Network Marketing | In Network Marketing, Who Is Your Target Market?

Simply put, your target market is the right group of people you want to put your offer in front of. A good example of why it's important to know who your target market is demonstrated here through the wrong target market - you will never sell a steak to vegetarians, so if you are a butcher you would never bother placing ads on a website or forum dedicated to this dietary lifestyle.

Now that we've defined the term "target market" and demonstrated its importance, let's identify who your target market should be. You must understand that when it comes to network marketing, there are two totally different markets:

1. The group of people who would be most interested in purchasing the products and/or services that your opportunity offers.

2. The group of people who are most likely to join your downline as a business opportunity and actually produce for you (duplicate your efforts).

The biggest mistake that most network marketers make is they think that these two groups are one and the same; in other words, that the people who are most likely to buy the products are also the people who are going to join your downline and build your business. This has been the main reason for the high failure rate of network marketing and why most people sour on the idea, even though it is a sound business model.

Let me make this clear through another example. I love my Sprint as my mobile phone carrier because I love their smart phone options and the all-inclusive calling and data plans they offer. That does not mean I want to own a Sprint store.

Here is the reality: there are the people who are most likely to purchase the products/services that you sell through your opportunity, while there are others who are entrepreneurs and would like to join your downline as a business opportunity. Do NOT confuse the two.

But Denise, you ask, isn't it possible, that there is a person who does both? Of course there is. But you do not market with that idea in mind. You choose your target market and you create marketing materials based on their wants/needs/desires. As you can see by those two separate groups, their needs and desires are VERY different.

Take an honest look at yourself. If all you cared about was using the products, you would have simply been a consumer and left it at that. But you're a business builder and you're reading this blog all for one reason: because you want to make money. Let me say, this is not a bad thing! If you take offense to what I just said or you have an issue admitting that you want to make money, I strongly urge you to look for and read my article entitled "Setting Your Intentions: The Right Money Attitude".

So, since we have been honest with ourselves and we know we are here to make money, which of the two markets mentioned above would make more sense to be our target market for our network marketing business? Yes, that's right, the second group.

Now, in that second group, there are many subgroups of people who have an entrepreneurial spirit and want to make money. You need to think about who you want to target and start writing relevant content for them. Once again, I will use myself as an example: I joined a network marketing company while I was going through my divorce. The market I decided I wanted to target who would most likely have the same goals and desires I had were single/divorced Moms, and those were the people I sought out for my network marketing team. I even chose a domain name to link to my marketing system for that company that aligned with that target market.

You can have more than one target market. Simply design different ad campaigns geared toward each group. I'll let you in on a little secret: I have an even better target market than the one I already mentioned (which I still market to). Want to know more? Feel free to email me at and I'll be happy to discuss this further with you.

Network Marketing | Defining Your Niche Market - Online Network Marketing

Niche marketing is such an essential basis for every prosperous internet business. Doing this straightforward exercise brings a lot of benefits for your internet business like developing and strengthening your image.

"If you try to attract everyone in general, you'll end up attracting no one in particular"

Identifying Your Niche Market

There are 3 basic steps to figuring out your perfect niche market:

1. Determine your "expert value"
2. Verify feasibility
3. Find your " ideal prospect"

"Expert Value"

Find out your most advantageous qualities and skills and determine the when it comes to the system or business opportunity. How will your skills and attributes provide value to your leads? By deciding on a distinct segment market that you possess some background understanding in you will find it a lot easier to be seen as a genuine expert.

You'll begin to investigate to find out if there is in fact a need for your likely niche. Discuss with other people in your network, or join a help forum, figure out if your approach is worthwhile. Check the waters and see if clients are hungry for your products and services.

"Ideal Prospect"

Defining your niche is all about identifying your ideal prospect. As soon as you know who is best to focus on you can then find out where to invest your time, effort and budget when it comes to marketing.
Through some thorough researching you will start to readily know the problems and dreams of your niche market. The objective of your advertising campaign is to offer solutions particularly tailored to your ideal customer.

Preferred Online Network Marketing Niches

In the company of online network marketing there are lots of highly lucrative niche markets. Probably the mostcommon are:

--MLM/Network Marketers

MLM/Network Marketers

This niche market is centred on those who are already involved with multi-level marketing businesses (e.g. Herbalife, Lifepath Unlimited, Polaris Global, Amway and so on) and therefore are possibly struggling or searching for a marketing program to leverage their success.

These individuals areopportunity seekers. They come from all walks of life, business owners, corporate workers, investors, retirees,stay at home moms. They are driven to succeed because they need the benefits and security of financial freedom. Entrepreneurs are a great target audiene if you have a great quality product or business opportunity to provide.

This niche market targets those looking to set up or already involved with a franchise or business. In the volatile industry of today the difficulties and overheads encountered by franchise companies and businesses are many. In order to run a prosperous offline organization it's going to take plenty of time, money and hard work. It's simple to lose sight of your aspiration when you're snowed beneath with 16-hour days, low salary, inventories, rent, employees, insurance and taxes. The people in this niche are often wanting to discover recent opportunities, especially online network marketing as it does away having a a large amount of the headaches of conventional company models.

As soon as you master and can produce efficient advertising and lead generation campaigns insidea niche by all indicates expand your horizons to other niches.

Subsequent up we will probably be discussing keyword researching, remain tuned! Within the meantime, share this post on Twitter so others may become niche market masters too!

Network Marketing | All About Network Marketing And How It Works

Network marketing has become one of the most popular businesses these days, with so many companies offering this business opportunity to several people. This business is so popular, in fact, that even online network marketing exists.

How does network marketing work?

It basically involves having a pyramid, hierarchy or a team under you. First, you talk to potential customers - these may be your family, friends, previous colleagues, your neighbors or even someone in the mall or another public place or hangout! Next, you present to them the products and services of your company. Then, usually what happens is you will also show the people you are talking to how to earn and how the business works, i.e. basically what you are doing now, which is talking to potential customers, presenting to them the products and services of the company and then telling them how to earn and how the business works.

The whole principle of the hierarchy works like this:

For example, you are A, and you joined a certain company as a representative. Then, you meet up with potential customers to present the business to. Those who are new to network marketing usually present the products and services to their family and friends first, as a starting point. Next, when people are interested and want to join, you sign them up.

They will then be placed under you in your team, because you are the one that marketed the business to them. For example, two of your friends or family joined the business under you. Now, they can be referred to as B and C and they are now representatives of the company as well, through you, A.

Once you endorse the business to more people, they will be added to your team and this is how you earn. You earn this way because you are marketing the company's products to more and more people, meaning, more customers for them and more money for you.

B and C have their own team now. Basically, they should do the same thing that you, A, is doing, so that they, too, can earn. Once B and C have their own team, they are the "A" in their group, meaning, the leader. For example, in B's team, he/she is referred to as A, because it is his group. The first person that joins B's group will be referred to as the "B" in his team and he is the representative of the company through the B of your team. This is where the hierarchy comes in. You, A, recruited B and C, who should create their own team, therefore, they are now leaders, A, of their group. The first A is the highest in ranking, followed by B and C, and then, their respective teams. Then, the same procedure just repeats itself.

What is online network marketing?

Online network marketing basically is an

Network Marketing | Exceptional Network Marketing Tips For You And Your Business

During any given point in time, millions of people will be searching the net and/or checking out social media sites. Network marketing is a really effective tactic when it comes to utilizing the power of social networking and relationships to get sales and online visitors. The recommendations which are available in the following tips will certainly assist you to take full advantage of your network marketing resources.

Don't let yourself be reluctant to utilize your own success as being a technique regarding prospecting and selling. High-quality network marketers typically are not quite as modest as average folks. You ought to be honest and all-inclusive whenever you're talking about the earnings and added benefits you receive through your home business. Within prospecting particularly, I suggest you highlight your own achievements as much as you are able to without any outright boasting.

Sponsoring associates isn't a job, it is really a skill. Get started with understanding the best way to invite others to your company's events to hear a business presentation. Should your guests actually arrive and then join up following the presentation, you should be able to start acquiring new associates.

Having your own business does not imply you should not have insurance! When you're a home business owner you will have your tools and supplies which you use daily in your business. So you can find insurance which you're able to afford make use of your network of contacts to learn just who they normally use and also what they have to pay, and then search for a comprehensive insurance policy that fits your requirements. You don't want to end up in a difficult spot resulting from medical or property repair bills!

