This is true to a certain extent, it can't solve every problem as mlm is a people's business, you will still need to get up off the computer and connect with prospects. I doubt you will get the most success you could if you hide behind your computer for the rest of your life. There will come a time when you will have to connect with people.
There is no doubt that for those who want to connect with people on a more personal level, the internet can be very useful for this. You've got email, video, webinars, audios etc.... Call me old fashioned, but nothing beats the good old telephone or a face to face meeting. Unless you develop some good recruiting skills and relationships, I'd say you were going to have a tough time growing a sizable team whether you are using the internet or not. Of course you may get lucky and recruit an MLM superstar.
Two things we can definitely do online is increase our leads and cash flow in our business.
If you're going to follow this route then you are going to need a scientific sales funnel, one that's proven to work. You will find many different ones to choose from and not all are designed for network marketers, I think a lot are designed for affiliate marketers. Use a system designed by someone that knows how to sponsor, someone that is actually a network marketer. This way it's more likely to be effective.
A successful system should be brand able to you, and you only. As soon as a lead goes to your website they want to know without a doubt that it's your website, not some faceless company site (these don't work as well).
If you manage to get your system set up and working then the next thing you need to sort, is traffic, how are you going to generate regular visitors? Traffic can be tough to come by in regular amounts and stumps a lot of people. From my experience I've only found two ways to get traffic to my website, either pay for it or work hard for it. When I started marketing online, I couldn't afford to pay for traffic, so I worked for it. It's up to you where you get your traffic from, there are online & offline methods which are proven to work.
Hopefully you will be getting some leads in once you are generating visitors to your sales funnel, next it's time to start tweaking your campaigns to get the best conversion rates. It's important to do this after you are getting traffic, some people spend ages tweaking a funnel that doesn't get any visitors, which is pointless.
The last part of the puzzle is to actually make some money. using such a system you could actually make money from people even if they are not interested in your main business, from affiliate products that you could offer. The end result we want though is to get people into your MLM.
Even if you are marketing online, you will still need the good old fashioned personal skills.
Yes you can certainly use the internet to develop your business providing you put in that personal human touch as well.