Network Marketing | Network Marketing Leads- How To Recruit New Reps Into Your ...

There is a reason that it is called network marketing. It is because networking and marketing are very important parts of being successful in this business. If you wanted a new house, would you go out with no skills and just a manual and started trying to build??!! Absolutely not, so why would you try to build a business that way.

If you are thinking about starting a business, get the training first!! Sales is one of the most lucrative careers available to the average person, but only if you know what you are doing. Doctors and other professionals go to school for years to gain the skills and knowledge that they have. At least when you are in sales, the training does not take as long, but you do need to be trained.

There is training all over the internet, but the training that we recommend, we found gives you many different forms of training all in one place. this training was put together by Mike Dillard, one of the biggest names in the network marketing arena today. The software is amazing and this man has totally changed the way that network marketing works in today's world.

Network Marketing | Why You Need A Dedicated Network Marketing Website

The first step is to start attracting prospects to your business by providing quality content that helps them solve their problems related to a network marketing at home business. Then you can take them on the journey of discovering opportunities where they work from home & join your business. Simply attracting prospects though is not going to be enough.

It is at this point in the process that most network marketers diminish their chances of making a favorable impression on their prospects. The contact dries up and information is no longer received. This is because of one big flaw; the prospect is faced with a bombardment of warnings like "join the business now or you will regret it" and this puts many prospects off and they cease further contact with you.

There is something obviously very wrong with this approach.

Network Marketing Work At Home And Pre-Selling

If no pre-selling is involved, how is a prospect convinced that your opportunity is worth joining? They have no indication whether the opportunity is right for them and their long term financial goals.

In order for prospects to join you, they need to enter your downline because of you as a leader, and not the business or business opportunity. You are the most important aspect of this process and making the right impression on your prospects from the beginning is the key to experiencing high levels of success in network marketing work at home businesses.

First impressions are made within the first few minutes of contact and this will have a bearing on the prospect's continued interest in you & your opportunity.

How To Create Your Pre-Selling Plan

We touched on having a simple but effective pre-selling system earlier. Both are as important as each other.Effective meaning that the moment the prospect enters your funnel they are immersed in information and training.

Simple meaning what you can give them in terms of value without hype. You shouldn't even mentiona network marketing business at any stage of the initial attraction period. All the prospect needs to know at this point is that you are presenting an opportunity for them to work at home and what kind of mentoring you can provide for them.

The truth is that you are effectively on trial the minute a prospect gives you their contact details and shows interest in any one of your network marketing opportunities.

This stage of pre-selling is the most crucial stage of the network marketing at home system. While you might be able to attract prospects to you, you will also need the ability to explain the benefits to them of working with you & your system at this initial stage of their investigating you as their potential leader.

Network Marketing | Is Internet Network Marketing Still Profitable? - Article Dashboard

Through internet network marketing more and more people have jumped on the band wagon of trying to sell their goods and services. Network marketers are working the social networks and forums, in hope of adding new downline members and you can find advertising being placed everywhere, even on the Post Office pages. During the California gold rush, they used to say,"There's gold in those hills." Today marketers are looking to strike gold on the internet.

Now with the simplicity of setting up a website by using wordpress, squidoo, or a hub page, anyone can have a web page and fill it with ads from Amazon, Google, or Click Bank. Everytime someone visits your site an ad is there for them to click on and if they do, the webpage owner makes a commission. This simple idea is generating extra income for internet network marketers, by just allowing use of page space that would normally be left empty anyway.

Once your web site is up and running with ads in place, it's easier than ever to advertise and invite people to come and view it. With the help of sites like onlywire, your site can be blasted out to hundreds of social networks, plus add the help of other sites like pingfm and your site is pinged out to hundreds of search engines to come and spider your pages and list you in their search engines. It all takes a little thought and planning, using the right content that makes visitors want to come and read your post or view your site, then having the right ads in place that appeal to your followers so that they do want to click on an ad for more information and from there, it's money in the bank.

So the question was, "Is Internet Network Marketing Still Profitable?" and I would have to say that it is. Decide on your niche, whether it be weight lose, muscle building, map making or whatever and take action on your idea. Put up the website, place the ad's pertaining to your niche, then invite people to come and view it.

Network Marketing | Things You Need To Know About Online Network Marketing

The first thing that you need to do is browse the internet and look for companies, such as Network Marketing Elite that can give you an idea on what to do in this particular field. Try to observe how they do it, by looking into the products they sell, and ways on how they market it to the public. This is the best time to learn from the experts, so try to sign up to different companies or tutorials online that will help you learn more. This is also an ideal time to ask questions and inquire about their past experiences - that way, you will learn from the mistakes that they have committed in the past.

Try to narrow down all the things that you are interested in, so that you can decide on the business that you want to open. Don't rush things; allow it to come out naturally, so that you can come up with a good decision. Online network marketing is done through the internet, so if you want it to be successful, you have to make sure that you put in a lot of effort to make things work.

To draw more clients to your website, make sure that you come up with a good name to represent your business. This will create an image that will help you reach out to interested clients.

Look for a wholesaler who can provide you with your products. Make it a point not to buy a lot if you are just starting, so that you won't waste your money on stocks that you can't dispose of anymore once purchased. You should also make sure that shipping arrangements are settled, so that delays won't happen. That could be an inconvenience for both you and your clients.

Hire a good web designer who can help you set up your website. It should contain all the necessary information that a customer needs, and it should be attractive, so that it can lure more people to look at your offers. Don't put too much colors or pictures, because it can be overwhelming. When designing a structure, make sure that it matches the theme of your business.

Getting yourself involved in online network marketing is a good thing, because it will help you earn money. If you don't know how to go about it, you can always tap the help of experts. Going through this is a good way to start a small venture.

Network Marketing | 3 Network Marketing Success Tips - Article Dashboard

Without the proper skills and knowledge, finding success in this marketing field can be pretty difficult. That being said, the upside of this area of marketing is an enticing one. Those who succeed in this unique marketing niche will not only enjoy financial freedom, but freedom from the time clock as well. By following a few quality network marketing success tips, you can be on your way to earning these freedoms.

The Professional Mindset

Far too often, people perceive this type of marketing to be a get rich quick scheme or an immediate solution to financial freedom. Although many people have generated substantial income quickly in network marketing, no one has done so with only luck on their side.

In order to succeed in your marketing business you must treat it as a business. Makes sense, right? Putting yourself in a professional mindset will certainly yield professional results. While network marketing businesses can be exciting and fun, it is extremely important to keep your end goal of financial freedom in mind.

Achieving your long-term goals can prove to be much easier if you set short-term goals. Goal setting is a fantastic method that can be used to keep your business on course. Assuming a professional mindset is among the most valuable network marketing success tips.

Recruit Who's Right for You!

If you're looking for network marketing success tips, you are probably looking for strategies used to help build your downline. In order to build a successful downline, it is vital to think of your downline as a team. In order for a team to succeed, it must have committed and hardworking leaders.

Too many times network marketers become content with recruiting family members and product users. While recruiting family members and close friends is a great way to start, this well obviously will eventually run dry. And as for product users, while they may keep your business afloat they are not propelling your business forward.

All of this to say that it is in your best interest to pursue qualified leads. Qualified leads are potential team members that have a drive to succeed in business and not just a desire for quality products. These people are assuredly out there, but it is up to your marketing strategies to find them.

Is Your Business Online?

The use of the internet is actually one of the more underutilized marketing success tips. While most of the success stories in network marketing's history were written offline, the name of the game has changed. The World Wide Web allows marketers to promote their products and business model to a seemingly limitless number of potential internet consumers.

By utilizing online marketing strategies such as blogging, video marketing, and social media platforms, you can expand your marketing business considerably. Taking the time to learn online business promotion strategies ranks highly in my list of network marketing success tips.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing - 3 Reasons To Join A Direct Sales Company ...

1 - Get Paid More for Your Time

Let's use this analogy. If you sell real estate, which price homes would you rather sell; ones that cost half a million or ones that cost a million? Obviously the higher price because the commissions are bigger. The same applies to network marketing.

At the end of a day of making 100 cold calls (or generating 100 leads to your web page) to make 1 sale, would you rather earn a $100 or a $1000 commission? The answer is obvious. Not only does the higher commission mean your worth per hour goes up, but also any internet marketing your doing (especially pay-per-click) is more easily supported. Even if you're working part time, and generate 1 high ticket sale per week, you're still earning $1000 a week. Now, the MLM Network Marketing proponents would tell you that the big money isn't really made up front; rather its made later in the monthly residuals. Let's explore that argument and our next point.

2 - It Takes Less Sales To Earn A Reasonable Monthly Income in Direct Sales

The promise of MLM Network Marketing has always been about earning big residual checks from sales made by your team (e.g., leverage). Check your compensation plan and see how many active consultants you need in your downline creating at least one sale a month in order to earn a reasonable full time income (usually defined as $4000 a month or $48,000 a year)? Some plans require anywhere between 500 and 1000 active reps making at least one sale every month to create that $4000 a month. Counting for attrition, you would have to average sponsoring one new member a day for at least 18 months.