Take advantage of seminars to help you network with others and so generate good business relationships. Training seminars might be performed personally or even more conveniently nowadays by using an online webinar. Take part in as many of these conferences as you're able to and create a great first impression. You may well be speaking to future customers, affiliates or otherwise, beneficial people, that may fit successfully within your network marketing Business.

Whenever you are network marketing, just put forward your primary product or service information to ensure that your prospective customers or prospects do not feel overwhelmed. Through showing just the most essential details, you are going to have a much better chance of your customers understanding your product's or services message. Your clients will probably come to you later with more questions should they be interested, additionally this should provide you with an opportunity to reduce your marketing and advertising expenses also.

Connect with people on a daily basis. Even when they may not be directly associated to your own particular home business, getting in contact with many other network marketers or online marketers can provide you with marketing tactics and methods which you might not be implementing. Many people within your industry can certainly become a source of support and knowledge, so you're able to grow your business even bigger.

In order to get really ahead in network marketing, understand that if making a little extra money is relatively easy, then just what could you possibly earn if you are serious? You can invest a couple of hours each day on this and perhaps generate a some extra dollars, however, if you really applied yourself and gave it everything you had, the success you are likely to have could quite possibly boggle the mind. Rather than aiming to replace your current day job with something easy, why not just treat it just like a new job that can earn you multitudes more?

Any well-planned marketing strategy can certainly make a great deal of difference with the success or failure of any advertising and marketing campaign. By simply implementing the recommendations with these tips, network marketers and home business owners can learn how to use social networking sites to their own advantage, building a broader fan base as well as increased efficiency.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Tips That Put You A Step Ahead Of Your ...

A solid network marketing business is generated upon the advice of the numerous people who have come before us. You should utilize your up-line to educate yourself on the inner workings of your products or services as well as your prospects. Within this article, we are going to endeavor to provide you with some more general tips with regards to managing your own network.

Work on your home business each evening after the work is done on your list so you're able to follow up the next day. Doing this will help keep you organized for the following day and therefore creates a great journal of all your previous activities guaranteeing that whenever you need to recollect exactly what had been performed on a specific date, it's as easy as pulling out the journal and flicking through the past pages.

It is without doubt very important for you to invest in your own business, however this will be especially true during the start up phase. Ensure that you reserve a specific amount of either profit or maybe some personal savings towards the growth and development of your home business. Doing this will pay you back in the long term when your business is successful.

Treat this just like a business and not just a get rich quick scheme. The one thing you won't want to do is get caught in any get rich quick scams. That's the reason why you should select a legitimate home based business to get involved with, and you should treat your business like it is one.

Another important tip to consider when it comes to network marketing, is that you need to be honest with yourself and decide if this is going to be your business or just a hobby. This is very important because it will mark your level of commitment and interest, and will gauge how high you should set your goals.

Create a business plan. Think about the number of customers you need, the number of new recruits you need, and how many phone calls you need to make. Have a target for every day and a plan for approaching leads. By creating a road map to success, you'll be much more focused and ready to go.

Take advantage of social media to develop relationships. By having an account with the social media sites, it is possible to reach recruits and customers almost instantly. You'll be able to communicate with them regarding business or you can discuss common interests. Bear in mind, developing a relationship is the ideal means for your home business to grow.

Take your time before you choose a company to work with. Find people who have worked with them and ask their honest opinion of the company. Ask how much were they able to make and how much work it took. Look for a company that paid their agents well and regularly.

Do not stop learning if you want to be a success in network marketing. The business of network marketing is ever changing. Only those who stay on top of developments and changes will remain successful over the long haul. Take advantage of available resources, and invest in your own education.

As you can see, there is certainly a great deal that goes into network marketing. While you grow your home business, continue searching for new information as well as help and advice from anywhere you can find it. Information is a key element in order to really succeed in this business as there is often a new approach to close a deal or a new tact to test out.

Network Marketing | Some Great Advice In Network Marketing Now

Many people find the concept of network marketing to be confusing or intimidating, especially while building or growing their home business. Network marketing is without a doubt the most efficient method for company to get there products or services out to the market place and reaching far more customers, without any significant expenses and will in many instances will serve as an essential growth strategy for many organizations. Read the tips in this article to discover ways to leverage these marketing techniques for your own business.

Learn the correct way to answer any challenging questions regarding your network marketing business well before they may be asked. Without doubt, a few people will ask you whether your home business is simply a pyramid scheme. Inform them that they will have to search somewhere else if that's what they are interested in. Having the right answers to challenging questions in advance will certainly help to make you appear knowledgeable and savvy.

When you are involved in network marketing, you must always endeavor to lead by example. You should never cease training, recruiting, and monitoring. Always keep in mind the KISS formula: "Keep It Simple, Sweaty." Simply following this principle will certainly result in a far greater success rate for yourself as well others you are leading.

Once you begin earning enough money from doing network marketing, it is very important to continue being active and don't let yourself become lazy. You can easily become comfortable and quit actively searching for new prospects and customers. This can be a huge mistake because you will not want to be struggling at the last minute trying to find more prospects.

Another thing is to consider is meditating each morning in regards to what goals you want to achieve in your business. Visualizing on exactly what you want to achieve can help to assist you to commit yourself to it. This tends to provide that success to you since your mind has no other choice but to work hard in order to achieve it.

A potential new prospect interested in your home business may have a variety of goals relating to the reason they want to join the business. Pay close attention to just exactly what your potential prospect wants to get out of the business; do not attempt to spoon-feed them goals which may not match their own. Focus on explaining to prospects just how your business will assist them to fulfill their own goals.

Successful network marketing will involve continuous education. Regardless of how experienced you may be, there is always something new to learn which can enhance your home business and provide you with an edge over the competitors. You should always be searching for new information and new ideas to help you become successful.

A very important tip to take into consideration with regards to network marketing is that you should look at the benefits of using auto-responders. This is very important since this will provide your customers immediate feed back and provide you some buffer time for you to answer their question personally if needed. It will also free up some of your own valuable time.

Network marketing is undoubtedly an efficient and cost-effective way to improve your life and the lives many others. Follow the tips and hints in this article to find ways to leverage your own home business and reap the benefits associated with increased exposure and customer contact. Utilizing this marketing strategy doesn't need to be overwhelming, if you carry out a little research before beginning.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Online, Finally Achieve Success

There are so many new opportunities to do network marketing and the internet has only expounded on those opportunities.

When the network marketing business began, how did people advertise? The idea was to first talk to their friends and family about a totally new concept. The model was brand new to most people and there were many who were extremely open to a new style of making money.

Things are different, however, because people have heard of the business model, and many do not feel it can work. But there are still many individuals that are open to the idea of network marketing. The difficulty is getting to those people. Unlike your little town you may live in, or your mall that you have been to many times, the internet gives you the chance to reach hundreds and thousands of prospects each and every day.

The main thing that is distinct, but is also an plus, is that you have the good fortune to start friendships and confidence online before individuals enter into your business. When you speak with people you know, this is already there, but when speaking with strangers this is absent.

There are three ways I would recommend for newbies.

1. Facebook - The entire purpose behind Facebook is to gather friends in your network. You can simply find people that are looking for great opportunities after you befriend them. The key is to not pitch your business straight away, but to gain friendship first.

2. Blogging - Let people get to know you and give them back something first. Most people have heard the phrase it is better to give than to receive? This is spot on. Blogging lets readers to get to know you, and learn to trust you. Eventually, they will want to be in your business.

3. Article marketing - Article marketing is an additional great way to give valuable information to people and help them see the worth that you offer before they sign up with you. Teaching them how to do network marketing online, for instance, is something of value.

The thing you need to remember about network marketing online is that you no longer have that face to face ability that you have in person. You need to be more than simply a voice or article, you need to show your personality and expertise to those that you are working with. Don't let the internet be a crutch any longer, but an advantage.

Network Marketing | Home Network Marketing Business

To enjoy the fruits of long-term success, network marketing business professionals must strictly adhere to setting and meeting goals. There are circumstances which arise that may normally prevent an individual from achieving a pre-set goal in their network marketing business. Accepting nothing less than what was expected as an achievement at the onset will help to keep network marketing objectives steady and results on par. Although results may initially be hard to stomach, successful businesses are only realized after perseverance through lulls and times of instability. Since network marketing businesses are so closely related to an individual's commitment to succeed and an ongoing determination to push through downturns, those who are not in it for the long run regularly fall into the category of failure.

