Network Marketing | Online Network Marketing Doesn't Work For Most Business Owners

Opportunity based Websites- Most multi level opportunities offer their distributors replicated websites that have nothing of value other than to sell that companies products or opportunity. These websites do not allow you to demonstrate your individual abilities or knowledge of network marketing. Instead, these replicated websites make you seem needy while offering no real value to your prospects at all.

Solution: This can be overcome by branding yourself with your own website that showcases YOU, not your opportunity. Owning your own website will position yourself as a leader and one that can offer value.

Buying Network Marketing Leads Online- If you are like most network marketers, you probably have run out of family, friends and circle of influence to put on you list. An easy option is to purchase leads online from an online lead company. If you have, you surely have found that these leads only add to your disappointment. Companies that sell leads are simply leaches to the network marketing community.

Solution: Do not chase after people! When you call a cold lead, you are contacting a stranger who does not know you and probably doesn't care. Why? Because you have not provided anything of value. By appropriately providing the value of your knowledge and skills, prospects will want to associate with you. Once they have a desire to associate with you, they will be interested in what products or opportunity you have to offer.

Products and Opportunities Can Not be Promoted Online- Your MLM opportunity doesn't allow you to promote their products or opportunity online. Well, this seems strange. If a company provides replicated websites to its distributors, why can't the distributors promote their goods? The reason is if companies allowed distributors to use their brand, many unethical people would start using the brand for their own products. Companies are also legally responsible for claims by their distributors. So they want to avoid any legal problems.

Solution: Promote yourself by leveraging the power of the internet. By using automated methods of contacting your prospects on a regular basis, you can demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to this very powerful business. Once you have demonstrated your leadership, people will be hounding you to join your downline.