In a high ticket Direct Sales company, 1 new member a week (instead of a day) can mean as much as $4000 a month (and in some companies $40,000 a month!). This isn't something you have to work up to either. You can build that income within your first few months, rather than your first few years.

Now, a myth about the Direct Sales industry is that you don't receive residual commissions. You do; the difference is it's usually only one or two levels below you (like the insurance industry). Regardless, because it's high ticket, the residual commission is still usually at least ten times higher than the front end commission on a MLM Network Marketing company. So what about attrition? Next point.

3 - More Committed Team Members in High Ticket Direct Sales

MLM Network Marketing companies with low ticket items are infamous for their high attrition rates (as much as 85% in some cases). Why? It's the cost of entry that is a key element in determining if people "stick". The typical price of entry in a low ticket MLM is typically about a couple hundred bucks, so in general, most people who join aren't really that committed because they don't have much at risk and can walk away without giving it a second thought.

The typical entry cost in a high ticket Direct Sales company is usually around a couple thousand dollars. The prospect will think much harder about their decision, and once in your business, they are much more committed to sticking with it because they have more at risk, i.e., more skin in the game. Could they drop out? Sure. But what you will find is overall you have a much more committed team member, who will stick it out longer, and because of that, is more apt to generate sales, which in turn will generate you a much larger residual commission.

There's no question that Network Marketing works, and with it you can earn four, five and even six-figures per month. There's also no question that the quicker path to prosperity comes from joining a high ticket Direct Sales Company. Multi-level network marketing companies with a low ticket item simply don't pay enough or build residual income quickly enough, to compensate for the amount of time it takes to build a downline, especially when its evaporating as quickly as you try to build it. For anyone who is thinking about getting into the Network Marketing industry, and is shying away due to the cost of entry in a high ticket Direct Sales company, think carefully about the long term aspects of that decision.

Network Marketing | 3 Disgusting Truths Hidden Behind Every Network Marketing ...

Disgusting Truth One: Multilevel marketing companies are designed to fail from the very beginning! That's right, anyone who is experienced in network marketing will tell you that most of these companies have between a three and five year shelf life... that's if they are lucky enough to survive the first six months. Think about it, every single day on the Internet there is another company touting another monumental prelaunch... some latest and greatest invention that's going to change the world so that we can all be financially free.


Only a very small handful of people who get in at the very top will make more than they spend. It doesn't matter if it's a forced matrix, binary or any other comp plan. The people at the top who can see the entire downline structure, and who have the ability to strategically move people and groups of people where they need them are the people making all the money. Do you have the capabilities to see the full picture of the entire company's downline? If so, do you have the ability to move people where you would like to move them? Can you strategically fill in all the gaps in your downline pyramid and replace the people who stop their auto ship? If not, then failure is just a matter of time for you at this point.

Your "upline" can be compared to your credit score... you know you have one, but you have no idea what it looks like or how it was determined. Why is it such a big secret? Hmmmm?

When was the last time you met someone who is TRULY successful in MLM over the long term? For most people the answer is never. Of course you see all of the hype on the Internet and spreading like the plague through every form of spam known to man, but if you've ever tried to contact those people who are running those ads and ask to see a real copy of their last paycheck, you will find most people will not call you back because they simply don't have anything that proves they are making any sort of significant income. They are lying to you. And one last thought... if you do not believe in this "shelf-life" theory, simply ask yourself why most top MLM earners have been with at least five companies or more over the past five or six years.

Disgusting Truth Two: The products are usually consumable, low to average quality, horribly packaged and are not necessary for everyday living! It's hard to tell what goes through the mind of a CEO, other than big dollars in their pockets, when deciding what type of product to create and at what price point. With the economy in the worst shape it's been since the Great Depression, it's simply baffling how many network marketing programs are hitting the scene with vacation programs, designer beverages and health supplements. In a bad economy, these are the very same things people sacrifice so they can continue to pay their bills and keep food on the table. These seemingly brain-dead CEOs should have probably taken a course or two on "market timing."

Disgusting Truth Three: The average "auto ship" only lasts three months. A recent industry snapshot shows that the average person who gets on auto ship for a product or a service in the MLM industry lasts an average of only three months. Do you really want to continue replacing people you bring on board? Auto ship and auto billing is the key to multilevel marketing, but people today are getting wise to the fact that they have enough recurring payments to make each month. A constant monthly auto ship payment can be a real budget breaker for most people in today's economy, but the real pain in the back is when a company keeps shipping products to your house that you really don't have a need for. Can you relate? Perhaps you have water filters, health supplements and energy drinks stacked in your garage right now collecting dust. Join the crowd.

To summarize, most people who get involved with MLM or network marketing, or any other type of home-based business opportunity will end up losing money in the end. It's already a well known fact that approximately 97% of all home based business owners fail within the first 12 months. The other 3% are mostly hidden amongst the people "in control" that were mentioned in "Disgusting Truth One" above.

The sad part of this entire scenario is that it's not hard to create a business model where people can truly find success. It's true that the secret to building long-term wealth is by recruiting or hiring other people and showing them how to work the business, or one specific part of your business, and then earning a small percentage of their efforts. But recruiting should not be the main focus of any business as it clearly is in the network marketing industry.

Network Marketing | Residual Income Streams Creates Wealth And Freedom " Network ...

Famous comedian and television personality Jerry Seinfeld earned fortunes while filming the Seinfeld comedy series, but his enormous wealth and freedom came in even greater abundance after the filming of the last episode. This is because the show went into syndication and became available on local station all over the world. He did not have to appear at the studio for daily rehearsals, and episode filming, but began receiving a residual income from each and every syndicated broadcast of the program. No single syndication paid as much as his show did, but the many combined residual income streams created even greater wealth. This is a rather generous example, because he is a high profile figure, but it is also a name that most will recognize. Building a successful Network Marketing business equates in the same manner. Perform the due diligence of building the business over a period of how ever long it takes you, and later enjoy the freedom of its syndication.

Robert Kiyosaki the best selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of how to create wealth books applauds the Network Marketing industry for providing such a powerful educational wealth creating tool. Network Marketing provides the opportunity for anyone to create multiple streams of residual income and the reward of freedom that comes with the accomplishment of staying the course through the peeks and valleys until the business is built.

Network Marketing | Is Saturation In Network Marketing A Myth - Article Dashboard

So is it true that saturation in network marketing is a myth? Will there be a day where it will be impossible to attract any new downlines into your organization due to the overwhelming competition in the whole wide world? If that were the case, then with network marketing as a business model for the past fifty odd years, the market would be pretty saturated by now. However, it is far from being so.

Saturation in network marketing is a myth and should not be a cause for concern. Here are a few reasons as to why this is so.

Firstly, due to the natural life cycle of a human being, the network marketing business will not be saturated. There will always be people who will reach the legal age where they can join a network marketing business opportunity. These people will age and get married and form a family as well and their kids will soon reach the legal age to join a network marketing business too. This simply means that at any point in time, there will always be people who will be out in the so called job market and these are the people who will be the next generation to join the network marketing business.

People are always on the lookout for better opportunities. As network marketing business offers people a change in lifestyle and the ability to be able to live their dreams, as long as you are able to offer the right opportunity to the right people at the right time, there will be a market for you. Especially for those who are in their jobs and who are most unhappy and disgruntled with the situation they are in, these are the people who are looking for an opportunity which is able to offer them better hope and lifestyle and a way out of their unhappiness. Or you could have people who, for certain family reason, need to stay home and work from home. These would be your target market.

With the rate or attrition in the network marketing industry, this also helps to avoid saturation. Through experience, there will always be people who will drop out of one network marketing company and join another as they are looking to join leaders who are able to help them succeed. By positioning yourself as a leader, mentor or trainer, this will allow you to attract a wider target market to you and may even attract those from other network marketing companies who are not doing well in their current business opportunity.

Network marketing saturation is therefore a myth. As long as the company is a legitimate company offering products and services that have appeal to customers, there is nothing to worry about.

Network Marketing | Gold, Silver, Inflation And Network Marketing - Article Dashboard

We all should take examples like this and move them from the category of minor to major occurrences. During a time of inflation, the things that increase first and the highest are usually the things that impact our daily lives. That's why this article is so important. Your life in the not so distant future will be affected by instances of not enough for the essentials, let alone for the fun activities which enrich your life. What about your child's future? What was at one time looking to be a bright and prosperous future is now looking to be a future of poverty, and not just any poverty but one with a third world element.

History has shown and proven that all great countries that mishandled their money collapsed. No fiat currency (currency based on paper; ex. the dollar bill) has stood the test of time, none. Corruption usually steps in somewhere. One reason is because it is the natural order of things...good & evil, yin & yang, etc. Another reason is because the government has a way to manipulate the system. Their intentions maybe good but one manipulation leads to the next. History has also shown that paper currency always goes back to a gold and silver standard (something tangible you can see or feel). In our time, the country of Zimbabwe's currency, the Zimbabwean dollar, is so inflated that three eggs costs around five hundred billion Zimbabwean dollars. The shelves in most stores are empty. Check it out on Youtube if you don't believe me. This country's problem came from the government devaluing the money by printing insane amounts of it to pay for unnecessary luxuries. Now the people have to mine for small amounts of gold just for the bare essentials.

