Network Marketing | 聯盟 Plus網絡營銷等於無限的現金流量


夥伴營銷支付你面前巨大的佣金,從 50%至80%不等出售時。通常大多數的聯盟營銷補償您在自己帶來的銷售。換句話說,你可以把在一個大集團為公司的子公司,但只獲得直銷支付。有沒有為你的動機,培養人成為一個成功的會員。為了克服這一問題,一些聯盟計劃開始支付兩個層次深及其附屬機構,使之更加有利可圖。












使用這種方法,即使在網絡側線將能夠相得益彰,相互促進,"信息產品 - 跨網絡。在多層次營銷的錢從來沒有更多的樂趣!

Network Marketing |



雅芳傳銷在世界歷史最悠久的巨頭之一,已經運作了100多年。成立於 1886年由創始人 David H. McConnel業務。他原是一個門敲的圖書推銷員,放在一起免費的香水樣品,吸引女性到他的產品。

然而,注意到,婦女比書籍的香水更感興趣,他出售這些代替了。然後,他注意到,有些婦女出生的售貨員和他們的親戚朋友能賣香水 - 他得到了使用,作為他的代理人,他們的想法和雅芳生於加州香水公司。

它變得非常流行,因為在那個時候,這幾乎是聞所未聞已婚婦女為自己賺取金錢。他曾在他的書裡面 15年超過 5000名的代理人,更名,雅芳目前已在其紐約總部的直接銷售的年營業額約 100億美元。





一旦你支付10美元或相當於註冊為雅芳經銷商,你可以賣你自己的客戶群和/或註冊你自己的團隊。 "雅芳補償計劃是不標榜在線,但來自各種來源,似乎得到支付$ 25起銷售的20%委員會 - 144,30%$ 145 - $ 284等,為 $ 1550的銷售額和超過 50% 。

如果你招募新成員,成為一個單位的領導者與 5名成員,並獲得報酬的3% - 7%的佣金對他們的銷售加了招募他們的獎金發放。看起來可能不會很??大,但's可以為每一個成員每銷售招聘,因此它可以量到大量的資金。此外,您可以向上移動的領導階梯和高級行政領導人都獲得了汽車補貼 - 基本上足夠的錢為他們聘請了雅芳汽車。您的佣金收入和你的獎金也增加,當你爬上梯子。





雅芳產品是眾所周知的,所以你不'T有保留的懷疑,很多人都會有唐'噸知道產品。沒有雅芳的審查申請傳銷的程序不值得一試,和大多數傳銷方案相比,具有低的入門費,雅芳是非常值得嘗試 - 特別是如果你覺得你有你的朋友之間的良好的客戶基礎。

Network Marketing | How Good Is Network Marketing?

Do you have any idea what is Multilevel marketing and is it better than your existing nine-to-five job you are holding right now?

Multilevel marketing is a form of marketing opportunity that levied on the people-get-people concept of sharing benefits generated from sales in a network.

There are many forms of compensation plans that rewards MLM members among those are the over-riding commissions a leader enjoys when his down-line make a sale or recruits someone.

Most people would call MLM a home business opportunity but can a home business as the name suggests makes a lot of money for you?

You might have heard from your friends or have seen it with your own eyes how successful some of them are after they have embarked on these "home business" and you are tickled to give it try.

Stories of people making it rich have further strengthen your resolve to join the league of work-at-home business marketer. If it is so profitable, then why is it known as a home business? Is the name unjustified for such a great opportunity?

Perhaps the name stuck when it was first started out in the 60s and 70s where there were massive unemployment due to the global recession and people have to find an alternate route to survive the financial turmoil. People started selling door-to-door and started to recruit members. They saved on advertising costs and there is no middlemen involved in the sales process which results in cheaper marketing cost. This extra cost saved was later passed on back to the network as income to its members.

But how good is MLM as a work-at-home business opportunity that makes people leave their existing desk job?

Well, it all depends on how effective and productive is your network. If all your down-line are doing their part on recruiting new members and make sales, then you will find that MLM is a good investment of your time and effort.

The more people in your network mean that your earnings potential will be much greater than if you have just a few. MLM works on the promotional system. As you get a set of results like the sum of money you have achieved in your monthly sales or a particular number of members in your network, your own status get promoted and you earn better commissions and rewards like gaining free trips and bonuses awarded by the companies.

There is practically no huge initial investment costs involved in joining a MLM company. You do not have to pay thousands of dollars just to get started. Maybe a token subscription sum of money to pay for your starting kit and you are all set to go.

Network Marketing | How Do You Know Which Network Marketing Company Is Right For You?

97% of network marketers fail! How often have you heard that?

Do NOT promote a company, a product or a compensation plan. Instead, promote YOU!!! How often have you heard that?

As network marketers we hear these things over and over again.

But here is a question that is not often addressed; how do you know which network marketing company is right for you? Let's face it there are millions of network marketers flooding the virtual marketplace. There are so many methods of making money online; newbies and novices alike are flooded with a myriad of choices. As we interact daily with others using social media we see that there is a smorgasbord of companies online. Some people are promoting gold and silver, others are promoting ways to get free groceries, you see ways to get discount health care and still others are promoting products to help people stay healthy; i.e. weight loss products and herbal tonics.

Which way should you go? How do you know which company is the right fit for YOU?

Think about what motivates you...

Is it money?

Do you enjoy helping others?

For some network marketing produces a vicious cycle. Because so many people are motivated by money and money alone they are easily enticed by companies that boast MASSIVE PAYOUTS with little to no effort required. This is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! There is no such thing as easy money. I am sure you know of a person or two that has jumped from opportunity to opportunity not earning a dime in the process. They fail in every company they join and in their mind the companies are at fault for misleading them into believing they would become rich. After repeating this cycle a number of times they walk away battered and abused. They become bitter and develop a disdain for the field of network marketing. They join the ranks of the 97% of people who fail as network marketers.

Picking a network marketing company is not like selecting an outfit of out your closet in the morning. You have to be smart about it; it is important to do your due diligence. Educate yourself by researching all that you can about the company.

- What are the products and/or services being offered
- Familiarize yourself with the company's compensation plan
- Determine who would be the target market for the products or services
- Will you be marketing nationally or only locally
- Understand exactly how money is earned with the company

A person's reputation sets them apart from others. Jumping from company to company aimlessly can have dire consequences. Think about all the people you were able to attract to your many business ventures. Now think about the condition of your reputation if all of those business ventures tanked. The blind cannot lead the blind. Don't select a company to join simply based on the potential $$$$$ that can be made by YOU!!! Your prospects and customers will pick up on the fact that you are not genuine. Instead look for ways to create a win-win for your prospects, your customers and yourself.

As a marketer you are looking to fulfill a need which requires you to develop a service mindset. You mission is to assist others and that should become your biggest motivator.

Network marketing is a tough industry. Ensure from the onset that you don't align yourself with the 97% of marketers who fail. Put some time and effort in selecting the right network marketing company for you.

Network Marketing | How To Succeed At Network Marketing In Today's High Tech World

Of course the internet has totally changed the standards for businesses of every type. But for the purposes of this article we'll focus our considerations exclusively on MLM and the internet's effect on how to succeed in network marketing.

There are tons of terrific resources available which can instruct you how to leverage web technologies to build your home based network marketing business.

These resources will show you on the correct usage of many sites such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. How to utilize a blog to succeed at network marketing, the significance of setting up a marketing funnel, PPC efficiency and the list goes on and on.

What tends to get lost in the ocean of this technological guidance as it relates to developing a network marketing organization is the personal nature of MLM.

At the core of Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring training is the importance of positioning yourself as a leader. A person that others will see as a valuable resources who can help them to build a flourishing network marketing venture of their own.

Understand that success in network marketing is entirely about connecting with people. This is the single reason why the world wide web has had such a tremendous influence on how to succeed in network marketing. It provides us with an unlimited number of ways to connect with others.

Never throughout history have we seen such potent business building tools.

But never lose sight of the fact that on the other side of every email you send and every video you post to YouTube and post you make to your blog there are people; real live human beings. And humans look to conduct business with other humans not technology.

All of this technology changes at such a blistering pace that you can never be certain of what will be the next new, hottest method to build your MLM business. What's hot and what's working now may very well be entirely different next year; perhaps next month.

What has remained unchanged though for thousands of years and what will never change is human nature.

At our basic level we all have goals, desires, wants and dreams. And provided you understand the goals, desires, wants and dreams of the folks you're talking with about your business you will most definitely be successful.

