored. This person has thus gained one person in HIS downline, without any effort on his part.

Now, some companies would have you believe that their top recruiters are so effective that the spill over from their marketing will automatically make you, who are joining at the very bottom right now, an instant success.

This is simply a pipe dream - it will never happen. Yes, you probably will get a few people spilled over into your downline, but nowhere near enough to guarantee your success. The sheer width of the matrix on your level, means that there is an enormous amount of representatives that will have to shear any amount of spill over.

And who says the top recruiters are as active as they once where anyway? Worst case scenario, they are now working on something else entirely, because their income in this particular opportunity is already secured.

3) Thinking that a product is so great it will sell itself

This is a classic mistake, because most mlm systems simply aren't really about the product. This fact is difficult to swallow, I know.

As a greenhorn I remember joining this lottery syndicate-mlm, thinking that "everybody" would want better chances at winning the lottery - right? The disappointment was huge when I discovered the truth - some people even made fun of any attempt to mention this great new thing I had discovered.

Likewise, in mlm, it will not matter if you are selling a breakthrough product that contains every mineral and vitamin under the sun - if you do not understand what network marketing is really all about.

4) Doing an old friend a favour

We have all been there - an old friend you haven't met for years who suddenly calls you and want to set up a meeting about something he will tell you more about when you meet...

I'm not saying that this couldn't be a potentially good business. But calling all your friends is a very ineffective way to do mlm, and you should never join any opportunity only to do someone else a favour. Because in the end this is about you, your money and your career.

5) Earning a lot of money in a short period of time

Most mlm testimonials always seem to go something like this:

- In my first month I made $800 and now, in my third month, I have been able to quit my job and...etc.

While not outright lies, testimonials like these are usually collected from individuals who, through luck or skill, managed to join this particular opportunity from the very beginning. They are simply at the top of the pyramid and they often know exactly what they are doing - the're the mlm experts.

Like most offerings, mlm opportunities have a life cycle that grows rapidly in the beginning. During this phase of explosive growth it can be very easy to sponsor dozens of new people per day, with relatively little effort. After all, this is something entirely new and one well placed ad can do wonders.

However, if you join after this initial explosion, it is much more difficult to see quick results and it requires more effort to attract new people into the business. Patience, knowledge and the right strategy is required to succeed here.

6) Big name X endorses this program

This is somewhat related to the previous point. Mr. Big Hitter have made thousands of dollars with this opportunity already and he is not shy about telling anyone how EASY it was. And he's probably not lying either. It was easy - for him.

Because, like noted above, he probably got involved in this opportunity long before it was launched to the general public, because he already knows all the right people.

He (or she), also know their stuff, and have the resources (large email lists, advanced Internet marketing tools etc.) to quickly and efficiently let the word out to a large number of people.

If you are relatively new to this game, it is a very bad idea indeed to assume that you instantly could pull off feats worthy of a network marketing guru. Would you compare your golfing abilities to those of Tiger Woods?

I didn't think so.

7) Thinking this will be a free business to run

I'm not talking about the membership fee of your mlm opportunity here, because that is a given. But many people falsely believe that they can market entirely for free using the Internet.

While it's true that there are some effective low cost Internet marketing techniques you can use, you should never fool yourself into believing that Internet marketing will be a no cost affair. Moreover, the online competition is usually quite fierce.

To summarize; Mlm can offer an exciting new way to earn money. But your motivation for joining a mlm business shouldn't be based on one of the misconceptions mentioned above.

Treat your business like a business, and you will be okey.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Success Without Friends And Family

In today's world, literately hundreds of millions of people world-wide are looking to take control of their lives', their finances, and their freedom. In these uncertain times, when people are looking and open to new answers, is the best time for building a network marketing business into a huge success.

However, most people involved in Network Marketing are still using old school methods of recruiting. And although some old school methods are still viable in today's market, 21 century-marketing creates bigger, better, and quicker exposure for Network Marketing success.

Think about it, hundreds of millions of people this very second, are looking online for new and better alternatives. If you knew how to position yourself in front of these people, you could easily start getting laser targeted leads approaching you instead of you doing the old school method of chasing friends and family. There are several effective strategies for unlocking a nonstop flow of "Laser Targeted Prospects."

The first and most important thing is to identify your specific targeted market. If you are marketing a health product and company ask yourself, who is your most likely consumer? Where do they hang out online? What is their age range? What need are they looking to fill? It is absolutely critical that you put yourself in front of the right audience if you are to start the flow of prospects. That is one of the key reasons why people fail miserably with the old school marketing model.

Let's be honest, how many of your friends and family are truly looking for a home business? How many are prepared to face the challenges that come with a home business? How many are dreaming about a better future, and are ready, willing and able to make it happen? I can't speak for your family, but I can tell you with certainty that I don't have many in my family.

The problem is that if you twisted these people's arms into joining your business, the first obstacle they faced would convince them that the business is not right for them. Who would they blame? Not themselves... they would blame you. After all you, in their mind you were the one that insisted this was a great business, when deep inside they knew they couldn't succeed.

That is why most people quit network marketing so quickly. But if you think about it from an entrepreneur mindset, the first thing a smart business person does before they develop a business is find their specific target market. Going into business without first doing that is a sure fire way to defeat. Network Marketing success can be achieved by anyone who can properly identify their target market and approach them intelligently.

So, you've identified your target market, now what? Now you position yourself as a problem solver. How? You start by analyzing your target market and understanding the challenges they face.

If you can identify 1-3 immediate problems your specific target faces, and provide an eloquent solution, you will begin getting tons of "laser targeted leads" for free. By becoming a problem solver you instantly position yourself as an expert in your field.