Back home, in our front yard, our manipulator is the Federal Reserve Bank. It isn't even a part of the government. It is basically an independent entity making decisions for how our country's economy should be handled...weird. They constantly devalue our money by printing more money for this stimulus plan or that bailout, with no end in sight. Our currency isn't backed by money (gold & silver) so the more they print the more we see price increases for oil, rice, produce, and all other essentials.

Take action immediately to ensure that that the dollar you earn today and set aside holds its value. How is that done you ask? Well, there are multiple ways, but one way is to buy silver and gold. Whenever an economy goes belly up the people always resort back to gold and silver. Since taking an interest in this subject I have been like a mad man putting as much money as I can aside to buy gold and silver.

While browsing the internet ran across this network marketing company that deals with silver and gold coins as collectibles. Needless to say, I signed up immediately, because I knew before hand what I was dealing with. Long story short, this network marketing company will auto ship silver and/or gold to me on a monthly bases. Of course I have to pay but I was going to be driving down to the gold and silver mint to purchase anyway. If you are looking for an opportunity where your product will be relevant for years to come then I am sure you will be happy with what you find.

Network Marketing | Is Acn Network Marketing Business A Gimmick - Article Dashboard

IS ACN A gimmick? NO
ACN is a Multi-level marketing enterprise that is giving regular individuals like you and I the opportunity to be financially free. The ACN scam allegations are honestly ridiculous. This is nonetheless not surprising because the Network marketing industry has taken a poor reputation over the calendar year due to the natural skepticism nature of us human being and also due to the way the associates have gone around running their venture. This has had negative effect on the Network marketing industry over the years. So to emphasize my point again, most Network marketing businesses including ACN are not scams.

The 1st prove that ACN is not a scam is the fact that they are marketing at least one service. There are actually many businesses out there promoting the concept of mailing money to someone. Whenever you see this, please operate from it. There is a rationality why the business is called Multi-level marketing or Multi Level Marketing. The company has to be marketing at least one product or service. There has to be an exchange of product and service from one party to another. This pretty much throw the ACN scam allegations in to the trash might.

Another prove that ACN seriously isn't a scam is the type of services that they are marketing. Should you are familiar with the business, ACN is marketing telecommunication services. They started from long distance services. Now, they market phone services by partnering with the key telecommunication carriers out there. ACN is currently partnering with Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Dish Network, Direct TV etc. In places like Canada and other part of the United States, the Network marketing business now market energy by partnering with the main energy carrier in that region due to the energy deregulations. I have a question forr those making the ACN scam allegations. Are Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and the other telecommunication Businesses scams? If ACN is a gimmick, would these businesses put their reputation on the line by partnering with ACN?

Network Marketing | Internet Network Marketing Tips - Article Dashboard

Internet Network Marketing Tips #1: Maintain a commitment to yourself.

Although, starting an online business is exciting when you first get started, but building a network marketing organization that is going to give you financial and time freedom will not happen over night. It is going to take consistent action even when you don't feel like working the business anymore to become successful and to have tomorrow what other won't.

There will be many peaks and valleys in the process of growing your internet network marketing business. It is easy to quit and give up when you hit one of those valleys. Those valleys are only temporary I have never been through one that lasted forever. Stay focused and become one of the top 5% who make it.

Tip #2: Do what is duplicable.

Duplication is what works not what somebody else says is duplicable. Keep in mind that network marketing businesses are built upon duplicable systems. If your downline will have a hard time building the business the way you are it's going to kill your business.

Tip #3: Funded Proposal System.

The reason most people fail at building their business online is because they either run out of money or leads. Having a funded proposal system takes care of both of these problems. What is a funded proposal?
Anything that creates additional immediate revenue in your business that results in a direct increase in the value of your leads. It could be selling your prospects your own information products, affiliate products, or a pay per lead program.

By never giving up, following a duplicable system, and having a funded proposal system you will eventually become an online success.

If you want to learn more about internet network marketing tips and how to get free leads to make money online make sure you read and follow the instructions in the resource box below.

Network Marketing | Seven Steps To Success In Network Marketing - Article Dashboard

1. Identify Your WHY To become successful in Network marketing you need to find your deep felt reason for starting your mlm business - your WHY. When things get tough it will be your strong WHY that carries you through to network marketing success.

2. Establish a Dream List As part of your network marketing goal setting process you need to establish a dream list, what are the goals that excite you? This list should be specific and clear and you should post pictures of your dreams around your house.

3. Document Your Goals Only 3% of the population document their goals and that 3% generate over 90% of the Network Marketing income. Get your goals onto paper and and review them on a daily basis, this will help focus your efforts and move you ever closer to your Network Marketing dreams.

4. Break Your Goals Down When you have your goal documented imagine the day you achieve it and start to work backwards through the steps you need to take to acheive it. Document these steps until they get back to today as this is going to be your action plan to Network Marketing success.

5. Get Multiple Accountable Partners We all need help to achieve our goals and one of the most important aids are accountable partners. Pick people who will keep you on your toes and challenge you to achieve and make sure you review your network marketing goals with them reguarly.

6. Review Your Goals Review your goals daily once at night and again in the morning. You want to train your subconcious mind to understand the steps you need to be doing on a consistent basis to acheive your dreams and desires.

7. Repeat The Process Goal setting should be a continual process not a once a year process. As part of your review look for ways to stretch yourself and apply more challenging targets and bigger dreams.

These steps take a little time to put in place but should not take too long. Establish an effective daily method of operation and ensure that all your actions are taking you closer to your dreams and goals.If you are busy working on things that are not going to help you achieve your goals then review why you are doing them. Constantly steer your efforts towards your goals and success is just around the corner.

Network Marketing | Are The Things You Hear About Network Marketing Companies True?

"Nobody ever makes money with those things!"

Just because you don't have a friend or neighbor who is making a full-time income from a Network Marketing company, doesn't mean that people can't make money with them. Actually there are a lot more people making a full-time income this way, then you would ever imagine.

No business can be successful without the success of their employees or distributors. So, if no one makes any money with these companies, then why are there so many of them? And if they're not making money, then how can they afford to stay in business year after year?

Anyone who knows anything about business should know that this idea is absurd! Obviously the company wouldn't be successful if none of their distributors were making money. Therefore they would end up going out of business pretty quickly.

"Network Marketing Companies are all a scam!"

Really? Have the people who say this ever heard of the FTC? There are literally thousands of NM Companies legally operating in the U.S. right now, and they have been for years.

There are actually very strict laws that NM companies must adhere to when developing their commission structure. If these laws are not met, the FTC will fine them, and shut them down for good.

So the idea that all Network Marketing companies are a scam is very farfetched, to say the least.

"Only the people at the top are making The Big Bucks!"

First of all, a lot of the people that aren't at the top still make money in Network Marketing Companies. But they're right about the people at the top making the big bucks.

Every company that I know of, network marketing or not, is set up this way! The CEO of any major corporation will always make more than the people below them.

With Network Marketing, the people who have the largest organizations are the top money earners. And everyone starts at the bottom. The wonderful thing about this is the fact that anyone who is willing to build a big organization can become a top money earner in their company.

The same cannot be said about traditional business models. I have yet to hear of a factory worker, who has become the CEO of a huge company.

So there you have it!

Network Marketing | In China, Insurance Companies Network Marketing And Traditional ...

I. Comparative International Development, Internet Marketing

1. In Europe and the United States and other developed countries in the insurance industry, the Internet technology more and more attention, the insurance via the Internet has been very common in Western countries. British online insurance market in 2005 reached 3.1 billion U.S. dollars, 20% of the general insurance on the Internet. In Europe use the Internet to purchase insurance or other financial services to consumers will reach 20%, while the United States at 30%. Online sale of insurance premium income in Europe will reach 60 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the total online sales of 4%. In the United States comes from online sales of premium income will reach 17 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the total online sales 8%.

2. Domestic and international network of insurance, there are still some gap between the degree of maturity. For insurance companies, compared with traditional insurance, marketing, network marketing, as a new business philosophy and business model, its obvious unique advantage is mainly manifested in: (1) e-commerce barriers to entry is low, a low-cost The new sales channels. (2) market segmentation can stimulate the insurance needs. Currently China has 100 million Internet users, including the intention to buy insurance, mostly high-end, white-collar users, about 25 million or so.. 3 to facilitate low-cost insurance companies to provide more comprehensive and convenient services.

3. Majority of customers have this demand. E-commerce increased competition, transparency, and strengthen the bargaining power of the insured. The emergence of e-commerce will enable consumers to easily and enter to learn that the company's product and price information, policyholders can choose their own need for more targeted products and services, and they can accept the price. The network makes low-cost insurance prices, and can further stimulate the demand for insurance. The emergence of e-commerce intensified competition among insurance companies, customers can benefit from lower prices column.