Provided you connect with folks on a one to one basis and understand their motivations for looking to start a network marketing organization then you will undoubtedly succeed at network marketing.

Indeed, the information super highway enables every means imaginable to initiate contact with others, how do you take it to the next step? How do you then replace technology with the human touch even if a person is half way around the world?

With your eyes and ears, that's how. Read the emails they send with care and pay particuilar attention to what they say when speaking with them over the phone.

If you want to discover what motivates a person you've got to connect with them on a personal basis. It's the only way to understand their goals and desires. To do so, you need to spend most of your time looking and listening.

Ask your people questions and let them tell you why they are worthy of your valuable time. Let them convince you that they are a worthy fit for your business not the other way around.

To finish, above everything, network marketing is a business. Be certain to get involved in a business which is true to who you are. When talking to others they will be able to sense the belief and enthusiasm you have for your product.

Your belief and enthusiasm will come through which will result in a natural personal connection with others.

Network Marketing | 婦女在家庭為基礎的商業工業



婦女之所以今天要在家工作,使他們能與家人最好的質量時間。一個家庭婦女的業務將設置一個女人,在時間和金錢方面的自由。每個女人都希望有機會自由去度假或做其他個人的東西,而不必寫一個經理或主管的信中要求權限 "假"的原因。





Network Marketing | 6從家裡賺取額外收入的想法














6。在eBay上出售的產品。有許多百萬富翁創建 eBay上的財富銷售。



Network Marketing | Attraction Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing: Why Attraction Marketing Works

Traditionally, marketing involves advertising on a large scale and then waiting for customers to come and purchase products or services. While that might have worked well for businesses earlier, consumers today are more informed and educated. They don't like to be told that a particular product is the best one for them - instead they prefer to decide on their own. Attraction marketing works on the principle of educating consumers first about their choices and then letting them know how your product or service is going to benefit them. Let's take a closer look at how these two marketing approaches differ and why attraction marketing works, particularly for network marketing businesses.

Attraction Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

In a traditional marketing approach, the focus is on promoting a product or service outright. Also, instead of concentrating on the target audience, the traditional way tries to lure in huge masses of unknown consumers. Not all of these consumers may be interested in your product/service. Besides that, the traditional approach doesn't bother with educating the consumer or offering any valuable information. Also, when it comes to network marketing, the traditional approach focuses majorly on the warm market (consisting of friends and family) and business contacts, while the cold market is often ignored.

Attraction marketing, on the other hand, doesn't promote your primary opportunity or your business first. This approach focuses on providing consumers with valuable information and educating them. These strategies are geared towards teaching the consumer, how a particular business opportunity, product or service will benefit them, before they even purchase it. This helps to build trust among the consumers and finally makes them seek out the service or product as opposed to the firm seeking out the consumer. Besides that, marketing in this way involves getting to a niche target market which ensures a higher conversion rate.

Why Attraction Marketing Works

The reason why this approach works particularly well for network marketing businesses is because it focuses on trust and offers consumers more than just a business opportunity, product or service. This is because attraction marketing offers consumers and prospects valuable and useful information which is aimed at solving their issues or problems. This can be done through various mediums such as social networks, blogs, videos etc. As you educate your prospects and solve their problems, you get branded as an expert in your niche domain, without even promoting yourself. Your prospects start looking at you as a valuable source of information. And this is what attracts them to your business opportunity and helps to convert them.

Network Marketing | Ethics In Network Marketing - Why It Was Important To Write About It

After leaving the corporate world and focusing on network marketing on a full time basis, one thing was crystal clear: people are people no matter what business they happen to choose to be in.

I personally have an extreme passion for the world of network marketing, and even though in some cases our industry has been given a black mark, as network marketers I feel we have not only a huge responsibility, but also a massive opportunity.

What is Our Responsibility?

Our responsibility as network marketers is to build leaders in the global communities using an ethical base that is consistent, and that treats others as we would like to be treated ourselves - and perhaps even better.

What is Our Opportunity?

Our opportunity is to build leaders using this ethical base, and have these leaders build millions of more leaders around the world, all using that same ethical base. Hopefully the end result will be not only a significant cleansing of the network marketing industry's image, but will also leave the world a much better place.

"Let me give you the definition of ethics: it is good to maintain life and to further life. It is bad to damage and destroy life. And this ethics, profound and universal, has the significance of a religion. It is religion." - Albert Schweitzer

During my time within the network marketing industry, I have been positively influenced by hundreds of professional network marketers. I also have met too many people within the industry who are the definition of why network marketing as an industry is shunned by the masses.

In life we get to choose who our mentors are, and I've had the pleasure of meeting several key people who I've been able to mentor with, a few of whom I would consider giants on this planet.

One of these giants is John Maxwell - an expert not only in leadership, but also in ethics.

"There is no such thing as business ethics - there is only ethics. People try to use one set of ethics for their professional life, another for their spiritual life, and still another at home with their family. That gets them into trouble. Ethics is ethics. If you desire to be ethical, you live by one standard across the board." - John C. Maxwell

In society today, we have a moral and ethical challenge like no other time in history. All you have to do is open a newspaper or switch on CNN and the corruption and moral downfall of our business leaders is front page news each and every day.

This problem also exists in Network Marketing because the industry is full of people. This problem does have a solution, if one looks close enough. If you are going to be a network marketer, make sure you are one that acts responsible.

It is my hope that this work touches millions of network marketers around the world. However, I'll consider it a personal and professional success if I can convert one "non-responsible" network marketer into a responsible network marketer.

See You on the Beaches of the World,

Kevin McNabb

"The Responsible Network Marketer"

Network Marketing | Crucial Network Marketing Tips That Will Transform Your Business

These network marketing tips will help you build your downline faster than you ever thought possible. If you been struggling to find success in your business, if you been bumping your head against the wall not having any progress, read over these tips to see how you can make a breakthrough. It doesn't take to much to start being successful in this industry all you have to do is understand a few key principles and you will be on your way. So let's go over these MLM tips right now.

Power Network Marketing Tips to Explode Your Business

Network Marketing Tips #1 - Success flows inside out

Okay you probably are tired of hearing about mindset network marketing tips but the truth is that success is internal not external. Meaning it starts from inside of you. To many people are blaming everything external on why they are not successful. People complain that they are not smart enough, that they have no money, that they have no professional contacts. But the truth is if you need that go make it happen, it doesn't matter where you came from, how many zeros are in your bank account, or how successful you are right now. What matters is that you know exactly where it is your going in your business and that nothing can stop you from achieving your destiny. It's not your compensation plan, your MLM opportunity, or anything external, its YOU that is going to determine your success. So start believing in yourself and making shit happen with these MLM tips.

Network Marketing Tips #2 - People join People Not Business Opportunities

Understanding this important network marketing tips is setting you up for a paradigm shift in your business with these network marketing tips. People join people and not business opportunities. Even if someone was searching for your company specific what they are looking for is a leader within that business that will help them succeed. If all you have on your plate to train new reps is to write down 100 names and start prospecting, your going to need to invest in yourself a bit more. Find mentors and training from people who are in a position that you want to be in. Learn their network marketing tips and buy their courses. The best thing you can do for yourself in your MLM career is to invest in YOU, you are the greatest asset in your business. Develop a skill that other people will want to seek you out and learn off of. Marketing is key, anything related to marketing and promotion in terms of attracting leads is a wonderful skill to learn. Invest in YOU.

Network marketing Tips #3 - Think of Helping not Sales

This is a huge network marketing tips that will set you free. Don't think of how much money your going to make, instead think of how much people you can help. The more people you help get what they want, the faster and more your going to get what you want. MLM is all about helping others succeed, helping others become leaders. The more leaders you develop in your downline the faster and stronger your downline is going to grow. Help anyone, even if they are not apart of your primary opportunity, find out what problems they are having and recommend training to them that will solve that problem. Put your best foot forward, help a lot of people and you will see yourself at the top giving your own MLM tips.

Network Marketing | Effective Social Network Marketing Requires 3 Qualities

Here are 3 qualities you will need to call upon and prominently display if you intend to build your business by using social sites.


What you say and your actions will be closely monitored by others once it becomes apparent that you are representing a business or product.

You want to take every opportunity to build your business within these communities but do not lose sight of the importance of the relationships you have developed! Remember, you are laying the groundwork for things to come so put your emphasis on relationship building initially.

Building relationship can take time therefore your patience will be required! As a business person obviously your intentions are to generate sales and to make a profit. On the other hand this is not something you can expect to do until you first build trust with others. Remember these sites are intended for socializing therefore people will tend to ignore those who are only interested in promoting goods and services. You must make it clear that you have something to offer of interest other than trying to always make a profit. It is much like attending a party, you need to mingle and become familiar with others in attendance!