Network marketing business operations grow mainly through ongoing business activities and actions to create connections. Business building activities should be met each day to ensure there is a steady stream of new work being done in the interest of the network marketing operation. Simply writing a new blog post each day or spending a designated amount of time on a home network marketing forum with like-minded business leaders are good goals as daily business activities. Keeping daily work for the sake of a network business opportunity a top priority among other personal and professional obligations helps to maintain a strong commitment to the success of the venture.

The decision to embark in a network marketing business is one that should not be taken lightly by those with no experience in the field. Home network marketing operations offer an opportunity for growth personally and financially where individuals may have previously found themselves in a rut. There are many great teachers available for network marketing business newcomers who need a little extra guidance or motivation to keep pushing forward. The internet is full of forums for the discussion and proliferation of network marketing businesses, many of which are overseen by network marketing professionals. Using the habits of a successful network marketing business professional is a good practice for beginners in a home network marketing field.

Network Marketing | 3 Types Of Network Marketing Leads

Targeting your prospective leads is the key. When you learn to target your prospecting or marketing efforts you will be successful in your network marketing business. Generating network marketing leads requires precise targeting and consistent marketing.

What does this mean?

Actually, it is not as hard as you may have thought it would be. Just look at it way: It is important that you focus on directing your marketing strategies to the right target audience. This will help your conversion rate of potential customers and team members. By doing this you will be able to create a ton of network marketing leads every month. And if you continuously do this, imagine how much you will be making in a year.

How To Find Your Target Audience

It is important to realize that there are three different types of strong prospect types that will be receptive to your network marketing offer. This article will help you to understand the difference between these three types. So, please read on...

Type One

The first type of network marketing leads are those people seeking a business opportunity. They are those who want to become self sufficient so that they can improve their financial status in the society. These are the people who are simply looking for a business opportunity without a strong commitment. But this does not mean they will not commit once they find out how great the opportunity you will be offering them.

Type Two

The second type of network marketing leads is classified as those people seeking a business opportunity. They are the ones who are not afraid to take actions necessary to earn money. These people sometimes gather information hoping to get a chance to make more money in the long run. These are people who have tried a home business without success but know that finding the right one can help them achieve their financial goals.

Type Three

People in the network marketing industry who are disillusioned with the opportunity that they are currently dealing with belong to the third type of network marketing leads. They can also be people that are moving between companies. Therefore, you must take into consideration on their past experience to win their trust.

These are your best candidates if you have a system to build a successful business. Be sensitive to their needs considering that they are your key to succeed in the business.

The three types of prospects listed above are all target audiences that you should try and market towards on a daily basis. They are in the market for a home business.

You most likely do not like to approach friends, strangers, and relatives. Who does? This is why it is extremely important that you realize you need to learn how to find people that are interested in speaking to you - ready to receive your message.

It's is vital that you realize that highly targeting prospects in the network marketing industry will help you create a steady stream of highly qualified leads.

Network Marketing | Starting Out With Network Marketing? Use These Tips

Network marketing should be all about developing relationships as well as instilling trust with your prospects. Finding out how to generate this trust is generally not a characteristic that people are typical born with. We need to discover how to truly develop our potential reps into believing in us. Below are some great tips with regards to your success.

Your Internet is definitely a tool that is far too powerful to disregard as part of your home business endeavors. Your main marketing strategy should not just be online, it needs to be online in as many various channels as possibly. Creating a website with regards to your network marketing business is a given. Try your hand at blogging, too, and make sure you have a business presence on as many social networking sites as possible.

Be sure to ask your leads the reasons why they're meeting with you and really pay attention to their answer. Keep in mind their hopes and dreams and employ them within the presentation which you are going to give. One example is, should they mention having the ability to stay home with their children, you could ask the question such as, "Just how would that really feel to be able to wake up in the morning and no longer have to take your children to daycare ever again?"

When you start using network marketing, it is undoubtedly a smart idea to create a plan prior to performing anything. Make sure you take note of the goals you have for your business. You should also take note of how many hours and how much money you are able to invest in your business. A lack of a plan is definitely a guaranteed way to fail.

Keep track of all the things that you get asked or that you tell people repeatedly. Should you sense any kind of habits, develop a Frequently Asked Questions training video, blog or any other similar resource. This can often be a doubly-effective strategy, because done well it helps you save time and can also help make you look thoughtful and considerate when providing an information resource to others.

When network marketing, so many people are caught up in using the correct keywords, particularly in focus areas such as the title. Your headline together with other areas should also focus on becoming an attention getter, grabbing the attention of your audience as they go to the site or click on it. Make the title an attention getter.

Create the time to spend on your business. If you don't put the time into making your home business work, it won't. Schedule some time in your daily planner so you make sure you set aside some time to work on your business every day, plus identify one action step to perform for the day. Just this simple action will assist you to build your home business much quicker and more efficiently.

The attitude which you present is one of the most important aspects regarding network marketing. Having the proper attitude you'll be able to convey a real energy to other people. Do not be the person who has negativity or a "dark cloud" hovering around them, as it rubs off on people. A positive attitude works in the same way and will have a positive affect on everyone you come into contact with.

Learning how to approach and follow through with a new prospect is an art form. It's not a skill that you develop overnight and it's not something that works the same way for everyone. You have to learn the approach that works for you and builds upon your strengths.

Network Marketing | Mistakes You Shouldn't Make In Network Marketing

If you want to consistently attract new prospects to your network marketing business you will have to work hard and be constant. As you know signing up new prospects is the life blood of network marketing and if you want to succeed you will have to understand exactly how recruiting works.

So here are some recruiting mistakes you should not be making.

The first thing a network marketing program will tell you to do is create a list of 100 people you know, this can be friends, family and colleagues. This is not a good move and especially if your new to network marketing. Learn what the program is about and become some what of a success before flaunting the opportunity to friends & family. If things don't work out you can lose these close relationships.

The old 3 foot rule is well past its use by date. Pitching your network marketing business to anyone who gets within 3 feet just doesn't work this day and age. Its not the good old days when you use to leave your doors unlocked, people are touchy and crowding them with your opportunity just isn't a good idea.

Don't waste your time handing out flyers or putting up posters. This form of advertising is very untargeted and the time you spend doing this could be put to far better use.

Don't go through the phone book and ring up random people or cold call as its known. This is a massive time waster and one not worth pursuing.

Stay away from these old school network marketing techniques and work on the methods that are working in today's age. If you can understand recruiting prospects your network marketing business will flourish.

Network Marketing | Women Own Their Lives Through Network Marketing

While leadership is a universal human quality, there are certain leadership traits we generally consider more feminine. We think of women as nurturers, care-givers, counselors, and cheerleaders. Women traditionally tend toward hearth and home and put their families first. We are there for everyone else and sometimes known for sacrificing or sublimating our own needs.

What happens when a woman steps boldly out of this mold? How do her colleagues, friends, and family respond when she takes charge of her finances and makes her business a priority? What happens when she makes more money than her husband? How do others perceive her when she works in the evenings, travels on weekends, and sets financial goals for herself?

" What will my friends think ?" is a common concern women have when considering starting a home-based business. This stems in part from the fact that for a woman to branch out on her own goes against her traditional role of bread baker or support partner. On the other hand, others might perceive her as self-determined, a brave risk-taker, a smart and savvy business woman, and someone in charge of her life. Network marketing gives women the chance to embrace this perception others may hold of her and fully step into it.

For us self-determined types, network marketing is the perfect environment because we are rewarded for our passion to be all we can be while helping as many people as possible along the way. It is practically a perfect world: no rigid schedule, no supervisor saying what we can or cannot do or, most significantly, who we can or cannot become. For women who have not previously met their inner drive, they may discover they are capable of reaching heights they never imagined.

Here are some distinctions between the culture of network marketing and other professional environments.

- In traditional work environments, a person generally advances in part because she is connected to someone who gives her the green light. For example, getting a raise or a promotion is the result of something being given or awarded to the woman who is advancing in her career. In network marketing a woman is the only person able to promote herself to the next level.

- In government, education, and traditional business, positions are sacred in that they are occupied by one person at a time. For instance, an organization can have only one president, a company one VP of Sales, and a university one chair per department. Competition and rivalry are inherent to these cultures. In network marketing, on the other hand, there is ample room at every position. A woman can chart her own course based on her goals, her willingness to master the skills, and her determination to succeed. Women feel more in charge of their own destinies when success is voluntary, when they do not need permission to advance, and when they have access to any position for which they are willing to work.