4. E-commerce makes it easier for insurance companies to establish direct relationships with customers. Moreover, the online insurance broker can be faster than the traditional to provide better price information. To an insurance agent, for example, the role of the past, they are positioning themselves to clients introduced to explain the company's products and services, the Internet allows customers to easily get more than the company's products and services. Therefore, the insurance agent on behalf of will face a real threat to change the role, their role should be from the traditional 'information transmission' turn to provide customers with risk management and insurance consulting, risk management consultant or a personal financial planner.

Second, insurance, network marketing and traditional marketing, the relationship between the

Both of their irreplaceable comparative advantages and disadvantages, which are insurance companies overall marketing strategy of the two organic components. It is based on the effective functioning of businesses to the website to guide consumers into the enterprise premise, and this work will inevitably have to be done by traditional marketing. Therefore, the network marketing can not replace traditional marketing, but only integrate with traditional marketing to the enterprise's overall marketing strategy to maximize success.
more content can be found on

Network Marketing | Power Wave Marketing " Work From Home Mailing Flyers

Compensation to marketers is in the form of a commission which is scaled according to the value and quantity of product sold. The excitement of network marketing is that marketers can recruit or sponsor other marketers, who will be in their downline. A marketer can then make more money by being paid a portion of the commission of their downlines' sales efforts. As such,with a little capital investment, and a little effort at recruiting a marketer's income can be increased.

The opportunity to work from home and be your own boss while making money is so vast that there are a plethora of network marketing companies out there ranging from communication services to nutritional products and skin care companies. With so many companies to choose from, how do individuals interested in network marketing select a good program that will fulfill their goals of making more money with little stress?

The first step is to look at the company offering the opportunity itself. Certain criteria must be met by any company whose product you want to start marketing.

1.) The management of the company must be made up of honest individuals with integrity. Does the company stand behind their products? How long has this company been in business? Do they have a good track record that is attested to by successful marketers and users of their products?

2.) Is the product offered by the company one that will stand the test of time? Will it still be relevant in the next twenty years? Products centered on the human needs satisfy this criterion. That is why companies marketing nutritional supplements have been around for a long time because their products are in demand and the human body will always need nutritional supplementation in today's fast-paced world.

3.) Is the product special? Does it offer value for pricing? Can it be afforded by a lot of people?

4) Is the company's compensation plan a fair one? Does it offer early payouts? Does the plan for compensation make it easier for marketers to start earning quickly? Are the payouts generous enough?
to make it worthwhile, even for part-timers? You do not want to join a system that has to take forever to get paid.

5.) Does the program use a proven system that works?Are there coaching and training programs for beginners to help them succeed? Is the system duplicable? Does the system address issues that confronts most beginners such as rejection, not having an appropriate and convincing sales pitch, shyness, etc? A system must be duplicable. If not, how does your downline recreate your success to make them(and ultimately you) successful? Inability to duplicate a system is a major cause of why 96% of network marketers fail.

People are different. Some have the knack to make cold calls, speak to complete strangers and get them to register as downlines in a single meeting. Majority are scared to even approach neighbors they have known for years with such a proposition. Some can take "NO" for an answer several times a day and still press on as if nothing happened. Some just recoil into their shells, and stuff their marketing pack intotheir junk pile at home forever.

But when there is a system that can be duplicated by anyone, and is structured to work for everyone no matter their skillset or personality type, it makes selling and recruitment of downlines a lot easier and leads to higher earnings.

Power Wave Marketing Inc. is a direct mail company based in San Jose, California. The core business of this company is network marketing using a mail order style of prospect recruitment.In this form of marketing, the network marketer sends a Power Wave Marketing yellow flyer with an attached form for a prospect to fill. On filling and returning to Power Wave Marketing Inc, a free non-obligatory informational pack will be mailed out.

This method of network marketing has been shown to take away the face-to-face meetings which majority of network marketers dread. If you are looking for a work from home opportunity that can work for you, then Power Wave Marketing Inc's direct mail system could be for you.

Generally, there are a few habits network marketers should also imbibe to make their campaigns successful.

1.) Set and write goals for your network marketing business. Put them up where you can see them daily.
Psychologists say that the law of attraction works; that what you see and visualize, you attract into your life.

2.) Do something, anything, right away. Take action. When you take action on something, you have raised your chances of success from 0 to 50%. When you do nothing, your chance of success stays at 0%.

3.) Stay positive. Read and listen to positive material and hang out with people who will encourage you rather than throw cold water on your ambitions.

4.) Expect "NO's" as they are a part of network marketing business.

5.) It takes time to build your network and start reaping the rewards. Don't expect to join a company and start making money straightaway. Cultivate the habit of patience.

6.) Always follow up with your prospects. Many people need to be gingered repeatedly before they act on your invitation.

7.) Be honest. Do not promise what the program cannot give as a way to convince prospects to join.
That is deception and deception kills business very fast.

8.) Help your downline as their success is your success.

9.) Don't waste time on prospects that are negative. There will always be naysayers.

10.) Don't quit. Success in this business takes time and patience. Only those who stay true to the end can make it.

Power Wave Marketing offers a great duplicable system that helps their network marketers make money. Mail back their yellow flyer and check them out.

If you like more general information about Network Marketing, visit: Power Wave Marketing Blog

Network Marketing | Why Most Network Marketing Businesses Will Never Achieve A High ...

This article is about a new idea I came across that may blow the socks off of most network marketing businesses.

Have you ever been in Amway or another mlm business. Why did you quit? Many people quit their mlm business because they were actually spending more than they were making. Me included. The main reason I failed at network marketing was because is I did get any customers to buy my products.

I did not do these 2 things.

1. Get retail customers and keep them.

2. Get wholesale customers otherwise know as distributors.

This is why people fail in network marketing. They do not get customers. In one word, they do not sell. How can they!

They are mechanics and housewives, School teachers and pilots. And so on. These are normal people who have jobs that do not ask themto sell anything.

The minute they join a mlm business the first thing they are asked to do is start making changes. This is really a fair thing to aks in an mlm business because any person starting a new business will have to change how they do things, and they will have to concentrate on getting customers.

Most people will not make changes in themselves and therefore can no do it.

Can you explain to me why the network marketing industry is still doing the same things as they have oever and over in the past. Isn't that the definition of insanity!

The internet offers so many ways to make money yet almost all of them require selling and so things like affiliate marketing do no fare much better than mlm programs.

I recently came across a program that works a little differently. They are an internet shopping program and people get paid a rebate on their personal purchases as well as on the purchases of a 9 level deep matrix.

There is no selling. Only buying and the products you buy are things you buy everyday from over 1000 merchants such as Sears, Target and others.

The reason this stands an excellent chance to succeed is it is free to join and people do not have to change. They can succeed being who they are.

This is why most network marketing businesses fail. They ask people to change and to sell something. Is it no wonder over 95% of them will not do that. They will never achieve a high retention rate and that is a shame.

Network Marketing | Dexter Yager Amway = Network Marketing God And Billionaire!

here are some of the figures for Dexter Yager Amway. His personal group is aroung 4 million distributors. That's bigger than the majority of network marketing companies out there! His team does $2,000,000,000 in annual revenue. not bad, eh? I'd say he's earned himself a little bit of cash!

It's rumored that he makes in the hundreds of millions per year!

How Did Dexter Yager Amway Do It?

Since he built his group mostly back in the '60's, he used all the old school network marketing tactics. He employed strategies like home meetings, hotel meetings, luncheons, and other types of presentations.

Dexter Yager Amway used all of those strategies to perfection, and he is one of the wealthiest men in the United States for it.

Of course, that begs the question. should you market the way Dexter Yager Amway did? His results are hard to argue with, but let me try for a minute

There are now about 10,000,000 MLM distributors in the United States alone. Doing some rough math, that equals to about 1 in 30 people across the nation (even outside the U.S. network marketing is becoming moderately commonplace). everyone already knows someone who is in an MLM company. They've already been invited to home meetings and such.

It was simpler in the late '60's to communicate that you have a business proposition and invite your friends. Now? Everybody's worried it's another MLM business presentation!

While there are some who still grow their MLM business pretty successfully offline, it's becoming more difficult for the typical person to build a very colossal organization that way.

So, what do you do now? Well, we have this little invention called the Internet. You can use the internet to show your business to thousands of people each day, if you desire to.
except how is that different from inviting people to home meetings?

on the Internet you can in fact target who you want to expose your business to. Let's say you can present to a few hundred people a day who Google "Home Business". Would those be some highly targeted prospects?

In conclusion, Dexter Yager Amway used methods that are now outdated, while the Internet is now the new frontier for network marketing.

Network Marketing | Basic, Proven, Mlm Recruiting Techniques - Article Dashboard

Now hear this! Going out into the world and seeking new down line members is exactly the wrong initial network marketing strategy and will doom you to quick and complete failure. Say what?