Remaining sincere and maintaining the patience to develop relationships first, as mentioned above will help you build trust with others. Breeding familiarity and trust on these sites can help increase your marketing effectiveness however this trust must be maintained. This also carries over to what you do promote and how you represent what it is your offers can do for others. Your product claims must be truthful and honest and you must also be willing to stand behind anything you are marketing. Remember, you are working within a community and the word, good or bad, will get out and circulate like wild fire!

Social network marketing can be a bit 'restraining' since initially in most cases the emphasis is placed on relationship building and not promoting anything, ugh! However in order to build your business successfully using any online social communities you must first build trust with others. Failure to do so will likely make any promotional efforts futile. Obviously your patience will be required along with the 2 other qualities as discussed above to establish a strong foundation for your future marketing efforts. In the end however by applying a little of your patience you will likely find much success using these communities to build your business. Just be mindful to NOT expect long term results overnight!

Network Marketing | If You Have Not Yet Experienced Full-out Network Marketing Success ...

So, what should you be doing?

You must begin by first offering a documented, surefire, marketing strategy - one that logic, common sense, and experience all say will work. The typical MPB today or other prospect isn't really interested in the 'content' of the MLM - groceries, vitamins, cosmetics, or such. He or she is primarily interested in the potential for quick and massive profits - Network marketing success. Therefore, always present a simple, tried and true, essentially foolproof, marketing strategy first. Only then, attach your MLM offer (MPB Today, Amway, or any other). This approach screams, "Your ability to make a profit for yourself is my #1 concern and here is exactly how you will go about becoming a network marketing success."

There are dozens of free MLM Strategies available for those who know about them - articles submitted to the right places (like this one you are reading), social networking techniques (face book, twitter), providing free training videos or well written downloads, and more. There is just no reason to spend months (or years) doing research on MLM strategies and trying to invent the marketing wheel all over again. All that work has already been done for you. The secret is in knowing where to look for it. Several top-notch, tried and true, precision, marketing programs are available that quickly train the eager student in a variety of focused, success-producing, techniques. Of course the author prefers the one that has taken him from the brink of network marketing failure to almost immediately putting him on the road to financial success. Google, "mlm marketing techniques", to find others. A word of caution, however: Trying something like "MPB today MLM strategies" is most likely going to get you more of the same sort of unsuccessful MLM strategies.

Locate an MLM expert's proven program that teaches you how to use his techniques to turn MLM marketing failure into network marketing success. To try to go it alone is just foolish and sets yourself up for the disappointment, heartache, and humiliation of failure. Investing a few bucks for all those useful - absolutely essential - MLM strategies and basic knowledge will quickly cut your search for network marketing success to the chase, and should pay off in huge financial dividends, virtually assuring that you will cut short your path to MLM marketing failure and boost you toward financial success and personal happiness. Then, reap the rewards and enjoy the wonder-filled new way of life network marketing success makes possible for you and your family!

Network Marketing | Making Money With A Flawless Network Marketing Strategy

with more than 100,000 folks who pair with network marketing this year, 97% of them won't ever make over $500 in their lifetime and this is often largely attributable to a great deal of people being taught incorrect techniques

I am going to tell you what works, but first I want to ensure that we're lucid about the difference between a "tactic" and a "strategy" so you can really understand why some individuals are on the up-and-up in Mlm Strategy, while many others won't make it.

In network marketing a strategy is an prevalent blueprint for success. Whenever you build a puzzle, you get started with the border pieces since you need to visualize the whole structure, the "big picture" before you'll be able to apply the smaller pieces with any success.

Tactics are like the pieces in the middle. They're what makes the puzzle finished, but when you are attempting to start constructing your puzzle from the inside out, likelihood is pretty high that you just are never going to finish.

You just must be able to see the complete picture.

Traditional multi-level marketing teaches tactics as opposed to strategy, and it goes something like this.

Create a "friends and family list" and pester them until they're sick of you. Or maybe they buy-in to what you're doing however they don't make any money themselves. Just how do you think that they feel once they know you made profits off of them, however you were not able to give them a duplicable strategy they could earn money off of?

So then you reach out even further and begin calling old associates whom you haven't spoke with for years. In the beginning they're excited to hear your voice but rapidly become agitated when they figure out the only reason you actually called them was to try and "sell them.

So your warm market is completely shut off and you are advised to buy a "cold call list" and dial a hundred random people per day and hope they do not hang up on you while you are reading off a script. Good luck with that!

You loathe playing telemarketer all day so you get asked to utilize the "3 foot rule" and chase down total strangers around commerce centers and everywhere else you can think of.

That's called horrible tactics with no strategy.

The truth is that a strategy doesn't keep throwing junk against the wall with the hope that some will stick. Strategies are purposely designed to bring about an easily duplicable and proven system that will work over and over.

Do not get me wrong, I'm not entirely knocking old-fashioned tactics. 3% of the folks who are attempting them will at the very least make their cash back and 1% will go on to reap great success.

So if you delight in annoying your friends and family till they don't desire to speak to you anymore; if you like listening to a dial tone the whole day; or for those who take pleasure in getting kicked out of shopping malls for hunting other people down like a crazy person and pleading with them to listen to your "opportunity", then I say go for it because you'll in all probability have an actual shot at creating a fortune that way.

But that is not me, and I'm willing to lay a wager that is not you!

Fortunately there exists a much better way. You will discover Maverick Marketers who said "NO!" to traditional multi-level marketing tactics and "YES!" to leveraging the power of the world-wide-web to put themselves in a position where other people actually chase them down, and ASK to become a part of their team.

I'm speaking about having a fully operating and proven mlm strategy which has an appeal so powerful, it has the potential to pull in dozens of individuals into your downline like an very powerful magnet.

Over one million people explore the web for a home based business befalling each day, and all you need is someone who will coach you on the proper way to breaking into this market and converting those prospects into your mlm organization.

Say goodbye to cold calls, friends and family lists, and the dreaded shopping mall chase. Give some thought to what life would look like when you have 20 - 30 leads searching you out on a daily basis. Wouldn't your life look slightly better?

Quit struggling and start dominating in your Network marketing sales and hop on with online network marketing. It will make a behemothic change in how much more money you make.

Network Marketing | Tips For Finding The Best Network Marketing Company

What's important to know it that what one person considers the best for them, may not be the best thing for you.

It is very important to have a clear idea of some things before deciding which companies are the best in the network marketing industry. First, you need to evaluate if you like the products or services being offered by a particular company. Examine the products or services to see if they bring excitement and inspiration to you. Are these products or services working for you and impacting your daily life?

If your answer is no, then this particular company is not the one you are looking for. Many people may just consider the compensation plan as their basis for choosing the best network marketing company, which can be a mistake. You need to have an understanding of and a passion for the products or services being offered by the company. The compensation plan is useless if you are not getting any people into the business.

If you have no excitement for the products or services you offer, you cannot recruit people consistently to your business for the long term. A cutting-edge productive system which you can duplicate to get positive results for yourself is something that the best network marketing company must offer.

The company must have an established system and program in place that can be easily understood and successfully used by yourself and others. You need to make sure also that your sponsor is readily available to you in case you have any questions.

Looking for a new or about to launch company to join is another common mistake that people who are looking for a company to join may make. There are misconceptions that newly established network marketing companies can provide larger potential for development and therefore more earnings. In fact, the newest companies have a greater likelihood of failure within the first three years.

Here are some factors to consider that will help you decide what the best network marketing company for you is. First, you need to examine the products or services. Do they bring excitement or create inspiration for you. Second, determine if the system of your upline or sponsor can also be copied by you in order to become successful as well. It is important to trace the business history of the network marketing company. If it is new, then you should take precautions but if it is been around for a long period of time, then you have less to worry about, particularly during economic crisis. The best network marketing company will continue to grow vigorously during financial economic downturns.

Network Marketing | Working From Home Using Your Computer For Network Marketing

As you study network marketing, you will read about some systemic problems that may impede your progress. The structure of this type of marketing and the market's saturation may deter you from attempting to build your business. Before you make a decision one way or the other, read the information in the article below and then decide whether or not it's right for you.

Write articles. Article marketing can be a great way to reach new recruits as well as new customers. Write guest blogs on blogs and send your articles to article directories and offline newsletters. Not only do you get your name out in the public, but your article is a great chance to show others that you are an authority in your field.