- Contrary to most professional environments, network marketing encourages every woman to be all she can be, because everybody stands to gain when she rises to the highest position possible. In fact, the measure of her success is based upon the number of people whom she is able to help succeed through her leadership abilities. There is no conflict or competition with others who aspire to the same position, and there is no incentive for anyone to sabotage her ascent to the top of her game.

- Working on teams builds character. Anyone who comes from a corporate environment and is used to elbowing others out of the way in order to succeed will get busted in a culture in which everyone helps everyone else. Instead of feeling threatened by someone else's success, women work together so they can grow as individuals and collectively. For women who never participated on a team before, this opportunity can greatly benefit other areas of life, such as relationships and parenting.

- In a culture that holds strength and self-determination as virtues, a woman can find herself more in charge of her life than ever before. Network marketing allows men and women to embrace, indeed, to love that part of themselves that is driven to develop leadership qualities in themselves and in others. This aspiration is not always honored or rewarded in more traditional work environments.

Reinventing Ourselves

For a woman to make the decision to shine in network marketing requires that she take a firm stand at the helm of her ship. She will be encouraged to care more, do more, connect more, and dream bigger than ever before. For women who have made career decisions based on pleasing others or to blend in with the crowd, a career in network marketing affords an opportunity to move forward in new and exciting ways.

The limitless possibilities and continuous encouragement to stretch and grow can help us discover strengths in ourselves that otherwise might never have come to the surface. To be role models for our daughters, sons, husbands, friends, and family as women who know what we want and are willing to go after our dreams enriches ourselves and everyone with whom we interact.Anyone who takes a stand for what she wants and moves toward it boldly will stand out in the crowd. For anyone who has only known what she wanted through the eyes of others, or by trying to live up to what others thought she should do or was capable of doing, this is transformational.

" What do you want? " is the first level of inquiry for someone being invited to consider network marketing. Some women never asked themselves this question. Personal transformation begins as soon as a woman looks into her soul, perhaps for the first time, to answer that question. Women committed to achieving their dreams by passing the mantle to others whom they lead are bound to make the world a richer and brighter place.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Success Mindset

Success is an individual achievement granted upon the completion of a specific goal. For the network marketer, this goal is the duplication of effort through the leverage of a down-line. The failure most network marketers succumb to, however, is in adopting a business philosophy based solely on themselves. While the intent is to acquire more money for ourselves, in network marketing, our prosperity is measured by our partners success.

You will never succeed in network marketing until you understand the importance of your down-lines success. The whole point, regardless of what program you're involved in, is to REPLICATE yourself! If you can sign-up one lead a day you're doing okay. But if you can train each lead that you sign everyday to do the same, now you're onto something! Where most people fail in the online marketing business is at this crucial step, TRAINING. What good is a sale that does nothing? Sure you get a small commission, but then what? By allowing people to fail and go nowhere in the system you're involved in, you accept the role of doing all the work yourself!

Take responsibility for every member of your team. Be a leader and help out everyone you sign-up to get their first sale. Show them the techniques you used and profit from them! When you take the initiative to behave as a good sponsor should, you are rewarded by the duplication of your efforts a hundred fold. If you simply sign and train ONE person a day, you will be wealthy in short order. Because that person you signed will sign/train their one person a day. And that person will do the same, and so on into the limits of your compensation plan!

Network marketing is the fastest and easiest way there is to make money, whether online or otherwise. All you need is the courage to contact your sign-ups and offer them your guidance. Take on the mindset that your success is their success. Do not view people as "leads" but rather potential "partners" and value them as such. This shift in perspective allows us insight into the essence of what the whole network marketing experience is all about. Which is leading by example and building a successful team of wealthy entrepreneurs!

All you need to do to succeed as a network marketer is find a system that works, replicate it, and then duplicate yourself by training others who join you to succeed as you have. Simplicity is the name of the game. Stop looking for ten thousand leads a day or the maximum amount of sign-ups possible! Your goal should be in finding candidates for success . People that are willing to learn, listen, and complement your team by acting upon the training you give. I would rather have 10 people on my team who can sign ten of their own, train them to do the same, and so on over a team of 1,000 who do nothing.

The pyramid you build is a reflection of you. When we build our own network marketing pyramid we do so from the ground up. The quality of work we put into the base levels equals the sturdiness of the entire structure. The time and energy spent on acquiring and training new talent from your prospect list is well worth the end result. You do not need to build the whole pyramid. In fact, the beauty of network marketing is that the success you pass into each level is passed into the next automatically. And your pyramid will build itself before your eyes! Share the success you achieve in your business with your partners and you will receive more success in return. This is the recipe for wealth and it includes everyone you work with!

Network Marketing | The Dirty Truth About Network Marketing That You Must Know And ...

On the surface, network marketing companies appear to be thriving communities of consuming customers all happy with the product that they are consuming and they really are, but what drives that community of thriving consumers has absolutely nothing to do with the product itself.

Let's think about this statement.

Let me ask you a question:

Why did you decided to get started in a network marketing business?

You don't have to say anything out loud but answer this question in your head right now to yourself.

I guarantee you answer is somewhere along these lines "Well, I started my business because I wanted to make some extra money and who knows maybe even become financially free."

Am I right?

Well let me ask you another question now.

When you prospect and talk to leads about your business what do you talk to them about?

Most likely you try to stick to the corporate script which inevitable ends up with your prospect asking you questions about your network marketing companies products or services.

And by the end of the conversation you've lost control of the call and both you and your prospect end up confused (usually get somewhere between details about your companies product or service and the compensation plan).

You get of the phone and hope that my some grace of god your prospect you paid $5 to confuse will decided to join your business.

Likely story!

Here's why:

Successful Network Marketing has NOTHING to do with selling your prospect on your product at ALL!

To the contrary, the only thing that you should EVER talk to your prospect about is the same thing that got you sold on your companies business . . . More Money and Financial Freedom!

You see network marketing is built on financial hopes and dreams and honestly, if you're looking for business builders to recruit into your organization your prospects hopes and dreams of financial success are the only thing that you
should speak to them about, so they can sell themselves on it.

As an illustration of this principle think about the situation this way, if you had equal amounts of your company's product in one hand and money in the other which do you think your prospect would choose?

The top money earners know the answer to that question and that's how why make all there money!

Here's the other shift in perspective that you're going to have to make if you want to have ultimate success with your business and it's simply a logical continuation on the point just discussed.

What you think of as your company's product is NOT its real product at ALL!

Do you think your network marketing company's product is its moon juice or long distance service?

If you do you're very wrong.

Continuing on from my last point, remember your network marketing business will not grow if you just push product it will only grow if you sell people on their financial dreams.

So if you think about it, your company's real product is it's sales training and marketing system. The better your company's marketing system is able to help you generate sales the better any more quickly you will be able to reap the financial benefits of your business.

To extend this point further, eventually you'll want your downline to do all the work so you don't have to.

The simpler and more effective the marketing system plus the strong the training your company provides the easier your system will duplicate.

If you want to think about it in its most simple form, your company's real product is its duplicability.

If you find a system that is easy to duplicate and you can have your prospect "sell themselves" on their financial dreams you will have a highly successful network marketing business.

Your Job is Simple:

Find people that want to attain financial freedom your way and then shorten their learning curve so that they can go out and do the same.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing: Legitimate Business Opportunity Or Not?

Network marketing is the chiropractic of the business world. I say this with authority and confidence because I am a chiropractor. For many years we were looked at as the charlatans of health care. In recent decades, though, the profession has made great strides in proving its value and validity, both through anecdotal evidence as well as solid research. However, in spite of this, I still hear prejudiced comments that we are not "real doctors." We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.

To anyone in the network marketing world, this story must sound very familiar. Just do an internet search on "Network marketing scams" and see the plethora of information that comes up. Even when you are doing a legitimate search on the topic, the search results are peppered with naysayers.

I'm going to tell you something that not many people realize. It will immediately open your eyes up to the legitimacy of the network marketing industry. In current times, most well known (we're talking Fortune 500 companies) traditional companies are involved in, or at least considering, how to sell their products through network and/or affiliate marketing. As an example, Discovery Toys markets their products exclusively through network marketing with sales figures that exceed $100 million. Sprint' MCI and AT&T make their long distance phone service available through network marketing companies. Major chains like Best Buy and Target use affiliate marketers to market their stores and products.