Examine how each of the following two MLM recruiting approaches will appear to would-be prospects. In the first, you beat the bushes to find people you can convince to join you in your program. The emphasis is clearly: "I need you. Please help me make money - I'm desperate. Getting you to join is the most important thing to me - maybe the only important thing to me." In the second, you set yourself up as the expert, demonstrating your own network marketing Success based on your knowledge and skill in MLM recruiting. In this case those potential down line members seek you out. In this arrangement they need you, you see, not the other way around. It might be called a back door approach to MLM recruiting.

How do you position yourself so you are seen as the expert with a history of network marketing success? First, of course, become knowledgeable in MLM recruiting techniques, strategies, and programs. At that point you have, in truth, become something of an expert. The internet is loaded with the information you need - much of it free. By searching out and reading this article aimed at improving your network marketing success you have proved that you are both interested and eager to improve your basic fund of knowledge. You have also proved that there is quality, free, information about MLM recruiting available for you.

Second, you must 'show off' - that is, demonstrate all that practical and useful knowledge (about MLM recruiting that you have acquired) to others who are interested in achieving network marketing success. How can you accomplish that? Right now you are experiencing one surefire approach. Reformulate your knowledge about things like MLM recruiting into a series of short, helpful, articles. Submit them to article sites such as this one. Then, when others search for expert advice on how to achieve network marketing success, they find your article. If each piece contains even one really helpful idea or concept, you instantly become a valuable and dependable resource for them. They will want to hear what else you have to say about MLM recruiting. They become eager to build a relationship with you as someone who has achieved network marketing success. You add contact information at the end of each article and offer the reader some additional, genuinely useful information if they click on your link.

Successful MLM recruiting is all about offering respondents lots and lots of helpful information after that first contact (the one they make with you, remember!) - information that clearly holds the potential of being immediately useful and direction changing for them as hey seek their own network marketing success.
Whose program would you be more likely to pursue: That of somebody clearly dedicated to your MLM Success or somebody merely cajoling you into joining a poorly defined offer, which is clearly aimed at making him money?

Position yourself as a reliable source of quality internet marketing information and training first. Put the success of those who seek you out as your first priority. Offer highest quality information and techniques. Push training, not joining. Then you will enjoy the fruits of your labor by eventually securing a following of loyal, appreciative, down line members who, most importantly, you know have become knowledgeable about MLM recruiting. Who wouldn't choose to partner with such a person (resource)?

The most important Internet Marketing Techniques you can employ are these: Be helpful. Be honest. Be patient. Your network marketing success will follow!

Network Marketing | Internet And Network Marketing Education " Max Steingart Vs. Tim ...

Max, as many know, bills himself as the "Father of Social Media," due to the fact that he began using his current technique in the days of America Online. Max teaches basic skills he learned and perfected from such timeless classics as "How to Make Friends and Influence People," first in the AOL environment and recently in social media such as Facebook and MySpace. Simply put, Max's advice is to never expose or offer your network marketing business before a relationship exists. The focus is not on making a sale; rather if there is a sale that could be made. This is exactly parallel to what is taught in Tim Sales' Professional Inviter to first find a prospect's "need, want or desire" before making a "sales approach."

So what about Max's content? An understandable contrast is to primary mlm sales trainer Tim Sales, which makes the assessment fascinating. Though both are in network marketing, Tim has a much larger following and name recognition. After all, he's the creator of the very popular "Brilliant Compensation" video which makes the case for the viability of the network marketing industry. Robert Kiyosaki's recent endorsement of the network marketing model is one of the only comparable works.

What is special about Max? On the surface, his training seems much more simplistic than the more "academic" approach used by Tim Sales. Perhaps this is more what is needed for true duplication of effort. In either case, specific methods, scripts, and approaches must be tailored on a case by case basis. We do think that the Max Method does truly reduce the amount of rejection encountered in the process. In Tim's approach, the network marketing, or pyramid "objection" is addressed up front, which may actually raise it in cases where in may not have been present.

Another difference is that Max's course is online vs. a CD set and has more extensive videos, which seem almost to be limitless. The sheer quantity of material has its advantages, although it's easy to get bogged down, too!

Our favorite feature is the daily "Ask Max" sessions, which provide both a high repetition factor and an affordable "group" mentoring in real time. We don't know how long Max will be able to keep up this incredible pace, but we highly endorse his training for anyone that wants to learn from the innovative "Father of Social Media," today's best strategies for generating cheap mlm leads. We also recommend Tim Sales' training, but short of moving to Tampa and joining his team, he is much less accessible as a mentor.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Tips To Ensure Your Speedy Success

Although seemingly easy, MLM, or multi-level marketing, is actually quite difficult to manage. After all, it's not like productive networks contacts can be grown on trees. Now, considering that compensation for this method is usually performance-based, the rewards may not come immediately for some people. Nevertheless, there are network marketing tips you can pursue to improve your chances on success.

First and foremost, you should never underestimate the responsibility you are taking on when you exercise network marketing. You don't just sign up and expect to cash out checks every month without doing anything. You should have a business mindset the minute you start the venture, whether you are a direct investor in the product or merely an agent. You should set up long term and short term goals, focus on finding and converting leads, and develop your skills and knowledge through training sessions. If you invest enough passion and time, you are bound to accomplish every income-generating activity you target and abolish all kinds of problems that stand in your way.

The next network marketing tip you should consider is being critical about the contacts you try to convert. See, despite their accessibility, family and friends may not be the smartest choice when it comes to growing the company's connections. You need to look for qualified leads - those that are industrious, know how to market, and have the resources to start their own network. Get into their heads and figure out how you could convince them to open themselves up to the idea. This way, you can guarantee that the network will continue to flourish even without your micromanagement.

Lastly, explore all your networking options, including the internet. There are so many sites you can use to build connections. Communication is easy and free. The best part about it is that you won't have to consider geographical limitations. Of course, leads generation in such unfamiliar territory may be tougher than the standard. Since you can't evaluate a person's qualification efficiently, you might want to coordinate with lead generation companies or use lead software to supply you with competent candidates.

Of course, it goes without saying that you have to nurture the partnerships you've established if you intend to keep them for long. Since network marketing is an approach that largely relies on relationships, you will have to constantly reinforce feelings with human interaction to keep your lead bound to you. Moreover, you should be open to meetings people and participating in events, whatever and wherever it may be. These will not only be instrumental to making contacts, but also quite helpful in getting word out there about the company you are representing.

Network Marketing | Two Breathtaking Tips For Producing Many More Multi-level ...

Bettering your self-assurance is a behavior. Consistency will come from establishing the habit of daily development. Start with simply thirty or sixty minutes a day and have patience. You'll be shocked how much you will get better over time.

Start slowly, such as replacing that one particular tv program with reading a self help book or watching that online traffic generation bootcamp you purchased last year. Soon, you'll feel confidence in not only your leadership abilities, but a few of the technical elements of attracting high quality network marketing leads.

Look at the following self improvement publications:

Ask & It Is Given, by Esther Hicks
The Magic Of Believing, by Claude Bristol
Psycho-Cybernetics 2000, by Maxwell Maltz
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey
The Law of Success In 16 Lessons, by Napoleon Hill
Think & Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
The Magic of Thinking Big, by David Schwartz
How To Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki
See You At The Top, by Zig Ziglar
Developing The Leader Within You, by John Maxwell
Developing The Leaders Around You, by John Maxwell

In addition, let's look into article marketing and advertising. Article marketing and advertising is a great tool to use as part of your network marketing system due to the fact it can be done on a shoestring budget, or even free at first.

The very first issue to look at is keyword research.

Determine keywords with acceptable traffic figures: Your good results depends on your capability to determine and then use specific key terms that have a good volume of folks exploring them each month.

Determine competition "sweet spot": If you pick a key phrase that has a high monthly search volume along with a large volume of competition (meaning too many web-sites have already optimized their articles for that key phrase), then your likelihood for ranking highly at Bing go down.

You should be ready to figure out that "sweet spot" of large enough search volume/low enough competition.

Identify appropriate search phrases: The above word of advice centered on locating keywords with the "proper" traffic numbers.

In addition, you have to be sure that your key phrases are relevant to your subject. If you're looking for MLM leads, make certain you are focusing on keywords that target individuals looking particularly to join Mlm programs, as opposed to maybe something like real estate, stock investing, etc.

Build your self-confidence and start off getting leads through articles, and your good results is sure to follow.

Network Marketing | Never Promote Your Network Marketing Business - Article Dashboard

So exactly what DO I do? I promote myself, and then present them with a system, and my system expands my mlm business for me. I'm talking about a system that is so detailed and step-by-step that a fifth grader could do it. You're as clever as a 12 year old, aren't you?

I'm speaking to the newbies out there and those who should know better but for some reason just don't seem to get this...For Your Own Sake STOP SPAMMING YOUR OPPORTUNITIES!

It's right here in print: Never promote your product and/or your gadget. But why in the world not?

Here's a little story to put this in perspective. I have a piece of wood, and I need a hole drilled in it. How do I create that hole? Here you come with this big truck full of drills and notice that I need to make a hole in my piece of wood. Are you going to try and sell me a drill? Keep in mind here, I don't know your from Adam/Eve. I'm thinkin you will. BUT, I am skeptical of you and your drills. I've never even laid eyes on a drill before, and certainly wouldn't understand how to utilize it, but here you are spewing out all the great things this drill will do for me...the speed of the drill, the comfort design, the cool color. GET A CLUE HERE!! A hole is all I need here. So offer me a hole. That, my friend, I will indeed buy.