A key thing to remember is that people don't join companies, they follow experts and leaders. If you don't have something that I deem as available, something that I clearly see that can help me, why would I follow you? On the other hand, if I see that you have solutions to my problems, why wouldn't I follow you?

This is one simple strategy that allows a person to sell themselves into an opportunity. When you get calls from prospects they will be asking a few questions, but overall they have already made the buying decision. They are ready to join you. That is a huge game changer, prospects calling and joining you without any arm twisting, and best of all, without any chasing on your part. This strategy is network marketing for the 21th century.

Because of technology, we have access to finding our specific target market, position ourselves properly, and then have them knocking down our doors to join us. If you are finding it difficult to build your network marketing business, try this method. Forget chasing friends and family. Don't worry, they will be chasing you soon enough.

Network Marketing | New To Network Marketing? -- Copy What Works

1. No Shortage Of Opportunities
Network marketing is a $5+ billion a year industry in the U.S. alone. There is room for everyone to make money. There are programs out there that work and have unlimited potential for the person willing to make the effort. Don't reinvent the wheel, just jump on the bandwagon.

2. Duplication
Find a program that offers duplicatable results through a turnkey system and step by step training to get you to the top producer level. If the system can't clearly explain to you the steps they took to become successful, is lacking in training resources, or doesn't offer live support, then the program they're offering isn't duplicatable and is probably already on its way out.

3. Follow The Steps
Resist the urge to stray from the program recommendations. If you've found a really good program, remember they've got it down to a science. They've determined the best ad copy for the system, the best places for leads, etc. Do what they say. You can use the exact same ad copy that 1,000 other people in your program are using and you'll get results. Why? Because the ad has already been tested and has been proven to get results, and because there is virtually an unending supply of people out there looking for a way to change their lifestyle and make more money. Isn't that why you're here too?

4. Check Out The Competition
You never have to do anything from scratch, which is great, especially if you're new to network marketing. Do internet searches for "network marketing", "business opportunities", and whatever other keywords you're interested in and look at the ads/results that appear on the first few pages. These are the top performing ads so use them as a basis for your ads and just rework/reword them to fit your program.

You don't have to be original to be successful in network marketing; in fact it's easier to gain success if you're not. There are tons of people out there who have already done the research, tested the methods, failed, reworked their approach, and created programs that have network marketing down to a science. Find those people and those programs, learn from them, and you can jump start your new network marketing business. Copy what works. Tried and true programs and methods are your shortcut to the top.

Network Marketing | How To Use Offline Marketing Effectively

Seems like everyone is turning to the internet these days for just about everything. It's like people have forgotten that before the days of Facebook and Google all business was done offline, using personal relationships. The good news is as in person relationships become less common they become more valuable. Connecting with people offline is also the best way to build a network marketing business. In this post I'll give you some tips on how to do just that with offline marketing.

When you're marketing online or offline the key to everything is building relationships. People are much more likely to do business with people they like and as a result trust. Therefore, when you're focusing on offline marketing, I suggest starting with the strategies that build personal relationships quickly.

Meet-up Groups/Events:

Seminars, clubs, meet-ups, etc. are really one of the best ways to build relationships quickly. If you really work a seminar right you can easily meet 10-20 people and get their business cards. When you're talking to them, find out what they need, what they wish they had more of (time? money?). That way when you call them in a few days you can say

"Hey Bob, this is Martin from the seminar the other day. You know I was just thinking about how you said the real estate market isn't what it used to be. I think I may be able to help you out, would you be open to a side project if it didn't interfere with your real estate business?"

If you master this offline marketing strategy it can literally explode your business in just a few months.

High Yield Offline Marketing

Another strategy for offline marketing is to use methods that focus less on building personal relationships at first, and more on doing the numbers. These methods get met with a lot more resistance, but can be highly effective if you reach a large enough population.

Bandit Signs:

If you're wondering what Bandit signs are, they are the flimsy plastic yard signs that you stick in the ground next to the road. Mainly they are used by realtors and politicians but I've seen them out there for a number of things. To use them for your business you can order a set of signs for around $100. Then you choose your message (something about making money from home). Finally on the bottom of the sign put a Google voice number that goes to a voicemail message. If you put the signs in high-traffic areas you can easily generate 10+ leads per day. Be warned, it is illegal to put up bandit signs in some cities but usually if someone cares they will just call the number and ask you to take them down.

Drop Cards:

Drop cards have been around forever but continue to be an effective method of getting offline leads. The best part about drop cards is that they add no time on to your day. Just take 10-20 cards with you every time you leave the house and leave them on tables, on buses, in waiting rooms, wherever you go. You're probably not going to build a massive team with drop cards alone, but hey, you have to go to the store anyways right? Why not take some cards?

Offline Marketing with the telephone

For this next one I'm going to ask you to conquer most network marketer's biggest fear: the telephone. You simply cannot build a network marketing business without it. So if your still afraid of you can use these strategies to get over it.

Cold Calling

This is one of my favorite methods of offline marketing. Once you've mastered cold calling you will never be afraid of the phone again. If that's all you get out of this strategy it'll be worth every second you put into it. That being said some ways of cold calling are better than others. For example, I don't suggest that you get the phone book out and start dialing random numbers. Think about who you would like to have in your business. Self motivated people? Sales people? Then just keep an eye out for these people's numbers as go through your day. When you see a realtor, insurance agent, or small business owner advertising their number to you, call them up and prospect them.

Buying leads

If you're really afraid of calling people it might be worth your money to buy some cheap leads and take a few days to go through them. There are plenty of places to get them so I won't go into that here. You can just use a very basic, quick to the point script and knock out 200 calls in a couple of hours. If you do enough you will make some sales but more importantly you will no longer be afraid to use the phone.