People in Network Marketing join people. They join you because you are a leader who knows what you are talking about; they do not join you because you have the greatest products in the world or the best compensation plan, although that doesn't hurt. Many Network Marketers continue to sell their friends and family members on the product of their companies when they should be selling their knowledge, their expertise, there leadership qualities etc. I have personally seen a drastic change in many of my fellow Network Marketers and my own downline when we changed the focus of our campaigns from our products to ourselves. The most important thing, therefore; you must do right away is become a leader.
There are a number of things we could do to change the focus of our Network Marketing campaigns from our products to ourselves and I will go over some of them here now. One of the most important things we need to do is really believe in yourself. If you are nervous, scared, or just unsure about yourself it will show through in your words and actions. Why would I want to join someone who is unsure of themselves, people don't. Another quality you must have in your arsenal is confidence. People are naturally attracted towards confident people, and this is huge in Network Marketing. Another quality you must have is you must be trustworthy. This my friends is a big one as well. Let's face it being lied to or a feeling like someone pulled a fast one on you is the worst feelings someone could feel, so one must be honest.
In closing my fellow network marketers please heed my advise one must change or perish. If we continue to sell products and services and not ourselves as leaders we will soon see our downline getting smaller and smaller as time goes on. Remember, "The future depends on what we do in the present."