I am able get 10 - 20+ personally signed up into my primary network marketing business every month, and I don't say squat about my products or widgets. You won't see them promoted on my website either. Are you regularly getting that many, or have you ever heard of anyone else doing that? There are indeed some of us doing that, but it is very likely that they have never shared the secret with you of how they do it. They're the big dogs out in front all the time.

Most people in this business make themselves unattractive. How? By running around saying "Join me! Join me! Join me!" Just take a look at all the magazine ads, the Internet, your email, the postcards in your mailbox. What makes one stand out above all of the rest? Nothing really. Just a different version of the same thing.

Relationships are as close to a 'sure thing' as you'll find. That means don't advertise a product or a company. Promote who YOU are. You can locate quality leads, form a relationship, and give them the training they need to thrive (the system). The maketing system I utilize allows me to do just that - build relationships and provide value.

The first thing I ask the propects that come to me is "What is your marketing plan for your product or service?"Most people don't know where to begin.. And unfortunately, those that do have a strategy to pursue are too often following the wrong strategy. So what I recommend you do here is to do your own research, find the system that provides you with the right plan of action for your network marketing business, and get busy! Take action today so you can create a better tomorrow.

Are you beginning to get an inkling of the power of promoting yourself and your system instead of promoting your product or company? I am a big supporter of systems, and of automating those systems. But beware here. When the majority folks, particularly new folks getting started online, see the word automation, they frequently seem to believe that, hey, I'll set this up (which is no simple task) and I never have to talk to anybody and I'll just make money. Don't fool yourself. If only that were so...but I'm afraid not. You're actually gonna have to do some work here. But make up your mind to work smarter, not just harder. Make the most of every bit of time and effort you put into your mlm business and yourself. That's where lasting success lies.

I hope you make the decision that is best for you. Pray over it and all will be well. To your success.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others."
Bill Gates

Network Marketing | Love What You Do With Network Marketing - Article Dashboard

With network marketing success stories there are an equal number of opposite stories. Why you ask? Often people enter into networking under the impression that they will get rich quick with little to no effort. If you ask me this is a set up for failure straight out of the gate. Networking is about working smart and keeping it so ridiculously simple that anyone watching you could say, "I can do that!"

The keys to network marketing lay within each individual who decides that they are interested in the benefits of entrepreneurship. This entails all aspects of building a business including; recruiting, generating leads, building long lasting relationships, converting leads into actual sales, continuing to service clients needs building their rate of consumption of the products you are offering, being coachable, plugging into the system, personal growth, motivating and training other like minded entrepreneurs to build upon your existing network marketing success.

In order to get started you need to be "interested" not "interesting"! Most newbie network marketing business owners have this backwardsthey think they have to tout the features of their product or service to everyone they meet, but in the end they end up being a "vomiting Vera" or "too much Thomas" and literally chase their would be client or prospect away. In order to work from home you must begin building relationships with the people you come in contact with and listen more than you talk, so that you can find the fit. Do not look at everyone as if they have a dollar sign on their forehead!

Instead, listen to build a relationship because that person just might need what you have. It's your job to find the fit. You can't read minds though, so you have to ask thoughtful questions. People will then come to naturally know about your offerings as you thoughtfully respond to their comments and be human and conversational instead of a stalker. Listen. Listen. Listen. Then fulfill their product or service needs. This is phase one.

The next area to work on is the bottom line. When I say this I am referring to profit but not how you might envision. The big incomes of network marketing successdo not come from the sales to just their own clients. Successful network marketers look for people who want to do what they are doing. So there are people who just use the products, and there are people who use the products AND share the concept with others. In the sharing, they too build a consumer network, and then that replicates again and again, with no end in the potential profitability. The goal is to find people who enjoy the product or service personally and are willing to work as "smart" as you do to become successful.

A great network marketing success is found in an individual who is passionate about their business and the people they bring on board to continue that commitment. This individual will find their residual income opportunity through network marketing to be something that the love to do and enjoy sharing with others. It will not feel like a burden. It will not be something they dread waking up and doing. When you find someone who loves what they are doing you will find someone who is successful. This is a guarantee.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Belief Levels - Article Dashboard

There are a few top leaders in companies who find instant success and riches very quickly after signing up in the business. Their enthusiasm and stories are encouraging, albeit somewhat unusual, but they sound believable to the new person. Often the new distributor mistakenly thinks that network marketing is an easy business in which everyone can succeed. Perhaps they have not heard the statistics that 98% of people who sign up will fail. Even if they heard about the fact that only 2% will be successful, their belief level will tell them that they will be in that top 2%. They know or think that they can make it.

Belief in oneself and in the opportunity is essential for a person to be successful. They should realize, however, that it is NOT that easy for most people. They must expect to face a great deal of rejection and discouragement. They must learn to have a thick skin and to just keep trying.

Setting realistic goals early on and reviewing those goals on a regular basis will help keep the belief levels high. Remembering your WHY for joining the business should help. Determining to stick with it and not quit will also be beneficial.

Keeping your network marketing belief levels high is essential in order to keep from letting discouragement force you to quit before you achieve the success that is possible. You can do it if you believe you can and if you work hard.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing And The Lightyear Wireless Business Opportunity

At this time people who have never made money in the past are earning excellent income from network marketing opportunities. People who are currently successful in other MLM businesses are branching into more than one company to expand the amount of money they can make.

There are a couple of key things to keep in mind when looking at a network marketing business. Lightyear Wireless stacks up very well in this in these regards.

1. Stability of company. It's very easy for companies to get started and go out of business almost as fast.

There are numerous opportunities to network marketing companies doing over $100 million a year in business. With over $250 Million in annual sales Lightyear Wireless is a solid company with a proven track record. They have been in business since 1993.

2. Product line. One of the reasons more people are making money with network marketing is the ability to sell quality products using the Internet.

In the past people were drawn primarily to MLM businesses because of the excitement generated due to the opportunity to make more money. However, there was a high failure rate which gave the industry a black eye.

Today more people are succeeding because they actually make money. One way to do that is to promote quality products that people have a need for.

Lightyear Wireless has great products for consumers and businesses. This provides an opportunity for you to make money selling products, using them yourself, and building a downline of distributors who do the same.

3. Duplication and Leverage. Two of the best features for network marketing businesses are the ability for you to leverage your time and duplicate your success.

This is possible because MLM opportunities provide a compensation plan that offers good retail mark up, and pays you several layers deep as you build your own downline of distributors. Leveraging your time is one of the true benefits of network marketing, and Lightyear Wireless provides an opportunity for you to do this.

Network marketing is not a pyramid scheme as you may have heard in the past. Lightyear Wireless has a track record of almost 20 years of success helping people make money with great products.

You are given the same opportunity that others are already succeeding with. Today you can do that using the Internet from your own home.

Network Marketing | Make Network Marketing Vt Work For You - Article Dashboard

You will never make it big unless you make a move and learn how to manage all your resources. Below is a helpful review which you can use to evaluate the company, as well as helpful tips to help you become a successful network marketer.

Company Facts

The business is a new MLM company founded by Jason Spurlock and headquartered in Florida. Their main focus is to provide their members with quality training and coaching. The founder has surrounded himself with professionals who can teach members how to do network marketing successfully.

The company has a range of digital products (e-books) aimed at providing information mostly on Internet marketing, i.e. WordPress website development, online lead generation, SEO tips, and the like. However, they do have products aimed at helping people achieve financial success in their lives.

Membership Costs and Compensation Plan

It's interesting to know that this company has a very lucrative compensation plan. To be a member, you need to have a valid sponsor link.

So, you cannot join the network without having an upline. The membership costs $98 dollars, plus a $19/month administrative fee. As compared to most MLM opportunities, this is pretty much affordable.

Here is where it gets more interesting. Each distributor earns 100% commissions on every referral. Here is the twist though. Your first three sales will go to your sponsor. You can only start earning from sponsorship on your fourth sale onwards.

This is quite fascinating especially if you are already the sponsor. As long as you can refer as many downlines as possible, you get to earn the first 3 sales of each. So, the key to gaining huge profits is by building a big network of people doing the same thing.

Earning your first sale on the Company

First of all, many marketers in this area of business fail to sponsor their first downline. Remember that Network Marketing VT is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It is a business built to help people achieve financial independence. So, if you are aiming at gaining financial freedom without doing much about the business, then you will definitely not make it.

What should you do then after joining? Get motivated to expose the business to as many people as possible and earn your first sale. As soon as you make your first sale, you can easily get motivated to gain two more sales. After that, you can start earning serious money.

Final Word

The training and coaching provided by this company will help you get started on your way to success. Be prepared to spend time and money on marketing the business.