When you complete your network marketing seminar, remind your leads how this program will change their lives. Remember the answers they gave you when you asked them why they were there, and reiterate the ways that their lives will change thanks to signing up. This will leave them with that thought as they make their decision.

One of the most important things to do when working with marketing is learning how to be good at multitasking. Your life is probably already very busy so you will have to fit this project into the corners and crevices of your life. This means when you are exercising you should be planning and when you are showering you should be thinking of strategy.

An important tip to consider when it comes to network marketing, is the fact that while you do want to keep your steady source of income (working for someone else) if you have one, you do not want to try to take on two companies with network marketing, if neither one is fully stable yet. Focus on one thing at a time or you risk losing it all.

When you meet successful people in a network marketing program, remember them and turn to them for advice. Always be polite. This will help you to improve your own skills and become a successful network marketer.

A network marketing business is a real business, so treat it like one and plan out a road-map for the first year. When you actually write out a plan, you get two benefits. First, you have a clear set of steps to follow rather than wandering about aimlessly. Second, you can measure your progress against the goals you've set and change course if your progress isn't satisfactory.

If you're becoming a network marketer because you were recruited by someone else, look for leadership qualities in this person. If they do not possess them, you may not want to stick around for an inept marketer who will make money through your efforts. Perhaps you can branch out on your own.

Hopefully, after reading this article very closely, you are one step closer to making a final decision about what you want to do in marketing. If this is the case and you have decided that network marketing is right for you, make sure to use these tips to give you a competitive advantage in the field.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing With The Internet Explained

Internet network marketing still involves building a downline and lead generation but you will have access to many more tools and the process is much easier. Here are some easy steps to get started.

Find an Opportunity
Get a Website
Traffic to Your Website

Find an Opportunity

First you need to find an opportunity that fits what you're looking for. You should pick a product or company that you feel passionate about, and believe in the products they sell. This will make it easier for you to market a product you believe in.

Get a Website

Build a website that will help you reach your intended market. Many internet network marketing packages even offer a pre-built website with professional copywriting and graphics. It's a literal business in a box. This is a great way to go if you are not computer savvy.

Traffic to Your Website

Once you have your site set up you need to be able to reach your target market. In order to do this you will need to generate traffic to your website. You can do this in a variety of different ways. The first and easiest means is to utilize pay per click advertising. You can place your ad for your internet network marketing business on today's best search engines and sites and have the power to compete with even the largest companies. Craft your ad carefully and point your visitors to your site. It's really that simple.

Internet network marketing takes the hassle and the hard work out of marketing a product and building a powerful downline all while you are generating new leads. There is no easier way to make money offline or online. Find an internet network marketing product you can believe in and give it a try. Chances are you'll be surprised at just how much money you can make and how easy it is to get started.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Online: 7 Reasons To Specialize In One Or Two Areas

After some research you learn that there are many forms of online marketing available to you. Your goal is to get targeted traffic to your landing or capture page. Sounds pretty easy. And, when you consider that there are around one and a half billion people now online worldwide, you are bound to get your share of leads for your business opportunity.

By your attempting to use various forms of online marketing is like you are chasing a bunch of rabbits. You end up expending a lot of your time and energy with nothing to show for it. Perhaps this best describes your online efforts thus far. Perhaps your lack of positive results is why you have stopped online marketing and gone back to traditional network marketing methods: make a list, call the list and show the presentation.

7 reasons why you should specialize in a certain online marketing area:
1.Decide on one area that you would like to concentrate on. If you would like to make contacts on a social network become really good at Facebook and/or MySpace.
2.Whatever area you decide to specialize in, you will get recognized as a leader in that area. For example if you are a Twitter person, your Tweets can be 140 characters of sheer excellence.
3.With your specializing in a certain area, such as article marketing, your articles will be read and reproduced thereby providing you with free publicity.
4.Rather than your trying to learn a little about a lot of different areas, you can target in and learn a lot about a few areas.
5.By your focusing on one or two marketing areas that you enjoy, you will become more efficient at what you do. Your blog posts, for example, will be read by a growing number of people.
6.By your specializing in one or two online marketing areas you will find it to be a better utilization of your time.
7.And, best of all, you will be seen as an accomplished network marketer and be sought out by prospects to join you and your business.

By narrowing your focus you will become an extremely competent and confident online network marketer. People will seek to associate with you. And, your business will thereby grow and prosper.

Network Marketing | The Best Tool For Network Marketing Advertising

Let us first discuss the tools that you don't want to utilize in network marketing advertising. Usually some of the tools that the company has given you, such us fliers, catalogues, and even a website, are not the best way to promote your network marketing company. You may present these tools later to your potential customers - there's a big difference here. The important thing to keep in mind is that people whom you may like to be your team members are not concerned with the business you a part of. They first need to get to know you, and then, after that's established and you find out their wants and needs, they may want to understand what's in your business opportunity or product(s) for them.

They don't care about your business 'thing'. Your potential team members do not care how large and great the business is and how many people have benefited with this business. What you need to do is to understand the things that they really do care about. Ask them what they care about, what they like, what they are looking for and what their goals are. They care if you can help them to become successful with their network marketing advertising and get results for themselves. They care if you are ready and willing to answer their questions. They care if you have excitement about the business, but mostly they care about if they can succeed, not about your success!

Your potential members and potential customers are searching for an honest and reliable business and sponsor when they look at online network marketing advertising. It can be somewhat challenging these days to make a connection with a prospect because there is so much competition, but it can be done. People are looking for someone who has leadership qualities and someone who is honest. Like you, they are also looking for the best network marketing system/tool and there is no other better move than to offer yourself as the solution to their problem. Now, all you need to do is to introduce yourself to your potential members and customers. Let everyone know that you exist and that you are very willing to lend your hand to help them to succeed. There are many methods to do this.

For example some online methods would be: you may visit, become a member and set up an account. Include your picture and a little information about yourself. Fill in all the necessary details there. You should include specific information about how you can help people to be successful in a new home business. Put comments on the other people's hubpages so that they will notice your comments and will visit your hub. This is the way to introduce yourself. Create a Facebook account. Keep people informed about your status and be sure to keep it

Network Marketing | 4 Factors For Network Marketing Success

There are four factors that will determine whether you have network marketing success, but the first three don't really matter at all. It's the fourth, or the "X factor", that is the only things that really matters when it comes to network marketing success.

The first three are your company and leadership, your products, and your compensation plan. But if your company has been is business for a couple years and there are people making money with it, then you know they are solid. The playing field is completely level and everyone is given the same advantage for all three of those factors.

It's the fourth factor makes a difference. That factor is YOU. It's the only reason you will have success or failure in network marketing. The ironic thing is that we hear that advice all the time... on webinars, at meetings, talking to upline. But it's only when you actually put it into action that you will really see that it is the truth.

The first thing you need to address when you start to work on yourself and change your mindset is your WHY. If your why is not powerful enough then you will not change habits and establish a true entrepreneurial mindset.

Money is not a powerful why. Either is your family or your kids or the fact you want to quit your job. A really powerful "why" goes deeper than that. What will you do with the money? Who will you help? What will you be able to do with your family or kids that drives you to succeed? How will you feel? For your why to be powerful, it has to move you in an emotional way and give meaning to your life.

The will to do something alone will fail you just like with diets and other disciplines. The power of your why will get you to stick to your goals, but it must be powerful or you will fall back to your patterns.

It's hard to change habits. And if fact, the unconscious mind doesn't like it. It will try to protect you by finding reasons for you to quit.

So really think about WHY you are doing your business. And if you are doing it for reasons that are bigger than you and your problems, then you will have the motivation you need to change your habits, change your mindset, and eventually change your life.

Network Marketing | A Review Of The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing Ebook

I know there are tons of people who have either read this book or have heard about it and all of them want to know more about what this is all about.

So here in this article I will be doing 2 things.

1. First I will be analyzing and explaining about the pros and cons of this book.

2. Next I will be talking about whether this book will be useful for your network marketing business or not.

For those people who haven't read about the seven great lies of network marketing book, here's a short explanation about it.

The 7 great lies if network marketing is an ebook by Ann Sieg which explains about the horrible practices prevalent in the network marketing industry.

Ann Sieg sums up all the horrible practices and lists them out in the form of 7 great lies.

Here's the list of the lies summed up by Ann Sieg:

Lie #1 - Everyone is your prospect
Lie #2 - This really isn't sales. We just share products with people
Lie #3 - Anyone can do this
Lie #4 - We'll build your business for you
Lie #5 - We have the best product ever
Lie #6 - You just don't have enough belief
Lie #7 - The proven system

1. Analysis Of The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing

What Ann Sieg does in her book is that she takes one statement at a time (or lie as she would like to call it) and analyzes it thereby revealing its inherent stupidity to all of us.

