Discovering your personality profile can help you achieve greater success in your network marketing business. Kate Ward, author of Personality Style at Work details how people generally fall into one of four types. These four types are: direct, spirited, considerate, and systematic. By defining which personality type you are you can figure out which tasks you should handle for yourself and which tasks you should delegate to another member of your network.
If you have a direct personality type you are well suited for closing clients who are ready to go now. The direct approach works well here because these candidates are ready to go they just need that little push that someone with a direct disposition can give them.
If you are not a direct style you should delegate the closing of these candidates to someone in your organization that is better able to do so. If you have a spirited personality you should excel at working with potential clients who are more on the fence about joining your organization. A spirited disposition is more likely to inspire and motivate people making them and has the ideal make-up to engage prospects that just aren't sure that the opportunity you are presenting is right for them.
The next personality type is the considerate style. These types can be considered peacemakers and care deeply about helping others. This trait may not be great at closing potential clients but should excel at working with new and existing team members to help grow their business. If this is your personality type you should find a direct and a spirited personality type to help you close prospective customers.
Finally the systematic type of character will thrive at analysis and structure. While this personality style may not excel at closing clients or helping and motivating team members they should be great at organizing the business and building a network of others who can help them in their business where they lack the necessary skills.
Take some time before you do anymore work with your network marketing business to determine which personality type you fall into. Next determine who in your organization fits into each of the remaining personality types and which of those are most likely to help you and you would most like to work closely with. One of the keys to growing a successful network marketing business is to build a great team. By defining the personality types of those you work closely with you can create a more efficient and effective network.