Network Marketing | Women Own Their Lives Through Network Marketing

While leadership is a universal human quality, there are certain leadership traits we generally consider more feminine. We think of women as nurturers, care-givers, counselors, and cheerleaders. Women traditionally tend toward hearth and home and put their families first. We are there for everyone else and sometimes known for sacrificing or sublimating our own needs.

What happens when a woman steps boldly out of this mold? How do her colleagues, friends, and family respond when she takes charge of her finances and makes her business a priority? What happens when she makes more money than her husband? How do others perceive her when she works in the evenings, travels on weekends, and sets financial goals for herself?

" What will my friends think ?" is a common concern women have when considering starting a home-based business. This stems in part from the fact that for a woman to branch out on her own goes against her traditional role of bread baker or support partner. On the other hand, others might perceive her as self-determined, a brave risk-taker, a smart and savvy business woman, and someone in charge of her life. Network marketing gives women the chance to embrace this perception others may hold of her and fully step into it.

For us self-determined types, network marketing is the perfect environment because we are rewarded for our passion to be all we can be while helping as many people as possible along the way. It is practically a perfect world: no rigid schedule, no supervisor saying what we can or cannot do or, most significantly, who we can or cannot become. For women who have not previously met their inner drive, they may discover they are capable of reaching heights they never imagined.

Here are some distinctions between the culture of network marketing and other professional environments.

- In traditional work environments, a person generally advances in part because she is connected to someone who gives her the green light. For example, getting a raise or a promotion is the result of something being given or awarded to the woman who is advancing in her career. In network marketing a woman is the only person able to promote herself to the next level.

- In government, education, and traditional business, positions are sacred in that they are occupied by one person at a time. For instance, an organization can have only one president, a company one VP of Sales, and a university one chair per department. Competition and rivalry are inherent to these cultures. In network marketing, on the other hand, there is ample room at every position. A woman can chart her own course based on her goals, her willingness to master the skills, and her determination to succeed. Women feel more in charge of their own destinies when success is voluntary, when they do not need permission to advance, and when they have access to any position for which they are willing to work.

- Contrary to most professional environments, network marketing encourages every woman to be all she can be, because everybody stands to gain when she rises to the highest position possible. In fact, the measure of her success is based upon the number of people whom she is able to help succeed through her leadership abilities. There is no conflict or competition with others who aspire to the same position, and there is no incentive for anyone to sabotage her ascent to the top of her game.

- Working on teams builds character. Anyone who comes from a corporate environment and is used to elbowing others out of the way in order to succeed will get busted in a culture in which everyone helps everyone else. Instead of feeling threatened by someone else's success, women work together so they can grow as individuals and collectively. For women who never participated on a team before, this opportunity can greatly benefit other areas of life, such as relationships and parenting.

- In a culture that holds strength and self-determination as virtues, a woman can find herself more in charge of her life than ever before. Network marketing allows men and women to embrace, indeed, to love that part of themselves that is driven to develop leadership qualities in themselves and in others. This aspiration is not always honored or rewarded in more traditional work environments.

Reinventing Ourselves

For a woman to make the decision to shine in network marketing requires that she take a firm stand at the helm of her ship. She will be encouraged to care more, do more, connect more, and dream bigger than ever before. For women who have made career decisions based on pleasing others or to blend in with the crowd, a career in network marketing affords an opportunity to move forward in new and exciting ways.

The limitless possibilities and continuous encouragement to stretch and grow can help us discover strengths in ourselves that otherwise might never have come to the surface. To be role models for our daughters, sons, husbands, friends, and family as women who know what we want and are willing to go after our dreams enriches ourselves and everyone with whom we interact.Anyone who takes a stand for what she wants and moves toward it boldly will stand out in the crowd. For anyone who has only known what she wanted through the eyes of others, or by trying to live up to what others thought she should do or was capable of doing, this is transformational.

" What do you want? " is the first level of inquiry for someone being invited to consider network marketing. Some women never asked themselves this question. Personal transformation begins as soon as a woman looks into her soul, perhaps for the first time, to answer that question. Women committed to achieving their dreams by passing the mantle to others whom they lead are bound to make the world a richer and brighter place.