With network marketing success stories there are an equal number of opposite stories. Why you ask? Often people enter into networking under the impression that they will get rich quick with little to no effort. If you ask me this is a set up for failure straight out of the gate. Networking is about working smart and keeping it so ridiculously simple that anyone watching you could say, "I can do that!"
The keys to network marketing lay within each individual who decides that they are interested in the benefits of entrepreneurship. This entails all aspects of building a business including; recruiting, generating leads, building long lasting relationships, converting leads into actual sales, continuing to service clients needs building their rate of consumption of the products you are offering, being coachable, plugging into the system, personal growth, motivating and training other like minded entrepreneurs to build upon your existing network marketing success.
In order to get started you need to be "interested" not "interesting"! Most newbie network marketing business owners have this backwardsthey think they have to tout the features of their product or service to everyone they meet, but in the end they end up being a "vomiting Vera" or "too much Thomas" and literally chase their would be client or prospect away. In order to work from home you must begin building relationships with the people you come in contact with and listen more than you talk, so that you can find the fit. Do not look at everyone as if they have a dollar sign on their forehead!
Instead, listen to build a relationship because that person just might need what you have. It's your job to find the fit. You can't read minds though, so you have to ask thoughtful questions. People will then come to naturally know about your offerings as you thoughtfully respond to their comments and be human and conversational instead of a stalker. Listen. Listen. Listen. Then fulfill their product or service needs. This is phase one.
The next area to work on is the bottom line. When I say this I am referring to profit but not how you might envision. The big incomes of network marketing successdo not come from the sales to just their own clients. Successful network marketers look for people who want to do what they are doing. So there are people who just use the products, and there are people who use the products AND share the concept with others. In the sharing, they too build a consumer network, and then that replicates again and again, with no end in the potential profitability. The goal is to find people who enjoy the product or service personally and are willing to work as "smart" as you do to become successful.
A great network marketing success is found in an individual who is passionate about their business and the people they bring on board to continue that commitment. This individual will find their residual income opportunity through network marketing to be something that the love to do and enjoy sharing with others. It will not feel like a burden. It will not be something they dread waking up and doing. When you find someone who loves what they are doing you will find someone who is successful. This is a guarantee.