So, as the dark veil of scam has been lifted from network marketing just a little bit with that juicy tidbit of information, let's put this negative image to rest once and for all, shall we?

Here are the facts:

1. MLM, or what is more commonly referred to as network marketing these days, has been around since the 1940s, with the vitamin company Nutrilite.

2. In 1959, Amway was born. They eventually took over Nutrilite, and MLM never looked back.

3. The success of Amway drew attention; hence multiple network marketing companies were born.

4. The people who ruin it for everyone came along. They saw the potential for lucrative rewards, created a counterfeit version of MLM, and Ponzi and pyramid schemes were developed. This caused the network marketing business to become associated with the word "scam".

5. At the urging through petition by ethical MLM companies, the government established ethical practices for a reputable MLM company and clearly defined what MLM is.

6. MLM companies that are really just pyramid schemes get closed up relatively quickly as a result of the laws that have been put into place.

7. Since MLM came into existence, the industry has evolved into a wide array of companies with a diverse range of products to sell, good compensation plans, and tools to help their marketers build their own business. Despite all the bumps in the road, MLM is a thriving industry and a very good way to build a business for yourself.

If the above is true, why does the negative image persist?

Issues that enhance the "Network Marketing Scam" image are as follows:

1. There is greater than a 90 percent failure rate in the industry because the people who sign up don't take action. They then blame the business model and perpetuate the "scam" image.

2. Just like any other start-up business, it takes time and effort to build this type of business. If people don't start getting a 4 figure monthly residual income check after signing up a few people, they think it's a "scam."

3. Relating to point number 2, the marketing tactics by people already in the business are not sound. Proper marketing must be done in order to create and duplicate success. Otherwise, the network marketing scam image is perpetuated when promises are made of riches and free time within weeks of joining, but in reality those promises cannot be kept.

4. The laws that were meant to protect MLM also hurt the MLM image, unfortunately. The idea of pyramid selling is also a mentality, not necessarily just a business structure. So, with any MLM compensation plan, the attitude of pyramid scheme gets easily applied to it, and people immediately think "network marketing scam."

5. Most people you speak to about your network marketing business will never join you because it's not for them. It takes persistence, perseverance, and maximum exposure of your business through solid marketing techniques to find the people who are cut out for network marketing.

6. Network marketing gives people the impression it is easy to make money; the REAL truth is, network marketing is HARD.

So, with everything I just told you, where is the good news in all of this? We have a reputable business model that has a somewhat tarnished reputation. It's not as easy as it was once made out to be. You must ask yourself this question, then: Are you truly cut out for this business?

Consider the following as you try to answer that question.

Do you want to continue working in a corporate job most of your life with the realization that you may never retire early and spend time with your family? For some people this is the easier route because at your J-O-B you just show up, put your time in, get your check, and leave. Not much effort besides what your job requires, and there is a guaranteed income, even if it's not the amount you would like to have.


Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Being an entrepreneur doesn't mean you have to come up with an idea from scratch. You are just as entrepreneurial if you see an opportunity and create your own destiny based on how you present that opportunity to the world.

My full and final assessment of network marketing is this: if you have ever wanted to own your own business, be your own boss, work from home, set your own hours, and not have a salary cap on how much you can earn, then you should consider network marketing. You must not enter this business, though, if you think it's going to be easy, and you aren't willing to put in the work.

Do your due diligence; study the company (or companies) you are going to get involved in - in addition to the material they provide you, there are also websites that list the top network marketing companies. Learn about their products. Understand how you will get paid. Ask questions. Talk to other distributors. Assess whether or not you yourself can duplicate a successful business model within that company.

Take your time with this decision. You are going into business for yourself. Once you figure out if you are ready to take your career into your own hands, move forward with confidence and a solid business and marketing plan.

Network Marketing | Making Use Of An Effective Network Marketing System For Great ...

If this appears to be familiar to you, then you should consider working with a network marketing system that will help you comprehend marketing and sales. Understand that most individuals come into Multilevel marketing without any genuine understanding of what it takes when it comes to building your network marketing business.

Once you and other associates on your team have reached the end of your warm market, until you study the marketing and advertising side of Network marketing, the end may be near for you. Rather than let this to happen, consider working with a network marketing system that supplies you the training, schooling, and tools required to build it large.

Your system ought to be an education based platform in not only how to generate your Mlm prospects on the World wide web, but also how to develop beyond your warm market offline. Even though you'll want to leverage the power of the World wide web, you still want to get very good at offline techniques.

Why would you want to nevertheless focus on offline strategies? Even if you concentrate all your consideration on the World-wide-web way, you'll most likely recruit folks who like to hook up offline. You'll want to have this knowledge to pass to them, as well as within your multi-level marketing system. In addition, following up with your on the web prospects demands offline telephone expertise and your system must consist of top notch coaching in this area to be powerful.

When it comes to on the web lead generation training, your Mlm system needs to train you exactly how to correctly use procedures such as article marketing, video marketing and advertising, social media, forum marketing and advertising, etc so that you can drive targeted traffic to your site.

Your system ought to present you all the tools and coaching on how to use effective internet site capture pages that convert website visitors to leads. You can learn all the traffic producing tactics in the industry, but if your capture pages don't transform into leads, then you're losing your time.

One of the very best methods to convert site visitors to prospective recruits is to supply them actual, stable, totally free education on how they, too, can realize success in their business. Since you in all probability don't have the know-how or want-to in establishing awesome cost-free instruction and followup to your potential partners, you will need to use a multi-level marketing system that provides you this form of info to give away on your site.

The choice is now in your hands. Decide to locate an effective network marketing system that catapults you to real multilevel marketing accomplishment and then use it effectively. Once you've mastered on the net Multi level marketing lead generation, you'll have dozens of daily leads coming in.

Network Marketing | The Beauty Of Home Network Marketing

Operating a network marketing business from home is actually an incredibly fruitful field that is filled to the brim with success stories. It actually baffles me that so many people doubt this unique industry. With such a large percentage of sales being conducted online today, why is it so difficult to believe motivated individuals can make money marketing from home?

Different Shades of Opportunity

Each opportunity in this industry is different from the rest. The different companies each represent unique products and offer unique compensation plans. To be clear, marketers working from home conduct their business mostly online. Daily tasks can consist of blogging about products, article marketing, and networking.

Although each company in this area of business is unique, the job is essentially the same. The marketer's job is to utilize marketing strategies in an attempt to introduce new consumers to their respective company's products or services. Considering most consumers turn to the internet when searching for a given product, this industry possesses limitless potential.

Work from your Favorite Recliner

Admit it. We've all dreamt of working from home. No more morning commute or overbearing boss. No more $100 weekly gas bills or office politics. To most, this is exactly that: A dream. To those people working from home it is a reality.

Because most of the work home network marketers do is performed mostly online, there is very little need to leave home. This is especially attractive for those with children! Working from home can literally save your family thousands of dollars a year on commuting costs and the tax breaks you can get from owning your own business. By learning the ins and outs of the marketing niche, you can enjoy a home-based career.

In addition to working from home, those involved have a completely uncapped earning potential. This essentially means that only the marketer themselves can determine their ultimate income. To be clear, many traditional marketing and sales positions have salary caps that are not allowed to be exceeded. Home network marketing does not fall under that traditional description!

The Perks of a Home Business

Network marketers operating a business from home are considered independent business owners as far as the IRS is concerned. This means loads of tax breaks. In addition to having Uncle Sam on their side, home network marketers do not have to answer to anyone.

If you pursue a home-based marketing business, you will no longer have to deal with a boss or office politics around the water cooler. That being said, being self-employed brings with it responsibility and this can be a challenge in itself. Working from home is a fantastic experience, but only if it is profitable.

To avoid a poor home network marketing experience, be sure to be fully committed, self-disciplined and organised. Treating internet marketing as a career is the only way you'll earn a career income. Home network marketing presents a fantastic money-making opportunity for anyone with an entrepreneurial drive who would enjoy working from their favorite recliner!

Network Marketing | Social Network Marketing: Where To Market Your Content

Luckily for budding business-people of the 21st century, utilizing these social networks is relatively easy to do and is accessible by all. At the very basic level, promoting your business on websites such as Facebook or Twitter is absolutely free of charge. In addition to being infinitely cost-effective, navigating these social networking websites and using them to your marketing advantage is relatively simple.