Written in a powerful and emotional way, this book shocked the world and had people searching about it all over the Internet.

Now comes the question:

Is the book just a publicity stunt with some emotionally written content or is it a genuine piece of work that educates the masses about the major misconceptions prevalent in a particular industry?

I would say that this book is a genuine piece of content NOT because it is written in a great way or something but because it addresses the core problems faced by networkers all round the globe.

Let's be frank. The network marketing industry is not respected much. Though things are improving now, still then we have a lot of people who dismiss this industry as a scam.

You know why? Here's why.

1. It's because we don't treat it like a business.

2. It's because we networkers teach others to be ready to pounce on anyone and everyone in the name of prospecting. (Very few know how to prospect people properly.)

3. We simply talk about sharing and helping others but we place almost no emphasis on the term "business" which is what it actually is.

4. We networkers have a huge failure rate but that's not the problem. In the whole process, we involve our friends and family into it and failure is looked more than just a business failure. The situation is amplified some thousands of times and a lot of people have started to believe that this business is nothing but a hypey SCAM.

5. Then on top of this we have all these ridiculous statements like "everyone is your prospect" made by people over and over and over again which has left people with a "no income" business, bruised ego and damaged relationships.
The 7 great lies of network marketing addresses these issues and educates people about them. But the reason why this book has been able to make such a great impact is because

"It is filled with common sense."

Ann Sieg exposes a lot of crap that has been going around in our industry in her book and illustrates with real life examples to show us how things are truly functioning.

Generally when some controversial claim is backed by facts, numbers and common sense, it does make an impact.

And when it really connects with you on a much deeper level, talking about something which you have intuitively felt for a long time, then you have a real winner that's going to get talked about for a long time.

What about the negative aspects of the 7 great lies of network marketing?

Actually there are no negative aspects about this book BUT some people feel this book is negative about our industry.

The reason why some people feel the book is negative is because Ann Sieg uses a negative marketing approach in order create a common enemy and to educate the masses about certain misconceptions which Ann creatively defines as "lies".

If you have to be totally honest about it, Ann Sieg is right about this.

Even though the network marketing industry has created thousands of success stories by virtue of the traditional marketing techniques, there has been a lot of problems arising out of this marketing approach.

Traditional techniques of approaching works for some people (works very well for an elite few) but the results of teaching it to anyone and everyone and asking them to go out and build a business had been devastating to say the least.

Thousands have failed even when they truly desired to succeed.
Thousands have lost relationships due to bad implementation of the traditional techniques. You see the problem is that uninformed people teaching uninformed people and this has resulted in a lot of people hounding their close ones to join their business.

The worst part is the bad advice doled out by most network marketers when they see their team members failing - "you just need to keep your faith and do more of it".

It works for some but is disastrous for a majority.

Ann Sieg now takes these problems and weaves it into her marketing message thus talking to the inner untold frustrations of the people and this has resulted in people loving her message.

Yes the negative angle is a marketing approach to unite people against a common enemy - that is the bad practices of network marketing. This is a unbelievably powerful marketing strategy to say the least.

Because of marketing angle used in this ebook, a lot of people misinterpret the book to be against old school network marketing which it is not.

2. Understanding The Whole Point Of The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing And What It Means For Your Business

The whole point of this book is NOT to slam a marketing technique (old school way of approaching people) that has been there for a long time.

It's about identifying what your problems are and arriving at a solution for them by using common sense and marketing principles.

For example:

If you don't have prospects to talk to, then the solution isn't in mindset but in learning how to get people to be interested in what you offer (that is your mlm business).

If you have a huge problem in closing people (sponsoring), then the solution is to learn
the sponsoring techniques which will allow you to convert prospects into downlines like crazy.

The whole point is that you really don't have to force yourself to do something that you really don't like.

You can approach people. You can cold call strangers. But only if you like it and you are comfortable with it.

If you are like the majority of the people who aren't comfortable with these methods then there are other solutions for your common problems.

Solutions like learning

1. how to generate highly qualified prospects for your businesss
2. how to build a solid relationship with them without even picking up the phone
3. how to get into positive cashflow immediately in your business
4. how to filter out the tire kickers and recruit only the most motivated people in your business

That's the whole point of the 7 great lies of network marketing ebook. The idea is to educate you about the common misconceptions in this industry and show you a better way to build your business.

Network Marketing | We Want YOU As A New Recruit!

Remember that line from the song YMCA? How could you forget the band that sang it and the clothes they wore? Even the younger generation knows the Village People's song it was so much fun, and there's a lesson in there for budding network marketers.

The reason that song and the band was such a success was because they were different -they stood out in an era when bands were all doing everything they could to get exposure. The Village People love performing, they love the public, they're outgoing, unique and they also make a lot of money.

Although that song came out in 1978 - 33 years later the band members are still making huge incomes. By recruiting a massive downline for your network marketing business you too could be earning a large, mainly passive income in 33 years too!

Be Yourself

Too many people in the old world of sales used to be fakes. All they wanted was a sale and they would tell you anything to get your money. The public is far more educated these days thanks to the internet.

If you want to recruit a loyal and hard-working downline, be yourself and tell the truth. If you love to have fun, then there's nothing to stop you, and the more you earn the happier you will be because new recruits will flock to you like bees to a hive. People love success, they want their favorite bands to be #1 in the charts and their choice in Dancing with the Stars or America's got Talent to win. With an enthusiastic following you will be the "go to" person - a mentor for your downline and a magnet for others who wish to get into the business.

Get Their Attention

Fake it 'til you make it. By looking and acting like a successful person (without making up stories) people will become curious about you (even if you do eat pot noodles every night for the first few months). Be attractive, helpful and positive about your chosen product and company. Find out everything you possibly can about your product, buy it and use it yourself so you can answer every possible question that's thrown at you.

Be flamboyant and confident and don't be afraid to stand up on a stage and talk about the product and your opportunity. If the Village People had turned up in ordinary everyday clothes and had not enthusiastically acted out their parts do you think they would still be as successful as they are today? They have a two-week booking in Las Vegas this Christmas - many successful network marketers "do" Vegas and other large cities for a day or two to talk to their downlines and sign up even more recruits. If you get a chance, go and listen to the successful guys - you will definitely learn a lot and maybe come away with a few more "fans".

You Won't Make it on Your Own

You will never find a network marketer who makes a substantial income from selling products on their own. The whole secret to successful network marketing is to recruit a massive downline, who in turn go out and recruit their own downlines, and that's where the money is.

If you spend 20 hours a week working on your network marketing business and make $500 a month, imagine how much you can make if you have a downline of thousands? All successful network marketers know there are three main ingredients:

A good product and company

A huge downline team

YOU and your personality

If you believe you have the right stuff to become a successful network marketer, start researching today and decide what you'd like to promote. It can be great fun, you can meet lots of interesting people and you have the potential to make a great income once you start building a strong and dedicated downline team.

A Village Person probably would not have made it on his own - like the lyrics say "No man does it all by himself!"

Be Dedicated

Part-time or full-time, many network marketers make very good incomes if they're dedicated to their company, the product line, their downline teams, their clients and have plenty of self-confidence. This is not a half-hearted business, if you want to succeed go where the money is and NETWORK. Make it a point to meet lots of people, interact with them and find out their wants and needs. You can help with a great product or change their lives by offering a great opportunity.

The Mary Kay lady in the pink Cadillac didn't get it by being a shrinking violet; she got that car (and large monthly commission checks) by getting out there, shaking her stuff and being a winner.

Network Marketing | 3 Keys To Network Marketing Success

We are all aware of the hideous 95% failure rate in the Network Marketing Industry. However, anybody who applies these three principles can have Network Marketing Success.

Key #1 - Understand The Difference Between Customers and Business Partners - We are traditionally taught to make a list of our friends and family members as a foundation to finding a handful of business partners.

Then we are taught to "tap root", or "drive our legs deep", until we find serious business partners. Some leaders will even tell you that you will need to drive a leg 4 - 6 levels deep before you can expect to find a serious business partner.

When I sponsored my older sister in one Network Marketing company a few years ago, I followed this strategy and my sister's team grew. She hit the first corporate position in the company.

My sister joined the business because she got results from the product. I did everything to help her hit the first position. After she started making money she started to show an interest in the business.

She was doing her own meetings and holding trainings with her team. I got excited because I thought my sister had finally turned into a business partner.

