Network Marketing | Network Marketing Time Management - How To Do More In Less Time

Why Is Network Marketing Time Management Important?

We all struggle with time management at times. Have you ever said to yourself that there isn't much time in the day? What about scheduling a list of productive activities only to spend the entire day doing the 80 percent of activities that produce only 20 percent of your work. In this brief time management skills review, we'll cover some of the ways to avoid spending your day doing nonproductive activities and actually improve your overall effectiveness. It is important to remember that you're only truly rewarded for productive activity in your network marketing business, and no, filing papers doesn't count as a productive activity. Therefore, your ability to successfully implement network marketing time management will propel you to success sooner.

Why is network marketing time management difficult?

One of the biggest challenges work from home professionals, home base business owners, network marketers and internet markets face, is the ability to effectively make the most use of time. Unfortunately, some people view their day as chunks of free time, in which they can simply, go through with a plan in mind. Maximizing the use of our time is absolutely essential in succeeding in your business.

What are the best ways to succeed in network marketing time management?

One of the best techniques for time management success is the classic 'to do list'. Although considered old school by some, a 'to do list' will greatly alleviate the many moving parts of a thriving network marketer's business. However, one of the challenges of a successful to do list is the difficulty of prioritizing the list correctly. You may have the best to do list in the world, but if your priorities are wrong, it will now help you improve your time management skills. Another challenge of a 'to do list' is the paralyzing effect it has some people. Some people get stuck in paralysis by analysis, and simply never take action, because their 'to do list' is too extensive.

As mentioned earlier, one of the best ways to successfully manage your to do list is to prioritize the most important action steps on your list. In the context of network marketing time management success, greatest priority has to be given to income producing activities. By income producing, I'm referring to daily action steps which entail building your business such as phone calls, prospecting, showing the business plan and following up with prospects.

On the other hand, we should avoid non income producing activities such as, checking email repeatedly, organizing your business cards, and other non-business related activities which are incidental or peripheral to your core success. Below are 3 quick tips to help you get the most out of your day:

1. Break down big goals into smaller manageable tasks
2. Benchmark regularly by ticking off smaller tasks as you complete them
3. Brainstorm what your weak areas are and delegate those tasks by outsourcing

All too often sincere, hard working people fall into the trap of time wasted, opportunities missed and momentum lost. This article will help you avoid this common pitfall to build a more successful business using improved network marketing time management skills. Thank you for reading this article and many successes in building your business.