Internet network marketing combines the features of network marketing with the Internet. Basically, you are now doing what you used to do offline online.
There are certain traditional features that are similar to Internet network marketing. You will still need to have leads in order to recruit people into your MLM business.
You will still need to build a relationship with your new recruits in order to ensure that your business stays sustainable over the long term.
But because the Internet is a new medium, the methods of achieving success is going to be different.
For one, the Internet substantially expands the boundary where you can look for leads. In fact, with the global reach of the Internet, you will be able to get your leads from anywhere in the world. You are no longer restricted to getting leads from within the borders of your city.
The second advantage of Internet network marketing has to do with the generation of leads.
Instead of buying leads and calling them up, you can now generate leads using your own efforts. As paying for leads can be expensive, this can save you a lot of money. In fact, some lead generation methods in Internet network marketing are free.
This includes free traffic generation methods like article marketing, blogging and forum marketing. What you need to do is to generate content with a link back to your web site and get people who read your content to click on that link.
These cost absolutely nothing and can get you leads who are keenly interested in your business.
The way you go about generating leads through the Internet is also different from the way you go about getting leads offline. Traditionally, a lot of time is spent on calling up the leads from the list that you have bought.
While some people may be great at getting leads through cold calling, the majority is not adept at that and even dreads doing so. The rejection and abuses from people you call can also be demoralizing and has led to many giving up.
With Internet network marketing, there is no need for such "desperate" measures. Instead of chasing after leads, you can even get leads to approach you willingly. That's because these lead generation methods are designed to attract people to you.
People are more likely to call you when they see that you have content published on the Internet. You will be a more familiar face to them compared to someone who rings them out of the blue.
As you can see, Internet network marketing has a number of advantages over traditional network marketing. It is the best way to take your MLM business forward.