Regardless of how technologically fluent you may be or how foreign computers appear to you, I am positive that any committed individual can acquire the necessary tools to succeed in using social media platforms to build a network marketing business.

Marketing on Facebook

Network Marketing can be an extremely profitable business venture if taken seriously and executed properly. Today, the majority of successful entrepreneurs in the industry have established a strong online presence. Doing so is a necessary step towards success as a modern network marketer.

Facebook is perhaps the most popular option when it comes to marketing using social media. This easy to use website presents an incredible marketing opportunity. With millions of avid Facebookers logging in daily, this social network is a hot-bed for business building.

By posting attractive content with backlinks to their personal website or blog, network marketers can be sure to acquire new business leads. Taking advantage of this inexpensive and effective marketing opportunity is remarkably simple.

Interested entrepreneurs simply need to create a profile and become involved with others in their niche. After acquiring a decent sized following, your blog or website will almost certainly begin to enjoy an increase in traffic. Social network marketing on Facebook can prove to be financially beneficial.

Marketing on Twitter

In essence, marketing your network marketing business on Twitter is just like Facebook. Initially, the goal is to broaden your marketing scope by obtaining a following. This can be done by becoming involved with other marketers or potential consumers in your niche.

As your following grows, the results will be obvious if you're marketing effectively. There are loads of training materials available to anyone online. To be clear, Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that allows users to "tweet" out messages with 140 or less characters.

Because of various features, Twitter is a great location for online business promotion. If a fellow Twitter user finds your content attractive or entertaining, they will often retweet your original tweet to all of their followers. Although this may sound like a field related to rocket science, Twitter is incredibly easy to learn to navigate.

Marketing using Article Syndication

Using social media for marketing can be very effective. That being said, this marketing process can be rather time-consuming if not executed efficiently. Luckily, there are article syndication tools available that can dramatically expedite the social network marketing process.

Instead of navigating between 10 to 12 different websites and posting the same content, article syndication tools automate this process and only require you to post your content once. These services will quickly and automatically post your content all over the web and consequently create valuable backlinks.

Your time is your most valuable possession. Don't you want some of your time back? Article syndication tools can be incredibly helpful for those involved with social network marketing ventures where you can build your business quickly and more efficiently.

Network Marketing | Can You Make Network Marketing On The Internet Work Successfully

How it Works

The Internet does not discriminate - it's insignificant how old you are, the color of your skin, gender or religious beliefs. In fact many older folk who have been in sales their entire lives are bolstering their pension savings and annuities by network marketing on the web.

There also college kids who are making a living while attending school, and finding it much more profitable than flipping burgers, working in the local store or any of the other part-time jobs students have to take. In fact many are being successful enough in network marketing to be able to pay their own way through college.

Network marketing on the Internet needs just a couple of things to get started; one being a basic appreciation of how effective online marketing works, plus knowing the answer to why people are successful at online marketing.

It Takes Hard Work

Any person who tells you that network marketing online is simple is either a fool or a liar. It actually can be straightforward if you follow some terribly basic rules, but at the start it may involve many hours of hard work just like every other job. Putting in hard and effective work in the beginning can lead to rich rewards in the future.

Once you've gained a understanding of network marketing, and worked hard on setting up a dependable business, you'll be able to enjoy a passive income every week, each month and annually without too much effort. One of the nicest things is to wake up and find money in your PayPal account, or in the shape of checks waiting in the mailbox.

When hunting for information about network marketing on the Internet, you may come across many people making an attempt to sell you info. These folks do not even practice the sales techniques they preach. You are usually driven through to a capture page instantly which bombards you with other "one-time" offers that will "never be offered again". These products or services usually promise very easy answers to making money and offer the next easy 'push button solution'.

Yes, some of these people do make masses of cash, but they only care about themselves - they do nothing to help you. Their technique is to attract lazy or stupid folks who believe they can make seven-figure incomes in a matter of months without doing any work!

There are also people in the network marketing business who do offer extremely useful information, some in the form of courses. At this time you may not know who they may be, so don't go handing over money for anything just yet. You'll find as you become more experienced that the best people in network marketing will share a lot of this useful information with you for nothing.

Find a Mentor

It's often a good idea to find somebody in the business who can be your mentor. This person will be already producing the kind of results that you need, and someone who will give you the information you want, and steer you on the trail of success. Network marketing online is still a person-to-person activity, a relationship business that needs plenty of investment of resources, and some talent. It isn't play-play, its major business.

While the word "sales" scares many people, others have no idea what the word "marketing" essentially means. Essentially by carrying out network marketing on the internet you're going to be helping people with their problems and providing a solution. So being successful on the internet isn't just about standing on a virtual corner and screaming "buy this now!" but giving useful information and helping others.

Network Marketing | Social Media Marketing Ability To Generate Traffic And Online ...

The beauty of social media marketing is its ability to generate free online business leads and build business relationships hence resulting to online sales. Therefore, as you implement other internet marketing tactics, it is advisable to consider joining these social networking websites.

Something important to note; driving traffic to your blog or website is not all you need. You should be able to convert your traffic to online business leads thus make sales and remain in business. This means you should ensure you generate targeted traffic and connect with people who will benefit your business. Only then will you notice the power behind social media marketing.

Internet marketing experts recommend that you should take time to study the audience in every social site before enrolling. This will assist you to find out the best social media marketing strategy to employ to attract targeted traffic. For example, if your online business program is about real estate, why connect with people outside your demographic.

Social media marketing is for sure the way to go, but you should be careful not to spend all your time on twitter while there are other marketing strategies that would produce business leads. The best approach is to employ different internet marketing strategies.

It would be better to automate your status bar posting by using a site like; where you submit your posts by one click of a button. Then spend the rest of your time working on other online marketing tactics.

Click the link appearing in the resource box below to acquire more substantive information and tips on social media marketing.

Network Marketing | The Real Secret Of Network Marketing Success

This secret is seldom used yet for those that do hold true to the principle that I am about to outline you simple cannot fail. That's right your success is 100% gu'aranteed.

Before we get to the secret let's do a little ground work to set the stage for HUGE and quick success in network marketing.

The level of success and freedom in life that network marketing offers to the average person is unlimited and that's the appeal, but there are some ways to help ensure that success occurs for you as quickly as possible.

Most people jump into a new home bus'iness on a hope and dream.

They look at the compensation plan and the testimonials involved with the network marketing company that they are about to join and see the vision.

They say "Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making $40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let's give it try!"

They fill themselves up with anticipation for the windfall of cash that is on the way and they sit back and wait for the money to come to them.

Then a month later after they go through a few trails and try a few things unsuccessfully they say . . . "Why isn't this working?"

Then the next month when they put in half the effort they put in their first month and nothing happens again they quit and say they were scammed.

My question to you is . . . were they scammed?

You see, before you start any Network Marketing business you have to do a little bit more homework than just look at the compensation plan and the testimonials. You have to really research what you are about to get yourself into.

What type of research do you have to do? What questions should you ask?

Here they are:

" How long has the company been around?

" What is the product?

" Is the product unique?

" Does the product have mass appeal?

" Is the product a front runner in an emerging market?

" Can you become passionate about the product?

" Does the business have a powerful marketing system in place?

" Who are the successful people in this business?

" What are the successful people doing to create that success?

" Is the product something that the majority of the public can afford?

" Am I personally financial stable enough to start a new business?

" What type of a monthly marketing budget will I have to set aside to be successful?

" What are the conversion statistics for the marketing process?

" Is the business truly duplicable?

" What would be my break even point?

" Is there a way to make money quickly with this business or is there a way that I can create a quick income in marketing this business?

" Etc.

You see it's not just the opportunity that has to be correct. You TOO have to be correct for the opportunity and you have to be in a financial position to take advantage of the opportunity at hand.

Way too many times I see people joining my business that jump in on a hope and a dream.

They have barely enough money to pay for there monthly membership commitment and yet they still want to know the fastest way to grow their business for FREE.

When people get caught up in the emotion of opening the possibility for more in their life sometimes they don't think clearly. They think if they can just get themselves in they will get rich.

It's not just about getting yourself in.

It's about getting yourself in and putting yourself in a position to be able to fully maximize the opportunity at hand.