The momentum eventually died but several of the people on my sister's team remained active, because they were customers...not business partners.

When you find serious business partners, you will work synergistically together to achieve Network Marketing Success. When you try to turn a customer into a business partner you will end up doing all of the work.

Key #2 - Learn To Understand and Get Along With All Types of People - There are four main personality categories that people fall into. If that is the case, then you will only have success communicating with 25% of the people that you come in contact with.

This includes your prospects, the people on your team, your upline, etc...

If you have a hard time getting along with people, then you will have an even lower success rate.

Realize that you can't change other people. You can only change yourself. This requires making a decision to take responsibility for everything that happens to you in your life, and making a commitment to continued personal growth.

Key #3 - Learn How To Market On The Internet - Most people who try to make money online struggle because they never learn how to market. The same is true for people who try to make money in Network Marketing. The reason is because they are so focused on trying to make money that they fail to develop their marketing skills.

The Internet is the wave of the present and the future. Learning how to market online versus doing business the old way is comparable to choosing to take a flight versus riding a horse and buggy to get to your destination.

If you apply these three principles in your business, Network Marketing Success will be achievable.

Network Marketing | Utilize A Network Marketing Funded Proposal

Basically, it's a way to earn money from your prospects even if they say no to your MLM!

Too good to be true?

Here's how the pros utilize a network marketing funded proposal.

First, they attract their prospects with a free training. They trade the free training for their prospects name and email. Next, they're sent to a low-priced product sales letter. After they buy the product, then, AND ONLY THEN, is the prospect taken to the MLM.

Let's see why this is so fantastic for your MLM.

First of all, the people who finally see your MLM opportunity are only people who have sent you their information, AND they already have bought a product from you.

You'll be able to easily (and on autopilot!) sort out the lookers from the buyers and business builders. You can easily focus your time on only those prospects for maximum leverage of your time.

Furthermore, the majority of marketers who don't use a network marketing funded proposal simply send prospects to their MLM, and get rejected all day long!

Now, using a network marketing funded proposal, you're able to earn a profit from a much higher percentage of your leads!

And, you can increase your advertising budget dramatically if you're able to sell the product. Then, each month, you're able to put more and more into ads, and you can grow your MLM business like clockwork each month!

So, how do you insert a network marketing funded proposal into your funnel?

The best way is to create your own product. This establishes instant credibility as a leader and an expert.

However, this may take weeks, or even months. Another alternative is to go to and find an info product that you feel comfortable endorsing. It's very easy to stick that as your product (because you don't have to deal with returns and complaints), and earn a sizeable affiliate commission with each sale.

Hope this helps you on the path to MLM success!

Network Marketing | 3 Steps To Success From Multilevel Marketing

While it is not easy as some would have you believe, being successful in network marketing is a simple business model. It has three very strong and powerful things working in your favor. They are:

1) The Power of Duplication
2) Passive Income
3) Part Time

The power of duplication means that it is not going to be only you doing all the work. You will have promoters collecting customers and generating sales volume underneath you and you will be getting a portion of these profits directly to your bank account.

Usually your overall pay percentage will increase as the volume of sales of your team increase as well. This means that not only do you earn more per sale but also that your overall volume of sales has increased making you more money in two ways. Your power to make money will be duplicated over in several ways with multilevel marketing.

While the numbers are not staggering as far as the dollars earned per customer, it's not the point. The point is, you didn't have to expend any effort to get it which means you can do it a thousand times over without wearing yourself out.

The other thing is that you have no money sitting on the shelf. With network marketing, the product is directly shipped saving you the cost of having money tied up in product on the shelf. Or paying a lease or rent for retail frontage.

A famous network marketer once said that you can lead a thousand but you cannot carry three on your back. That is the key with this business. Duplicate yourself with a great team. The efforts of the many will translate to a large income for you.

Passive income is the essence of making extra money without wearing yourself out and that's why it follows number one on the list. Passive income is just what it says. You do not do anything to earn it. It could be either someone earning it for you in your down line or continued sales from your own customers already on auto ship of your product you sell.

Third is that it is part-time and that means there is no real risk to starting other than what ever cost you had to pay for your initial product to promote. Some people actually complain about this but it is a great thing in reality. When you have your hard money initially invested it helps you get off your but first thing and get moving while the idea is fresh and motivated.

If it was free to get in on a business, many people would start and quit because nothing is on the line. Since your new business will be part-time that means you can continue with your regular job full-time while you work on your fortune part-time. Eventually, the network marketing company of your choice will provide you with ever-increasing amounts of passive income until you have enough that you will want to quite your full-time job.

Of course, no business system is a magic genie where you never have to do anything and the money rolls in. Network marketing is no different. You will have to work on your sales, recruiting and getting on the phone. If you do this, your life will never be the same.

Network Marketing | Donald Trump Network Marketing?

When I first heard Donald Trump was starting a multi-level marketing company I thought, "here we go again, Donald Trump is going to prey on a bunch of simple, naive people who will buy into all the hype and probably end up getting burned. We all know Mr. Trump likes to make "money, money, money, money!" So, I'm thinking, what is his plan with this Trump Network launch? He must be just promoting this company, or letting them use the rights to his name for a certain period of time for a big pay check, or some type of royalties. Is he really entering the MLM world??

The answer is an astounding YES. Anybody that has read all of Donald Trump's array of books or been to an event where he was a guest speaker, then you would probably know that he has always been a big admirer of network marketing. He was actually giving a speech 5 years ago and someone in the crowd asked him what he would do if he had to start all over, and he said "I would get into network marketing." Of course that brought a few chuckles from the crowd. Then do you know what he said? "A few of you might be laughing, but you know what? That's why you're down there and I'm up here!" True story.

Donald Trump has never been politically correct, and he has also never been someone who gets to the show late. He has made many risky moves over the years that has had people cringing down at him thinking he was crazy. But in the end most of his moves have ended up making him look like a genius. He has literally helped transcend areas of New York City with some of his "risky" real estate moves, arguably the most powerful city in the world.

After hearing about Mr. Trump entering the MLM industry I did a little research and found out that the Direct Selling industry is a $32 Billion industry in the U.S., over $100 Billion worldwide, and not ONE company has more than 5% market share!! Not even Amway! What does this mean? This means that there is a serious opportunity for a company to come in and take over a large portion of the market. In almost every industry there is usually a few major players who dominate the market and build barriers to entry for its competition. There's Ford, GM, and Chrysler. There's Nike, Adidas. There's General Mills, there's Proctor and Gamble, there's Microsoft, Dell, Apple. I could go on and on

The one thing there has never been in the network marketing world has been a brand name. Anyone that understands true marketing understands that branding is EVERYTHING. Once you build an influential brand, bringing new products to market is a completely different game than it is for the company that does not have that "brand presence." That other company must spend MUCH MORE money and time promoting their new product or service in order to have a successful launch.

I don't think anyone in the world could mobilize the network marketing industry, give it the credibility and the exposure that Donald Trump could. The MLM industry is a very competitive industry and that is the main reason why there is so much bad press out there, but when you look closely at it, all the companies in MLM have different products or services, but they all have ONE thing in common: they are promoting an opportunity to earn an income building an organization of people selling that company's particular product or service. So who better than Donald Trump to be marketing a new business opportunity that anyone can get involved in and have unlimited earning potential? When you really think about it MLM companies are selling the ability to become an entrepreneur and own your own business. And Donald Trump is a worldwide icon of Capitalism and the poster child of an Entrepreneur.

I know that Donald Trump is VERY protective of his brand so I would be willing to bet that he did some serious investigation before taking the leap into the MLM world and putting that brand at risk. According to some executives over at the Trump Network, Mr. Trump and his team looked closely at 26 companies before they chose to partner with Ideal Health and re-launch as the Trump Network. Ideal Health is a twelve year old company that specialized in one main product line for ten years: customized nutracueticals based on metabolic functional testing. They use the premier metabolic functional testing lab in the world, Metametrix Labs, based in Atlanta, GA. Yes, they are another health and wellness company, BUT they have a unique line of products that are actually priced much lower than you would be able to get them through a natural path doctor or nutritional specialist. The master plan is to launch many best of breed products over the next few years that fall into the "Trump" criteria of quality.

The most compelling reason however, that I believe the Trump Network will end up taking up some significant market share is because of this new Wealth Creation System they are launching in the middle of May, 2010. They have created a system that I believe will transform the network marketing industry forever. This will not be an industry where the only people that can be successful are people with a huge power of influence and/or a huge database of people to tap into. The most difficult part about this business has always been getting enough people exposed to your opportunity, and being able to invite those people to take a proper look at the business so they can make a sound decision.

