Network Marketing | We Want YOU As A New Recruit!

Remember that line from the song YMCA? How could you forget the band that sang it and the clothes they wore? Even the younger generation knows the Village People's song it was so much fun, and there's a lesson in there for budding network marketers.

The reason that song and the band was such a success was because they were different -they stood out in an era when bands were all doing everything they could to get exposure. The Village People love performing, they love the public, they're outgoing, unique and they also make a lot of money.

Although that song came out in 1978 - 33 years later the band members are still making huge incomes. By recruiting a massive downline for your network marketing business you too could be earning a large, mainly passive income in 33 years too!

Be Yourself

Too many people in the old world of sales used to be fakes. All they wanted was a sale and they would tell you anything to get your money. The public is far more educated these days thanks to the internet.

If you want to recruit a loyal and hard-working downline, be yourself and tell the truth. If you love to have fun, then there's nothing to stop you, and the more you earn the happier you will be because new recruits will flock to you like bees to a hive. People love success, they want their favorite bands to be #1 in the charts and their choice in Dancing with the Stars or America's got Talent to win. With an enthusiastic following you will be the "go to" person - a mentor for your downline and a magnet for others who wish to get into the business.

Get Their Attention

Fake it 'til you make it. By looking and acting like a successful person (without making up stories) people will become curious about you (even if you do eat pot noodles every night for the first few months). Be attractive, helpful and positive about your chosen product and company. Find out everything you possibly can about your product, buy it and use it yourself so you can answer every possible question that's thrown at you.

Be flamboyant and confident and don't be afraid to stand up on a stage and talk about the product and your opportunity. If the Village People had turned up in ordinary everyday clothes and had not enthusiastically acted out their parts do you think they would still be as successful as they are today? They have a two-week booking in Las Vegas this Christmas - many successful network marketers "do" Vegas and other large cities for a day or two to talk to their downlines and sign up even more recruits. If you get a chance, go and listen to the successful guys - you will definitely learn a lot and maybe come away with a few more "fans".

You Won't Make it on Your Own

You will never find a network marketer who makes a substantial income from selling products on their own. The whole secret to successful network marketing is to recruit a massive downline, who in turn go out and recruit their own downlines, and that's where the money is.

If you spend 20 hours a week working on your network marketing business and make $500 a month, imagine how much you can make if you have a downline of thousands? All successful network marketers know there are three main ingredients:

A good product and company

A huge downline team

YOU and your personality

If you believe you have the right stuff to become a successful network marketer, start researching today and decide what you'd like to promote. It can be great fun, you can meet lots of interesting people and you have the potential to make a great income once you start building a strong and dedicated downline team.

A Village Person probably would not have made it on his own - like the lyrics say "No man does it all by himself!"

Be Dedicated

Part-time or full-time, many network marketers make very good incomes if they're dedicated to their company, the product line, their downline teams, their clients and have plenty of self-confidence. This is not a half-hearted business, if you want to succeed go where the money is and NETWORK. Make it a point to meet lots of people, interact with them and find out their wants and needs. You can help with a great product or change their lives by offering a great opportunity.

The Mary Kay lady in the pink Cadillac didn't get it by being a shrinking violet; she got that car (and large monthly commission checks) by getting out there, shaking her stuff and being a winner.