I get asked the following WRONG question all the time.

"How long until I make money?"

It's not about how long until you make money it's about what you have to do to make money.

The truth is you could put yourself in a profitable situation tomorrow or today, but it would take resources and a good deal of learning to know how to do it.

The truth is, the fast way is never the FREE way. It's either going to take you a good deal of money to put yourself in a profitable position or a good deal of education and leverage, and most of the time both.

There is no luck factor.

You don't earn money until you are worth of the income you produce. As the great Earl Nightingale always says "You have to be worth more than you are getting paid for you'r income to grow."

This is the natural state of all things and it's not going to change. In order for your income to grow you must grow.

Now . . .

Let me back up for a second to say that you CAN create a large amount of success in Network Marketing for fr'ee, but not until you know how.

If you don't have the answer to this question of how to create a large amount of success for free now and it is a burning desire for you learn how to do this, then get out there and do the necessary leg work and research to get yourself into to the position in which you can grow your network marketing organization for FR'EE.

Enough of this banter . . .

If you want to have HUGE success in Network Marketing quickly you will need to of course obtain or create a powerful marketing system that is highly duplicable. If you want do this on the internet here are the critical factors that you should look for in the least:

" A high power lead capture page

" A strong follow up email system that incorporates the fear of loss.

" A direct marketing style website that sells so you don't have to.

Let's talk about the secret that will absolutely guarantee that you succeed in Network Marketing.

Well remember when I gave the example above of the typical mindset for people entering into network marketing?

They say:

"Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making $40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let's give it try!"

All we have to do is change one word in this statement to give you the little know secret to guaranteeing you network marketing success.

Change the word "IF" to "WHEN"

Don't make it a possibility to succeed in network marketing make it a conviction.

It's the people that see the compensation plan and do all the research that I've noted above and then say to themselves that it's only a matter of time until they max out their compensation plan that truly and always without a shadow of a doubt succeed.

Network marketing is not something that works part of the time or if your lucky. It always works as long as you do everything in your power to make it work.

Set a goal in your network marketing business and don't stop until you get there and you WILL get there. I guarantee it.

Network Marketing | Top Network Marketing Companies: Sifting Through The Garbage

The fact is, network marketing is a legitimate business that is tragically misunderstood. The business is not a get rich quick industry. An incredible number of network marketers have succeeded in this progressive industry, but more have failed. Entrepreneurs generally fail in the network marketing industry for a couple of reasons. Either they are not committed to working the business or they've chosen a company that doesn't fit them. So how does an interest party go about finding the right company?

The Product

Selecting a company solely based on a product is not a great method. That being said, choosing a company with quality products is crucial. To be clear, there are companies that produce fantastic products yet have a lackluster compensation plan. The key is to find a company with great products and a great payout plan. After all, network marketing is a business.

When investigating products, consider your personal interests and product preferences. This may go without saying for most, but marketing a product you personally enjoy is a much smoother process. It is also vital to make sure your chosen product is marketable to a broad audience. For instance, a particular company may pay out 80% commission on medieval weapon replicas, but how large can that market possibly be?

By promoting products that are appealing to the masses, like nutrition lines or supplements, you'll find that sales leads are much easier to come by. Marketable products are always present in the makeup of top network marketing companies.

Investigating the leadership qualities of a company's upper-management is, perhaps, the most overlooked necessity when choosing between companies in the industry. What is the point of building a business based on a company that eventually fails? Years of hard work can be flushed in a matter of days. Avoiding this detrimental collapse can be as simple as performing a Google search.

Before joining alliances with a specific company, find out who is running the show and perform a quick background check. There are plenty of companies who have qualified and experienced leaders and just as many who do not. Taking the appropriate time to investigate will make any budding entrepreneur's decision a simpler one.

The top companies are out there

The network marketing industry, although sometimes given a bad name, is an incredible business opportunity with an unlimited earning potential. Given the appropriate commitment and a great company, succeeding in this industry is more than just a possibility. Learning to ask the right questions will help intrigued entrepreneurs choose one of the top network marketing companies.

Network Marketing | The Right Way To Build A Free Network Marketing Business

It's usually a good idea to start your free network marketing business with an enticing website, but your internet site has to be found by the people who have an interest in your product or service and this is the reason why search engine optimization is so vital to success.

Before building your website you should have done in depth research into the right keyphrases to use which relate to your product or service, so that when any person puts any of your keywords into a search website, it gives you an excellent chance of being on the front page of the result.

So how do you get your network marketing website onto the first page of the SERPs? There are a number of ways in which you can do this, and it involves finding places where you can advertise your network marketing business for free, by promoting actively online and off-line, and making your site search website friendly:

* Social media, for example Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

* Collusion in forums applicable to your goods

* Article writing - providing people with information pertinent to what you're pushing

Using Social Media for Free Network Marketing Advertising

Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook get millions of visitors each hour of every day and can be goldmines IF you learn to push your product correctly when using these media.

Thousands of enterprises fail on these social media sites, just because they are going about their promotions the wrong way.

Yes you can pay for advertising on Facebook but you can waste a large amount of money too if you do not do it right, so find the best way.

Another way to expose your business is on Twitter, but there's already a lot of noise on there from unpractised users do not be one of them and get ignored because you are branded as a bother. Again you have to learn how to use this medium in the right way.

YouTube is a highly rewarding market for promoting a business. If you're not using YouTube then you simply must, and if your camera shy don't be there's a ton of unsavoury people on there earning!

People go to YouTube because they may wish to be entertained, but regularly need information. How do I do such and such? A 2 minute video can answer that question, so if you're promoting something that's a little tricky to line up, let folk know how to do it! They'll remember you, that you helped them, you have started branding yourself and your business.

Join forums connected with what you're pushing and see what folk are looking out for, they are a good place for gathering ideas for videos you can put on YouTube.

The Last word in Free Network Marketing Promotion

Article writing takes a little time, but when you submit to sites such as EzineArticles, you are able to place a connect back to your website. Many people are really successful with this technique.

In reality you can learn precisely how one top producer used these free network marketing methodologies to generate over eight hundred leads, pocket more than $4,000 in affiliate commissions, and bankrolled a handful of folk into his first MLM opportunity - all in around ninety days - using article marketing. Free 5 day attraction marketing video bootcamp available.

Use a mix of all these methods and your traffic will grow, your internet site will move up quickly, and you'll get leads for your business. If you're not doing well by utilizing all these strategies, then you're doing something really wrong and you really need some assistance. Isn't it time you stop battling with your network marketing business and put it on the fast track to success? This is the only free network marketing system that works, and we strongly recommend it.

Network Marketing | Strategies Used To Acquire Leads For Network Marketing

To be clear, network marketing has experienced an incredible paradigm shift. The industry and most other business niches, now rely heavily on the world-wide-web. If you're involved with a company in this area of business and have yet to use the depths of the internet to your advantage, it is time to begin learning.

Acquiring Online Leads

Only a short time ago, network marketing was carried out solely offline. Well, as we all know, the climate of commerce has changed substantially since the wide-spread implementation of the internet. In previous decades, leads in this area of business were obtained through cold-calling, face-to-face networking, and other traditional methods. Although many people succeeded in the industry prior to the internet, those traditional methods are now seen by many as outdated and generally not as effective as more contemporary online strategies.

Obtaining Leads using SEO

If you'd like to accumulate an increased traffic rate and acquire more business leads, becoming more accessible online is a great way to do so. In today's commercial world, consumers often look to the internet for products and answers. By using various popular search engines, consumers are able to locate the information, goods or service they have been looking for. Regardless of your relative business niche, there is a great chance that a market already exists for your product or service.

So how can you utilize this market and the search engines? There a number of ways in which your blog or website can gather more respect from search engines. Perhaps the most effective of these methods is Search Engine optimization. One part of search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is essentially a blogging format in which keywords are arranged in a certain format within your content that the search engines like. They then give your information more emphasis and rank it more highly on their pages.

Although this may sound like Latin to most, the process can prove to be quite simple and productive. To be clear, keywords are any word or phrase a potential consumer may type in to a search engine when looking for a good or service in your relative business niche. Achieving a spot on an initial search results page is an extremely effective method for amassing leads for network marketing.

3 Additional Methods for Acquiring Leads

1) Content Syndication - By syndicating your business's original content, you are able to post articles in various places all over the internet. Content syndication allows entrepreneurs to easily post their content on social media websites, within blogging communities, and wherever else they'd like. These posts will create increasingly valuable backlinks that are sure to influence leads for network marketing.

