Network Marketing | Network Marketing Success Tips: What Type Of Training Is Best For ...

This article series will discuss network marketing success tips. This article will explore what type of training is best for your learning style. Just because a training worked for them does not mean it will work for your learning style.

How do you know which type of training is best for you? Keep reading and find out.

There are three major learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinetic (hands-on).

1) Auditory - An auditory learner would rather hear about something to learn more about it. They do best in classes, seminars, and courses that have a primarily lecture type of presentation.

How do you know if this is you? When you were in high school or college did you learn the most from teachers that just talked and lectured? If the answer is yes, you are an auditory learner.

2) Visual - A visual learner would rather see someone do a task. You may like graphic organizers, mindmaps, or illustrations. Back in school you probably found it hard to do well as most classes were lecture or auditory based. If your teacher showed you how to do something, however, you got it. Is this you?

3) Kinetic (Hands-on) A hands-on learner likes to get their hands involved and do it themselves. In school lab experiments (the doing not necessarily the writing) was easy for you. You got good grades when you were able to do projects instead of take tests.

Now, you can have a combination of learning modalities. In fact, most do. It is unusual to have just one that you prefer.

Okay, now you have decided your preferred learning style. Look at the training and courses you have bought. Do they match your learning strengths or are you reading e-books about a marketing strategy when you would probably do better watching someone on a video demonstrate a strategy?

Let's summarize the network marketing success tips on the type of training that would best suit your learning style or strength.

If your learning style were mostly auditory, you would probably learn best with an audio, or a video.

As a visual strength learner, you may learn better from the use of mind maps and videos.

So what would a kinetic learner learn best from? That would be hands-on activities, of course. You would learn best by either following along with a visual in a document or by watching a video and pausing it while you do the strategy demonstrated.

Of course, if you want to make sure you get the information as many ways as you can, read it, listen to it on audio, and watch it on video.