The best method to be successful with Network Marketing VT is to market the business online. Internet marketing can be tricky stuff, but with the training and tools provided by the company, you'll learn how to create your website, attract potential members through SEO, and generate leads through email, search engine, and social network marketing.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Tips You Should Follow - Article Dashboard

If you are serious about your MLM business aspirations, then, the question you should be asking is this: what have those who have achieved financial access as network marketers done? While their strategies may have differed and there is no way for you to know all their secrets, there are tried-and-tested tips that you can follow to make sure that you are on the right path. Some of these are the following:

Be careful when choosing a company. Your success as a network marketer is dependent on a lot of things, and the first of these is the company you choose to be affiliated with. There are several things you need to look into before you become a marketer for a particular company. First, see if the products and/or services it offers have a high demand. Second, look at its profile. Is the company stable? Does it have a good reputation? And third, consider the payment scheme it offers its marketers. Are the rates fair? How much will your commission be for direct and indirect sales (that is, sales made by your downline)?

Do some internet marketing. The Internet is one of the reasons network or MLM marketing has become so popular. Whereas in the past you need to make cold calls and visit people to sell something or entice them to join you as marketers, today you only need to be aware and make use of social networking sites to promote your business. Online marketing is easy and effective, and it's a strategy done by all successful network marketers.

Listen to your mentors. You may have a marketing strategy which you think is fool-proof and will help you make a lot of money, but you should still take note of and follow what your mentors and/or upline - that is, the person/people who recruited you - teach you. Remember, your success is also their success, so there's no reason for them not to tell you things that can help you earn more. This is not to say, though, that you should not utilize marketing strategies not taught to you which you believe will work. The key here is balance.

Network marketing can be your ticket out of the corporate jungle and towards financial stability. But if you want to achieve success, you should take time to be enlightened about what it is and what it entails, and to know the things you should do to increase your earning potential. Learn more from the MLSP program in this site.

Network Marketing | Revealing The 4 Critical Stages Of Growth In Every Successful ...

According to MLM Next Step LTD:

In the early 1960s, franchising was a revolutionary new technology in business and it was also met with resistance. Newspapers and magazines wrote what a scam and rip-off franchising was. Stories of people who lost their life savings to some franchise were everywhere. There was a strong move to make franchising illegal. In fact, franchising actually came within 11 votes of being outlawed by Congress.
Today, this so-called scam is responsible for over 34 percent of all retail sales in North America. Franchises sell nearly 800 billion dollars worth of goods and services today. Every industry goes through an evolution similar to this. Chiropractors were considered quacks in the 1970s, the stock market was considered shady and a form of gambling and the first newspaper in British North America, The Public Occurrence (1690), was suppressed by the governor of Massachusetts. Now, we almost can't do without these industries.


Creation of company: You must first create your company, along with a catchy name, as well as marketing tools.

Product management: Manage your products, whether they are your own or an affiliate product. Delete the ones that aren't selling and market the ones that are!

Getting top gun recruiters into the company: You need a team to make your company successful. Getting the best recruiters on your team will bring you much closer to success.

Drafting out a compensation plan: How will you compensate those on your team while still making a profit?

Company is shown to the world: Get the word out about your company through PR. Begin with an eye-catching press release.

Formulation of a robust company -
50% out network marketing companies go out of business in the first year.
80% of remaining network marketing company won't even get pass the 3rd year.
Those who pass the 2 most important criteria are game for great momentum growth.

1. Hit the masses.
2. Steep Surge of sales figure; imagine that of a tsunami wave.
3. This is where HUGE money was made.
4. Huge numbers of distributors join the company.

Finally the network marketing company, which passes the formula, concentration and momentum stage, will reach stability stage.
There will still be growth in the company but not of huge proportions compared to the momentum stage.

Most importantly, what is in it for you? If you were to ever join a network marketing company, make sure you ride on the tsunami wave where it is in its infancy and enjoy the process. As technology is moving at a staggering speed, a company that uses Internet as a recruitment platform will go much further and faster.

Network Marketing | Is Your Business In Need Of Network Marketing Success Tips?

Just by looking for additional tips you have illustrated your commitment. Maintaining this commitment and drive are key to succeeding in the increasingly competitive industry of network marketing.

Tips Shared by Leaders

The network marketing industry is rather unique in the fact that the niche's leaders are so willing to share their recipes for success. This undoubtedly spawns from the necessary team building nature of multi-level marketing.

If you take a moment to glance over the success tips offered by the industry's leaders, you will find that they are rather similar. While there is no magical potion or guaranteed success equation, there are definitely some common strategies that have been proven useful by multiple entrepreneurs.

3 Crucial Tips

1. I'm All In - In order to succeed in this unique business, or in any industry for that matter, you must be honest with yourself and determine your level of commitment. While network marketing can prove to be an incredibly financially beneficial opportunity, there is no way you can achieve this success without providing proper commitment.

Maybe this field of business isn't for everyone, but it is for everyone who can muster up the commitment to work hard. For some, this commitment is the only thing standing between them and financial and professional freedom. Are you all in?

2. Learn, Learn, Learn - You would be surprised to find out how many novice marketers in the industry are pushing their products and business opportunity without fully understanding either. I would be equally surprised if you could point out someone who is incredibly successful that lacks sufficient industry knowledge.

It should be pretty obvious where I am going with this. If you're looking for tips to become successful, be sure to never overlook the importance of education. In order to achieve your marketing goals, you need to learn how the business works, how the products work, and how to properly market both yourself and the business.

3. Do You Have a Mentor? - Like I mentioned before, network marketing can be viewed as a team building experience. Because of this factor, there are probably multiple people in your upline that are willing to help you and push you in the right direction.

Because the volume you produce influences the size of their paycheck, finding a mentor in your upline should be pretty easy. Don't ever be shy to ask for help. Acquiring a mentor, although often overlooked, is among the most effective strategies I have to offer.

A Foundation for Success

While each of these suggested tips are valuable in their own right, you will find that these strategies are far more efficient when used simultaneously. It's pretty easy to comprehend why this is the case.

If you want to succeed in anything in life, you need to educate yourself and surround yourself with people with similar goals. Finding a mentor, committing 100%, and illustrating the willingness to learn will lead you in the direction of success. The network marketing success tips will provide a solid foundation for anyone's business venture.

Network Marketing | David Wood " Ilearningglobal Out Of Network Marketing

"Today was probably, well, the most unexpected day that I've had in a long time...

...a lot of you know, for the last six months, David Wood have been building a business that he truly believed in called 'ilearningglobal', and it enabled him to live a kind of lifestyle that people only dream of...

...I was able to go from a broke marketing budget, $200 to my name to creating a massive, multiple five figure monthly income and move to Costa Rica.

Well nothing prepared me today for the phone call I got from Glen Anderson. (Glen Anderson was over the network marketing side of iLearningGlobal).

Basically, he told me that the company has decided to 'stop' the network marketing side of the company. Well, basically that snatched away a six figure income in a short phone call.

So David Wood had to make a decision.

Either whine and complain about what happened, and let the momentum that I've created over the last six months disappear into the random abyss of corporations, OR take what I've learned over the last six months building my business online, and KEEP my team together, but with a new focus.

I chose the latter.

Because of acting QUICKLY, and not allowing my ego to get in the way, I was able to create more than six thousand dollars of income in less than 8 hours, and re-build the foundation of what it took me six months to build in my previous company.

Some people question my decision to act quickly. There were hard feelings toward what the company did by a lot of individuals.

But you know what?

None of that matters if you look at what the reality is about what we're REALLY doing in this industry.

We're creating the most valuable asset a person could possibly have, which is not a company, is not a residual income, is not a product, and is not a 'downline'.

The most valuable asset you can have in this industry is your relationships that you develop along the way."

This words spoken by David Wood are so true and I want to congratulate him on showing such wisdom in a time that many people will throw in the towel.

You go my friend...!

Network Marketing | Metaphors And Vocabulary: How To Destroy Your Network ...

Broadly speaking, metaphors are words and phrases we use to provide conceptual understanding of a situation without having to go into excruciating explanations of what happened or how you feel. Now that the anal retentive engineer in me has that out of the way, some explaining is required.

For example, we probably all use the simply metaphor or words of "I feel tired" or simply "I'm tired." The metaphor "describes" or provides meaning to the listener on both our physical and mental condition. The user doesn't have to go into the how or why or even describe the actual physical or mental condition or degree. The listener hears "I'm tired" and provides their own correct interpretation.

But there's a hidden danger in metaphors, the words we use, and many don't even realize the danger exists. We tend to forget that when we use metaphors to describe an event, or ourselves, or how we feel, there's "someone" listening who takes in the meaning of these words and acts on them without our knowledge.

Who is this sneaky bugger listening in to your conversation and acting on the metaphors? Well, to put it simply, it's YOU!

Your subconscious mind listens and acts on every metaphor and word it hears whether it comes out of your own mouth or someone else's. It would be nice if your subconscious took everything it hears with equal weighting, but unfortunately, your subconscious wants to treat your every utterance as the most profound thing it's ever heard. For example, you can tell someone "I'm ugly" and they could respond with "No, you're not." Guess which one your subconscious accepts as gospel and which one it ignores?