Donald Trump and the Trump Network have created a system called The Wealth Creation System that will give the average person, who may not have a huge network of people to talk to about the business, the ability to get massive exposure - and funnel those exposures into a professional sales funnel that gives professional presentations and plugs new marketers and customers into a training and education platform seamlessly.

The reason I know this system will work and will explode peoples' businesses is because of one thing and one thing only: The Trump Brand. Because of this new system, getting enrolled in the Trump Network will be more like buying into a franchise, instead of rolling the dice and spending your time and energy in a typical network marketing company with no brand recognition. I own multiple franchise locations with two separate successful franchises myself, and the reason we were able to be profitable right out of the gate was because we had a strong local brand already established, so when we opened our doors people recognized our name and came in. But more importantly, when we send out direct mail pieces and do radio and TV campaigns, our potential customers open the mail, or listen to our ads, because they know who we are. This is why several "mom and pops" have closed their doors around me over the past 6 years. They cannot compete.

Most people that are involved in the network marketing or direct sales industry do not understand the power of branding and marketing. Even if they have been successful and have huge organizations - they have built these organizations with serious dedication, hard work, and a lot of time. The reasons I have outlined above are why this company will dominate the MLM world and become a powerhouse - people will build organizations in one to two years that took several years to build in other MLM's. Do you realize how much time and money has been spent on opening up different countries as these other network marketing companies have gone international? MASSIVE AMOUNTS. As the Trump Network expands into other countries, the marketing strategies will be so simple compared to other MLM's it is almost laughable. Trump is heavily branded in 18 countries and he is revered as one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time. When this company goes international toward the end of this year - GAME OVER. I just hope all the people out there who are smart and savvy, but might not quite yet understand the power of branding and marketing, don't miss out.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Success Tips: What Type Of Training Is Best For ...

This article series will discuss network marketing success tips. This article will explore what type of training is best for your learning style. Just because a training worked for them does not mean it will work for your learning style.

How do you know which type of training is best for you? Keep reading and find out.

There are three major learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinetic (hands-on).

1) Auditory - An auditory learner would rather hear about something to learn more about it. They do best in classes, seminars, and courses that have a primarily lecture type of presentation.

How do you know if this is you? When you were in high school or college did you learn the most from teachers that just talked and lectured? If the answer is yes, you are an auditory learner.

2) Visual - A visual learner would rather see someone do a task. You may like graphic organizers, mindmaps, or illustrations. Back in school you probably found it hard to do well as most classes were lecture or auditory based. If your teacher showed you how to do something, however, you got it. Is this you?

3) Kinetic (Hands-on) A hands-on learner likes to get their hands involved and do it themselves. In school lab experiments (the doing not necessarily the writing) was easy for you. You got good grades when you were able to do projects instead of take tests.

Now, you can have a combination of learning modalities. In fact, most do. It is unusual to have just one that you prefer.

Okay, now you have decided your preferred learning style. Look at the training and courses you have bought. Do they match your learning strengths or are you reading e-books about a marketing strategy when you would probably do better watching someone on a video demonstrate a strategy?

Let's summarize the network marketing success tips on the type of training that would best suit your learning style or strength.

If your learning style were mostly auditory, you would probably learn best with an audio, or a video.

As a visual strength learner, you may learn better from the use of mind maps and videos.

So what would a kinetic learner learn best from? That would be hands-on activities, of course. You would learn best by either following along with a visual in a document or by watching a video and pausing it while you do the strategy demonstrated.

Of course, if you want to make sure you get the information as many ways as you can, read it, listen to it on audio, and watch it on video.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Prospecting - The Formula For Wealth

This is absolutely the first thing you are taught when you want to do network marketing prospecting. Go to all your family members which this is the easiest because they probably will listen to you. Maybe some of them will join your MLM business just to help you out. Maybe you actually have a product they are interested in. This is great and there is nothing wrong with telling your family about the MLM opportunity.

Lets take a look at the downside to this. If they join your MLM opportunity and they are family, who are they going to approach with the opportunity since you are all related. I hope that makes a little sense because it is true. We would like them to be in our MLM business but they will not be effective in their network marketing prospecting by this method.


You may want to use your warm market to do your network marketing prospecting. For those that do not know what warm market is let me explain. Very simply put it is friends that you know that maybe you are not real close to and might not see often. These type of people are network marketing prospects also.

These prospects are handled differently than your family because like we said you are not that close to some of them. We also have an internal fear that holds us back because since we are not that close how do we approach them. We do not want to feel like we are bugging them with a MLM opportunity when we really do not talk to them that much. It is really difficult to approach in a proper way.


To use cold marketing for your network marketing prospecting is equally hard if not harder. Cold market are people we do not know and never have spoken to. You usually handle this by just talking about your MLM business any chance you get. This might be through hotel meetings, home meetings, leaving business cards at proper places or my favorite (just kidding) just picking up the phone and inviting these prospects to join you. Who likes to just call people from some leads list and try to convince them that what you have is better than the next caller. There are people out there that like this and maybe they are successful, but it is hard to do on a consistent basis.

If you look back at couple of years and later you will find that this is what the norm was. Everybody did this "old school" type of network marketing prospecting. That is why there was only about a 3% success rate. Everything has changed now the internet has exploded MLM prospecting.

Why not have the prospects come to you? What is wrong with that? Put a system into place that will draw them to you like fly to fly paper. Proper network marketing prospecting is showing you are a leader and a teacher. Doing this is branding yourself in this market.

Network Marketing | Online Network Marketing Doesn't Work For Most Business Owners

Opportunity based Websites- Most multi level opportunities offer their distributors replicated websites that have nothing of value other than to sell that companies products or opportunity. These websites do not allow you to demonstrate your individual abilities or knowledge of network marketing. Instead, these replicated websites make you seem needy while offering no real value to your prospects at all.

Solution: This can be overcome by branding yourself with your own website that showcases YOU, not your opportunity. Owning your own website will position yourself as a leader and one that can offer value.

Buying Network Marketing Leads Online- If you are like most network marketers, you probably have run out of family, friends and circle of influence to put on you list. An easy option is to purchase leads online from an online lead company. If you have, you surely have found that these leads only add to your disappointment. Companies that sell leads are simply leaches to the network marketing community.

Solution: Do not chase after people! When you call a cold lead, you are contacting a stranger who does not know you and probably doesn't care. Why? Because you have not provided anything of value. By appropriately providing the value of your knowledge and skills, prospects will want to associate with you. Once they have a desire to associate with you, they will be interested in what products or opportunity you have to offer.

Products and Opportunities Can Not be Promoted Online- Your MLM opportunity doesn't allow you to promote their products or opportunity online. Well, this seems strange. If a company provides replicated websites to its distributors, why can't the distributors promote their goods? The reason is if companies allowed distributors to use their brand, many unethical people would start using the brand for their own products. Companies are also legally responsible for claims by their distributors. So they want to avoid any legal problems.

Solution: Promote yourself by leveraging the power of the internet. By using automated methods of contacting your prospects on a regular basis, you can demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to this very powerful business. Once you have demonstrated your leadership, people will be hounding you to join your downline.

Network Marketing | 3 Simple Network Marketing Success Tips For 5 Figures

The network marketing success tips I kept obtaining from other marketers left me frustrated and confused. Everything I was told was either too hard or too easy! It was either "No way can I do all that!" or "That's your big secret and you're earning $2 million a year?"

My favorite network marketing success tips are the ones that you may use immediately. I prefer them to the abstract "Believe in yourself!" ones for the reason that I'm a get down to the nitty-gritty and tell me what to do kind of person.

So, here are some network marketing success tips that aren't too hard, nor too easy, but juuuust right.

Network Marketing Success Tips #1

The first (and most important) is to talk to 5 people per day and get 1 to watch a business presentation. When I say "talk" I really mean connect with them and create a relationship. Would you join someone who just sent you a link and told you to check it out? Of course not.

If the person you're talking to perceives you as a friend (even better, a beneficial friend), then it's not pitchy when you ask whether they wouldn't mind an extra side project that could earn them some extra money.

The easiest place to do this is on Facebook. Join network marketing groups and start adding 25 friends a day. Open chats and messages with them, and start creating a business relationship.

Network Marketing Success Tips #2

My next tip is to track your efforts. work with Hypertracker or Adminder and keep track of your visitors and opt-ins through your capture page. Then, it becomes very simple to change one part of your funnel and then retest it. This way, you can easily create a high-converting page of your design.

