The main reason most people fail in network marketing is because they don't have a reason, a "why" that will allow them to withstand obstacles and challenges. A foundational "why" for building a business will empower you to reach your goals - no matter what!
Most successful people reached a point in their life where they had a desire for more out of life. They wanted a life of purpose and doing something meaningful, and they wanted to do something they were passionate about. Their "why" propelled them to make changes, to set goals and to accomplish what they set out to do.
If you are not having the success and making the money you desire, examine the following:
What are your personal reasons for building a network marketing business? Do you want to quit your job? Do you want to travel? Do you want to send your kids to college? Do you want to do something for yourself, to make money independent of your partner? Would you buy that boat and cottage? Do you want to pay off your credit cards, your mortgage or other outstanding debts? Do you want to shop for anything you want? Do you want to prove to yourself you can succeed or prove to your spouse? Would you like to make your kids proud, gain self-worth outside of your home? Do want to make money doing something you love? Do you want to make a difference in the world?
Think about the things you would like to be different in your life right now. If you could wave a magic wand, what would you be willing to do to achieve these things? How would you like your life to change as a result of you succeeding in a network marketing business?
What is it that you hope to accomplish through your association with a network marketing business? What do you want to have? Who do you want to be? What do you want to create? These higher purposes will propel your success and inspire you.
Think about things that are most important for you to achieve or have. This is your surface "why." Then, ask yourself, "Why are those things important to me?" Really dig as deep as you can and don't hold back! Think of things that mean so much to you that you will spend weeks, months, and years working to attain them. If those reasons don't bring tears to your eyes or fill your heart with joy, then they are not big enough.
Once you are clear on your "why," it will motivate you to make those calls, get the training, develop the skills, and most of all, it will give you the courage to keep on keeping on. Your "why" is the top success secret in network marketing.