This hard-hitting report certainly has caused some hot responses in the network marketing arena. Some people are furious, others are praising it to the skies. Her strongest supporters are MLMers who are disappointed with their situation in their MLM or network marketing business.
If you are having a hard time in your MLM or network marketing business, it is not just you! Check out these disturbing figures:
- Around 90% of people entering MLM give up within the first 3 months. What do they say? For most, it is too hard and costs too much in time and money.
- More than 95% - that's 19 in 20 - give up within the first 12 months.
- What is still more disturbing, up to 8 out of 10 do not even know the thrill of bringing in their first recruit. The others most often sign up only a couple members, who will probably be among the 90% who drop out very soon.
If you are a member of a multi-level marketing business and you are disturbed by these figures then you are justified to be feeling that way! Ann Sieg has set out in writing what a lot of experienced network marketers have been scared to reveal. She uncovers all of the untruths that most if not all of us have heard (and are repeating to our downlines) about building a prosperous MLM or network marketing business.
The first time I read the title 'The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing' I will tell you that I supposed it would be just more anti MLM prejudice. However, having read the report, I found that I was quite wrong. After setting out the 'lies' that you should ignore, Ann Sieg examines how you can really be successful in MLM - while blanking out the stories that you have probably been told.
MLM can be a highly effective system for attaining financial freedom but as I told above, the majority of people fail before they have hardly started. Why is this? Because they are still being taught marketing methods that are long out of date.
"Anyone can do this ... your business will be built for you ... there's no selling ... everybody is your prospect ..." Are you being told these things? Ann's report exposes them as nothing more than myths.