If you don't track your marketing efforts, you'll never know what is working and what isn't. You won't know what method is actually working, or where your money is best used up. Not tracking is the easiest way to lose oodles of time and money on wasted projects and strategies.

Network Marketing Success Tips #3

Finally, use your autoresponder to the fullest! You're working to grow relationships with people, correct? So email your list each day with something useful and interesting. You can build rapport in just a few days on the grounds that they will begin to rely on your information.

Many people hold back a little on this one on the grounds that they don't want to inundate their list. But, the prospects who are really interested in you and what you have to say will love you all the more for it! The people who get offended and drop off your list weren't actually prospects to begin with. Let them go!

Implementing these network marketing success tips, as manageable as they seem, can be the difference in losing money, and making 5 figures (or more) every month!

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Resolutions

One of the keys to using this sort of advertising to promote your network marketing business is to find the right net classified site for you and your business. Make sure to check that this site gets plenty of traffic or you will be wasting your time. When you find a place, check precisely how many visitors per day they get in the home business or multi-level marketing business category. If the numbers are low, move on since advertising there won't be worth your time and effort, but if the numbers are between 300 - 1000 daily, then this is the ones you want.

Make your ad clear and concise, if you over hype your ad you won't get many willing to sign up with you or even click your ad. Make it easy and realistic so that you come across as someone they can trust. You want individuals that recognize it takes work to make income with a network
marketing business.

Remember these are real people looking for real opportunities. You are offering them the chance to see what you have to offer them so don't try to sell them. Your goal is to provide them with the information they are seeking and then let them decide if what you have is right for them.

Try to offer something that is free of charge, everybody loves free stuff. Commonly net classified sites are free to post. So there will be a lot of people looking for something they can get for no cost to them. Provide them with a free report, ebook or newsletter and in this way you will
get them on your list. Then you can send them information about your network marketing business and don't forget to follow through with them on a weekly basis. Remember you want to build trust with them as this is your business and you want to be known and thought of as someone trustworthy.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Tips That Will Make A Huge Difference In Your ...

The tips I am going to share with you are so simple that nearly anybody can do them and if you can't then I also have a solution for that!

Must be your lucky day today huh?

So without wasting any more time let's get cracking guys and girls because time wasted is money wasted!

One of the first network marketing tips I would like to share with you is the idea of implementing what you read or in other words, taking action.

I have mentioned this before and so have many other people in this industry but that is because NOT taking action is the #1 business killer therefore this will help you in FAILING and no amount of network marketing tips will be able to save you.

If you want to fail and have no desire or purpose in life to succeed and especially in network marketing, then by all means knock yourself out because YOU are the only person that will be affected.

I can almost guarantee that by taking action you are putting yourself ahead of 90%+ other marketers out there therefore drastically increasing your chances of success.

At the end of the day it comes down to this: No action = no results = no success = failure.

Earlier, I said I can almost guarantee you success if you take action but now I can guarantee that you WILL start to see results if you add consistency into the mix.

This concept of consistency is another one of my network marketing tips that is crucial if you ever want to make it big and achieve your dreams.

Taking action is good but taking consistent action is great. By taking consistent action over a period of time will make a huge difference to both your business and life.

97% of affiliates, entrepreneurs and marketers fail because they simply do not take consistent action. It is the small things you do day in and day out that will make your business grow and explode.

When you build a wall you lay the first brick and then add to it as time goes on. After a period of time the wall will be standing high and you would have succeeded. The same thing applies in business.

Take action everyday and I guarantee that you will start to see results. I can even put my hard earned money on it! I know I did not give many tips but the two network marketing tips that I did share with you today are more than enough to bring you success as long as you follow them and that is a guarantee.

Network Marketing | Key Points For Network Marketing

Most home-based businesses require that you invest a lot of money before you start earning a real income. Network marketing for the home business allows you to make money without investing a lot. So long as you have a computer at home, no matter what income bracket you fall into, you'll be able to make money. You should have some basic computer skills but much more than that isn't necessary. Even people new to computers will be able to master the skills need for network marketing.

Running your home-based business is just like any other business: you need to sell and market yourself if you want to make money. The more you put yourself out there, the more successful you'll be. Although you may not be able to meet your customers face to face you can build up good business relationships with them by sending follow up emails, making phone calls, and asking for their feedback.

One way to attract other marketers to your network is to make sure that any business you do with them is positive and encouraging. When you recruit someone to your network you may be losing sales but the payback will be that they're investing time, which is going to help your network grow. You can be assured that if someone has a negative experience they not only won't want to join your network as a marketer, you'll be losing their business as well.

Network marketing has been around for many years. Despite the negative attention it has gotten from a few unsuccessful businesses, network marketing is easy to join and pays well for anyone willing to work hard.

Network Marketing | Two Ideas For Network Marketing And MLM Promotion

What to do? Advertising agencies, publicity and marketing experts offer their promotional packages at premium prices which may yield little in the way of actual business for the money spent.

Most network marketing or MLM companies offer their associates various resources on the internet, including replicated websites. In general, however, the replicated website will not attract many visitors, due to the nature of the sites, where all are using the same tags and keywords, and it is difficult for the average networker to know how to draw traffic to their site.

It is possible to advertise your site, but this can be a complicated and expensive way to get traffic for the beginner. Most simply do not have the knowledge or experience to write effective ads.

If you are blessed with a huge budget you can hire someone to do this for you. If that is not the case, then you must look for other alternatives.

The Internet is a fantastic resource for networking, since it is accessible to millions of people worldwide, and more are using it all the time.

There are several ways for the network marketer to reach out to connect with new people online. The first is through Web 2.0 social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, forums, Youtube and so forth. On most of these sites you can get started for free. You can start a blog at free sites such as or

In fact there are so many sites it can be a bit overwhelming. Not to panic-- the best strategy is to pick one or two of these to tackle at a time and start to participate there on a consistent basis. The key is to remember the "social" aspect of social networking, by trying to be a friendly, helpful presence to those you meet online. Simply bombarding your contacts with links to your site or opportunity is not acceptable and can be considered spam.

The second main method of generating new leads is with what is purchasing leads. Purchasing leads is problematic in that many of the leads are being sold to multiple accounts, so they are not usually high quality leads. A preferable method of acquiring leads is through business networking, either through local networking groups or on business network sites on the internet. This is less costly and also offers the advantage to develop relationships within the network.

Network Marketing | Find Mlm Network Marketing Success: Turn Economic Bad Times Into ...

What characteristics must MLM network marketing programs for hard times include?

Clearly they should be affordable in terms of the initial investment. Interestingly, folks who pay something, tend to work programs more effectively than those who don't pay anything. Even a small charge builds value and value builds persistence. A monetary investment translates into a personal investment. People inherently hate to lose money or be known to have made a bad investment.

The necessary, associated, marketing strategies must also be inexpensive - free is best. If a contact is feeling pinched financially he won't have big bucks to shell out for expensive lists or ads or consultation. Here is your chance to shine as a helpful MLM network marketing expert. Provide lots of free ideas and low cost techniques for the potential participants to use as they build toward their own network marketing success.

Be aware that marketing to the inexperienced requires that they receive from you a quick and effective 'education' focused on MLM marketing. Unless you can provide that through your material and references, chances are they won't receive it elsewhere and they will fail. This makes you their most valuable, on-line, asset. So, gear up by acquiring or developing wide knowledge and a solid resource base you can share free of charge with your contacts. Newcomers are thirsty for good information and when they need so desperately to succeed they will devour as much good material as you can provide. When you come to be seen as a dependable source of such assistance, they will begin looking to you for further guidance: "What are the best programs?" "Who are the best sponsors?" "What specifically do I need to know to succeed in such and such a program?" "Tell me about your best offers."

As more and more marketers are adopting the strategy of only seeking out those who have already demonstrated MLM network marketing success, this leaves the huge base of newcomers available for you. Welcome them with open arms loaded with helpful information and can't miss strategies. Even the stars in the field today - those demonstrating exceptional network marketing success - were once newcomers. They worked hard and succeeded. Clearly, newcomers can make it and with your exceptional help, others will, also. The marketer who is dedicated to offering solid, inexpensive, well organized programs along with exceptional educational material is well positioned to find success for both him and his eventual MLM associates.

So it is, that during tough economic times, huge numbers of inexperienced wannabe internet marketers surface. Help them find you as you distribute exceptional information (through articles like this, perhaps) and you will build a loyal and able following. With patience, persistence, and the preparation of fantastic marketing resources for your contacts, these circumstances can produce the foundation of your own network marketing success.