2) Social Networking Websites - As a marketer, you assuredly understand the value of networking. Establishing a presence within various online communities is a fantastic way to generate leads for your business. Is there any other place you can market to thousands and thousands of potential consumers for free?

3) Email Marketing - There are various internet marketing methods you can use to capture potential clients' email addresses. Acquiring such personal contact information can prove to be incredibly profitable. Doing so allows marketers to continually promote their business and products to interested parties over a period of time.

Accumulating a list of email contacts and using the other methods mentioned in this article will definitely result in leads for network marketing businesses for some time to come

Network Marketing | How You Can Achieve Internet Network Marketing Success

* How hard you work
* The company you work for
* Your eagerness to give
* The tools you use, and
* The systems you embrace

Five Steps to Success

It all sounds extremely straightforward. It is, but just if you kick off by immediately following a system. Network marketing is not going to make you rich overnight, that's most unlikely. Creating leads is the way to success and any old leads just will not do. You'll need to generate highly qualified leads from folk who have expressed an interest in your product.

If you're truly serious and have an entrepreneurial attitude, you're likely already working every hour of the day to get leads and you maybe lucky enough to have already found a reliable system to generate those leads.

It's extremely important that the company you've selected has been in business successfully for some time, that they have a great system of training routines, an excellent product and a good management team in place.

A Rock Solid Managerial Team is Imperative Success

It's beneficial to take an in-depth glance at the managing team of any network marketing or MLM business today. Amway, Spoilt Cook and Mary Kay have management teams who are continually involved with the business and monitoring what is happening in the world of both marketing and promotion.

Providing Solutions

The significance about your willingness to give could have you a little puzzled, but effective marketing truly is a method of providing a solution that solves someone's problems. This can be if they are looking for a new cell phone, or a treatment for acne. The key is for you to grow a relationship with that person, find what their problem is and offer a solution to that problem.

This starts by giving information and offering your expert knowledge on the topic. This is how old-fashioned face to face off-line marketing used to work and it's happening online today. This is known as attraction marketing and it's very effective.

The Tools You Use are Important to Success

In network marketing and MLM, gone are the days when you had to badger your friends and family to sign them up. If a company asks you to do that from the very start and you don't want to, you can wave them a polite goodbye.

The tools your company provides should include at least some form of coaching and promotional materials, but you are unlikely to get passed leads down from your upline. You may be left to your own devices to generate leads, and if you are unable to get good leads you will not earn any money. It's a distressing fact.

Internet Network Marketing Success Systems

So what is the key to creating internet network marketing success? The answer is learning sales and marketing systems completely. You have to learn the science and art of the easy way to generate qualified leads and pushing your product effectively, as well as building a system that will gain you leads in the future, and you need to do it each day.

Think about it! What business makes a profit without a steady steam of new clients and prospects? And your network marketing success level will rely entirely on how successful of a marketer you become. Plain and simple!

There are countless hundreds of folks offering courses, things you can download, free tools and eBooks on the Internet that would love to take your money and tell you they can solve your difficulties. Some are good but there are a lot that are a waste of time.

If you have ever make the mistake of giving any of the bad ones your e-mail address, you doubtless regretted it, because all you do get is pointless emails that waste your time and try and sell you more stuff to help you be successful.

If you do need some help to get qualified leads then find a proven and effective course that has stood the test-of-time. Good systems will supply every tool you will need, with lots that are customizable to suit your needs and your business. These tools will to help you generate many leads each day.

A top system will offer one of the best solutions for you to get started with your business, and the information they provide can be passed to your team to help them generate leads, recruit prospects and achieve incredible internet network marketing success.

Network Marketing | The Second Force For Network Marketing Success: Company Choice

We all know the stats... the 97% and more that never see any network marketing success to speak of. Granted, most of us only stop to check the figures AFTER some serious frustration first! It would've been really helpful to know this while we were figuring out how to select a network marketing company... But I'll talk about THAT subject somewhere else, later.

Right, back to what to do then. Where does this sort of stat leave us, (aspiring) network marketers in this day and age? Should we all give up and try to find 'real jobs' that now don't exist anymore either, what with the state of the global economy and all?

Not according to Robert Kiyosaki!(1) He is totally convinced that Network Marketing IS the business of the future, for that very reason: There IS NO JOB SECURITY anymore, in any industry, at any level. We HAVE to take control of our lives and financial futures ourselves! There is no choice anymore, really.

So, if we accept his position as our reality, we must accept also that the rules have changed for ever, and that we need to adapt if we want to have any chance at network marketing success at all.

So, let's take a look at some ideas on how to select a network marketing company for success in this new era:


In the good(?) old days the health and wellness potions and lotions did really well because of their cutting edge novelty, and that of the business model itself. But let's face it, these days every Tom, Dick and Harry has a weight loss shake and some vitamins to keep you young forever! And usually also so much cheaper than the giants out there... And if we look at other consumer items like homewares or costume jewelry, well, unfortunately these things lose value over time, because they become old. They are essentially consumed .

So, in the new era, the best products would be those that actually increase in value over time (a real asset to help amass wealth), or an intellectual product that is built on experience (like a cutting edge online mentorship programme for example, that is continuously reviewed and improved), so no newcomer would be able to compete with the accumulated wealth of experience and knowledge.

And obviously, still VERY important: You must actually like the products! It would be even better if you use/collect/do them. So, make sure that the products excite you, whatever they are.


Obviously the less competition you have in the marketplace for your particular type of product, the better, but you need to also make sure that there isn't any strong competition in the Network Marketing arena in particular . The other very important factor when it comes to competition evaluation is to make sure that the same type of products don't sell for considerably less than your proposed product line in general retail. Both these really are just about applying some common sense!


About this topic I truly do not know anything, apart from asking 'show me the money'! I am therefore giving you this link to read all about it from someone who knows his stuff apparently! As far as I know, comp plans have always been a hot button for development since the beginning of time for MLM. Let me know if you think there is one that is more suitable than the next for the type of products outlined above!

I will however offer this one piece of advice: Ask as many questions as you need to understand the proposed comp plan perfectly. If the recruiter is vague or cannot answer you, be suspicious! It means they are either brand new themselves, or the plan is flawed. In both cases you want to tread carefully...


Obviously this is crucial, since the entire business model pivots on the duplication of a proven plan. It is thus extremely important to make sure that the company you are considering has ongoing training and support measures in place. A particularly important new criteria in this area is the company's (or at the very least your prospective upline's) positive attitude to change if things are not working properly after sufficient trial. This I found to be particularly lacking in the traditional dinosaurs, err... giants...


It goes without saying that a company that is viable for the 21st century absolutely embraces the power of the internet for building the networks required to drive network marketing success, but also be sensitive and responsive to the changing sensibilities of the market. In other words, the methodology is one thing, but the tactics and thinking might have to be reconsidered often, because things tend to change very quickly in this, the information age. You also need to make sure that your proposed company will allow you enough freedom to truly 'make the business your own ' by means of self-branding, etc. So, make sure you're asking the right questions!


It would be difficult to find a truly emerging MLM company in an emerging market today, but that would be first price for getting the "ground floor" advantage , which is undeniably valuable - just take a look at the Jim Rohns of the world and their network marketing success... A word of caution though: You probably do not want to be member number 3 or 10. Even if a company is young, if it is solid, there WILL be some information available outside of the company itself. Find that info! If you can't find any, you should be concerned. The other important aspect of Timing would be the desirability of a particular product in a particular economic and social climate .

Taking all of this into account, I suppose first price at this point would be a relatively young but solid MLM launching with a product line that increases in value over time, has virtually no competition in- or outside of MLM, and enters a new market! I happen to know about one just like this right here in Australia.

So, after this rather large mouthful, I hope that you are better equipped to choose your (next) MLM company for Network Marketing Success!

Just as a matter of record: I absolutely believe in the strength of the purity of a 'helping people help people' model, but I also live in the real world. I know how hard it can be to stay the course and make sense of the myriad of information and the 'be profitable tonight' promises out there.

So, my final advice is to take a deep breath, and ask all the question you need to ask, and then some. And if your heart is not happy, STOP, until your heart is at peace with your mind's decision. But when BOTH ARE HAPPY, GO FOR IT! Or you'll always regret not knowing.

Until next time,