And the subconscious will act on a word or metaphor no matter how stupid or foolish it is. If you make an observation like "I can't do this," the subconscious takes this thought as a command and will ensure that you can't ever do "this" no matter what.

Think of what these words can do to your network marketing or multi level marketing business. When we use works like "try," "can't," "don't believe," "don't know," and a host of others, we're basically commanding our subconscious to fulfill and ensure these thoughts become reality.

Metaphors really come into play when we use them as an equation. "Life is a bowl or cherries" or "Life is a dance" are metaphors just like "Life sucks." What message does the subconscious take from the first two as opposed to the last? The first two offer some positive possibilities and promises. Cherries are sweet and juicy. Sure, there are some pits, but they can be avoided with some simple planning - don't chew on the pits. "Life is dance" suggest coordinated physical movement that looks beautiful (subjectively).

"Life sucks" is a metaphor that offers only the negative promise of repeated failure.

How about this one: "I'll try." Try? That's about as positive as "maybe." Both accept the failure outcome BEFORE success is even given a shot at succeeding.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. Tony Robbins, in "Awakening the Giant Within" and "Lessons in Mastery," goes into a lot more detail on metaphors and the vocabulary we use and provides a number of ways to change what we say. Basically, what he recommends comes down to 2 corrections:

1.Recognize the negative words and metaphors we use
2.Stop using them

It's not as simple as it sounds. Our metaphors and vocabulary become our friends over time, and we don't like to abandon our friends. But if we can replace our negative or neutral metaphors and words with outrageously positive ones, we can over time change.

Here's a simple but effective start: when asked "how are you" respond with "Excellent!" rather than the neutral "OK, I guess." And don't just utter it, FEEL the excellence! Repeat this often and you'll find the subconscious will play along.

Running a home business is hard enough; you want your subconscious helping you to the fullest extent possible. Leave the negative metaphors and words behind. Actively choose positive words and metaphors and you'll change your life and business for the better.

"Just do it!"

Network Marketing | Negative People, There's No Place For Them In Network Marketing

In Network Marketing, these people will be a detriment to your team and death to your business. They will destroy your morale and the morale of your team in a very short time with the poison that comes out of their mouth. It's their objective to bring other people down so they can have company to share in their misery. If this is allowed to go on, negativity will spread like a cancer throughout your entire downline. Really, it's best to avoid these negative people altogether and you certainly should never try to recruit one of them. You don't want them on your team. They won't be teachable. In fact, they will find fault in whatever you do try to teach them. And they won't hesitate to voice their disagreement in your team conference calls, no matter who may be present. You don't need them spewing their venom all over your new distributors or on prospects you may have invited to listen in on the call.

I have a name for these negative people. It's fairly descriptive of the kind of damage they can do to your business. I call them "Dream Killers." They will suck the life out of you. Experienced Network Marketers understand the value of surrounding themselves with positive people who will encourage and edify them and their team. They know to avoid the negative crowd. If your Network Marketing Business is going to to be successful, you must surround yourself with positive, successful people and avoid the "Dream Killers." It's as simple as that.

Now I do however, enjoy encountering one of them when doing a training call with a new recruit. I want my trainee to see how I handle the situation. I want them to see that I don't let that "Negative Nellie" get the best of me and that I DO NOT let THEM control the conversation. This accomplished, I then end the call with a comment like "you're right, Network Marketing isn't for you," or "no, you're not a fit for my business and my team." I thank them for their time and hang up. It only takes one call like that to get the point across to my trainee that under no circumstances do they want someone like that on their team! It's a great training lesson. I suggest making good use of it when it presents itself. Better they experience it first, with you, in a controlled environment, than on their own where it can discourage them.

My point is this, negativity breeds negativity. It's counter productive and will destroy anyone who spends much time under it's influence, no matter how experienced they are. It certainly has no place in Network Marketing and if you want your business and team to flourish, it's best to avoid negative people, altogether. Weed them out from the beginning if you can and don't have them as a part of your team. You'll be much better off, for it. Better to surround yourself with "Dream Builders" instead, people who will build you up and want to be built up, themselves. Fill your downline with positive, goal oriented, "Glass Half Full" people and you will grow a successful and profitable Network Marketing Business.

Network Marketing | Understanding Network Marketing Advertising: An Introduction

Many network marketing consultants fail to even budget for advertising and consequently they miss out on the chance to earn money. Advertising really is an investment, but only if you advertise in the right places and these places should be selected sensibly and monitored continually to see if they work.

Ineffectual advertising can put you into bankruptcy!

Just like any business online and off, network marketing advertising is one of the keys to success. It can be confusing online particularly with the other millions of internet sites, blogs and advertisements all competing against you.

Set a Budget

Unless your product is completely new and unique, you're going to have to learn where to place your advertising to get sales and recruit distributors.

If you have not already put aside a budget for advertising you should do so right away, and figure realistically how much you are able to afford on a once per month basis. Don't go over that amount - if you notice that your advertising in a certain area is bringing results, you can always raise your budget later .

Most new network marketing specialists only have a little budget, but that should not be an issue. There are many effective places to run ads on the internet for free. You need to experiment with them, and after a set period of time, drop the ones that aren't working for you.

Pay extra attention to where you are going to publicize your business, because advertising in the wrong place can damage your image, and accordingly lose you money.

The following are the results that you should attempt to get by looking at advertising your network marketing business:

1. It should be bringing you a flood of leads
2. It is going to be a medium for you to advertise your product or service
3. It will be a strategy for branding your company and growing brand visibility
4. It should be a route for you to effectively close sales.

Social Media

By a long way the best ( and cheapest ) sort of advertising is recommendation by friends. Online creating a buzz about your service or product can pay enormous dividends, but it will be up to you how you do this.

Social networking sites, particularly YouTube, are fantastic places for getting masses of eyes on your product. Although this method could be free, you should plan everything you do carefully or it can back-fire.

Twitter has certain rules. You cannot just jump on there and start screaming about your product. No one will take any notice of you.

Posting on Twitter every 5 minutes will also get you ignored and you will be branded as a nuisance. It's better for you to build a following first.

In the real world you would not go to your best friend's marriage and start shouting about your product in the reception. The idea is to build relationships in any social media situations.

In the beginning you may have to rely on others for referrals, which is also an extremely valuable method of getting leads both online and off-line. Make a point of forming a relationship with the individual who gives you these referrals. No one is going to hand you what's basically a bowl of money, without getting something in exchange.

Direct Mail

Local bricks and mortar businesses often choose to send out direct mail. Though this seemed to die-out in the 21st century this can method can be effective in network marketing advertising.

What many enterprises don't do is collect valuable info from these mail-outs and consequently they do not build a list of potential clients. The other downside using direct mail outs is they can be quite expensive.

An effective off-line strategy is to get folks to fill in a card, or leave an e-mail address when they come into your shop or business. Time should be taken to compile these e-mail addresses into a list for future marketing campaigns. The best way is to give something of value in return for their email address or other contact details, which could be a coupon or a free dessert whatever's suitable.

It's hard to run a useful network marketing advertising campaign if you really do not understand how it all works. There is a great quantity of psychology behind selling effectively and if you do not understand the principle of network marketing now is a good time to learn.

Network Marketing | Network Marketing Books: Are They Going To Make You Successful?

Marketing is kind of like trying to pick up a girl. You might try one way then shift to another. If you get the girl with the first try, why would you change the way you did it?

You wouldn't. You are going to stick what works for you and go with it. The best marketers learn from their mistakes and learn what works. They are able to make the change and ride the method they have found successful.

Network Marketing Books: Top Sellers in 2001

According to Amazon some of the top seller books include "How to Build a Large Successful Multi-Level Marketing Organization" and "Your first year in network marketing."

These network marketing books will describe all the different things you are going to learn when you start up with a multi level marketing company. You will learn some advice that will be much needed. They will go over how this isn't a get rich fast scheme. Multi level marketing is about building a team of people who are trying to create the same empire you are.

You aren't going to all of a sudden turn into a millionaire. These network marketing books help a lot to inform you what to expect and how to go about different circumstances.

Network Marketing Books: How to Build a Large Successful MLM Organization

This network marketing book has been around since 1981. The author Don Failla laid out a plan to be successful in sixteen different languages. The book will teach you how to handle your downline as well as how to even go about recruiting people to join your downline.

Mr. Failla points out very clearly how to sponsor and teach your people to duplicate what you are doing. If you're looking for a way to be successful with your MLM this book might be very informative for you.

Network Marketing Books: Teaching you to achieve your goals

Could you imagine finally living a financially free life? Would you enjoy waking up every day doing what you want when you want? I don't know too many people who would answer no to those.

Multi Level Marketing companies make these type of dreams come true. These companies are designed to give people the opportunity to never have to work for a boss again. Some people will be against them from the get go while some will want to jump aboard right away.

If you can build a big enough downline you might never have to work another day in your life. It might take a little while, but the more time, money, and effort you put in the better off you leave yourself.

Reading some of these network marketing books can be very helpful, but the only real way to see what works for you is by trial and error or finding a system.